-3 m 'f » w w a * ' . ; • — » B a v n u P age B3 T he P ortland O bserver • S eptember 2 0, 1995 Wlje ^JartÎêxnb ODhseruer ENTERTAINMENT Award - Winning Jefferson I ligh School Dancers Jazz Tap Th e ir Wag Through Essence Of Ellington Several current members and some re­ cent d istin g u ish e d g rad u ates from the Jefferson Performing Arts High School are playing a large role in the upcoming Essence o f Ellington, a music, dance and video salute to ja z z great Duke Ellington premiering at 7:30 PM on Saturday, September 23,1095 at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. These outstanding “Elling-teens” have been busy Studying rare film clips ofthe dance sequenc­ es in record and concert promotions, movie sequences like the famous “Cabin in the Sky” and D uke's first movie made in the 1930s “Symphony in Black,” to correctly imitate the steps o f featured dancers like the ' Lindy- hop Dancers” in a film called “Cottontail.” These up and coming “ Rug-cutters” in­ clude Jefferson High School senior Yogi Hall who recently returned to Portland after winning a scholarship to attend the presti­ gious Alvin Ailey Dance Company W ork­ shop this past August. Two other performers in Essence o f Ellington also attended the Alvin Ailey school: Rose Festival Court prin­ cess and honors graduate Kahleelah Rahsaan from Northeast Portland, and Kamaria Kyle, who has also preformed with the Northwest African American Ballet Theatre. Kahleelah and Kamaria received scholarships to attend the University o f Oregon this fafl where they will be studying and dancing. Other Alvin Ailey Scholarship recipients include Yoji Hall, a senior at Jefferson Per­ forming Arts High School. In addition to study­ ing art, he is equally adept at the martial arts and acting classes. Bunky Hodlan is a member of the Northwest African Ballet Theatre and served this summer as a counselor for the Young Musicians and Artists Summer Work­ shop in Salem. Taj Hill is a senior at Jefferson High School and a third year Jefferson Dancer and second year member o f the Northwest African American Ballet. Two other dancers performing in Es­ sence o f Ellington are recent graduates from Join In Celebrating Jefferson high School. Ron Smith began danc­ ing in the Dalles, and continued his training as a Jefferson Dancer. While still a student at Jefferson, he received the highly coveted scholarship for Arts Recognition and Talent Search After a stint dancing and teaching in Italy, Switzerland, Austria and Germany, he is now a co-owner and principal instructor at the Oregon Dance Academy. Jimi Renfro has recently returned from a four year stint in Italy where he choreographed, danced and acted in Italian productions, opera compa­ nies and television. Mr. Renfro is currently on the dance faculty at Jefferson High School. J o in ns a t th e » E sse n c e o f E llin g to n » o n S a tu r d a y , S e p te m b e r 2 3 Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall 7:30 pm An Evening of Rare Film Clips, the Jefferson Dancers, and two All-Star Jazz Bands Narrated by Mercer Ellington Tickets: Ticketmaster (224-4400) or PCPA Box Office General $20/Student $10 (M e n tio n " P o r t la n d O b s e r v e r " a n d r e c e iv e # 5 o ff g e n e r a l t ic k e t p r ie s ! ) E V I.O .A BLEEK’F S T A R C H IL MR. EVERLASTN KENNY MACK MANIAC LOK G - I S M X -K ID L IF E S A V A S COOL NUTZ T IM E B O M B MR. DEVIL A d vertise F or Diversity SOLO P. MISER A L L A G E S -9 P M LA LUNA R ARAMI At IAIA IAJHS «B K U l M I 111 CL j t i i T c i f t i u i i i i n n n s n a n s frm n nu a n » ijict r i tritic i e m u si i m i P -T o w n P ro d u c tio n ‘Bach to School AdvertiseJn- Wlje jLlnvtlanh (Oh se rue r Call: ’ 288-0033 T h e tr a p lla m l LA LU N A & S M A LL A XE P R E S E N T «Ja D C AHMI VERS ARY The colorful dance sequences will be per­ formed by the Jefferson Dancers, Teny Brock, and Gracey Tune. Essence o f Ellington is a fundraiser for student scholarships for the Black Studies Department at Portland State