Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 27, 1995, Page 14, Image 14

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C an Character ‘e ducation Save ‘lite Tub hie sebo obs?, Tart I I
T im S tafford
< Editor's note: continuedfrom
last Septem ber 13th publication.)
Vocal supporters o f character
education in the public schools at a
national confernec in Washington,
D.C. ranged from a D em ocratic
White House aide to a conservative
Republican senator, and organiza­
tions running the gamut - from the
Rainbow Coalition to the National
Association o f Evangelicals.
By all the signs, c h a ra c te r
ed u catio n is a g ra ssro o ts m o v e­
m ent, sp rin g in g up in a hundred
d iffe re n t places. T here is, so far,
no “ rig h t” way to do it. Its p o p u ­
larity is p erhaps best show n by
the fact that e d u catio n al e n tre ­
p ren eu rs are ju m p in g in, looking
for a profit. At my first sem inar,
I m et R obert B arden, a friendly,
lo n g-haired re p re se n ta tiv e o f the
C u m berland C ounty S chools in
N orth C arolina. He told me o f all
kinds o f gim m icky p re se n ta tio n s
p eo p le had brought to his school
system , including a high-energy
p e rfo rm a n c e from a salesm an
d ressed - for reaso n s u n clear to
B arden - in a NA SA ju m p su it. I
hadn t gone to m any sem inars
b efore I realized th a t c h a ra c ter
e d u catio n is not the sam e thing
as the "d is c ip lin e ” paren ts often
w ant in school.
t haracter education is much
more upbeat and optimistic than that.
As one principal told me, “Some
parents want regimentation, and this
M inistry Celebrates
2 5 Shear Anniversary
The Archdiocese o f Portland
celebrated 25 years o f Hispanic min­
istries Saturday at St. Joseph Parish
in Salem. The day long convocation
commemorated the historical begin­
nings and significant events o f His­
panic ministries in the Archdiocese,
which covers all o f western Oregon.
The event was also a time to
celebrate the blessings that the His­
panic presence brought to the church
and to Celebrate the blessings the
Hispanic community has received
from the church through the dedicat­
ed work o f bishops, priests, religious
men and women and the laity.
Alejandro Aguyilera-Titus, di­
rector o f the Archdiocesan Office for
Hispanic Ministries, said, the convo­
cation was “to be a great opportunity
for Hispanic Catholics to bid fare­
well to Archbishop Levada and to
thank him for his wonderful leader­
ship and support over the past nine
The convocations marked the
beginning o f a year o f pastoral plan­
ning in order to respond more effec­
tively to the pastoral needs o f His­
panic Catholics in the Archdiocese.
Community Church O f Ç od you're Invited
The members of The Communi­
ty Church of God would like to invite
you to our 38th year Anniversary Pro­
gram for Pastor and Dr. Brown.
Pastor Victor R . Brown and Dr.
Hazel L. Brown are the founders
and have pastored at The Communi­
ty Church o f God for thirty eight
Pastor and Dr. Brown have been
good leaders at The Community
Church o f God and here in our com­
munity. Pastor and wife have been
active in this community for over
forty years. We would like for you
to help us show them how much we
appreciate them.
Date: October 8, 1995 (2nd
Sunday in October).
Time: 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Place: Lutheran Inner-City
Ministries Building; 4219N.E. Mar­
tin Luther King Jr. Blvd.; Portland,
OR 9 7 2 11 (on the com er of Martin
Luther King Jr. and Skidmore, lo­
cated I block from our church -
The Community Church o f God).
Join Us.
is the very opposite.”
Character education does em­
phasize clearly defined and enforced
rules, but that is just one part of it.
Character education tries to form the
k ind o f person who does what is right
without his being told and when he is
not being watched.
Strict rules and harsh punish­
ments may prompt compliance, these
educators say, but the behavior will
not necessarily carry over to another
environment. As Thomas Lickona, a
professor o f education at the State
University o f New York, writes in
his book “Educating for Character,”
“Good character consists o f know­
ing the good, desiring the good, and
doing the good - habits o f the mind,
habits o f the heart, and habits o f
Character education is not shy
about using the terms right and wrong.
