H age B ö S eptember 13, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver Tort [and Christian To Upgrade fttfdetics Providing additional and im ­ proved athletic programs for its grow­ ing student body and meeting its neighborhood's growing need for additional facilities for community teams and events was the goal o f Portland Christian Schools when it presented Meyer Memorial Trust with a proposal for renovation o f its high school track and fields last April. In August, the trust approved the school’s proposal and awarded $350,000 toward completion o f the $500,000 project. The renovation, which is slated for completion next August, provides for a new all-weather track to replace the current cinder track, lights for the football and practice fields, moving and re-sodding baseball, football and soccer fields and other improvements. “ PCS was founded with the idea in mind that every area o f instruction and activity should instill in our stu­ dents the ability to succeed with oth­ ers cooperatively, ethically and with integrity,” said PCS Athletic Direc­ tor Rich Remsburg. “ Athletic partic­ ipation is not exception to this rule and in fact, is one o f the most effec­ tive and crucial tools for teaching these values to our students and the hundreds o f other children in our community who use our facilities and jo in in our summer programs.” About 15 community groups, comprised o f hundreds o f children and adults, use the PCS high school , » tack and fields yearly. These groups include the Oregon Youth Soccer Association and Parkrose L ittle League Baseball. As well, due to the growth o f its student body in recent years, PCS High was advanced by the Oregon School Athletics Associ­ ation from A A to A A A status, in­ creasing the level o f competition for PCS student athletes. These circumstances combined to push the school’s a bility to meet the needs o f tits students and the surrounding community almost to its lim it last year. In gaining grant approval, PCS officials convinced the school’s trust­ ees that the proposed renovation could be completed 111 in t * a - — — I V I relatively U llV V l^ short amounts and time and would open up new areas for use for PCS students and the community. Phase one o f a two-phase project w ill create a “ Community Fitness Center.” This project is in fulfillm ent o f the school’ s Master Facilities Plan and addresses a recommendation by one o f the schools’ two accrediting organizations, the Northwest Asso­ ciation o f Schools and Colleges. Portland Christian Schools is a non-denomination, private Christian school, with classes ranging from daycare through grade 12 and a study body o f approximately 900 students on three campuses, two in Portland and one in Vancouver. Can Character •Education Save ‘Hie Eubiic schools?, Eart 1 ' r . im .. S V i . ai . - fokd by T A local junior high school dis­ plays huge hallway banners reading, “ Respect and Responsibility— We Can Do It Together.” Respect, this year’s theme, is meant to pervade the multi-ethnic school. (Last year com­ passion and caring took the lead.) A t the annual back-to-school night, our principal took a few m in­ utes to explain the theme to us par­ ents, then turned the program over io the cheerleaders. They illustrated respect by lip-synching a bump-and- grind rendition o f Aretha Franklin’s song o f the same name. A t the final beat, they turned around, bent over, flipped up their cheerleader skirts, and displayed the word RESPECT, spelled out on pieces o f paper pinned to their bottoms. I nudged my wife: “ I don’t think they’ ve completely grasped the con­ cept.” Which is rmiglZy what 1 thought when I learned o f the existence o f a movement in the public schools to teach ch i Idren vi rtuous character. Are educators, I wondered, really ready for this? Still, the very existence o f the c h a ra cte r-e d u ca tio n m ovem ent catches your attention. For some time, public schools have been saying that values are no, part o f their curricu­ lum. It is news when a substantial ____ :___ LI- -J___ ■ .... group in public education says, “ Yes, they are.” I have on my desk a brochure from the Character Development Foundation in Manchester, New Hampshire. Intended to attract teach­ ers to a one-day seminar, it proclaims boldly, “ You can teach kids to be smart & Good!” Good is defined in language typical o f the character- education movement) by the traits o f self-control, respect, responsibility, honesty, courage, caring, courtesy, and friendship. Character edu­ cation claims to teach old-fashioned values to kids who are not getting them at home. It would be hard to be against such an undertaking. Surely it is part o f a school’s jo b to help parents turn their children into decent, responsi­ ble, moderately polite human beings. Yet it is also hard to entrust character confidently to the s a tr; people who embraced the values education o f Planned Parenthood. In Washington, D C., I attended a national conference put on by a coalition o f organizations called the Character Education Partnership. Most o f the several hundred people in attendance were schoolteachers or school administrators, cheerful and energetic people who were launch­ ing character-education programs in local schools all over the country, or Presenting The Harvest Crusade Don't miss this opportunity to see and hear this man o f GOD teaching