University and for youth jazz music scholar­ ships from the Jazz Society o f Oregon. Photo oourtesy o f On Broadway. I to r Shirley Nanette, zUrbar DePnest, Mel Brown, Dennis Sponger, Toni Webb center Steve Jonea E-THOUGHT JjJartlanh (©bserucr’s Essence o f Ellington is a music, dance and film tributetojazz legend Duke Ellignton, as narrated by his son. Mercer Ellington. The West Coast premiere of a collection of rare film clips and performance outtakes of the Duke in concert, this event will feature top jazz performers like Ron Steen and his friends. The Gap Band was scheduled to play the lotus Card Room, Sunday Evening, weather permitting. Well, the weather didn't iexactly permit it. but what’s a little rain, a little thun­ der, ia little lightening, to a Portlander, right? The show went on ¡anyway, and The Gap Band played to an im­ pressive crowd. They Iliad 'em lined up down the block, waiting for the chance to be a ipart o f history, part o f a Gap Band Audience. A disco dance, featuring seven­ ties music, opened for the imain event, so , when the time came, the crow was warmed up, if ia a little wet. I he clock struck 10:00, and the drummer icounted 1,2,3,4, and it was on. The opening number, main ly a i Rap thang, was on hit Then, all o f a sudden, there was a face iin the crowd, a face with a familiar Gap toothed smile, the iface o f Charlie ?, the lead singer, Clarence Clemons - Peacemaker C l i 99 ' om paet J) lZcom )44 Dise G-MO BALLIN' 4 LIFE Donation: $4.00 For More Info. Call 335-8789 T he B ig Man returns with “ Peacemaker” his latest solo effort and a brand new direction for the F.-Street Band sax player. On this record he weaves mood o f peace, love and tolerance through sax, A fric a n pe rcussion, be lls and synthesizers. CLARENCE CLEMONS PEACEMAKER oturing "B o llin o n d 'It's An Everyday Thing To Roll' When you take a ride with G-Mo you roll through life in West Covina, Cali­ fornia. As the Southern California rap scene begins to emerge, G-Mo is likely to be leading the pack. De-Sh-Ref, 1-5-1, Arjay, and Dimond Place: Brooks Building (next to House of Sound) Address: 3620 N. Williams Ave. Date: Friday September 22, 1995 Time: Doors Open at 8:00pm appeared to be Black Muslim body guards, and the ¡constant references to the upcoming m en's march on Washington, ithat will be lead by Louis Farrakann, made me wonder who the ¡event was actually benefit­ ing. In any case, this concert, one o f a number o f big name italent con­ certs put on y early by the lotus card room, was lenjoyed by all who were privileged to make an appearance. It i was, in the words o f a Gap band song “Outstanding” . I don’t know about y a’II, but I personally believe that we ieould use a few more acts like The Gap Band in Portland. What iabout you? Write the Portland Observer, and let us know how lyou feel, and keep read­ ing for news o f up coming events. REMEMBER. YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST!! N E W M U S IC A T A G R E A VT T L O W P R IC E ! La s selle H ip -H op Rap Show & Dance featuring shaking hands as he walked Ito the front. He mounted the stage, and it was on all over ¡again. They had come to drop a bomb on Portland, and that’s ¡exactly what they did, moving with ease thru a songlist that isounded like “ The Gap Band’s Greatest Hits; songs like “Early tin I he Morning, You Dropped a Bomb On Me, Candy, and lOutstanding”, were dropped on the usually sedate Portland icrowd, as the thundering rhythm section whipped the crowd into ia musical frenzy. That would have been enough, but NO— . They ¡followed up with a repatuore o f Sly Stones Greatest hits. ¡Portlands on Andy Stokes, was in the mix, lending a local ¡flavor to the scene, but there was no doubt o f it being a Gap ¡Band Affair. Altho the concert was a benefit for M.D.A., the presence iof what G - M O B A L L IN East Portland 32nd &. Burnside 231-8926 © MUSIC MILl€NNIUM cn CQ44 99 ( ..iiip.n, 4)0 J) IX Com Dise Cassette Offer good thru 10-24-95 NW Portland 23rd & NW Johnson 248-0163 I