P age B4 S eptember 20, 1995 » T he P ortland O bserver Totit icalïy Correct Tibíe ‘P ublished T ’/.e New Testament ; ets a ma jo r facelift next month w th a new English translator e lim in tin g ref­ erences to God the Fathe.-, turning the Son c-f M a i into "the hi man one" and removing accusations that Jews killed Christ. The new translation ¡ays chil­ dren should no" "obey" th« ir parents but heed them Wives aieno longer “ subject” to the ir husband but com­ mitted to them. “ Darkness” is no longer equated with evil because o f racist overtone? and th "L o rd 's Prayer” now begins "O tir Father- Mother in heaver..” References to the tig it hand o f God are also deleted, e imine ting possible embamasarienttc left-hand­ ed people If now becomes God’ s mighty hind. The editoi» o f “ The New Tes ament and Psains: An In­ clusive Version” deny they have spent the last five years produci g a “ p o lit­ ically cor e d ” bible but a lm it that a legion o f traditicnists aie waiting in the w ings to cast the first none” and begin one o f the biggest bible de­ bates in years. Some c ritic s have already charged tin t the editors have cen­ sored the bible in order to order to make vho is one o f the six editors. “ , h ave bad p eop le say to me: ‘ I f the King James version o f the bible was good er.oag 1 for Jesus, it’ s good enough for me,’ she added. "histlethwi.ite said the editors were proud o f tl : way they handled the anti- Semitic wertones o f the New 257/ òudtw vy We thank our friends or your prayers, sharing o f tears an i laugh­ ter, kind comments, gener.ius and thoughtful gifts, food, contr butions to the Russell James S m itl Educa­ tional Scholarship Fund, an«1 most o f all, love fo r us during this difficult time. I f we missed anyon: in the ‘ Thank Y o u ’ process, pleas, forgive us. It was not intentional. We appre­ ciate you in this public stat ment. On Wednesday, Septt Tiber 6, 1995. hornegoin.i services fc Russeil James Smith were held at M a anatha Church, Portland, Oregon. .Vhether you knew him or not, you wc uld have been touched by the spirit-f fle d ana heart-warming comments iven by his fam ily and several o fh is 'ife-long “ The Lord God doesn’t cut it these days because we don’ t have lords. 1 thought o f using the phrase ‘ The One to Whom You Swear A lle ­ giance,’ but frankly that was awk­ ward. We often use the phrase ‘ Most H igh,’ because it is more accurate,” Thistlethwaite said. The 23rd Psalm, which used to begin “ The Lord is my shepherd” now starts “ God is my shepherd” and the pronoun “ he” is dropped entirely from the poem The word “ slaves” is also dropped in the new translation, replaced by “ people who were enslaved,” and the phrase “ the blind” becomes “ people who are blind.” But the editors drew a line at calling disabled people “ different­ ly abled.” Thistlethwaite insisted in an interview that the authors o f the King James version “ felt themselves much freer to depart from the o rig i­ nal word o f the text than we did .” For example, in the King James version the phrase “ God regards not the legs o f the runner” becomes: “ The race is not to the sw ift.” Russell James Smith friends. The feeling from the open­ ing prayer tc the "nal viewing was one o f respect, av e, and sometimes humor as participants shared their most precious me nories o f him. Russell James Smith, 71, died quietly Thursday morning, August 31, 1995 o f a hari attack. On August 31, '.951, he married Gertrude ‘Trudy’ Stitt, enjoying al- mos 26 years o f marriage. They had five sons one o f which preceded then in death in infancy. After a 12 yeai battle w ith cincer, Trudy went home to be w ith me Lord in 1977. Later. Russe I fell in love with Leona Wallace. Cn March 24,1978, they were m arriec. Their 18 years o f marriage created a large, loving fam- Homegoing o f f 'orrest Gene Bell Forres’. Geie Bell was bom No­ vember 5, 1961 to the m ion o f A lbeiltnc Bell and Glory E ell Senior in Houston, Texas. Forest migrated to Portland, Oregon with his family in 1965. He attend 'd Irvingto i, Vem or and graduated from John A> ams High School. Forrest received Chris at the age o f 20 and was baptized und< rthe lead­ ership o f Pastor Faulkner, if St. Paul Missionary, Portland, Oreg< >n. He wed Carol Lowe McClure onJur.■: 18,1938 Forrest leaves to mour bis moth­ er and father, his daughter Akilah, a sister, Pamela Johnson, a I rother-in- Law Steven Johnson o f M ireno Val­ ley, California, six brother . Roy Ed­ ward, Kenneth Ray, Elroy J , Anthony Dwaine, Michael Lee, nd Larry Vernard and two aunts, Geraldine Powe and Mary Turner, fi /e Uncles. W illiams Jr, James, Roy, ( eorge and Testament. For example, they have eliminated all references to the Jews killing Jesus as in Thessalonians 2:14- 15, which in standard translations says: “ ...for you suffered the same things from your own compatriots as they did from the Jews who killed both the Lord Jesus and the proph­ ets.” That becomes in the inclusive translation: "... for you suffered the same from your own compatriots as they did from those