Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 20, 1995, Page 14, Image 14

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    P age
S eptember
20, 1995 • T he
P ortland O bserver
Honoring Widows Of Civil Rights Leaders
Radio Advertising Sales
Christian formatted stations.
Minimum of 2 years outside
sales experiance required
(non-retail). Send or Fax re­
sume with billing and com­
mission history to: General
Sales Manager, 5110 S.E.
Stark Street, Portland, OR,
97215. Fax: 503-238-7202.
An equal opportunity employer.
Sub-Bids Requested
Westside Maintenance Facility
Vancouver, WA
Bid Date: October 2, 1995 11:00
Ron Const. (Oregon), inc.
4621 SW Kelly Ave. Portland, OR 97201
(503) 241-9555 FAX (503) 241-7219 FAX (503) 241-3651
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and
minority owned business and emerging small business enterprises.
Application Support
Sub-Bids Requested
City of Eugene,
Wastewater Division
This position is assigned to sup­
port the general computer
automation needs of the Pub­
lic Works Wastewater Divi­
sion. The duties include pro­
viding technical assistance in
the uses of end-uses of end-
user hardware and software
tools, creating reports, train­
ing end-users, trouble-shoot­
ing, maintaining data integri­
ty, network administration,
and server backup. Requires
one to two years’ experience
in com puter systems and
course work in computer sys­
tems. A two-year related tech­
nical degree is desirable.
Closing Date: September 29,
1995. O btain app lication
packet for Human Resource
and Risk Services, 777 Peal
Street, Room 101, Eugene
OR 97401. (503) 687-5061.
Public Information
D irector,
The City of Eugene, Oregon, is
seeking a Public Information
Director for the Department of
Public Safety. The position
plans, organizes, and imple­
ments the Public Information/
Public Retattons Program and
serves as the primary press
spokesperson for Police, Fire,
and 9-1-1. Applicants should
possess the equivalent of a
, bachelor’s degree and four
years of progressively respon­
sible public relations experi­
ence. Work experience in a
public safety environment is
desirable. The closing date
for applications is 5:00 pm on
September 29,1995. Contact
Human Resource and Risk
Services, 777 Pearl Street,
Room 101, Eugene OR
97401 ; (503) 687-5061 to ob­
tain an application packet. The
City of Eugene values diver­
sity in its work force, and is
committed to affirmative ac­
tion. AA/EOE
Human Resources
Human Resource Assistant -
$9.65-$9.93/hr. Provide tech­
nical support in administra­
tion of comprehensive human
resources program, recruit­
ment, and employee compen­
sation, classification and ben­
efits. Required 2 years expe­
rience in office management
or personnel administration;
high school degree or equiva­
lent. 2 year college or busi­
ness school degree preferred.
Strong written and verbal com­
munication skills. Word per­
fect 5.1 required; Lotus 1-2-3
Obtain application package, 9
a.m. - 4 p.m. Mon.-Fri., EOC
of Clark County, Inc., 10621
NE Coxley Dr., # 207, Van.
WA 98662 (360) 896-9912.
Deadline: Wed., Sept. 13 at 4
Join us in celebrating
^ o rtla n b
Sunset Highway
Sylvan l/C - Highlands l/C
Portland, OR ODOT
Bid Date: September 28,1995 9:00 a.m.
Kiewit Marmolejo
P.O. Box 1769 Vancouver, WA 98668
(360) 693-1478 or (503) 685-4687, FAX (360) 693-5582
CCB #63471
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub-bids from all subcon­
tractors and suppliers including Minority and Women-Owned Businesses,
Disadvantaged, Disabled Veterans, and Emerging Small Business Enterprises.
Invitation For Bids
T h e P O R T L A N D D E V E L O P M E N T C O M M IS S IO N
w ill re c e iv e s ea led Bid for:
M em o rial C o liseu m S ta irw a y U p g ra d e -R e p a irs
until 4:00 p.m., Pacific Standard Time (PST) on October 5,
1995, at its offices located at 1120 S. W. Fifth Avenue, Suite
1100, Portland, Oregon 97204-1968, at which time and place
all bids will be publicly opened, and read aloud. Work will be
performed in accordance with the City of Portland Standard
Construction Specifications, July 1987 edition, as amended
by these contract documents. A mandatory prebid confer­
ence will be held on September 27,199 5 at 3:00 p.m. at the
Portland Development Commission Office. Documents
may be obtained from the Portland Development Commis­
sion by payment of a refundable deposit of $20.00. Inquiries
and bids should be directed to Arsinoe Speliotopoulos at 823-
All bidders must file fpr prequalification no later than October
5, 1995, 4:00 pm, in accordance with the Instructions to
Bidders, and ORS 279.039(. ), in the following City of Port­
land categories: 3,21,22,31. Prevailing wage rates as set
forth in the Contract Documents must be paid on the Project.
The bidder must be licensed under ORS 468.883. No bids for
a construction contract shall be rendered or considered by the
Commission unless the bidder is registered with the Con­
struction Contractors Board or licensed by the state Land­
scape Contractors Board. Performance and Payment Bond
and Bid Bond will not be required for the project.
Each bid must contain a statement as to whether the bidder
is a resident bidder as defined in ORS 279.029. The Commis­
sion may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed
public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject
for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the Commis­
sion that it is in the public interest to do so.
The Portland Development Commission is committed to
acting affirmatively to encourage and facilitate the participa­
tion of Emerging Small Businesses (ESB), Minority Business
Enterprises (MBE), and W omen Business Enterprises (WBE)
in Commission projects and operations. Responsible bid­
ders must comply with established goals in this project as
stipulated in these bid documents.
