P age B2 T he P ortland O bserver (Ob serti tnu, E & M # w **« *^M A R K E T Formerly E&M Sentry Market Sam e friendly staff, sam e great service!’ Volunteers Sought To Help Kids With Read-A-Thon' The Retired and Senior Volun teer Program (RSVP) for the Clark County area is seeking volunteers aged 55 and older who enjoy read­ ing and want to share their enjoy­ ment with young students. Volunteers are needed to assist with a special project, McMiles of Reading, a Read-a-Thon at Hazel Dell Elementary School sponsored by RSVP and McDonald’s of Van­ couver. The program’s goal is to show students how much fun reading can be and encourage them to read more and improve their skills. Volunteers will join Ronald McDonald at an assembly to kick off the read-a-thon on Monday, Oct. 9 and then read to a classroom for 20 minutes that day and again on Monday, Oct. 16. The goal of the students is to collectively read a mile of minutes or 5,280 min­ utes. RSVP and McDonald’s have formed a partnership with local schools to encourage and support literacy and learning. RSVP provides support by recruiting and placing volunteers with local schools and McDonald’s assists by providing learning incentives and an educa­ tional library to assist teachers. Ehe two-week-long read-a-thon will be highlighted by McMile of Quarter’s day on Oct. 20 to reward students for reading. This event cel­ ebrates the 25th anniversary o f the Hazel Dell McDonald’s and will raise funds for RSVP McDonald’s will donate 25 cents from every Extra Value Meal purchased that day at Hazel Dell, Salmon Creek, Andresen Road or Vancouver mall restaurants to sup­ port RSVP. "We have an acute need for volunteers to tutor students and give them individual attention in read­ ing, math, and with English as their second language,” says Bobbi Casanova, RSVP director. For more information or to vol­ unteer call 696-8221. BRATWURST or ITALIAN SAUSAGE Armour. Selected Varieties BREADED MEAT PATTIES Norbest. Cured bark Meat BONELESS TURKEY GOURMET Jennie 0 , Frozen WI h X c BONELESS YOUNG TURKEY ... Restaurant Hosts "Taste Of Germany” TU« __ The Berlin i Inn Restau rant and Bakery will hold a “Taste o f Germany” on Sat­ urday with proceeds to ben­ efit area youth programs like Gang Peace. The open-house style Oktoberfest will celebrate German foods, wines and beers on Oct. 14 from 11 a m. to 3 p.m. at 3131 S.E. 12th and Powell Boulevard near the Ross Island Bridge. Ad­ mission is $8 (includes all food, wine and beer tasting.) "The laste o f Germany event allows us to showcase some of our fine German foods and desserts. I here will also be German wine and beer tasting as well as live accordion music,"explains Karen Brauer, own­ er of the Berlin Inn Restaurant & Bakery. Plus, it also gives us an oppor­ tunity to raise funds to help area « A tiT &. - ,< f ,»«esT t *>«‘ °' youth programs. I feel that it’s im­ portant for area businesses to take part in their community and this is one way I can help,” Brauer said. The event will feature sampling of mouth-watering German foods, including sauerbraten.beefrouladen, sausages, spaetzle, swabian spare- ribs and sweet and sour cabbage as well as desserts like Black Forest T orte and A pricot Marzipan. The Berlin Inn Res­ taurant and Bakery now offers Portland’s largest selection ofGerman wines with over 100 varieties. The establishm ent has been serving distinctive German cuisine sine 1992. Area youth programs such as the Gang Peace program and I’m Peer Proof, run by the Portland Area Council o f Camp Fire, will benefit from the event. Gang Peace focuses on violence reduction by fostering positive peer relationships and leadership devel­ opment to prevent gang involvement. I’m Peer Proof helps fourth and fifth grade boys and girls learn how assertive behavior can help them make good decisions in peer pres 3M sure situations. Manufacturer Coupon / Expires: 10/10/95 SAVEM.OO 15 Oz. SPI FCTH) PERT PLUS SHAM POO.. With Till« Coupon • i» N a /. ' WESTERN FAMILY ULTRA I HIN DIAPERS flub CO.4K11 I I I 4O z. Liquid Selected VICKS COLD FORMOLA -.1 IMI ro.JotM .. lur fece «ab.« . . I C O N S I J M t H H e « . I... 2« I I ... « ■ cuuput.s you Ivdoem ere uci. ««peruerl b , 1. «. iumumc U p u n .l.r i.e etwi i ■ • -A b « f R E T A IL E R W e will pay ngum ate relaik. j «. fu>.« value ph,w e» tier im i «- j '■ coupon icciuved Mi cunriwi.ii-n with the »..i. U I I mj product iiM*cek. uUp-.-i votd uliU I..1 ded if stock to cover rc-iempiion is not pi'*i>«.ud .x i requeei or il ■ iranstered or presented by ut Nt not a re u s distributer of said pn.d'A.i a it coupe- restricted prohibited 01 requires Hcent>m^ M e seni tor re de n m > i .... wiiiarut comp«', I constitutes fraud Consumer pays any applicable tea Limit • .< >. ..««upon per pun ì.« C ash redemption value 1/20 of a Ceni Reproduction profut.«i>. 1 ben d properly iv d coupons to Disposable Diper Refund CMSf»epl ISIHOB 1 Eawwil Ikive. Dei H