t « .: ... •• ¡ • „ * *• / • / • i / - / - , r P age A4 '•■ • . , .«__ ^ . « . w S eptember 20, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver Urban League Street Academy Reopen For New School Year N ew 9 -1 -1 D isp a tch O p en s In Vancouver! A new emergency dispatch and emergency services center has been [ opened in Vancouver for C lark I County residents. Construction funds for the $2.5 million center at 710 W. 13th St. were made possible by a county 9- I - 1 telephone tax approved by vot­ ers in 1988 The department had been headquartered in two cramped locations for a number o f years. T o com m em orate the new h o m e , a 18 ,2 5 0 -s q u a re fo o t b u ild in g , a day o f sp ecial events was held last week. Safety exhibits, tours and spe­ cial awards to people who helped make the new building possible were presented. C lark County Com m is­ sioner John Magnano and 9-1-1 D i­ rector Thera Bradshaw were on hand to answer questions about the new center. Magnano and Vancouver M ayl or Bruce Hagensen presided over thtf official ribbon cutting and dedica| tion. A public safety Olympics wal held pitting fire, police and medical personal against one another in athl letic events. American Medical R el sponse hosted a barbecue for particj ipants in a fun run and walk. A H isto r ic A s s ig n m e n t C -Tran coach operator Larry Moore, Vancouver, Washington, | stands in front o f a Curtiss P-40 Warhawk marked with the classic “shark s mouth’’ or the famed World War 11 “Flying Tigers” at Vancou­ ver’s historic Pearson A irfield on I Saturday, September 2, 1995. Moore, a five-year veteran o f C - I Tran, drove a C-Tran coach that served as a shuttle between the Pearson AirPark Museum and the downtown Portland Hilton Hotel, [ bringing A V G members and their families to the museum. The open house at Pearson, 50 years to the day after the end o f World War II, was the only public event during the Flying T igers’ first reunion in the Pacific Northwest and drew some 700 visitors to the museum. The Flying Tigers, o fficially the The Urban League’s Portland Street Academy and Whitney Young tutorial center welcomed back stu­ dents on Tuesday, September 5 at 10 N. Russell Street. Students and their parents or guardians are encouraged to enroll for either educational pro­ gram at the Urban League during service hours, 9 am to 8 pm Monday through Thursday, and 9 am to 5 pm on Friday. The Portland Street Academy is an alternative school for junior and high school age students who have left a school in the Portland Public Schools district. Students learn at their own pace as they work toward their G .E .D . or high school diploma. Instruction in Spanish and an enhanced arts pro­ gram are being offered this year, as well as a special focus on science and math. The program is open to a max­ imum o f 50 students The Whitney M. Young Jr. Ed- Larry Moore Photo by Thomas Wm. McGarry American Volunteer Group, served in China prior to the official Am eri­ can entry into World War II, flying P-40s like the one shown, provided by Ron Paul’s Warhawk Museum in Boise, Idaho, and made an indeli- ble stamp on American popular culture and history with their dis­ tinctively marked aircraft and their success in combat. es and ages are needed to tell stories o f generals, soldiers, governesses, mothers-in-law, murder victims and other former residents o f Officers Row. “Not all the stories include guts and gore; some are tearful, others are charming," says Jane Morrison, city heritage coordinator. Volunteers w ill need time to practice the stories and attend a few rehearsals. Guides, behind-the- scenes help and costume makers are also needed. For a roster o f available char­ acters and more information, call the city’s Office o f Heritage Ser­ vices at 360/699-2588 Lawrence Dark To Attend National Urban League Conference Urban League o f Portland Pres­ ident Lawrence J. Dark was among more than 4,000 conferees attending the National Urban League National Conference in Miami, July 23-26, 1995. National Urban League presi­ dent Hugh B. Price joined top gov­ ernment officials and lawmakers, pol icy analysts and national luminar­ ies to debate solutions to issues such as crime, politics, education and the media and to issue a historic call to action to the 113 National Urban League affiliates Mr. D ark was GRO WTH FA CTORS o- STRONG IN M IN D A N D B O D Y SELF-RESPECT CHARACTER joined by Urban League o f Portland board chair Michael Lewellen, chair- elect James Boehlke, board member Faye Burch and employment direc­ tor Brenda Sherman-Sanders. Mr. Dark said this year’s confer­ ence provided an opportunity to learn first-hand about such legislative is­ sues as affirmative action and redis­ tricting; experience one o f the most comprehensive displays o f corpo­ rate and small business products; and receive critical