P age B2 S eptember 20, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver BANNISTER EXPECTS NEW RECORD IN MILE BASEBALL Peninsula Little League Meeting Set A planning meeting for next year’s Peninsula Little League will be held Saturday, Sept. 30 at 7 p.m. at the Lutheran Inner City M inistries at Skidmore and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Coaches, new board members and various committees are en­ couraged to attend. For more in­ formation, call Pierre DuBoise at 283-3582. BASKETBALL Ainge Retires After 14 Seasons Danny Ainge, a native Orego­ nian who played on two National Basketball Association champions and six conference winners, an­ nounced his retirement from the Phoenix Suns to join the broad­ casting team o f Turner Sports. The veteran guard from Eu­ gene played 14 seasons with Bos­ ton, Sacramento, Portland and I’hoenix after being a second-round draft pick out Brigham Young University. Ainge was a member o f the 1984 and 1986 NBA champion Boston Celtics and was a member o f four other teams that advanced to the NBA Finals. He averaged 11.5 points over his career and played in 183 playoff games, third all-time among NBA players. FOOTBALL Oregon Stumbles At North Texas Jason M ills’ four-yard touch­ down pass to Troy Redwine with nine seconds to play capped a 14- point rally as North Texas edged Oregon State, 30-28, Saturday, for its first-ever win at tne Division I- A level. N orth T exas (1 -2 ) trailed 2 7 -1 6 but W illis H udson re ­ c o rd e d the te a m 's seco n d sa fe ­ ty w ith 6 :2 6 to p lay, pullin g w ith in 2 7 -1 8 . On the resu ltin g p o sse ssio n , the M ean G reen c lo s e d to 2 7 - 2 4 on Bo H a rris o n ’s tw o -y ard run A fter O re g o n S ta te (1 - 2 ) p u n te d , N o rth T ex as w ent 72 y ards on I I plays, capped by M ills’ third to uchdow n pass. M ills finished l9 -o f-3 7 for 220 yard s with fo u r in te rc e p tio n s and th ree to u ch d o w n s, all to R edw ine, w ho had 10 ca tc h e s for 123 y ards. Q uarterback Don Shanklin had 14 carries for 123 yards for Oregon State Mark Olford added 100 yards and touchdowns runs o f three, 27 and four yards. O lford’s third touchdown gave the Beavers a 27-16 lead with 10:22 to play. Nike Gives Away Pride Tickets Need a ticket or two for the Sept. 28 professional indoor soc­ cer game between the Portland Pride and San Jose Grizzlies game at Coliseum? Nike Town is giving away 100 tickets No purchase is necessary, limit tow tickets per person. The giveaway will start at 4 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 25. Nike Town is located at 930 S.W. Sixth Ave. I The world mile record could be brought down to three minutes 30 seconds, the first man to break the four-minute barrier said last week. Britain’s Sir Roger Bannister told a science conference much o f the improvement since his 1954 record o f 3:54.4 had been due to factors such as synthetic tracks, bet­ ter shoes and huge increases in train­ ing. But there was still room for improvement. “ I think that some day next cen­ tury, a three-and-a-half minute mile might be possible,” Bannister told a news conference after addressing the conference. The current m en's mile record o f 3:44.39 was set in Italy in 1993 by Noureddine Morceli o f Al­ geria. But Bannister said there was a limit to how low the record could go “No-one can run a mile in three minutes unless, by some freak of genetic engineering, the structure of the lung and heart are changed to deliver vastly greater amounts of oxygen,” Bannister said. Efforts to boost training could lead to over­ load, Bannister said, citing Briton Sebastian Coe who in the middle of his career suffered a rare lung infec­ tion which normally affects only peo­ ple whose immune system is dam­ aged. Coe, who had earlier set the 800 meters world record of 1:41.73 which still stands 14 years on, recovered and went on to set another world record