Lickona notes that just a few years
ago, the question “Should the schools
teach values?” would be answered
by the retort "W hose values?” “With
remarkable swiftness,” he writes,
“that has changed. Escalating moral
problems in society...are bringing
about a new consensus.” The “rights”
and “wrongs” character educators
want to bring back are consensus
values, those that everybody can
agree on. They ardently avoid in­
cluding issues like abortion or homo­
sexuality, putting the emphasis on
teaching values that are, they claim,
timeless and invariable across cul­
Baby’s Name: Cyril Laumar Teal Jr.
Date of Birth: Sept. 9, 1995 Sex: Male
Weight: 7 lbs 8 oz. Length: 20 3/4
M other’s Name: I ia Damesheil Merriweather
Father’s Name: Cyril Laumar Teal
(All of Portland, OR.)
Join us in celebrating
“N orth “P ortland “B ible College
A nnounces It s T a l l 1995Schedule
Enrich your understanding o f
the Scriptures and its messages by
attending North Portland Bible Col­
lege’s Fall study seminars from Sep­
tember 25, thru December 4, 1995,
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
form 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., at
N PBC’s new campus at 4905 N.
Vancouver Avenue.
In addition to studying the Old
and New Testaments, other topics,
such as Church Leadership and Ad­
ministration, Women in Ministry, and
Resolving Spiritual Conflicts will be
featured. Tuition is $75.00 per course.
Guest speakers include the fol­
lowing: Pastor James Coleman; Sis­
ter Elizabeth Nance; Dr. J. Chip
MacGregor; Brother Del Harris; Greg
and Ginger Hicks; Pastor Denise Bell;
Sister Loyce M cCullough; Dean
Michael Lindsey; Pastor Jay Held;
Dr. Him Williams, Jr.
Study seminars begin soon! To
register and for more information,
call (503)288-2919.
Oregon Churches L a u n ch 0\[ationa[ ‘Redigious Jreed o m ^ e e !^ Célébrations
Rev. Heber Jentzsch, President o f
the Church o f Scientology Interna­
“The Church o f Scientology
battles daily to protect the First
Amendment from those who’s per­
sonal agenda would seek to destroy
it,” Rev. Jentzsch stated.
Remembering a 1969 quote from
the re lig io n ’s founder, L. Ron
Hubbard, “Freedom isn’t something
you get and then have. It’s something
you have to fight for and keep right
on fighting for,” Rev. Jentszch em­
phasized the need to remove the evils
o f psychiatric practices that are “de­
Rev. William Pride (Pastor of the Everlasting Missionary Baptist
Church), and Reverend Heber Jentzsch (President of the Church of
Scientology International) reading the Religious Freedom Week
proclamation from Mayor Vera Katz.
In keeping with celebrations
across the country, the Church o f
Scientology and a diverse group o f
religious leaders gathered in front of
the Liberty Bell replica at the Terry
Schrunk Plaza to read a special proc­
lamation issued by Portland Mayor
Vera Katz proclaiming September
24 - 30 as Religious Freedom Week
in Portland. Ministers then released
white doves, common symbols o f
peace and freedom, in unison with
the ringing of bells in churches in
Portland and cities across the coun­
Submitted by the Church o f
Scientology, the proclamation rec­
ognizes the importance o f religious
liberty and the duty to protect and
defend this right.
Included in the celebration were
guest minsters Rev. William Pride,
Pastor o f the Everlasting Missionary
Baptist Church in Vancouver and
«-Si. <^dl/{azh dBafztid; (Ihuzah
103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212
Sunday School - 9:30am
Sunday Morning Worship Service - 1 1 :00am
Sunday School Teacher’ s Meeting Tues - 6:30pm
Bible Study Wednesday 6:00pm
Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm
Church Phone Number
We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us.
The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Chris! Is All.
Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor
Worship Services 8:00am & I 1:00am.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30am,
Bible Study. Wednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
(503) 240-PRAY
Born August 27, 1933; North
Little Rock, Arkansas; Passed
Away September 17, 1995
Portland, Oregon.
