P age A4 S eptember 13, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver _______ ’ African American To Participate Race For The Cure ricer survivo survivor r Sharon Breast cancer Payton w ill take part in the Fourth Annual Susan G. Komen Breast Can­ cer Foundation Race fo r the Cure on Sunday, September 24, 1995 at Tom M cC a ll W aterfront Park in Portland A one-m ile fa m ily run w alk begins at 8:30 a m ., and a 5K run/w alk for a onnsod w th h r » » a c t r»cir»z'a>i- i n 1991. I GO I agnosed w i ith breast cancer in " I believe I was spared m y life to help w ith awareness and to help spread the word that you can survive,” she says. Payton has been participating in the Race fo r the last three years and w ill be speaking at this year’ s Luncheon on September Red Lio n , L lo y d Center. chance o f helping some­ su rvive !” she adds. T L i. _ . » This, Race — organizers expect . . total more A frica n Am erican women in the Race. Breast cancer is the leading cause o f death in A frica n Am erican Payton’ s advice to other women is simple: “ Get educated about this disease, take control o f yo u r body F or inform ation on Race fo r the Cure events, o r to volunteer, call the women. These deaths are m ostly due to the cancer being found after it has already spread to other parts o f the body. E arly detection o f breast can­ th ro u g h Race H o tlin e at (503) 242-1874. and cer w ill give women more treatment options and the chance to recover Identified by h ot-pink visors, nearly 700 breast cancer Survivors participated in the Race last year. S u rvivo r Sharon Payton was d i­ - ___________ Payton is w illin g to speak out on her own experience w ith breast can­ S u rv iv o r’ s 16th at the “ I have the one else to s e lf-e x a m in a tio n - - attendance to reach 15,000. Thisyear, Payton’ s daughter and second-grade son w ill be an enthusiastic addition to that number. women and g irls kicks o f f at 9 a m. This year, the Susan G. Komen Foundation w ould like to involve mammograms. M o s to fa ll, d o n ’t fo r­ get to see you health care profession­ al.” *■— — ■■ cer and the importance o f self-exam ­ ination and regular mammograms. Contract O ’ N e il/B e ria u lt Public Re­ lations at (503) 2 2 0 -0 9 0 1 to arrange interviews. ► Over 700 breast cancer survivors participated in the 1994 Race for the Cure (identified by hot pink visors) at Waterfront Park. AIDS Fight Not Working For Women W omen at the w o rld ’ s largest grassroots forum last week urged development o f new protection meth­ ods to replace condoms and reliance on male cooperation in the fig h t against A ID S . infected w ith the H IV virus that can lead to A ID S , M ishairabwi said. “ The situation is catastrophic. It is a life and death issue. A frica n women want to try m icrobicides.” W om en can in s e rt th e m icrobicides into th e ir vaginas ju s t like spermicides and these w ould be able to k ill the H IV virus carried in the sperm o f their male partner. “ The strategy o f the W o rld Health Organization against A ID S is not w o rkin g and is irrelevant to the w o m e n o f A f r ic a , ” P r is c illa M is ih a ira b w i, c o o rd in a to r o f the ties prom ote condoms as the safest way to combat A ID S (A cq u ire d Im ­ mune D e ficie n cy Syndrdtne), but W H O ’ s o th e r s tra te g ie s — a s in ­ g le p a rtn e r and m e d ic a l tre a tm e n t — w ere n o t p ra c tic a l. The vast m a jo rity o f A frica n women had a single partner but their husbands had many, wh i le poor w om ­ en had no access to medical care, she said. L o ri Heise, o f W H A M , W om ­ en’ s H e a lth A d v o c a te s on M icrobicides, to ld the seminar that 10 diffe re n t m icrobicides were in the developm ent stage but it w ould be “ We cannot w ait fo r five years. M a n y w om en have unsafe sex,” M isih a ira b w i said. another five years before they were com m ercially available. w o m e n w o u ld be in fe c te d w ith the H IV v iru s , d o u b le the c u rre n t T h e ir great advantages w ould be ease o f use, they w ould not neces­ n u m b e r, and fo u r m illio n w o m e n w o u ld have d ie d fro m A ID S , the W o m e n and A ID S g ro u p to ld the s e m in a r. Women and A ID S support netw ork o f Harare, Zim babwe, told a seminar at the N on-G overnm ental O rganiza­ tions Forum on Women. W H O and other health au th o ri­ m en, as h usbands o r cu sto m e rs o f p ro s titu te s , and c o u ld n o t in ­ s is t th a t he use a co n d o m . The B y the y e a r 2 0 0 0 , 13 m illio n women to ld special workshops on a sarily be contraceptive and most im ­ designated A ID S day at the forum portantly, w ould give control o f use that this did not w ork. b f | , , | n , „ n i H y i^ s a id . , , , , , , p v t n t ^ Q r . p l^ m j^ u t jc a ^ q t n - One in four sexually active w om ­ M is ih a ir a b w i said m a n y A f ­ ,, panie^ were .not interested in devel­ en in Zim babw e, fo r example, was ric a n