T he . P orti and O bserver • O ctober 4. 1995 P age B7 Kaiser Defends Hospital Closure Continued from Metro ▲ the health care needs ofNorth/North- east Portland C lo sing Bess Kaiser Medical Center is the most difficult decision we've made in our 50 years in the Northwest region. Faced with one o f the nation’s most competitive health care markets, we are losing market share - our membership has not in­ creased for several years There is currently 50 percent bed occupancy rate in the Portland metropolitan area, and a trend to­ ward more outpatient services With hospital use continuing to decline, and hospital bed availability increas­ ing, we decided it is not wise to invest over $60 m illion in Bess Kaiser Medical Center or to build another hospital. Bess Kaiser Medical Cen­ ter is an old building, in need of expensive repairs to house modem equipment and to meet health, safety and seismic codes. F o r m any ye ars, K a is e r Permanente has contracted with com­ munity hospitals for a variety o f ser­ vices such as cardiac surgeries. By expanding our contracts with other health systems, we w ill provide high quality services at more locations for the lowest possible cost to our mem­ bers. Rather than duplicate expen­ sive resources, we are able to collab­ orate with other health systems to form centers o f excellence and pro­ vide the highest quality health care possible for all our members. We plan to operate Bess Kaiser Medical Center as a small, 55-bed hospital during the phase down peri­ od. While this is viable during the transition period, it cannot be main­ tained as a high-quality, cost-effec­ tive institution indefinitely. Even after Bess Kaiser Medical Center closes, Kaiser Permanente will have a strong, visible presence in North/Northeast Portland. O ver 1,000 physicians, dentists and staff w ill continue to serve our 28,000 North and Northeast Portland mem­ bers where they already receives 99 percent o f their care - in our outpa­ tient facilities. We w ill remain the predominant health care provider and major employer in the community Urgency care w ill be provided in North and Northeast Portland until 11 PM seven days a week. Emergen­ cy trauma cases w ill still be treated at the nearest hospital Alternate hospi­ tal services for late night and early morning care are sill under discus­ sion for all our members. We are very concerned about the 1,300 Bess Kaiser employees who are being displaced, 300 of whom live in North and Northeast Portland. We are hopeful that most will find new positions through a variety of actions we are taking: 1. We expect to re-hire many o f these employees in positions within Kaiser Permanente 2. Preferential h iring agree­ ments, giving our employees priority over outside applicants and equal consideration with internal applicants have been negotiated with our new alliance hospitals and we expect many to be hired. These agreements currently per­ tain to all our non-union employees and our union emoloyees represent­ ed by bargain ingun its that have agree­ ments with us - U F C W Local 555, Operating Engineers Local 701, O r­ egon Nurses Association and the G uild for Professional Pharmacists. A tentative agreement with S E IU Local 49 is awaiting ratification. 3. We are working with the D is­ located Worker Program - state, fed­ eral and North and Northeast Port­ land employment and job placement programs includingtheUrban League o f Portland, Northeast W orkforce Center, Northeast Jobs Committee and the Private Industry council - to develop re-training and jo b place­ ment programs 4. While we are hopeful most Bess Kaiser employees wi 11 find new jobs, we have developed a severance package, which goes beyond our union agreements and includes: • S ick leave buy out - 50 percent o f sick leave accrual if placed in a jo b with an alliance hospital; or 100 percent if laid off. • Severance pay - a single cash payment equal to one week’s pay for each year o f service, to a m ax­ imum o f 15 weeks pay if laid-off. • Medical and dental benefits - continuation o f current coverage for up to six months. Again, thank you for your letter. Kaiser Permanente values its 50-year history with the African American community in North and Northeast Portland. Weare committed to forging ahead with a continued and renewed working relationship. We look for­ ward to strengthening our partnership and seizing this opportunity to collab­ orate on a wide-range of needs in North and Northeast Portland. Sincerely, Michael U. Hatcher, president. in s u r a n c e SERVICES Life-Health-Group Disability Income Home-Auto Commercial Annuities Business Ernest & Patricia Warren Independent Insurance Agents representing the finest insurance and bonding companies in the Pacific Northwest. PO Box 12128/2207 NE Broadway, #5 Tel. (503) 284-6595 FAX (503) 284-7607 Serviced, Where Temporary Employees are Permanent Satisfaction COMPLETE DECORATING SERVICE FOR ALL O C C A SIO N S A N D EVENTS •WEDDINGS • GRAND OPENINGS • •CORPORATE FUNCTIONS •BANQUETS • • BIRTHDAYS • FOR SOMEONE SPECIAL • Experienced employees are carefully screened fie unconditionally guaranteed. ■ No surplus labor ■ No interviewing y ALSO GIFT IN A BALLOON BOUQUETS OF BALLOONS MONDAY HOURS: SATURDAY 10:00 ■ No insurance costs ■ No tax records Simply sign the temporary employee's weekly time card. You will receive an item­ ized invoice, that's it! We give you the 6 :0 0 individualized attention you deserve. 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