Billie Jean Wilson was born in
North Little rock, Arkansas on Au­
gust 27, 1933. She passed away on
September 17, 1995 as a result o f
heart complications.
She was a member o f New
Beginnings Christian Center She
was a Cosmetologist and Hair Styl­
ist and worked for the Portland
Public Schools. She was well known
throughout the Northeast Portland
She was a life long resident o f
Portland, Oregon. She is survived
by her sister, helen James; her sons,
Nathaniel Wilson, Anthony Wil­
son, G reg W ilson, S ta n fo rd
Jamison; her daughters, R enee’
Fairtaylor and Yvette Duty. She is
also survived by 15 grandchildren
and a host o f nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her
oldest son, Ronnie Wilson and
grandchildren Terry William and
T e’erra William.
The wish to thank each and
everyone o f you for your prayers
and other remembrances.
“Warner Pacific “To Most Concert
Warner Pacific College will host a benefit concert for “Helping
Others Live Triumphantly,” featuring the musicical sty ling o f Up-
ward Call with special guest speaker T. Allen Bethel, pastor of
Maranatha Church.
The event will be held Saturday, Sept. 30 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m
in Warner Pacific’s McGuire Hall, 2 2 19 S.E. 68th. For more infor­
mation call 249-0347.
Featuring Original Songs
from Portland/Vancouver’s Finest Songw riters
David Hart, W. G. Hardy, Demetra Crawford, Eugene Blackmon, R
Tellis, Terry Davis, Walter Smith, and Brandon Woods
Maranantha Church; 4222 NE 12th; Portland, Oregon
October 7, 1995 at 7:00 p.m.
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4224 S.E. 62nd Avenue
(between Powell & Foster)
Portland, Oregon 97206
Sunday School 9:30am
Morning Worship 10:45am
Evangelistic Service 7:30pm
Tuesday Pastoral Teaching 7:00pm
Evangelistic Service 7 00pm
The Harvest Crusade
D on ’t m iss this opportunity to see and hear
this man o f GOD teaching and preaching on the Word
Our Theme
Date: Oct. 4 thru 6, 1995
Time: 7:30 P.M.
Place: First A.M.E. Zion Church 4304 N. Vancouver Ave.
Portland, OR.
Workshop each day.
Evangelist Reverend Dr. Norman Howard Hicklin
Director of The Dept. of Evangelism
of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Renown author of, Witnessing to Zion’s Leadership
sponsored by the
Oregon-Washington conference
and Cascade District Boards of Evangelism
of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Invites You to Worship with Us!
Sunday Morning 11:30am
Come and enjoy Christ centered Praise and Worship
The anointed Preaching/Teaching ministry of our Pasto
Rev. H. Bernard Ings, Jr.
Order of Services
Sunday School • 10:00am
Morning Worship - 11:30am
Sunday Evening - 6:30pm
Tuesday Evening - 7:30pm
PrayerSBible Study
1st & 3rd Friday - 7:30pm
Evangelistic Service
Prayer 12:00pm & 6:00pm
(503) 774-5470
Bishop Robert Simpson, Jr. • Dr. Ida M Simpson
. ,k. ‘
Special G uest: The Portland Metropolitan Youth Choir, and Other
For more information about the Concert or the Mass Choir Rehearsa
C o ntact: Willie Binns (503)287-3816
106 N. Killingsworth St.
Mt Olivet
Baptist Church
8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd.,
at Willis Blvd.
stroying the fabric o f our culture.”
As noted by Rev. Pride, the First
Amendment was given to us by God,
signed into law in this country by its
founding fathers and passed to
churches to care for and protect.
Religious Freedom Week was
started in 1989 by order of Presiden­
tial proclamation and is given recogni­
tion in the Chase's Book of Annual
Events. It is traditionally the week of
September 25, the anniversary of when
the House of Representatives and the
US Senate finalized and passed what
was later completed and ratified into
the Bill o f Rights in 1789.
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Billie Jean Wilson