S eptember 20, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B4 Toliticaiby Correct ‘Bib be 'Pu.bCished The New Testament gets a ma­ jo r facelift next month with a new English translation eliminating ref­ erences to God the Father, turning the Son o f Man into “the human one” and removing accusations that Jews killed Christ The new translation says chil­ dren should not “obey” their parents but heed them. Wives are no longer “subject” to their husbands but com ­ mitted to them. “Darkness” is no longer equated with evil because of racist overtones and the “L ord's Prayer” now begins "Our Father- Mother in heaven.” References to the right hand of God are also deleted, eliminating possible embarrassment to left-hand­ ed people. It now becomes G od’s mighty hand. The editors o f “The New Testament and Psalms: An In­ clusive Version 'deny they have spent the last five years producing a “polit­ ically correct” bible but admit that a legion o f traditionists are waiting in the wings to "cast the first stone” and begin one o f the biggest bible de­ bates in years. Some c ritic s have a lre a d y charged that the editors have cen­ sored the bible in order to order to make it fit the political trends o f the day The book will be published by Oxford University Press, a major publisher o f biblical translations. "This translation is aimed at churches and Christians who are thoughtful about the way the bible includes everyone. I think political correctness is a pejorative term which is used by people who want the bible to produce obedience not thought­ fu ln e ss,” said Susan B rooks Thistlethwaite o f the Chicago Theo­ logical Seminary, who is one o f the six editors. “ I have had people say to me: ‘If the King James version o f the bible was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me,” ’ she added. Thistlethwaite said the editors were proud o f the way they handled the anti-Semitic overtones o f the New Testament. For example, they have eliminated all references to the Jews killing Jesus as in Thessalonians 2:14- 15, which in standard translations says: “...for you suffered the same things from your own compatriots as they did from the Jews who killed both the Lord Jesus and the proph­ ets.” That becomes in the inclusive translation: "... for you suffered the same from your own compatriots as they did from those who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets.” “ I believe we are one o f the first translations to take on the issue of anti-Semitism," Thistlethwaite said. “The New T estament consists o f Jews talking to Jews. They are not saying the Jews are bad, they are saying ‘We Jews over here disagree with you Jews over there. ’ When John talks of Jews he means Jewish leaders.” The translation also makes a great effort to reduce the number of times God is referred to as Lord because lords as a ruling group are passe. “The Lord God doesn’t cut it these days because we don’t have lords. I thought o f using the phrase The One to Whom You Swear Alle­ giance,’ but frankly that was awk­ ward. We often use the phrase ‘ Most High,’ because it is more accurate,” Thistlethwaite said. The 23rd Psalm, which used to begin “The Lord is my shepherd” now starts “God is my shepherd” and the pronoun “he” is dropped entirely from the poem. The word “slaves” is also dropped in the new translation, replaced by “people who were enslaved,” and the phrase “the blind” becomes “people who are blind.” But the editors drew a line at cal ling disabled people “different­ ly abled.” Thistlethwaite insisted in an interview that the authors o f the King James version “felt themselves much freer to depart from the origi­ nal word o f the text than we (lid.” For example, in the King James version the phrase “God regards not the legs ofthe runner” becomes: “The race is not to the swift.” o (S>f Russell Jam es Smith <5 // CsJEenwrp We thank our friends for your prayers, sharing o f tears and laugh­ ter, kind comments, generous and thoughtful gifts, food, contributions to the Russell James Smith Educa­ tional Scholarship Fund, and most o f all, love for us during this difficult