w om en w ere d e p e n d e n t on oping these m icrobicides because Research Center Sponsors Minority Student Interns experience in health care research, says M ary L. Durham, Phd, director o f the CHR. “ Compared to better-known professions, such as medicine, law and engineering, health care research is not very w ell known. Attracting bright, talented people to this field has always been a challenge. Attracting bright, talented m inority candidates has been an even bigger challenge. The best thing we can do to change this situation is to open our doors to m inority students, provide them expe­ rience and training in what we do, and show them that health care research can be an exciting, rewarding career choice.” Seven student were hired as in­ terns this summer, an increase o f two from 1994. Students, teachers o r par­ they did not believe they were com ­ m ercial products and feared litig a ­ tion i f the products did not have the prom ised results, Heise said. O ther health care workers de­ scribed how poverty, recession and This summer, seven Portland res­ idents have been participating in a three-month intern program for m i­ n o rity college students at Kaiser performed included computer entry and verification o f research data, f il­ ing o f research charts and pap smears, as well as clin ic and phone contact with participants in research studies. The program also involved biweekly luncheon meetings w ith CHR scien­ tists and managers to discuss issues in health research. Permanente’s Center for Health Re­ search (C HR ) The C H R ’ s student jn te rn pro­ gram is headed by Sara Lamb, manag­ er o f research operations. Interested en into selling their bodies fo r mon­ ey, placing them in the high-risk cat­ egory. are occurring in women whose o nly risk behavior is sexual intercourse w ith their sole male partners who in turn have had or have continued to have T h i Hoa, o f Vietnam , said girls as young as 15 offered sex fo r as little as 50 cents, w ith many men saying they d isliked using condoms and the girls reluctant to refuse unprotected sex. The N G O forum runs parallel to a U .N . w o m e n ’ s co n fe re n ce in B e ijin g and hopes to influence the conference’ s Platform fo r A ctio n that Mjill detail how to w in greater equal­ ity on issues ranging ft „11, reproduc­ tive rights to A ID S , students submit resumes and are inter­ “ The C H R ’ s internship program offers a good snapshot o f health and viewed by Lamb, who matches them to specific research projects. The stu­ The experts updating the D i­ etary G uidelines fo r Americans, the governm ent’ s seven tips fo r health­ fu l eating, want to add this advice: get some exercise. “ M a n y A m e rica n s are o ve r­ weight and gain w eight as they grow old e r," the nine-member panel says in its proposed revisions to the guide­ lines. It says exercise “ is an im por­ tant way to use up food energy.” “ T ry to do 30 minutes or more o f moderate physical a ctivity on most - preferably all - days o f the week.” The new edition o f the guide­ lines w ill be published late this year. The current version, issued in 1990, recommended Americans lim it fat to p ro vid in g 30 percent o r less o f their d a ily calories - the first tim e the government suggested specific lim ­ its. h e a lth se rv ic e s re s e a rc h ,” says dents work between 20 and 40 hours a week on the projects during their 90- day internship Rukaiyah Adams, who graduated in June from Carleton College in M inne­ This year’ s students worked on sota w ith a degree in political science. “ As interns, w e’ ve gotten exposed to a such projects as cancer research, diet and hypertension, a clinical tria l on greater variety o f networking and ca­ reer options.” women’ s health issues, and a program for providing long-term community- The m ajor purpose o f the intern based care for the elderly. Tasks they T h is Y e a r's S tudents Charm ika Schuster Angela Jackson Rukaiyah Adams Lajena W illia m s Tana Herndon J e ff McGee Henry Newson program is to provide m inority college students with exposure to and work unprotected sex w ith other partners, W H O said. “ The number o f infected women w ith H IV is increasing more rapidly than men in A fric a , in southern A sia ,” H iroshi N akajim a, W H O ’ s director- general, told a news conference. "1 he bleak reality is that the sexual and economic subordination o f women fuels the H IV /A ID S pandemic,” W H O said in its position paper at the Fourth U nited Nations W orld Conference on Women in B eijing. 