<•* .• r . ? » HL - T he P ortland O bserver » O ctober 4. 1995 P age Couple On A Local Touch Vacation T h an k s to the L ocalT o u ch D i­ rectory C om pany, w hich publishes ten n eig h b o rh o o d d ire c to rie s in the P o rtla n d m e tro p o lita n area, two y o ung p eople in love, m ar­ ried S e p te m b e r 9, w ill spend their honeym oon in Baja, M exico sa il­ ing on the luxury cru ise ship the V iking S eren ad e for four days. In la te J u ly , J e n n if e r S tep h en s, the G rand P rize W in­ ner o f the L o calT o u ch G etaw ay G iveaw ay S w eep stak es, was u s­ ing the L ake O sw ego L ocalT ouch D irectory to locate a nearby re s­ taurant. She saw the sw eep stak es e n ­ try form and an sw ered five q u e s­ tions a b o u t sp ecific sectio n s in th e L o c a lT o u c h D ir e c to r y . Stephens w as recently notified that she was a w inner. “ At first I d id n ’t think I had actually w on. Then they called and I re a liz e d we w ere going to go on a c ru is e ,” rem em bers Stephens. The L o calT o u ch D irecto ry is a neighborh o o d orien ted directory tures in fo rm atio n ab o u t nearby schools, parks, points of interest, ac­ tivities for kids, community maps, as well as residential and business list­ ings. The book offers some unique fea­ tures including indexes and thumb grips that make it easy to access infor­ mation. In ad d itio n to the Lake O s­ w ego L o calT o u ch D irecto ry , the com pany also p u b lish e s books for dow ntow n n eig h b orhoods, as well as e a stsid e and w estside suburban n e ig h b o rh o o d s, in c lu d in g G re ­ sham and B eav erton. LocalTouch Directory Company publishes neighborhood directories in the Seattle and Portland metropolitan areas. LocalTouch Directory Company is based in Denver, Colorado and has branch offices in Kirkland, W ashing­ ton and Beaverton, Oregon. Portland Urban League Celebrates 50th Year Continued from M etro ▲ orary co-chairs at the dinner. U.S. Sen. Mark O. Hat tic Id sponsored Oregon s Publ ic Accom­ modations Law as a young state representative in 1953. The law made discrimination in public plac­ es based on race, religion or nation­ al origin illegal. The dinner’s other co-chair is Sen ior Circuit Court J udge Mercedes F Deiz who is Oregon ’s first African American female attorney andjudge. She became active in the Urban League o f Portland soon after she arrived here in the 1940s. Urban League President and CEO Lawrence J. Dark says the dinner will be dedicated to the peo­ ple who have contributed to the league as staff, volunteers and cli­ ents since 1945. “This dinner is a tribute to those unsung heroes and sheroes who moved our community a little closer to equality,” Dark said. “I look on this as a family reunion that the whole community is a part of.” The dinner will feature an au- dio/visual history o f the league with live narration by Ken Boddie o f K O IN -T V and Leah H ope o f KATU-TV. A reception starts at 6:15 p.m. with dinner at 7:15 p.m. Tickets are $50 per person, $500 for a table o f 10. Tickets can be ordered by calling (503) 280-2611. The Urban League o f Portland is a non-profit, community-based human service, economic and so­ cial justice agency serving youth and families, students, job seekers and seniors in the metro area. The league is one o f 113 local affiliates o f the National Urban League. that offers coupons and page after page of useful information about the community. The compact sized directory fea- A Salute to Minority Businesses Mayor Vera Katz Hosts Open Forum For Northeast Portland Residents (from one o f Portland's oldest) As part o f her week ly commu­ nity meetings. Mayor Vera Katz will be out in Northeast Portland hosting an open forum for local neighbors on Tuesday, October 10. Neighborhood residents are welcome to discuss any issue, project, or concern with Mayor Katz during the two-hour session. W h at: "M eet the Mayor” D ate: Tuesday, October 10, 1995 Tim e: 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Place: NE Police Precinct Community Meeting Room, 449 NE Emerson (On the corner of Killingsworth, just o ff MLK). Sub-Bids Requested North Precinct Renovation Bids: October 5,1995 2:00 PM R E IM E R S & J O L IV E T T E , IN C . Building Contractors 2344 N. W. 24 Portland, OR 97210 Phone (503) 228-7691 FAX (503) 228-2721 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvantaged, minority, women and emerging small business enterprises. Geneva’s Shear Perfection Barber - Beauty Salon NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED Business Award of Excellence Best of Portland (Willamette Week) Urban League of Portland Hair - Nails • Pedicure Facials • Shoe Shine celebrating our 50th anniversary October 11, 1995 Oregon Convention Center Call 280-2611 5601 NE ML King Blvd. Hours: 9-6 Mon-Fri; 8-6 Sat 503-285-1159 “Wc Do All Type Hair” A N N O U N C IN G IM P R O V E D TO A NEW W A Y FO R L IS T E N TO A N D A BANK YO U. Its a simple desire. To be heard. That’s why when you need a small business or SBA loan, wise you want someone to hear you. And respond. At First Interstate Streetwise means being In the know, up on the latest and ready with a plan. For McDonald's? It means being In touch with the needs of the communities we serve and being ready with programs, job opportunities and more It means making a real difference. Bank we’ve made it a priority of ours to do both for you Were not |ust on your comer, we're In your comer So why not call us at First interstate Bank-' W e ll listen. We II learn. We’11 respond And McDonald's salutes Minority Business Enterprise Week. If we II get started. Just as soon as we hear from you. McDonald's you C 1 9 9 * McDonald» C o rp o ra te ¿r F irs t In te rs ta te 1 J Q B9