Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 20, 1995, Page 5, Image 5

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    1111 B orii
P age AS
O bserver • S eptember 20, 1995
High Protien Diet Good For Fitness Buffs
Tom G riesel, a 40-year-old of­
fice m anager for the Long Island
L igiitingCo. in Roslyn, N Y ..u s e d to
place his faith in linguine, fettucine
and capellini.
But now th ere's a different holy
trinity as far as h e 's concerned, and
it's known, som ew hat cryptically, as
In June. G riesel decided he did
not feel very healthy. So he sw itched
his diet from one heavy on carbohy­
drates, like pasta, to one that em pha­
sized protein. Forty percent o f his
diet these days consists o f protein,
like grilled salm on; the other 60 per­
cent is evenly divided betw een car­
bohydrates and fat.
“ A fter eight weeks, I’ve low­
ered my body fat by about 5 percent,”
he said. “ I’ve been w eight training at
the sam e tim e, so I’ve put on some
lean body mass at the same tim e.”
He w eighs 175 pounds, about the
sam e as when he sw itched, but in
term s o f the w av he feels, the new
diet "has m ade a trem endous differ­
ence in a short period o f tim e.”
G riesel is one o f an untold num ­
ber o f fitness buffs who are turning
aw ay from the high-carbohydrate eat­
ing patterns so popular over the last
10 years.
T he debate continues over the
best com bination o f protein, carbo­
hydrates and lats a person should
consum e to feel healthy. And while
fitness experts and trainers have no
exact num bers, many say they defi­
nitely see m ore people realigning
that balance.
A m ong the small army o f peo­
ple striding in formation atop ma­
chinery at gym s like Crunch in G reen­
w ich V illage or the United States
A thletic T raining C enter on M adi­
son Avenue are many recent co n ­
verts to high-protein diets, who have
m ade the change after trying other
approaches, and som etim es simply
on the advice o f friends or trainers.
“There are these trends every
few years, "said Sarah Dent, C runch's
publicity director. Behind her was
cise form ula put forth in "T he Z one,”
w hich was w ritten by Barry Sears, a
m edical researcher formerly on the
staff at M IT. Sears w rites that food is
a drug, capable o f producing physi­
cal responses far m ore com plex than
any pharm aceutical elem ent could.
“The zone” is a reference to
and body type are also factors in
determ ining a balance o f nutritional
But the overarching theory , the
one that affects people’s behavior in
the superm arket, is that too many
carbohydrates prevent the body from
burning fat.
Brian Beck, a 23-year-old sweat-
so a k e d a c to r w h o sw itc h e d six
m onths ago, “because I had to get in
s h a p e ,' he said. Protein is workout-
friendly because “you need protein
to build body m ass,” said T elf M ur­
ray, a trainer at Crunch.
“ 1 have one client, a screenwriter,
who three or four m onths ago cut the
bread and added more protein. You
can already see better m uscle defini­
A thletes have focused on a pro­
tein-heavy diet for years, but now,
“the general public is becom ing more
aw are o f it,” said G ary G uerriero,
the ow ner o f the U nited States Ath­
letic T raining C enter, a year-old gym
on M adison Avenue.
“ People are seeing som e real
nice changes, and th at’s why if s start­
ed to com e dow n into the general
public in the last year or two. It’s the
n u tritio n a l p h ase fo r th e 9 0 s ,”
G uerriero said.
O tie im petus for turning to a
high-protein diet is outlined in a re­
cently published book, “ The Z one”
(Regan Books), which evolved on
the training table for high-perfor­
m ance athletes. But in health clubs
and hom es around the country , peo­
ple who have never heard o f the book
are adopting its principles and saying
they feel quicker, trim m er, and gen­
erally better with few er carb o h y ­
f he ju ry is still out on the pre­
w hat Sears calls "that m ysterious but
Hence a diet that stresses large
Power Lineman Directs Award
To Burn Center
T h eO iegon B urnC enterat Leg­
acy Emanuel Hospital and M edical
Center in north Portland is the bene­
ficiary o f $1,000 donation from the
PacificCorp Foundation, thanks to a
Pendleton Pacific Power em ployee.
Butch Sams, a PacificC orp crew
foreman, was am ong five honored by
the com pany for adm inistration o f
first aid to two victims o f a pickup
and freight train accident in May
1994 The crew was w orking near an
unm arked railroad crossing when the
accident occurred.
W h ile o n e w o rk e r u se d the
c o m p a n y ra d io to c a ll an a m b u ­
la n ce , S am s and o th e r cre w m e m ­
b e rs a d m in is te re d first aid u n til
aw ard w inners select a charity to
receive a $1,000 donation from the
PacificCorp Foundation.
Asked why he selected the O re­
gon Burn C enter to receive the d ona­
tion, Sams noted that, as a lineman,
he w anted to help people who have
sustained severe electrical burns,
because “ it could be m e.”
The O regon Bum C enter pro­
vides up-to-date and advanced bum
care for residents o f O regon and
southw est W ashington.
The donation will be used to
purchase new equipm ent and patient
education materials.
They can be held
from 1 to 15 years.
ble investment, may we
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Gary Guerriero, owner of the United States Athletic Training
very real state in w hich your body
and m ind work together at their ulti­
m ate b est.” Baseball players, gym ­
nasts and other athletes know about
this, he adds, but so can the person
trying to get in shape after a day at the
“Y ou must eat food in a co n ­
trolled fashion and in the proper pro­
portions - as if it were an intravenous
d rip ,” Sears writes.