answers to the issues facing Am erica’s youth. Am ong the keynote speakers were Speaker o f the U.S. House o f Representatives Newt G ingh ich , N A A C P Chairwoman Myrlie Evers- W illiam s, and Oprah Winfrey. “ It is important to take advan­ tage o f the opportunity to learn more about what’s happening in Washing­ ton and about the issues that positive­ ly or negatively impact African- : Americans and other ethnic groups,” Mr. Dark said. This year’s conference theme was “Our Children = Our Destiny.” SPIRITUAL FEELING CITIZENSHIP i I____ NOW GET YOUR OWN VISA CARD ex Cascade Pacific Council, Boy Scouts o f America, 2145 SW Front Avenue, Portland, OR 97201-5103 (5 0 3 ) 226 -3 4 2 3 FAX (5 0 3 ) 2 2 5 -5 7 1 7 JEANIE’S CLEANERS 5403 NE 42ND AVENUE • 287-0008 ■COUPON! Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special M.00 OFF On Any Dry Cleaning Order Of $12.00 or More JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 9-30-95 NO CREDIT CHECK EVEN IF YOU HAVE *BAD CREDIT* NO CREDIT* BANKRUPTCY* LOW INCOME* How to apply 1. Complete, sign and mail the VISA Application-Savings Agreement below to American State Bank 2737 N. E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd Portland, Oregon 97212 2. Be sure to include your money order or personal check in U.S. dollars for $62 5.0 0 or more (in increments of $600.00) made payable to American State Bank. Receipt of your funds opens a savings account in your name. 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Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special With $10.00 Incoming Dry'Cleaning Order ■ Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only | Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons j JEANIE’S CLEANERS I Expires 9-30-95 ¡= I coupon = - Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special | H0.00 OFF ¡Dry Cleaning or Laundered Pantsl On Any Dry Cleaning Order Mens or Womens ’ s2.99 j Of $30.00 or More Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons JEANIE'S CLEANERS Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only | | Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons | I I JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 9-30-95 * != = C Ö U P Ö N = j I My check'of (not less than $625.00)________________ in enclosed. Yes. I want to open a VISA account. I understand that the interest bearing savings account at American State Bank will serve as collsteral for my Secured VISA account and is fully insured by FDIC up to $100,000.00. ■COUPON! ■COUPON! ' ) __ Signature:___ BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA k, ' • Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons Address: City:____ Students in grades 6 - 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian on their first visit to either program Parents also are encouraged to regis­ ter for a parent enrichment program which w ill explore ways parents can become more involved in their ch il­ dren’s education. Both programs seek adult vol­ unteers with educational experience to serve as tutorial assistants. Inter­ ested individuals should contact Josephine Hayes at the Urban League o f Portland, 280-2635. The Urban League o f Portland is a non-profit, community-based human service, economic and social justice agency servingyouth and fam­ ilies, students, job seekers, and se­ niors in the metro area. In 1995 the League celebrates its 50th year of serving the community. The League is one o f 113 local affiliates o f the N ational Urban League. /7¿O<5/¿/W C ity S e e k s G h o stly V o lu n te e r s Volunteers with a spooky sense o f humor are being sought by the city’s Office o f Heritage Ser­ vices to portray ghosts and tell stories o f past Officers Row resi­ dents. The “Ghost Stories on O f­ ficers Row” event is Monday, Oct. 30 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Storytellers o f all shapes, siz­ ucation& Cultural Center offers free tutorial assistance and educational resources to students in grades 6 through sophomore in college and to other residents o f North and North­ east Portland One-on-one tutorial assistance is provided by professional and vol­ unteer tutors in all subject catego­ ries. The facility is named for Whitney M. Young, Jr., who was executive director ofthe National Urban League from 1961-71. T h e Street A cad e m y and Whitney Young Center share the same two-story facility at the Urban League. Facilities and activities in­ clude a multicultural reference li­ brary, computers, a student newslet­ ter, guest speakers, and films. The programs are housed in the Urban League’s main building, providing students with easy access to other League programs, such as counsel­ ing and employment services. Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Sleeping Bag Cleaning Special s5.99 Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 9-30-95 |