time If we missed anyone in the ‘Thank Y ou’ process, please forgive us. It was not intentional. We appre­ ciate you in this public statement. On W ednesday, September 6, 1995, homegoing services for Russell James Smith were held a, Maranatha Church, Portland, Oregon Whether you knew h im or not, you would have been touched by the spirit-filled and heart-warming comments given by his family and several of his life-long friends. The feeling from the open­ ing prayer to the final viewing was one o f respect, awe, and sometimes humor as participants shared their most precious memories o f him. Russell James Smith, 71, died quietly Thursday morning, August 31, 1995 o f a hart attack. On August 31,1951, he married Gertrude “Trudy” Stitt, enjoying al­ most 26 years o f marriage. They had five sons, one o f which preceded them in death in infancy. After a 12 year battle with cancer, Trudy went home to be with the Lord in 1977. Later, Russell fell in love with Leona Wallace. On March 24,1978, they were married. Their 18 years of marriage created a large, loving fam- Homegoing o f Forrest Gene Bell Forrest Gene Bell was born No­ vem ber 5, 1961 to the union of Albertine Bell and Glory Bell Senior in Houston, Texas. Forest migrated to Portland, Oregon with his family in 1965. He attended Irvington, Vernon and graduated from John Adams High School. Forrest received Christ at the age o f 20 and was baptized under the lead­ ership o f Pastor Faulkner, o f St. Paul Missionary, Portland, Oregon. He wed Carol Lowe McClure on June 18,1988. Forrest leaves to mourn his moth­ er and father, his daughter, Akilah, a sister, Pamela Johnson, a Brother-in- Law Steven Johnson of Moreno Val­ ley, California, six brothers, Roy Ed­ ward, Kenneth Ray, Elroy Jr, Anthony Dwaine, Michael Lee, and Larry Vernard and two aunts, Geraldine Powe and Mary Turner, five Uncles, WiIliams Jr, James, Roy, George and ily, blending his four sons and her five daughters and one son. Russell touched many lives as a pastor, counselor, encourager and friend. Russell is survived by his loving wife, Leona, son; Mark Smith. Sons and daughters-in-law; David and Judy Smith, James and Angela Smith, Ste­ phen and Alicia Smith, Wendell and Bonnie W allace, Jr. D aughters; M arcia Reed, D ebbra W allace, LaNita Wallace, and Joy Wallace- Hall; Son-in-law; Mike Hall; fifteen grandch i Idren, three great-grandchi I- dren; Brothers and sisters-in-law; Charles and Virginia Smith. Paul and Beatrice Smith, Maude Smith (wife o f deceased brother, Clarence); Sis­ ters; Louise Jenkins, and May Wash­ ington (deceased); numerous rela- ‘ uhammad’s Life. M CeLebratedAt Mosque The pubic is invited to a free seminar on the life and teachings of Muhammad, the Holy Prophet o f Islam The participants will learn about the extraordinary personality who established a religion dedicated to one God, revolutionized the life of millions and raised the status o f women and preached general social justice. Today, 14 centuries after the death o f Muhammad, his influence is still powerful and persuasive. An Afro-American Muslim leader, Alhaj Muzaffar Ahmad Zafar of Dayton, Ohio, national vice president o f The Ahmadiyya Movement in Island will be the keynote speaker. He will explain the Islamic teachings and there relevance to current social issues. Guests will have the opportu­ nity to ask questions. The session will be held at noon on Sunday a, the Portland Rizwan Mosque, 9025 S.W 35th Ave. The Ahmadiyya Movement, a dynamic missionary sect o f Islam, was founded by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad o f Qadian, India in March of 1989. