, J P agi B8 S eptember 20, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver IE MR Ï , . g» ÆT ÄIV F ” Kf - W J à U •;S I w IF Oregon Men’s PAC Why Taking Our Drivers’ Licenses Is Bad Law I he 68th Oregon Legislature passed a new law that will suspend drivers' licenses for '‘failure to pay child support” It is effective Sep­ tember 9th, 1995. I here isn't enough space here to explore all the pros and cons o f this proposal. Besides the common sense question echoed by Rep. Luke on the lloor of the House — "If they can't drive how are they supposed to work and make a living ’” — it's unfair and it's unconstitutional. I hat's already been decided by the high courts o f this great state. Anytime you mess with funda­ mental liberties, you risk the height­ ened scrutiny o f the 14th Amend­ ment: "No Stale shall make or en­ force any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities o f citizens o f the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person o f life, lib­ erty or property without due process o f law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection o f the laws.” The fundamental problem o f equality as we see it is very plain but rarely addressed: the same piece of paper that says we have to pay child support also says the other parent has to let us see our kids. But the state has selectively decided which part o f our court orders it will enforce, the part with the money in it. The other kind o f support, the emotional kind we and our children are very interested in, is disregarded. And that kind o f support has been upheld repeatedly as a liberty interest, too. Back to HB 2357. Itisnot law to suspend or withhold licenses for be­ ing behind in your child support. You are prevented from even getting a hardship permit. This is a harsher penalty than if you are convicted of driving drunk. What is the logic be­ sides wanting to punish'1 It is often overlooked by many o f the opposing viewpoint who testi­ fied at public hearings for this bill that this already has the power under law to put us in prison (nonsupport has been a Class C felony since 1971) and take everything we have o f val­ ue. This government needs to start finding out why the money isn’t be­ ing paid. Justice Riggs o f the Oregon Court o f Appeals used to be the pre­ siding judge in Multnomah County. In a m id-80’s interview for a Wil­ lamette Week article called “Men on Trial”, he told the reporter that the vast majority o f men being prosecut­ ed for not paying child support in his courts simply had no money. Back to “unconstitutional”. In 1971 the United States Su­ preme Court’s decided in Bell v. Burson that, regardless o f whether viewed as a right or a privilege, a driver’s license is a valuable entitle­ ment that cannot be suspended or revoked without providing the li­ cense holder his procedural due pro­ cess o f law as required by the Four­ teenth Amendment. Due process in this context requires that, prior to any suspension, the license holder has to be given a notice o f intent to suspend and notice o f the availability o f a hearing. Also, due process requires that, if requested, the licensee must be given a hearing “appropriate to the circumstances” prior to any sus­ pension In 1976 our Court o f Appeals recognized Bell v. Burson in Floyd v. Motor Vehicles Division. It ech­ oed much o f the above protections. Floyd added that a government agen­ cy cannot “unilaterally determine facts decisive o f important entitle­ ments" if it is going to operate con­ sistent with due process. 1973’s Josephine Co. Sch. Dist. v. OSAA included a footnote which quoted the U S. Supreme Court in Kent v. Dulles ( 1947). In discussing the right to travel, the highest court of the land observed: “ Freedom of movement is basic to our scheme of values”, and is a liberty that emerged as early as the Magna Charta. It’s a trademark o f all free societies. State v. Norton, (1982) distin­ guished Bell in this way: Unique Oregon Traffic Signs To Come Down r ' eral Highway Administration decid­ ed against adopting them as a nation­ al standard in the Manual o f Uniform Traffic Control Devices.” Williams said there are some in­ herent problems with using the signs. “Even though the signs do pro­ vide a convenience to motorists, they do not clearly define the proper right- of-way for drivers approaching an intersection from other directions. This can also cause confusion for pedestrians and bicyclists using the intersection. Motorists viewing one o f these signs with the accompany­ ing stop sign are presented with con­ flicting messages. Safety consider­ ations demand that every sign we place in an intersection be as clear and easy to understand as possible,” Williams said. Only in Oregon will you find signs posted at certain intersections chat read "right turn permitted with­ out stopping.” But those signs will not be in place much longer, accord­ ing to state traffic engineer Brant Williams. " I hese signs are a true Oregon anomaly. To our knowledge, no oth­ er state ever used this kind ofcontrol, and now, with more motorists from out-of-state visiting than ever be­ low we re concerned that visitors may become confused by the signs,” Williams ypid. Although the signs have a long history in Oregon, they have never received approval or recognition by the federal government. “We have documentation o f in­ tersections allow ing right turns with­ out stopping, dating back to the 1940s, Williams said "In 1985, O D O T (O r­ egon Department o f Transportation) The state is allowing three years for the signs to come down. “ODOT has adopted a policy of removing all existing signs and we are encouraging cites and counties to do the same,” Williams said. “W e’re conducted a student o f the signs' effectiveness in order to gain federal approval, but unfortunately the Fed­ CELEBRATION of (X b e O O b serU er A U TO PAm T^SALE doing our best to make O regon’s traffic controls consistent within the state as well as with other states around the country.” Meanwhile, Williams is hoping that local motorists will take heed when the signs in their areas come down. “ W e’re very much concerned that local drivers who are used to the signs may continue to make uninter­ rupted right runs, even after the rules ch an g e,” W illiam s said. “ Even though most o f these signs are in low- traffic areas, we want to make sure that motorists respond well and don’t end up being ticketed for failure to obey a stop sign.” A dvertise In I tnifc ^ ìn rtla u ì» (OhscrUlcr Call 288-0033 L J We're working for you, so you're always connected. business means you have to do it all. 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If our lawmakers are truly seri­ ous about collecting support for the children o f this and other states, they will build in effective due process safeguards that will make the Child Support Collection Machine easily accessible to people whose biggest crime is being poor. Perhaps the most important ques­ tion o f all is this: if we continue to let Oregon Legislature pass new child support laws, and they go out and get all that back child support we alleg­ edly owe our ex-wives, are they also going to get us that time with our children those same women refused to let us have? We didn’t think so. And that’s the whole point. Oregon Men’s PAC, 13606 SE McLoughlin #2, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222, Phone: 794-0858. Fax: 794- 0493 -1 Sometimes, building a successful SPECIAL "[ I he] United States Supreme Court has recognized that a licensee has a substantial personal interest in his license to operate a motor vehicle ad that loss o f that license can work a great hardship.” In State v. Cowie (1985), the Oregon Court o f Appeals noted that the State had correctly conceded that a driver's license is a protected prop­ erty interest. In State v. Jones (also in 1985). the State conceded that a driv­ er’s license is a “significant private interest”, and is protected by the Due Process Clause. The U S. Supreme Court agreed previously in Mackey v. Montrym, and that view is echoed in O regon's Boykin v. Ott (1972.) TheOregon M en’s PAC proposes, in cone lusion, that there are better ways to get votes than on the backs o f men who are already doing all they can. The solution is to make this system available to all the good people of Oregon who have the misfortune, not o f their own doing, o f losing their jobs or becoming disabled, whatever CHOICES Law Offices of Daniel E. Russell, P.C. 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