and preaching on the Word Our Theme ‘E vent ^Features Dinner, Music, Eas bio ns Greater Faith Baptist Church, 931 N. Skidmore, is hosting a dinner, musical and fashion show on Saturday, Sept. 30 at 8 p.m. at the Holiday Inn at 8439 N.E. Columbia Blvd. Tickets are $25 per person, $45 per couple or $300 per table o f 12. For more information, contact Clarence Dorn Sr at 253-9474 or direct inquires to the church at 287-4345. There w ill also be a raffle for door prizes and cash as well as a trip to Jamaica. COME AND SEE Date: Oct. 4 thru 6, 1995 Time: 7:30 P.M. Place: First A.M.E. Zion Church 4304 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR. cS7/ dddwing lEM riiicry K enneth Wayne Wilson Workshop each day. Evangelist Reverend Dr. Norman Howard Hicklin Director of The Dept. of Evangelism of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Renown author of, Witnessing to Zion’s Leadership sponsored by the Oregon-W ashington conference and Cascade District Boards o f Evangelism of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church M y dad hustles for money. M y dad has a job. M y dad M y dad kills people. M y dad saves people. M y dad gives me money. M y dad gives me love. M y dad has lots o f girls. M y dad has a wife. M y dad doesn't care about life M y dad has an important life. i u è n a & itu dfauidi The Board and S taff o f the UREA TER FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTER North Portland Bible College CHURCH OF OOD IN CHRIST is plea sed to announce a ribbon cutting ceremony, ■ Sunday, Sept. 17 at 3:30 p.m. in honor o f the opening o f their New Facilities at 4905 N. Vancouver Ave. (at Humboldt.) '•* Invites You to Worship with Us! Sunday Morning 11:30am 103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212 • • • • • ' resented, as were many smaller plac- es. To be concluded next week. 3 he LifeChange Program ofthe Union Gospel Mission in Portland is one o f the 10 national winners o f the Samaritan Award by the Acton Institute for the Study o f Religion and Liberty. The awards are designed to honor Am erica’s private charitable efforts that work voluntarily to solve the country's social and economic problems. From nearly 700 entries, the Union Gospel program was selected based on the results it produces, the cost to achieve them, innovation and potential for on-going success. LifeChange offers homeless, substance-abusing men and women and a place to live, counseling, vocational training and employment opportu­ nities. In return, residents work eight hour days, attend school and maintain sobriety. As a Samaritan Award winner, Union Gospel w ill receive a $1,000 grant and go on to compete for an additional $10,000 grant in national competition. GREATER ST. STEPHENS Piano/Organist Needed for area church Please call 287-3608/281-6575 Carrie or Helen Join us in celebrating (Ebe ÿîtJrH atth (0h s e m e r ’s ................. thinking about it. Some very large school systems, such as those from Baltimore and Saint Louis, were rep- ‘Union (jospeC Mission ‘Wins Samaritan A w ard Sunday School - 9:30am Sunday Morning Worship Service - 11:00am Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting Tues - 6:30pm Bible Study Wednesday 6:00pm Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm Church Phone Number 287-7457 We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us. The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Christ Is All. Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor WELCOME TO THE NEWLY REMODELED! ALBINA CHRISTIAN LIFE LOCATED AT 5522 N. ALBINA AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97217 PH. 283-1635 BISHOP SAMUEL M. IRVING, PASTOR SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 9:46 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP CELEBRATION! 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY EVENING HOUR OF POWER! 6:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY EVENING: WORSHIP & PRAISE! FAMILY TRAINING HOUR 7:00 P.M. Everybody is saying: “ I T 'S L IV E !” MUSIC • SPECIAL GUESTS • REFRESHMENTS Come and praise G od with us fo r what He has provided. v M y dad thinks about k illin g himself. ‘Kenny'' 1979-1995 M y dad thinks how to make him self better. I don’t care about my dad. I love my dad. Everyone is not the same. by Kenny Wilson age 16 Portland, Oregon A loving son, brother, andfriend. We’ll Miss You. 106 N. Killingsworth St. Come and enjoy Christ centered Praise and Worship And The anointed Preaching/Teaching ministry of our Pastor, Rev. H. Bernard Ings, Jr. Order of Services Sunday School - 10:00am Morning Worship - 11:30am Sunday Evening - 6:30pm Tuesday Evening - 7:30pm Prayer/Bible Study 1st A 3rd Friday • 7:30pm Evangelistic Service O NE SERVICE C O U LD CHANGE Call 288-2919. Mt Olivet Baptist Church 8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am. Church School 9:30 to 10:30am, Bible Study, Wednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor (503) 240-PRAY YOUR ENTIRE LIFE FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH 4224 S.E. 62nd Avenue (between Powell & Foster) Portland, Oregon 97206 SUNDAY Sunday School 9:30am Morning Worship 10:45am Evangelistic Sendee 7:30pm Tuesday Pastoral Teaching 7:00pm F R ID A Y Evangelistic Service 7:00pm D A IL Y Prayer 12:00pm & 6:00pm (503) 774-5470 PASTORS: Bishop Robert Simpson, Jr. • Dr. Ida M Simpson J