Portland Development Commission
Arsinoe Speliotopoulos
Construction Management Coordinator
(From left to right) Myrlie Ever, Coretta Scott King, and Dr. Betty Shabazz.
Three prominent widows o fc iv ­
il rights leaders—Mrs. Coretta Scott
King, Mrs. M yrlie Evers-Williams
and Dr. Betty Shabazz w ill be hon­
ored at the I Ith Annual Brunch o f
the National Political Congress o f
Black Women (NPCBW ) on Sun­
day, September 24, 1995, as a finale
to the annual Congressional Black
Caucus Legislative Week.
More than 1,500 African Amer­
ican women and men from through­
out the country are expected to at­
tend the highly popular brunch,
scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m. at
the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Capitol
H ill in Washington.
Dr. C'. DeLores Tucker. Nation­
al Chair o f NPCBW said, “ The lives
and accomplishments o f these three
women are remarkable in what they
have had to overcome-persona I trag­
edy, grief, the awesome responsibil­
ities o f raising their children, having
the courage and commitment to con­
tinue in the struggle for equal rights
and economic progress. These three
women demonstrate the courage,
faith, determination, talent and re­
sourcefulness o f Black women ev­
erywhere. For our young people who
are searching for role models, Mrs.
King, Mrs. Evers-Williams and Dr.
Shabazz (the widow o f Malcolm X)
offer guidance and inspiration.”
Mrs. King is the founder o f the
Atlanta based King Center for Non­
violent Social Change, and led the
successful effort for the passage o f
federal legislation making Dr. King’s
birthday a national holiday.
Dr. Betty Shabazz is the Direc­
tor o f Institutional Advancement and
Public Relations/Cultural Attache'
for the Medgar Evers College o f the
City University o f New York, and a
nationally recognized expert on the
sociological and economic conditions
o f minorities.
M yrlie Evers-Williams former
corporate and government executive,
now heads the National Association
forthe Advancement ofColored Peo­
ple (NAACP).
The non-partisan NPCBW was
founded in 1984 to encourage the
pol itical aspirations o f A trican Amer­
ican women. The focus has been on
education and training m illions o f
African American young women so
that they might be prepared for lead­
ership positions in the 2 1 st Century.
NPCBW also leads a national educa­
tional campaign against “ gangsta rap"
and misogynistic song lyrics direct­
ed toward African American youth.
Tickets for this event range from
$55 to corporate levels o f $250 per
person. For reservations and infor­
mation regarding the September24th
Brunch, call 202-338-0800 or fax
your request to 202-625-0499.
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Join In Celebrating
^ In rth u tb
(Db s e rv e r’s
4069 N.E. M.L.K Blvc
50% T O 75% OFF RETAIL
P re s e n t 10% co u p o n w ith p u rch ase fo r
ad d itio n a l savin g s.
F u rn itu re • B edding • C lothing
R u g s • H o u s e w a re s • Too ls • Toys
E le c tro n ic s • Lam ps • Flatew are
A u to A ccesso ries
A nd M uch More!
OPEN TUE-FRI 10-6, SAT 10-5,
S u b B id s R e q u e s te d
W eight W atchers
today and cut the fat,
not the food.
Snake River Correctional Institution - Phase II
Ontario, Oregon
Bid Package No. 2
Structural Foundations and Site Utilities
Bid Date: September 29, 1995 at 4:00pm
Pre-Bid: September 20,1995 at 1:00pm
Bid Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8934
1300 SW Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR 97201 - OR License #28417
We are an equal opportunity employer an request sub bids from all interested firms including
disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises
Motor Carrier Specialist 1 (Motor Carrier Auditor)
The Oregon Public Utility Commission and the Oregon Department
of Transportation are recruiting for motor carrier auditor to conduct
audits of motor carriers throut the U S. and Canada, for the purpose
of determining whether or not carriers have correctly reported and
paid their Oregon highway use taxes. Offices located in Portland,
Pendleton, Salem, and Eugene. To qualify, you must have four years
of experience applying transportation laws, rules and regulations.
Experience could have been gained in a motor carrier shipper
organization, transportation regulatory agency, military branch, law
Enforcement agency, or public utility commission agency. Closes 5
p.m., Monday, October 9, 1995. Requires completion of State of
Oregon application form and response to examination questions
included in application materials. For applications materials, call
(503) 373-7949, TDD 1 -800 648-3458, or write Public Utility Com­
mission, Personnel Services, 550 Capitol Street NE Salem OR
97310-0335. Equal opportunity employer
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Nonn Portland
Northeast Euriinm i
Univentty of Portland:
Tillamook Park Bldg:
5000 N Willamette Blvd .ColumbiaHall
(Enter from Portsmouth). Wcd-4 45pm
2IO 8 N E 41st A v e . Mon- 700 pm ,
Tues- 7 00 p m . Wed-9 30 a m & 5 00
p m . Thurs- 7:00 p m ; Fn- 9:30 a m
Temple Baptist Church:
Northwest Portland
2141 N W 25th Avenue (25th &
Vuaghn). Ijib Bldg . 2nd Floor; Audito­
rium, Thurs 12:00 Noon
1319 N E. 7th; Fireside Room; Tues
12:00 Noon
Nationwide Insurance:
919N E 19th Ave .AnnexRoom, Wed
11:30 a m
C all Collect - Weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Weight Watchers •
503 7971021
As people vary, so does individ ual weight loss maintenance and results
« 1995 W eight W atcher« International Inc O w ik - i o f the W eight W a tc h « » tiatkm arh
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