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has built Mosques and mis­ sions throughout the world and is actively engaged in education and welfare activities in 150 countries of the world. E vangelitic A nnual C rusade Rev. Amzie Bailey, Pastor Vancouver Ave. 1st Baptist Church, 3138 N. Vancouver Avenue 2 8 2 -9 4 9 6 September 24-29, 1995; 7:00 P.M. Nightly Theme: Invitation To A Royal Wedding Matt. 22:1-10 Guest Speaker: Rev. Manson Johnson, Pastor Holman Street Baptist Church, Houston, Texas 77251-1420 Presenting The Harvest Crusade D o n ’t m iss this opportunity to see and hear this m an o f GOD teaching and preaching on the Word Russell James Smith tives, and a host o f friends. Your involvement with his life is the biggest thanks we have. God bless you as you continue the mission he started. The family Our Theme ' COME AND SEE Date: Oct. 4 thru 6, 1995 Time: 7:30 P.M. Place: First A.M.E. Zion Church 4304 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR. Workshop each day. Evangelist Reverend Dr. Norman Howard Hicklin Director o f The Dept. of Evangelism o fth e African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Renown author of. Witnessing to Zion’s Leadership ¿BajitLit ¿ Z /ia ’u z/i 103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212 Forrest Gene Bell Otis Fowler, many cousins, nieces, nephews, and host of friends. Forrest was best remembered for his open, gentle nature and his wil ling- ness to help any and everyone he could. He will be sorely missed by everyone who loved him, but God will always love him best. LIFE OF MUHAMMAD Free Public Seminar Sunday School - 9:30am Sunday Morning Worship Service - 11:00am Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting Tues - 6:30pm Bible Study Wednesday 6:00pm Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm Church Phone Number 287-7457 We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us. The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Christ Is All. Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor GREA TER F A IT II CHR ISTIAN CENTER C H U R C H O F G O D I N C H R IST Invites You to Worship with Us! Sunday Morning 11:30am Cox Funeral Home Inc. (503)281-4891 Afro-American Muslim Leader, Al-Hajj Dr Muzaffer Ahmed Zafar will speak on the Life. Teachings, and Practices of the Prophet of Islam, and their relevance to current social issues Sunday, September 24, 1995, 12:00 noon The Portland Rlzwan Mosque 9925 S.W. 35th Ave. Portland Contact (503) 245-9041 Message Center (503)246-0813 A. A. COX, SR. Mortician & Funeral Director ALBINA CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER LOCATED AT Jerome G. Tanner A. Funeral Director * — 106 N. Killingsworth St. Come and enjoy Christ centered Praise and W orship And The anointed Preaching/Teaching ministry of our Pastor, Rev. H. Bernard Ings, Jr. CHARLENE COX TANNER Manager Order of Services JEROME G. TANNER A. Funeral Director Sunday School - 10:00am Morning Worship - 11:30am Sunday Evening - 6:30pm WELCOME TO THE NEWL Y REMODELED' 5 5 2 2 N. ALBINA AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 9 7 2 1 7 PH. 2 8 3 -1 6 3 5 sponsored by the Oregon-W ashington conference and Cascade District Boards o f Evangelism o f the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church The Loss o f a loved one is always a traum atic experience. B ut it can be made easier i f y o u contact a fa cility that has your interest at heart. Tuesday Evening - 7:30pm Prayer/Bible Study 1st A 3rd Friday - 7:30pm Evangelistic Service ONE SERVICE C O U LD CHANCE VOUR ENTIRE LIFE BISHOP SAMUEL M. IRVING, PASTOR S E R V IC E S SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 9 :4 5 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP CELEBRATION! 1 1 :0 0 A.M. SUNDAY EVENING HOUR OF POWER! 6 :0 0 P.M. WEDNESDAY EVENING: WORSHIP & PRAISE! FAMILY TRAINING HOUR 7 :0 0 P.M. Everybody is saying: “ I T 'S L IV E !” Mt Olivet Baptist Church 8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. Worship Services 8:00am & I 1:00am. Church School 9:30 to 10:30am, Bible Study, Wednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00atn on KBMS ¿Teaching Church With 4 Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor (503) 240-PRAY FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH 4224 S.E. 62nd Avenue (between Powell & Foster) Portland, Oregon 97206 SUNDAY Sunday S ch ool 9:30am M orning Worship 10:45am Evangelistic Service 7:30pm Tuesday P astoral Teaching 7:00pm FRIDAY Evangelistic Service 7:00pm DAILY Prayer 12:00pm & 6:00pm (503) 774-5470 PASTORS: Bishop Robert Simpson, Jr ■ Dr. Ida M Simpson