Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 20, 1995, Image 9

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Campaign For Jobs
And Justice
The Freedom ’95 Project, a door-to-
door voter registration and education cam­
paign For jobs and justice, will kick off
Saturday in north and northeast Portland.
Volunteers will talk with their neighbors
about a ballot initiative to raise the mini­
mum wage and about bigoted initiatives
that scapegoat people o f color, women,
gays, immigrants and union members. To
help, call 232-7206.
Ellington Tribute
Is Saturday
The music and dance tribute “Es­
sence o f Ellington, will be performed
: Saturday start ing at 7:30 p.m. at the Arlene
Schnitzer Concert Hall Mercer Kennedy
Ellington, son o f the jazz, great Duke
Ellington will narrate a 60 minute video
o f rare Ellington clips from the Michael
Chertok collection. The tribute will in­
clude live performances o f Ellington’s
works and jazz tap performances by Gracy
Tune, Terry Brock and their dancers.
Kane To Perform
At Egyptian
Candye Kane and her band, the
Swinging Armadillos and the Flapjacks,
perform Saturday, Oct. 7 at 9:30 p.m. at
the Egyptian Tomb, 3701 S.E. Division.
Kane is one o f the rising young stars on
the music scene today. Tickets are avail­
able at Fred Meyer FA'STIXX outlets and
Music Millennium.
cu lltu .il
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he basketball playing surface
from Memorial Coliseum was
laid down at Waterfront Park
last weekend and adjacent streets
w ere clo sed to m ake room for
makeshift courts for the NBA's Hoop
It Up competition.
S p o n so red by Bank o f A m erica, area
re sid e n ts from age 10 and up com peted
in ch a m p io n sh ip b rack ets ran ging from
“ O ld e r than D irt,” to “ 17 and U nder ”
P ro ceed s raised du rin g the event
w ere d e d ic a te d to the P o rtlan d Parks
and R ecreatio n D epartm ent.
T rail B la z e r and N BA A nnouncer
Steve Jo n es and an NBC te le v isio n crew
w ere on hand to tape the ev en t for a
sch ed u led N ov. 4 b roadcast.
It was the first tim e the N B A -sanc­
tio n ed to u rn a m e n t, w hich plays in 50
U .S. c itie s and 25 E uropean c itie s, has
com e to P o rtlan d . A regional to u rn a ­
m ent is sch e d u le d later in P hoenix, Ariz.
w ith the n a tio n a l finals to be played in
H aw aii.
Portland NBA announcer and retired
player Steve Jones (right) was one of
many participating in the NBA's Hoop It
Up tournament in Portland. Johnny
Davis (above), a member of the 1977
Trail Blazer NBA championship team,
was the judge in the 10 foot slam dunk
(Photos by Duane Lewis)
ew h e atin g , v e n tila tio n and a rt-frie n d ly
lighting are being added to the Portland Art
M useum .
P recision C o n stru ctio n is the general c o n tra c to r for the
upgrade and frib e rg E lectric Co. o f the N ational E lectrical
C o n tracto rs A ssociation and the International B rotherhood
o f E lectrical W orkers, is m aking the e le c tric al upgrades.
A ccording to F riberg pro ject m anager, A ndy D eM artin,
“the pro ject is o f short duration. I t’s scheduled to take only
about th re e -a n d -a -h a lf m onths so that art p atro n s can soon
return to the m u seum ’s g a lle rie s.”
W hile c o n stru c tio n is under way, part o f the m u seum ’s
art c o lle c tio n has been m oved next do o r to the old M asonic
tem ple, w here F riberg E lectric also installed new lighting in
o rd e r that the form er T em ple could serve as a m useum
W hen art lovers do return to g a lle rie s, th e y ’ll not only be
m ore com fo rtab le, th e y ’ll also be b e tte r able to view the
e x h ib its, thanks to the new lighting and lighting co n tro l
system s being installed by Friberg.
The m ost ch allen g in g part o f the p ro je c t is th at the
bu ild in g - and the cu rren t lighting system - are practically
antique. T his m eans Friberg must w ork with ex trem e care so
as not to d istu rb ex istin g p lasterw ork on the 18 to 20 foot
high ceilin g s.
“ W ith I 7 new hum idifiers, the dim m able b allast lighting
for all the g alleries, and the security system , th ere are lots o f
pipes to run and lost o f wire to p u ll” said Forem an Barry
Finley. “ W e’ve w orked as a close team with P recision to
m ake sure ev ery th in g gets done w ithin the short tim e fra m e .”