who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets.” “ I believe we are one o f the first translations to take on the issue o f anti-Semitism,” Thistlethwaite said. “ The New T estament consists o f Jews talking to Jews. They are not saying the Jews are bad, they are saying ‘ We Jews over here disagree with you Jews over there. ’ When John talks o f Jews he means Jewish leaders.” The translation also makes a great effort to reduce the number o f times God is referred to as Lord because lords as a ruling group are passe. ily, blending his four sons and her five daughters and one son. Russell touched many lives as a pastor, counselor, encourager and friend. Russell is survived by his loving wife, Leona, son; M ark Smith. Sons and daughters-in-law; David and Judy Smith, James and Angela Smith, Ste­ phen and A licia Smith, Wendell and Bonnie W allace, Jr. Daughters; M arcia Reed, Debbra W allace, LaNita Wallace, and Joy Wallace- H all; Son-in-law; M ike Hall; fifteen grandchildren, three great-grandchil­ dren; Brothers and sisters-in-law; Charles and Virginia Smith, Pauland Beatrice Smith, Maude Smith (wife o f deceased brother, Clarence); Sis­ ters; Louise Jenkins, and May Wash­ ington (deceased); numerous rela- 282-9496 September 24-29, 1995; 7:00 P.M. Nightly Theme: Invitation To A Royal Wedding Matt. 22:1-10 Guest Speaker: Rev. Manson Johnson, Pastor Holman Street Baptist Church, Houston, Texas 77251-1420 Presenting The Harvest Crusade Russell James Smith tives, and a host o f friends. Your involvement with his life is the biggest thanks we have. God bless you as you continue the mission he started. The family CftMafi • • • • • L IF l’ OF MUHAMMAD •ree Public Seminar Sunday School - 9:30am Sunday Morning Worship Service - 11:00am Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting Tues - 6:30pm Bible Study Wednesday 6:00pm Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm Church Phone Number 287-7457 We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us. The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Chris! Is All. Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor D on ’t miss this opportunity to see and hear this man o f GOD teaching and preaching on the Word Our Theme COME AND SEE Date: Oct. 4 thru 6, 1995 Time: 7:30 P.M. Place: First A.M.E. Zion Church 4304 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR. W orkshop each day. Evangelist Reverend Dr. Norman Howard Hicklin Director o f The Dept. o f Evangelism o f the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Renown author of. Witnessing to Zion’s Leadership sponsored by the Oregon-W ashington conference and Cascade District Boards o f Evangelism o f the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church GREA TER F A IT H C H R IS TIA N CENTER C H U R C H O F G O D I N C H R IS T Cox Funeral Home Inc. (503)281-4891 Afro-Amehcan M uslin Leader, Al-Hnjj Dr Muzalfer Ahmed Zafar will speak on the L if:, Teachings, and Practices of the Prophet of Islam, and th nr relevance to current social issues Sunday, September 24, 1995, 12:00 noon The Portland Rlzwi a Mosque 9925 S.W. 35tt Ave. Portland Contact (503)245-9041 Message Center (503)246-0813 A .A. C O X , SR. Mortician <& Funeral Director C H AR LE N E COX TAN N ER Manager JEROME G. TANNER A. Funeral Director WELCOME TC THE NEWLY REMODELED! | CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER LOCATED AT 5 5 2 2 N. ALBINA AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 9 7 2 1 7 PH. 2 8 3 -1 6 3 5 E vangelitic A nnual C rusade Vancouver Ave. 1st Baptist Church, 3138 N. Vancouver Avenue 103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212 Olis Fowler, many cousins, nieces, nephews, and host c f friends. Forrest was best remembered for his open, gentle nature and his w illing­ ness to help any and everyone he could. He w ill be sorely missed by everyone who loved him, but God w ill always love him best. The pubic is invited to a free seminar on the life and teachings o f Muhammad, the H oly Prophet o f Islam. The participants w ill learn about the extraordinary personality who established a religion dedicated to one God, revolutionized the life o f m illions and raised the status o f women and preached general social justice. Today, 14 centuries after the death o f Muhammad, his influence is still powerful and persuasive. An Afro-American Muslim leader, Alhaj M uzaffar Ahmad Zafar o f Dayton, Ohio, national vice president o f The Ahmadiyya Movement in Island w ill be the keynote speaker. He w ill explain the Islamic teachings and there relevance to current social issues. Guests w ill have the opportu­ nity to ask questions. The session w ill be held at noon on Sunday at the Portland Rizwan Mosque, 9025 S.W 35th Ave. The Ahmadiyya Movement, a dynamic missionary sect o f Islam, was founded by Hazrat M irza Ghulam Ahmad ofQ adian, India in March o f 1989. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has built Mosques and mis­ sions throughout the w orld and is actively engaged in education and welfare activities in 150 countries o f the world. Rev. Amzie Bailey, Pastor