T he P ortland O bserver • S eptember 13, 1995 Application Support Technician City of Eugene, Wastewater Division $2,250-$2,762/mo. This position is assigned to sup­ port the general com puter automation needs of the Pub­ lic Works Wastewater Divi­ sion. The duties include pro viding technical assistance in the uses of end-uses of end- user hardware and software tools, creating reports, train­ ing end-users, trouble-shoot­ ing, maintaining data integri­ ty, network adm inistration, and server backup. Requires one to two years’ experience in com puter system s and course work in computer sys­ tems. A two-year related tech- nical degree is desirable. Closing Date: September 29, 1995. O b ta in a p p lic a tio n packet for Human Resource and Risk Services, 777 Peal Street, Room 101, Eugene OR 97401. (503) 687-5061 AA/EOE Policy Analyst The Legislative Administration Committee is accepting ap­ plications for Policy Analyst in the field of Health and Human » Services. You must have five years of experience in profes­ sional level work which must have included administration or oversight of an on-going project. Three of the years must have included project leader responsibility in health & Human Services Salary is $3206 - $4301 per month. Applications must be received by 5:00 p.m., September 22, 1995. For application materi­ als contact Employee Servic­ es, 140 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310 (503'. 986-1373. TTY: (503) 986-1374. Fax: (503) 986-1684. EOE . Public Information Director $3,240-4,085/month The City of Eugene, Oregon, is seeking a Public Information Directorforthe Department of Public Safety. The position plans, organizes, and imple­ ments the Public Information/ Public Relations Program and serves as the primary press spokesperson for Police, Fire, and 9-1-1. Applicants should possess the equivalent of a bachelor's degree and four years of progressively respon­ sible public relations experi­ ence. Work experience in a public safety environment is desirable. The closing date for applications is 5:00 pm on September 29,1995. Contact Human Resource and Risk Services, 777 Pearl Street, R oom 101, E ug e ne OR 97401; (503) 687-5061 to ob­ tain an application packet. The City of Eugene values diver­ sity in its work force, and is committed to affirmative ac­ tion. AA/EOE Admin. Assist. Development enthusiastic person to main­ tain donor database & pro­ vide support to dept. Req.data entry, min. 60 wpm, detail ori­ ented, good oral/written skills, ability to work with numbers & analyze computer data. FT + benefits. Mail resume, cover letter & salary requirements by 9/22/95 to Oregon Food Bank, 2540 NE Riverside Way, Portland, OR 97211. Equal Opportunity Employer. CNA/Program Assistant FT Mon-Fri plus occasional Sat­ urday. Provide recreation, personal care, transportation in agency vehicles forfrail eld­ erly participants of Adult Day Care. Requires ability to work in Culturally diverse and team oriented environm ent. Re­ quires reasonable combina­ tion of skills and experience and valid ODL. $6.23 - $6.71/ hr plus Benefits. AppLVOA- ADC, 537 SE Alder, Ptld, OR 97214 E qual O p p o rtu n ity Employer. Garlington Mental Health Center Asst. Mgr. needed for Alberta Street Cafe to assist in all phases of deli operation incl vocational training for high functioning chronically men­ tally ill audits. Prior exp in res­ taurant operations & mental health field req. M ust be QMHA Child & family therapist need­ ed to provide outpatient ser­ vices to culturally diverse pop­ ulation of children ages 0-21. Exp working w/ minority youth & families desirable. Masters degree in mental health relat­ ed field or bachelors & 2 yrs clinical exp req. Ref#CH-CFT. Case manager needed to pro­ vide supportive therapy, full range of intensive case mgt & nursing services to chronical­ ly mentally ill adults from mul­ ticultural backgrounds. Min 2 yrs related exp req. Must be QMHP or QMHA & have RN orB S N . Residential adult caregiver needed to assist mentally ill clients in activities of daily liv­ ing & problem solving in resi­ dential setting on full-tim e basis. Min 1 yr prior exp ref. On-call adult caregivers also needed. Receptionist needed w/ prior exp operating a high volume multi-line switchboard. Other duties incl greeting clients & assisting