. AM ' s T* ' - , T ’ / ’ ’ •** SHE -M r» T he P ortland O bserver • S eptember 13, 1995 P age A3 MAY THE . . SOURCE • ’ . BE W ITH-’ . YOU • « Doni lei the dark lorces ol ignorance defeat you Right in this galaxy, you can tap into the source - the tree CONSUMER INFORMATION CATALOG II C»t»/og lists more than 200 tree and À low- A cost government publications on a 1 variety ot important “ • •’ * topics. So dispel Ihe darkness and gel the source Just send your name and address Io f W w 9 v t i tbrarv Southern Methodist Urw vf Consumer Information Center Department Source Pueblo, Colorado 81009 T h e A m e r ic a n E x p e r ie n c e blackened m l Z n d ^ . ? ° nCH S , a,d, 9f rid ° f ,he bu" al° wé're rid of the lndians-" ln less than 50 years, the systematic extermination of the buffalo who once blackened the .windswept plains helped white Americans win the desperate struggle over the last unceded territories of a once endless Indian domain The American Experience presents an encore broadcast of The Way West, this month on PBS. Left photo: The Kansas Pacific Railway uses buffalo heads for advertising purposes to encourage people to go west. Right photo: Chief American Horse and the great Oglala war chief Red Cloud. YMCA Black Achievers Program In Full Swing For Upcoming School Year “Each One Must Reach One and Teach One,” is the motto ofthe Black Achievers Program (BAP) o f the YMCA Columbia-WillameU, and the program is doing just that. After one year o f running on a trial basis, the program wi 11 k ick-off its second year this September. “Our mission,” noted BAP Di­ rector Fawn McDaniel, “ is to chal­ lenge African-American youth to reach their highest potential and achieve greatness.” The central pur­ pose ofthe Black Aciiieveis program is to help African-American high school students set and attain high educational and career goals. To emphasize this, African-Americans jvho have achieved in the profession­ al world are used as role models. Notes McDaniel, “through this pro­ gram o f one-on-one counsel ¡ng, train­ ing, and exposure to the career world, students will be inspired to reach their highest potential.” The Black Achievers in Indus­ try program was originally founded in 1971 by Dr. Leo B. Marsh and YMCA boardm em berCarrieTerrell atthe Harlem Branch YMCA in New York City. The Harlem YMCA sought to achieve its goal by creating a forum to foster an ongoing interac­ tion between Black youth and Black adult role models. Since the success­ ful inauguration o f the Harlem pro­ gram, Black Achievers programs have been initiated in several other cities including Chicago, Washing­ ton, D C., Atlanta, Detroit, Boston, and Louisville, KY Regardless ofthe make-up o f the individual BA pro­ grams, each shares the apparent goal o f the first program founded in Harlem -- to help youth set high education and career goals through role models and examples o f high achieving adults. “The Black Achievers programs also attempt to counteract the influ­ ences o f many o f society’s ills today -- teenage pregnancy, drug use and p o v e rty ,” co m m ented M ichael Mangum, chairo fthe Black Achiev­ ers steering committee. “ BAP give our young people a chance to chal­ lenge themselves, set goals for them­ selves and work toward a positive future. O f a goal to serve sixty students during the first year, seventy-five Port land-area students were served. The goal, for the 1995-1996 school year is 150. Students from all Port- land-area high schools are encour­ aged to participate. Field trips and tours o f corporations, career days, jo b shadow ing, m entoring, and hands-on learning are just some o f the activities that Black Achievers will have he opportunity to experi­ ence. Students have fifteen expecta­ tions they must meet in order to be a Black Achiever. O f the fifteen goals, for example, students must stay in school and achieve a high school diploma or G.E.D., increase their G.P.A. by .5, make a verbal and actual commitment to the Program, and formulate career goals.and work toward them. By meeting all fifteen cultural, career, and social aware­ ness. In addition, the parents / guard­ ians o fth e Black Achiever will be strongly encouraged to take an active role in the Program. Since the pro­ gram will be facilitated through Port- land-area schools, interested students should directly contact their high school counselor. At the heart o f the Black Achiev­ ers Program is an annual gala event that recognizes the adult Black Achievers from the business and pro­ fessional community. The Black Achievers Program ofthe YMCA Columbia-W illamette will host its recognition banquet on Thursday, September 14, 1995, at the Airport Ramada Inn. Corpora­ tions such as Portland General Elec­ tric, QG investments and Bank o f America will honor their outstanding employees. Horizon Air Offers Lower Fall Fares Horizon Air has announced an airfare sale for travel from all 37 cities it serves throughout W ashing­ ton, Oregon. Idaho, Montana. Cali­ fornia, British Columbia and Alberta Prices range from $39 - $109 each way based on required roundtrip purchase Seniorcitizens62 and over can save an additional 10 percent. Reservations must be made and tick­ ets purchased by Sept. 13. Travel must take place between Sept. 16 and Dec. 14 and is not allowed Nov. 21, 22, 