in the mile. “There comes a point however when training for more than two hours a day, often in two sessions, com­ pared with my paltry 30 minutes a day in the 1950s, can bring its own problems. Some runners are over­ trained,” Bannister said. THE KING OF COLLEGE FOOTBALL COACHES The All-time winningest coach in c o lle g e fo o tb a ll, E d d ie G. Robinson o f Grambling State Uni­ versity, roars into his 55th coaching season in S e p te m b e r. C oach Robinson, who is fast approaching his record 400th victory, has led the Grambling Tigers to 397 wins over his nearly five and one-half decades with the school. His team’s next three victories will take him and them over the top and that much deeper into the record books. The Coach will be 77 years young in February and he continues to thrive on his insatiable love for the game and his dedication to the young men who play it. Over 54 years. Coach Robinson has shared his per­ sonal wisdom, his unswerving pur­ suit o f excellence and his zeal for football with everyone who comes into contact with the team. Coach Robinson has been laud­ ed as a statesman, a legend, the Heir to the Bear (He broke Alabama Coach Paul (Bear} Bryant’s record 323 wins in 1985), and an American Dream come true. This son o f a sharecrop­ per and a domestic worker has been inducted into Hall o f Fames estab­ lished for the National Association o f Intercollegiate Athletics, Sugar Bowl, Pop Warner, Louisiana Sports, Northwest Louisiana, National As­ sociation o f Sport and Physical Edu­ cation, Southwestern Athletic Con­ ference and Grambling State Uni­ versity. He has been praised, recog­ nized and awarded by organizations from coast to coast. Bu, the C oach’s professional legacy entai Is more than Hall o f Fame inductions, tributes and aw ards. Coach Robinson has served as an inspiration, father, friend, counselor, teacher and coach to hundreds o f NETWORKS SPLIT WORLD SERIES COVERAGE o f the World Series as part o f The Baseball Network partnership. ABC will televise Games 1, 4, and 5 and NBC will air Games 2, 3 and 6. ABC and NBC will alsojointly cover the divisional playoffs and the League Championship series. OREGON SCORES HUGE WIN AT UCLA Coach Eddie Robinson, Grambling. The all-time winningest coach in College Football, Eddie G. Robinson Of Grambling State University, Roars into his 55th coaching season in September. Coach Robinson is only three victories shy of his 400th college football win. young men, helping to shape their character and their careers - both on and off the field. M ore than 300 o f C oach Robinson’s players have been to pro football camps. More than 200 have played in the NFL and seven were drafted in the first round. The Coach’s list o f outstanding graduates includes pro football Hall o f Fame inductees Willie Brown (L.A. Raiders). Willie Davis (Green Bay Packers) and Buck Buchanan (K ansas C ity C hiefs). Plus, he coached Paul Tank Younger (L.A. Rams), Doug W i I liams (Washington Redskins), Louisiana State Rep. Raymond Jetson and even former Grambling President Dr. Josheph B. Johnson. What does the King o f Coaches have to say about his amazing win­ ning record?: “The real record I have set for over 50 years is the fact that 1 have had one job and one wife (Doris, who he married in 1941, the same y e a r he b egan c o a c h in g at Grambling].” cal sto res from prosecuting shop­ lifters. The issue arose after two Arme­ nian wrestlers taking part in prelim­ inary events in July were arrested tor shoplifting at a department store. After an Olympic official intervened on their behalf, they left the country and failed to appear for a court hear­ ing. “ We w ill not ask for special tre a tm e n t from law o ffic ia ls or o th e rs ,” Payne said. “ We will b rie f a th le te s on the laws and ad v ise them o f the conseq u en ces o f any w ro n g d o in g .” Payne said his committee would not try to