W/ General office duties. Typing 45 wpm req. Competitive salary & benefits. Send/fax cover letter & re­ sume to: Garlington Center, 4950 NE MLKing Blvd, Port­ land, OR 97211 Attn: HR Fax: 249-8235 EOE Minority/disabled encour­ aged to apply. No phone calls please. INSURANCE BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon HMO Oregon Member Service Representative Qualified candidates will pos­ sess the ability to com m uni­ cate effectively and profes­ sionally both orally and in writ­ ing. This position involves the ability to work autonomously in a Fast paced environment, and applicants must have dem on­ strated excellent attendance in previous employment. Oth­ er requirements include: • 1 yr work exp in customer relations (within the last 2 years, preferably insurance- related). • Practical knowledge of medi- cal/dental terminology • PC experiences the ability to type 40 wpm • Good math skills Blue Cross and Blue Shield Of Oregon offers an excel­ len t e m p lo y e e b e n e fits p a c k a g e , fle x iin e w o rk hours and competitive sal­ ary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To as­ sure your resume is pro­ cessed immediately, place ad #199 at the top of your resume or in your cover let­ ter. Send resume to: Blue C ross and B lue Shield of O re g o n / HM O O regon Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir 100 S.W Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD# 225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer All Skills Needed Top $$$ All Shifts Great Opportunities Many Temp-To-Perm Employers Overload P o rtla n d N .M a rin e A re a B e a v e rto n W a s h .S q .A re a W ils o n v ille G re sh a m 2 2 4 -3 1 5 5 7 3 5 -4 0 0 4 6 41-2661 6 2 4 -8 0 0 0 6 8 2 -9 2 2 2 6 6 9 -9 6 3 0 P age B7 W s INSURANCE Senior Budget Analyst BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon HMO Oregon Provider Service Representative The Legislative Fiscal Office of the Oregon Legislative As­ sembly is recruiting for the position of Senior Budget An­ alyst to provide non-partisan staff support to the Joint Ways and Means Committee, State Emergency Board, Joint Leg­ islative Audit Committee, and the Joint Committee on Infor­ m ation m a n a g e m e n t and Technology. To qualify, you must have an advanced de­ gree in a field of study that uses quantitative m ethods and com puters to analyze public policies and their ad­ ministration and experience analyzing and evaluating pub­ lic budgets and programs, or a satisfactory combination of education and experience. Salary range $3718 - $4984 per month. For application materials contact Employee Services, 140 State Capitol, Salem OR 97310 (503) 986- 1373 TTY: (503) 986-1374 FAX: (503) 986-1684. Dead­ line for applications is 5:00 p.m., September 29, 1995. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon/HMO Oregon is cur­ rently accepting applications for a provider service repre­ sentative in our Portland Of­ fice. Qualified candidates must have a minimum of 2 years experi­ ence at a professional level in the health care industry, pref­ erably with a dental back­ ground as the primary focus will be on dental lines of busi­ ness. Knowledge of provider organizational structure, den­ tal and medical terminology, ADA, CPT, ICD-9-CM coding and RBRVS are required. High level of proficiency in writing, i.e., journalism, gram mar, is mandatory. Experi­ ence in public speaking is necessary. Strong PC experi­ ence is desirable. A college degree or equivalent work ELECTRICIAN experience in the health care Journey Level field is required. Electrician The successful candidate will: James RiverCorporation’s Port­ • Maintain panels of eligible pro­ land Oregon conversing plant viders for all lines of business. has an immediate need for a • Build relationships within the Journey-Level Electrician with dental and medical communi­ the willingness to obtain an ties to support BCBSO/HMO Oregon Journey-Level license Oregon products. and work all shifts including • Serve as a provider resource weekend overtime as neces­ for advice on dental, medical, sary. Strong troubleshooting administrative and reimburse­ skills and experience with ment policies. PLC’ SDC drives, and a basic • Monitor adherence to tradi­ knowledge of electronics are tional, PPO and HMO Oregon required. E xoerience with products. computers digital electronics, • Serve as a provider resource printing presses, extruders, for advice on dental, medical, and web handling equipment administrative and reimburse­ are a strong plus. ment policies. Journey-Level Electrician pay • Monitor adherence to tradi­ is $18.81/hour plus excellent tional, PPO and HMO con­ health and retirement bene­ tracts. fits. Interested individuals For more information about should submit a resume to: current openings call our Electrical Supervisor, James Job Information Line: River Corporation, P.O. Box 1-800-231-1617. 