“ T h e d ie tary te ch n o lo g y re ­
quired to reach the Zone is as precise
as any com puter technology.” It’s
not only w hat you eat, but w hat you
eat with it. He w rites it’s O K to eat
the occasional fat-laden ice cream ,
for exam ple, as long as you also eat
som e sliced turkey at the same time,
com bining protein with fat and car­
bohydrates. E xercise, m etabolism
proportions o f pasta, bread and other
starchy foods will mean a w eight
gain, or at least no weight loss, am ong
people whose lives do not include
hours o f physical activity every day.
N ancy Picker, a m agazine ad ­
vertising sales m anager in M anhat­
tan, was one o f those people. “ 1
co u ld n ’t understand it,” she said. “ 1
was w orking out three tim es a week
and eating lots o f pasta, and I was
gaining weight. I was actually on the
sluggish sid e.”
In M arch, w ithout having read
“T he Z one,” Ms. Picker sw itched to
an e w trainer who encouraged her to
increase the protein in h er diet and
reduce the carbohydrates. N ow she
has about 70 percent o f her calories
from protein, w orks out for 90 m in­
utes four tim es a w eek,’-and litl^lost
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calories coming from carbohydrates
and just a sm attering o f fat.
The 40-3 0 -3 0 system was d e­
veloped in the late 80s for varsity
sw im m ers at Stanford U niversity.
Sears w orked with the m e n ’s and
w om en’s team s to dev elo p his diet,
and in his book, takes m uch o f the
credit for the eight gold m edals team
m em bers brought hom e from the
B arcelona O lym pics in 1992.
D ennis Saul, a 51 -year-old trad ­
er on the New Y ork S tock E xchange,
has spent the last 25 years figuring
out w hat com bination o f nutrients
and exercise w orks best for him, read­
ing everything from A dele D avis to
running m agazines. W hat he has co n ­
cluded is that the p ro p o rtio n s advo­
cated by Sears and others “is right on
the m oney.”
M aria A dam s, an equities trader
in M anhattan, is also follow ing a
high-protein diet, but in proportions
she w orked out herself. M ost days,
she consum es about 1,600 calories,
60 percent o fw h ich are protein. Then
th ere’s another 30 percent in carb o ­
hydrates, and 10 percent in fat. She
w orks out three tim es a w eek, but is
not above taking a slide now and
“ I f you treat your body like a
tem ple five days a w eek, and tw o
days like an am usem ent park, you
can pretty m uch keep things level,”
Ms. A dam s said. “ So I have that
cannoli once in a w h ile.”
“People are seeing some real nice
changes, and that’s why it’s started to
come down into the general public in
the last year or two. It’s the nutritional
phase for the 90s, ”
You can invest as
and preserve and protect them for gener­
dow n side o f the high-carbohydrate
diet two years ago
“ Particularly for w om en, all the
stu ff about low fat, eat all the carbo­
hydrates you want, has proven not to
w o rk ,” she said
“ 1 started fooling around with
practically zero carbohydrates a cou­
ple o f years ago and it w orked very
well from a w eight-loss perspective.
T h e re ’s m uch b etter results with
w eight training, because you need
protein to build m uscle.”
B arbara Cohen, an aerobics in­
structor w ho w orks a, various sites
around the city, said she has noticed
the shift as well. “ In the last year,
people are leaning tow ard a little
m ore protein and less carbs, because
it’s real easy to go overboard on the
ca rb s,” she said.
O f course, not everyone is a
convert. “There is an awful lot o f
w itchcraft out there that m ight at one
tim e have had a kernel o f scientific
truth behind it,” said Dr. Jam es
Rippe, a cardiologist and director o f
the C enter for C linical and Lifestyle
Research in Shrew sbury, Mass.
Rippe, who is also the m edical
advisor for the International Health,
Racquet and Sportsclub Association,
a trade organization for many health
clubs, added; “The principles o f nu­
trition for recreational athletes are
very sim ilarto th e p rin cip leso fn u tri-
tion for regular people. Less than 30
p crtjetn efy m iP talo rieS sh o u ld com e
h e lp a rriv e d .
The utility’s Spirit ofE xcellence
If vn iire looking l o r °
from fat, and m ost calories w ould be
eaten early in the d ay .”
And high protein isn’t in vogue
eveiy where. At Casa, a gym in a brown­
stone on the U pper East Side, the
owner, Chris Imbo, said protein should
constitute 15 percent o f a person’s
daily intake, with 60 to 75 percent o f
How to give back
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a socially
14 pounds
“ I can count on one hand the
num ber o f tim es I’ve had bread, and
I’ve cut out p asta,” said Ms. Picker,
who is 33. “ People say, how can you
not have p asta?' But I d o n 't miss it.”
T ina de Lemps, Ms. P icker’s
trainer, said she began to notice the
tour of Legacy Emanuel Hospital. You’ll also learn about
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Legacy Health System includes Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center. Meridian Park Hospital. M ount Hood Medical Center. Visiting Nurse Association
and CareMarkZManaged Healthcare Northwest PPO ©1 995. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon and HMO Oregon are independent licensees o f the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.