In ad d itio n to receiving an im proved lighting and c o n ­
trol system , the m useum ’s art co llectio n will also benefit
from the special light lenses F riberg e le c tric ia n s are in sta ll­
T he lenses key-out the u ltra v io le t light w hich can be
dam aging to the d e lic a te m aterials used in som e o f the art
w orks. W ith the new system s installed, the P o rtland Art
M useum is sure to be m ore co m fo rtab le for the patrons o f the
arts — and for the w orks o f art as w ell.
YWCA Offers Exercise
Class For Women
B eginnings, an e x e rc ise c la ss d e­
signed for w om en w hose w eig h t, age
and or injury m ay lim it th e ir p h y sical
m ovem ent o p tio n s, has begun its fall
season at the dow ntow n Y W CA , 1111
S.W . IOth Ave. T aught by a la rg e ­
b o died w om an, the m o v em en ts stress
fle x ib ility and include w alk in g , w all
and flo o r e x e rc ise s. The cla ss m eets
on M ondays and W ed n esd ay s from
5:30 to 6:15 p.m . P a rtic ip a n ts may
jo in at any tim e.
Dave Schwabe and Larry Murray of
Friberg Electric Co. install special filters
to key-out ultraviolet light that can
damage delicate works of art.
Bowie, Nine Inch Nails
To Rock
Calendar information will be given
priority if dated two weeks
before the event date.
New Lighting With Art Museum Upgrade
A home ownership opportunity fo­
rum will be held Saturday, Sept. 30 from
10 a m. to 11:30 a m. at the Lutheran
Inner-City Ministries center at the corner
ofN ortheast Skidmore and Martin Luther
King Jr. Blvd. A light breakfast will be
S en io rs can sw ing to hits from
the 30s, 40s and 50s on S atu rd ay , as
G uy L o m b a rd o ’s Royal C a n ad ian s
grace the stag e at the O regon S en io r
Expo. The event tak es place at the
O regon C o n v e n tio n 'C e n te r from 9
a m. to 5 p.m.
NBA Hoop It Up Scores Big In Portland
Home Ownership
Info Available
Guy Lombardo
Swings Senior Expo
• *
S e p te m b e r ? n .
Community Forum On Investing
The Black United Fund o f Oregon
will present a community forum W ednes­
day, Sept. 27 on benefit planning geared
to non-profit organizations. The work­
shop will also include investment strate­
gies for individuals. Employer-sponsored
flexible medical benefit plans and the
Oregon Health Plan will also be dis­
cussed. R egistration is needed, call
Artangia Presley at 282-7973.
Rock legend David Bowie and Nine
Inch Nails will be the first concert to play
Portland’s new Rose Garden arena when
the music tour comes to the Rose City on
Wednesday, Oct. 25 at 7:30 p.m.
Human Rights Dinner Slated
in recruiting and maintaining a diverse
he Metropolitan Human Rights
workforce and a Non-Profit Diversity Award
Com m ission w ill hold its
for a not-for-profit organization that demon­
Human Rights Awards Dinner
on Thursday, Oct. 26 from 6:30 p.m.
to its core values by incorporating cross-
cultural actions into its daily activities and
9 p.m. at the Beaumont Middle School
maintaining a diverse workforce.
in northeast Portland.
The annual event is k n o w n foi its e x c e l­
lent food and diverse participants and is a
wonderful way to support the civil and hu­
man rights o f everyone. Cost for the event is
The Russell A. Peyton Award will pre­
sented for “outstanding service and commit­
ment to protecting the human rights o f all
persons within the city o f Portland and Mult­
nomah County.”
The commission will also give a Busi­
ness Diversity Award for outstanding results
One o f the most uplifting events o f the
dinner is the Community Harmony Recogni­
tion. Throughout our community, there are
many people and organizations who cross
ethnic and cultural lives to respond to injus­
tice and promote harmony as a routine part of
their daily lives. The commission will recog­
nize these efforts in the distribution o f a
special booklet.
Nominations for these wards should be
submitted to the commission by writing. The
deadline for submissions is Friday, Oct. 6.
History Sought Of
Landmark Building
non-profit, ecumenical, Christian housing
rea residents are being asked
organization that builds homes in partner­
to share personal stories and
ship with low income families.
new Habitat Home Building Center, Habitat welcomes all stories and pho­
tos to be included in the exhibit.
the former retail building and most
For many years, the building housed
recently Shag's Arena at the corner
retail shops, grocery stands, and pharma­
of Northeast Killingsworth and 15th
cies. It served as a tavern and restaurant
An oral history exhibit will be dis­
played for the grand opening o f the center,
scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 2 1 from I p.m
to 4 p.m.
The landmark building is being reno­
vated by Portland Habitat for Humanity, a
when owned by former Portland wrestler
Shag Thomas. Over the last several years
the building was abandoned.
Contact Shannon Snow at 287-9529 to
contribute to the exhibit or for more infor­