17128, Portland, OR 97217. Pre-employment drug screen­ An equal Opportunity Employ- ing required. To assure your resume is processed imme­ diately, place the position number or job title at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send re­ sume to: JAMES RIVER CORPORATION Washington County B lue C ro ss and Engineering Project B lue Shield of O re g o n / Coordinator HM O O regon (Capital Project Management) Human Resources Dept., $3347 - $4069 per month Apply by September 29, 1995 3rd fir 100 S.W Market Senior Plumbing Inspector Portland, OR 97201 $3432 - $4172 per month TDD# 225-6780 Apply by September 29, 1995 Equal Opportunity Employer Residential Services Monitor Social Services (Bilingual and Non-Bilingual Positions) Youth Service Aide - Work di­ $1994-$2424 per month rectly with at risk youth ages 10 - 17, to transport, super­ Apply by September 22, 1995 vise, provide activities/recre- Inspector ll/Building ation. Provide support to oth­ $3110 - $3779 per month er staff and shelter parents, Apply by September 22, 1995 document/log activities. Re­ Call (503) 648-8606/TTY quires 2 years direct experi­ (503) 693-4898 for informa­ ence with at risk youth, or tion. County application and combination of education and supplemental application at least 6 months experience. forms required. Apply to: Able to drive 15 passenger Washington County Human van, must pass DMV and Resources Division Criminal Records Checks. Full 155 N. First Avenue, or half-time, hours between Suite 210 6:00 A.M. -6:30 P.M. Monday Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 to Friday. Call The Boys and Women, minorities, and Girls Aid Society of Oregon at people with disabilities are (503) 222-9661, X 1 12 for ap­ encouraged to apply. plication. Deadline Septem­ ber 25, 1995. PT - Teacher Aide working w/ Equal Opportunity Employer. fam ilies at-risk. Resp. incl. setting up classroom, assist­ FT-Teacher/ ing teacher w/children’s be­ havior, and written observa­ Interventionist tions in a pre-school class­ working w/families at risk. Resp. room. Req. H.S. Diplom a/ for classroom curriculum & pa­ GED & 1 yr related work ex­ renting information/interven- perience. Resume/Appl:VOA- tion. Required A.A. in ECE + Family Nursery, Attn:Lorraine 3yrs or B.S. in ECE +1 yr ex­ Bartion, 537 SE Alder St., Ptld, perience in related field. Re- Or 97214 Equal Opportunity sume/Appl: VOA-Family Nurs­ Employer. ery, Attn: Lorraine Barton, 537 SE Alder, Ptld, O r 97214 Advertise In % Equal Opportunity Employer. Œlje ^Jovtlnnb J* ..... ....... ..................... ' (j^ba e rtte r Call 503-288-0033, V IEDS City of Salem, Oregon D e p a rtm e n t o f C o m m u n ity D e v e lo p m e n t B u ild in g & S a fe ty D iv is io n /A irp o rt O p e ra tio n s R e q u e s t fo r P ro p o sal - R FP #13 65 to provide: C o n s u ltin g S e rv ic e s fo r A irp o rt R u n w a y R e h a b ilita tio n Project The City of Salem C om m unity D evelopm ent departm ent - Urban D evelopm ent D ivision - Airport O perations is seeking proposals from persons or firm s qualified to provide C o n sult­ ing services related to A irport Runway R ehabilitation and other related w ork at the Salem Airport. This project is funded through a Federal A viation Adm inistration (FAA) Grant. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed M cN ary Field fiscal year 1996 rehabil­ itation project includes the asphalt concrete surfaces rehabilitation of Runw ay 31/13 and new runw ay pave­ m ent m arkings. This project shall com ply with the specified standards outlined in ail pertinent FAA directives and A dvisory Circulars. The request for proposal (RFP) docum ents are available from the City of Salem Purchasing Supervisor, Room 330, 555 Liberty Street SE, Salem , Oregon 97301, w eekdays between the hours of 8;00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. local time. One (1) original and four (4) copies of the proposal shall be subm itted in a sealed envelope titled “ Proposal To Provide - C onsulting Services For A irport Rehabilitation Project - RFP #1365”. All proposals shall bear an original signature of a representative of the proposer w ho is authorized to bind the proposer in contractual m atters. Proposals will be received until, but not after, 5:00 PM, Septem ber 29, at the C ity R ecorder’s Office, Room 205, C ity Hall, 555 Liberty St. S.E. Salem , O regon 97301. Proposals that are received after the closing tim e will not be accep t­ ed for any reason. D elivery to an office other than the office identified above is not acceptable. It is anticipated that the City of Salem will award a professional services contract through this RFP process. Those proposals received and evaluated by the City" of Salem will be held confidential until a recom m endation for award has been approved by the C om m unity Developm ent Director. T hereaf­ ter, all proposals will be available for public inspection at the office of the City of Salem Purchasing S upervisor unless specifically requested to be kept confidential (nam es of firm s and total costs figures m ay not be held confidential). Any objections to or com m ents upon the RFP specifica­ tion m ust be subm itted In w riting, to the office of the Purchasing S upervisor, 555 Liberty S treet SE, Salem , O regon 97301. They m ust be received no later than then (IQ ) c alendar days before the RFP closing date. The City of Salem reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Technical questions regarding proposal subm ittals shall be directed to Mr. Rod Propst, A irport Superintendent, w ho is P roject M anager for this R equest for Proposal project. Please contact Mr. Propst at (503) 588-6314 with any technical inquiries. Q uestions regarding the RFP iro cess m ay be directed to Mr. G ary Kanz, P urchasing Supervisor, w ho m ay be reached at 555 Liberty St. SE, Room 330, Salem , Or 97301, (503) 588-6136. The attention of proposers is directed to the provisions of C hapter 97, Salem Revised Code, concerning unlaw ful e m ­ ploym ent practices. V iolation of such provisions shall be grounds for im m ediate term ination of this contract without recourse by the contractor. The City of Salem is an Equal E m ploym ent O pportunity/ Affirm ative Action Em ployer. T H E C IT Y O F S A L E M G ary A. Kanz, C.P.M. P urchasing S upervisor Human Resources Executive Director Human Resource Assistant - $9.65 - $9.93/hr. Provide tech­ nical support in administra­ tion of comprehensive human resources program, recruit­ ment, and employee compen­ sation, classification and ben­ efits. Required 2 years expe­ rience in office management or personnel administration: high school degree or equiva­ lent. 2 year college or busi­ ness school degree preferred. Strong written and verbal com­ munication skills Word per­ fect 5.1 required; Lotus 1-2-3 desirable. Obtain application package, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mon.-Fri., EOC of Clark County, Inc., 10621 NE Coxley Dr., # 207, Van. WA 98662 (360) 896-9912. Deadline: Wed., Sept. 13 at 4 p.m. EEOC/AA Planned Parenthood of the Co- lum bia/W illam ette. Leader­ ship and management for a mission-driven not-for-profit education, advocacy, and health services organization. Serving an ethnically diverse population from six permanent service sites in a 32 county service territory in Oregon and SW Washington. Annual bud­ get $4 million. Competitive salary and benefits package. 5 years senior management experience required. To ap­ ply, mail resume and em ploy­ ment history to PPCW Search Committee, PO Box 1734, Portland, OR 97207. Applica­ tions must be received by Fri­ day, October 13,1995; all will be held in confidence. Equal Opportunity Employer Construction Manager Experienced construction man­ ager needed for Sabin Com ­ munity Development Corpo­ ration, a low-income housing non-profit. $12-$14/hr. Send resume by Wednesday, Sep­ tember 22,1995, 5:00 p.m. to P.O. Box 11602, Ptld., O r 97211 Join us in celebrating P o rtla n d (Ohseruer’s A N N IV E R S A R Y r