discourage shop owners from prosecuting, but would help “ facilitate communications — espe­ cially when there are language barri- ers. EXPECT FLURRY WITH END OF NDA LOCKOUT A flurry o f activ ity is e x p e c t­ ed now that the N atio n al B a sk e t­ ball A ssociation lo ck o u t has o f­ ficially ended. N B A o w n e r s F r id a y a p ­ proved a six -y ear c o lle c tiv e b a r­ gaining ag reem ent alread y ra ti­ fied by the p lay ers, c le a rin g the way to end the first w ork sto p ­ page in league history. The lockout o ffic ia lly ended on M onday at noon T he o w n e rs a p p ro v e d the deal, 24-5, d u rin g a vote by te l­ ex. A th re e -q u a rte rs m ajo rity , or at least 22 votes, was needed for approval since the vote was done by telex. If the v o tin g was done in person, only a sim ple m ajority w ould have been needed for a p ­ proval. P ersonnel a c tiv ity such as The Harlem Globetrotters lost their first game in 24 years last week to a team o f professional All-stars led by NBA Hall o f Famer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. The Globetrotters were defeated, 91-85, in Vienna, Aus­ tria. The All-stars charged back from a seven-point deficit with less than two minutes to play to record the win. Abdul-Jabbar scored 34 points. Former NBA player Bo Kimble had 13 points and eight rebounds. The Gloetrotters had recorded over 300 wins in exhibition series played worldwide during the run. The last loss came to Red Klotz and his New Jersey Reds, 100-99, in Martin, Tenn. in January 1971. ABC Sports last week won the rights to broadcast the seventh game o f the 1995 World Series, if neces­ sary. Major League Baseball an­ nounced previously that ABC and NBC would split the first six games ATLANTA OLYMPIANS GET CRIME WARNING Olympic athletes cannot expect special treatment if they are caught shoplifting or breaking other laws during next year’s games here, the head o f the Olympic organizing com­ mittee says. Billy Payne, p re sid e n t o f the A tlanta C om m ittee for the O ly m ­ pic G am es, issued the w arning last week to deny re p o rts that organ izers w ould d isc o u ra g e lo- GLOBETROTTERS SUFFER RARE LOSS trad es and signing o f free agents and draft choices has been on hold since the ow ners declared th e ir lockout on July first. “ The trad in g activity that has been pent up at this point will p ro b a b ly start to explode, e sp e ­ c ia lly involving the expansion te a m s,” said C om m issioner D av­ id S tern. “ And we expect free agent m oves to be b risk." T he salary cap will rise to $23 m illion in 1995-96. NBA p layer rep resen tativ es had voted, 25-2, W ednesday to ratify the deal. The player reps met in C hicago one day after play­ ers soundly re je c te d a bid to d e­ c e rtify th e ir union, giving the league and C o m m issioner Stern a decisiv e victory. P la y e r v o te s on d e c e rtific a tio n w ere counted last T u esday at the N atio n al L abor R elatio n s B oard office in New Y ork and the final total was 226- 134 ag ainst d e c e rtific a tio n o f the union. In essen ce, the vote against d e c e rtific a tio n w as a vote for the te n ta tiv e s ix - y e a r a g re e m e n t re ach ed last m onth. If there are no o b jectio n s, the vote is co n sid ered to be c e r­ tifie d by the N LRB If there is a c h a lle n g e , the stan d ard tim e for re so lu tio n is four to six w eeks. The overw helm ing vote to re ­ je c t the d ecertification m ovem ent led by su p e rsta rs M ichael Jordan o f the C h icag o B ulls and Patrick E w ing o f the N ew Y ork K nicks and agent D avid Falk, who re p ­ re se n ts them , v irtu a lly assures th at the 1995-1996 season w ill sta rt on tim e. Tony G raziani’s three-yard to u c h d o w n p a ss to C ristin McLemore with 1:02 left snapped a tie and 20th-ranked O regon’s de­ fense made a last-second goal-line stand to preserve a 38-31 Pac-10 