'W om en’ s vu ln e ra b ility ... is linked to th e ir lo w status in society, and their economic, cultural and social dependence on their male partners,” it said. Some one m illio n women are infected each year, m ainly through unprotected sexual intercourse, it said. Every minute, tw o women are infected w ith H IV . it said. And every tw o minutes, a woman dies o f A ID S : L ike the 1990 version, the up­ dated guidelines w ould recommend Am ericans lim it their fat intake, eat plenty o f grains, fru its and vegeta­ bles, and choose a diet moderate in salt and sugar. They also w ould repeat the cur­ rent advice: “ I f you d rin k alcoholic beverages, do so in m oderation.” The advisory panel’ s suggested revisions must be accepted by the A g ricu ltu re and Health depart­ dietary components under the pan­ e l’ s revisions but the most notable change w o u ld be the advice on weight. “ Balance the food you eat w ith physical activity. M aintain or im ­ prove your w eight,” the panel rec­ ommends because o f concern about rising rates o f obesity. Research says about 30 percent o f Americans are overweight. ments. Copies o f the revisions, com ­ A t present, the guidelines say “ M aintain healthy w eight.” pleted in mid-June, were made avail­ able last week. Dr. W illia m D ietz o f New En­ gland M edical Center Hospitals in The report recommends devel­ opment o f diet guidelines fo r c h il­ dren. The current versions are aimed at adults and not intended fo r c h il­ dren under two. Boston was the leading proponent o f the new wording, which he said would G rains, fru its and vegetables result in a guideline w ith helpful, “ how to do it” advice. “ As far as I cou Id tel 1,99 percent ofth e pressure was to make the guide- w ould be given more prom inence as Join Weight Watchers today and cut the fat, not the food. WEIGHT WATCHERS NEW FAT & FIBER PLAN against childhood diseases, feder­ al health o ffic ia ls said. ommended shots fo r protection against seven diseases — diphthe­ ria , tetanus, p e rtu s s is , p o lio , Studies in some countries show that up to 30 percent o f H I V infections New D ietary G uidelines M ore than a m illio n A m e ri­ can infants have not received all o f th e ir recommended vaccinations one in fo u r children aged 19 to 35 months had not received the rec­ Women were almost absent from the pandemic in 1980 o f the H IV virus that can cause A cquired Immune D eficiency Syndrome (A ID S ), but now total as many as eight m illio n . One In Four Children Not Vaccinated The U.S. Centers fo r Disease C ontrol and Prevention (C D C ) said Women face the bleak reality o f being infected by the deadly H IV virus more q u ic k ly than men, due in part to their economic dependence on men the W orld Health Organization said last week. structural adjustment programs were drivingan increasing number o fw o m - ents interested in next year’ s intern­ ship fo r m inorities contact Terry F itzpatrick at (503) 335-6602. Catlin Gabel is spending the summer learning about health research as an intern at Kaiser Permanente's Center for Health Research. Women Infected By HIV More Quickly Than Men W ant to lose weight? You can count on the new Fat & Fiber Plan. It’s an incredible breakthrough in a weight loss plan because it’s an entirely new way to count food. And it’s only at Weight Watchers. All you do is choose foods that meet your required daily fat and fiber intake. You select what you want, JOIN ANY MEETING ANYTIME mumps, rubella and measles. The C D C based its conclu­ sions on a N ational Im m unization Survey that interview ed parents in more than 25,000 households and when you want. At the supermarket, at your favorite restaurant, at fast food places all over town. Fat &. Fiber will have you feeling — and living — free and easy. Weight W atchers new Fat & Fiber Plan helps put you in control and feeling great. And you can count on that! North Portland used medical records to confirm vaccinations when possible. The A d viso ry Com m ittee on Northeast Portland University of Portland: Tillamook Park Bldg: 5000 N Willamette Blvd , Columbia Hall 2108 N E 41st Ave , M on- 7 00 p.m., (Enter from Portsmouth); Wed-4 45p m Tues- 7:00 p m , W ed-9:30 a m A 5:00 p m ; Thurs- 7 00 p m , Fri- 9:30 a m C olleaeZYear Ilio h School Im m u n iza tio n Practices recom ­ mends that children between the Howard/Soph. U. M aryland/Jr. St. M a ry ’ s C olum bia R iver ages o f 1 1/2 to 3 receive at least fo u r doses o f a vaccine against Vuaghn). Lab B ld g , 2nd Floor; Audito­ Nationwide Insurance: C arleton/grad PSU/Jr. Sr. N .C ar A & T /S o p h C atlin Gabel diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis rium ; Thurs 12:00 Noon 919 NE 19th Ave , Annex Room. Wed Benson Jefferson 1 also known as w hooping cough); three shots against p o lio ; and a Call Collect - Weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Jefferson Nathan Hale (Seattle) mumps and rubella. S.F. State/Jr. PSU/Sr. v a c c in a tio n Northwest Portland 2141 N W Temple Baptist Church: I3 1 9 N 7th; Fireside Room, Tues 12:00 ESCO: 25th Avenue, (2 5 th A Noon 11:30 a m W eight Watchers® a g a in s t m easles, 503-297-1021 A s people v a ry , so does in d iv id u a l w e ig h t loss m ain te n a nce and results © 1*95 Weight W etcher i International Inc Owner of the Weight Watchers trademark All Rights Reserved --------------------- J ■ -■