26, and 27. Seats are limited and other restric­ tions apply. Prices and discounts off of Ho­ rizon's lowest regular fares vary d e p e n d in g on w hich cities cu sto m ­ ers choose to fly between. Some o f the fa ll fa re sale prices are listed b e lo w : $39 — Portland to Seattle. Eu­ gene, Redmond Bend. Yakima. $49 — Portland to Boise. Eure­ ka, K lam ath F a lls. L ew isto n , M e d fo rd , N orth B end, P asco , Pendleton. Pullman. Redding, Sac­ ramento. Vancouver, Victoria, Walla Walla, Wenatchee. $59 — P o rtla n d to B utte, Bozeman. Pori Angeles. Kalispell, Great Falls. Helena. Idaho Falls, Missoula, Moses l ake. Pocatello, Sun Valley. I win I alls. $79 Port­ land to Calgary. Advertise In (Hljc ^ o rtla u b ODbserin'r __ Call: 503-288-0033 Simple Interest Rate Trend Sees More Arrests Of Juveniles career criminals. Republicans in Congress have threatened to cut or eliminate many ofthe programs contained in the law. “ T his rep o rt is a road m ap to the next g en eratio n o f crim e un­ less we do som ething now ,” Reno, w ho has long been co n c e rn e d a b o u t e sc a la tin g youth crim e, said in a statem en t. The Justice Department said the report represented its first compre­ hensive compilation ofjuvenile crime data. Among other findings, the re­ port said guns had been used in eight Corrections Leader Named Top Executive The d ire c to r o f M ultnom ah C ounty C om m unity C o rrectio n s has been nam ed P ro b atio n Ex­ ecutive o f the Y ear by the N a­ tional A ssociatio n o f P robation E xecutives and Sam H ouston State U niversity. T h e a w a rd to T a m a r a H o ld e n w as p r e s e n te d la s t m onth. H olden is the first w om ­ an to receiv e the aw ard w hich has been p re se n te d a n n u a lly since 1989. H olden has served in her current post M ultnom ah C ounty since 1992. She has w orked in the field o f co rre c tio n s for m ore than 20 years, w ith p rev io u s w ork in U tah D ep a rtm e n t o f C orrectio n s as d ire c to r o f field Tamara Holden o p e ra tio n s and w arden o f the Utah S tate P ris o n 's South Point facility . NOW Till January 1996 out o f ten murders committed by juveniles, and the number o f gun- related murders had tripled between 1984 and 1991. The majority ofjuvenile mur­ ders involved handguns, and youth handgun homicides increased five­ fold from 1984 to 1993. T een ag ers w ere m ore lik e­ ly to be v ic tim s o f vio len t crim e than ad ults o v er the age o f 25, the rep o rt found Other studies have shown a clear link between child abuse and neglect and future delinquency and crime committed by an adult. Police Net Heroin, Make Arrest A one-month investigation in­ volving the distribution o f heroin in east Multnomah County has result­ ed in the arrest o f a Gresham man, according to members o f the Re­ gional Organized Crime Narcotics Agency and the Gresham Police Department Juan Tirando, 35, was arrested Aug. 21 on federal charges o f pos­ session with the intent to distribute heroin. Police said they seized 363 grams o f heroin during the search o f his residence at 206 S.E. 188th, #33 in Gresham. Tirando was lodged in the Multnomah County Justice Center. No bail was set. Prices shown above are each way based on required roundtrip purchase and do not include passen­ ger facility charges o f up to $12 per person roundtrip. Tickets must be purchased seven days in advance and a Saturday night stay is required before returning. Prices shown for travel to or from Canada do not include tax, cus­ toms and immigration fees, and air­ port improvement fees. Horizon Air serves 37 cities throughout four northwest states, northernCalifornia, Alberta and Brit­ ish Columbia Horizon Air and Alas­ ka Airlines are subsidiaries o f Alas­ ka Air Group Inc. Advertise For Diversity P o lic e N ew s Arrests of juveniles for violent crimes will more than double over the next 15 years if current trends continue, according to a Justice De­ partment report released Thursday. The estimate by its Office o f Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention was based on arrest data from 1983 through 1992 and a pro­ jected 22 percent rise in the nation’s youth population. Attorney General Janet Reno said various steps, including full implementation o f last year’s anti­ crime law, should be taken to stop young delinquents from becoming ----------- -— A PR LATER For The I jf e O f The Loan Eqv.ity Loans From West One The Sooner The Better. In other words, the sooner you get down to your nearest West One branch, the sooner you can take advantage of West One’s fixed rate, fixed term home equity loans with a special 2% introductory rale. So you not only save money, hut the interest you pay may he tax deductible (consult your tax advisor). You know, it looks like things are getting better all the way around. Call or visit your nearest West One branch. PIESrOIHE' BANK •9 .3 7 » A PR is based on a $25.290 loan » h u h includes an $290 00 loan tee made on September 15, 1995 with 180 payments due monthly This would result in 3 monthly payments o f $162.74 beginning on October 15. 1995 follow ed by 177 monthly payments o f $262 15 The simple interest rate w ill change on your first payment due date after January I . |99h As of 8/28/95 this simple interest rale was 9 49» M rm h n H *