Conference victory Saturday over 12th-ranked UCLA. G raziani’s second touchdown pass capped an eight-play, 79-yard drive as the Ducks (3-0, 1-0 Pac- 10) recovered after blowing a 2 1 -3 second-quarter lead. Graziani, who missed last w eek’s win over I llinois with a shoulder strain, finished 19- for-35 for 256 yards, two touch­ downs with one interception. “ McLemore just made a great coach,” Graziani said. “ He was so wide open I just kind o f lobbed it to him. Ididn'tm akeareal good throw but he made a real good catch for me. This was a really close game and we can’t have too many more like this or it’s going to kill me.” “We all want to come back here on the first o f the New Year and w e're going to,” McLemore said. “They called me to run an out and I knew Graziani was going to put it there. All I had todo wascatch it. It was right there and I caught it.” UCLA, taking over on its own 14 after the ensuing kickoff, used two long passes from freshman Cade McNown o f West Linn to get to the Oregon 4 with 32 seconds left. McNown hit Derek Ayers with a 37-yard pass to the Oregon 49 and split double coverage to find Kevin Jordan for 45 yards. Figueras figured in a decisive play for the second consecutive game. Last week, he forced a fum­ ble by Illinois quarterback Johnny Johnson and recovered it in the end zone as the Ducks rallied for a 34- 31 victory. Ayers had two touchdowns for UCLA (2-1, 0-1), which played without starting quarterback Ryan Fien. Fien suffered a concussion and shoulder separation in last w e e k ’s v icto ry o v e r B righam Young. “We anticipated the game to be really tight and really close, but we expected to win it,” said UCLA Coach Terry Donahue. “The fact that we didn’t get into the end zone is obviously dis­ appointing but the fact is that they gave us a hard 60 minutes.” UCLA scored two third-quar­ ter touchdowns eight minutes apart. M cNown had a three-yard touchdown run and Skip H icks raced 52 yards to give the Bruins a 24-24 tie with 1:28 left in the period. McNown was 12-of-24 for 183 yards and an interception. Jordan finished with six catches for 109 yards. A bdul-Jabbar carried 32 times for 127 yards. It was the first time the teams had played one another since the 1992 season, a 9-6 victory by the Bruins. FOOTBALL STANDINGS AMERICAN FOOTBALL CONFERENCE YY L I ELEA Eastern Div. NATIONAL FOOTBALL CONFERENCE Eastern Div. YY L I EEEA Miami Buffalo Indianapolis New England NY Jets 2 2 1 Dallas Arizona Philadelphia Washington NY Giants Central Div. Pittsburgh Cincinnati Cleveland Houstin Jacksonville w 2 2 2 1 Western Div. Kansas City Denver Oakland San Diego Seattle YY 1 I 0 0 72 17 1 0 58 45 2 0 62 68 1 2 0 23 62 1 2 0 65 89 0 3 2 2 2 1 L I Iff EA 0 0 57 1 0 69 1 0 50 2 0 34 3 0 30 37 62 30 51 61 Iff EA 0 0 77 44 1 0 81 69 1 0 54 38 1 0 48 48 2 0 44 69 SUNDAY RESULTS Buffalo 20. Indianapolis 14 St. Louis 3 1, Carolina 10 Arizona 20, Detroit 17 Green Bay 14, NY Giants 6 Cleveland 14, Houston 7 Kansas City 23. Oakland 17 (OT) Atlanta 27. New Orleans 24 (OT) San Diego 27, Philadelphia 21 Denver 38, Washington 31 NY Jets 27. Jacksonville 10 Seattle 24. Cincinnati 21 San Francisco 28, New England 3 Chicago 25, Tampa Bay 6 Dallas 23. Minnesota 17 (OT) Central Div. Chicago Green Bay Minnesota Tampa Bay Detroit Western Div. San Francisco St. Louis Atlanta Carolina New Orleans 3 0 0 89 38 I 2 0 46 75 1 2 0 58 67 1 2 0 66 65 0 3 0 w £ I 2 2 I 1 0 3 2 0 0 EE I'A 1 0 80 1 0 55 2 0 51 2 0 33 3 0 47 iY 3 23 69 I 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 3 0 UPCOMING SCHEDULE Sunday, Sept. 24: New Orleans at NY Giants Minnesota at Pittsburgh Chicago at St. Louis Washington at Tampa Bay NY Jets at Atlanta Houston at Cincinnati Kansas City at Cleveland Arizona at Dallas Philadelphia at Oakland Denver at San Diego (ireen Bay at Jacksonville Monday, Sept. 25: San Iransisco at Detroit 47 47 64 53 63 EE PA 93 65 60 39 59 35 37 85 85 68