• T he P ortland O bserver • S eptember 13, 1995 Packwood’s Resigns Continued from front ▲ with him, altering personal diaries sought as evidence by investigators and pressuring lobbyists to find a job for his ex-wife. His resignation relieved the Sen­ ate, and its worried Republican lead­ ers, o f the grim prospect o f a floor debate over his expulsion. One ofthe most grateful had to be Dole, already bowed under the twin burdens o f leading the Senateeffectively through prospective budget battles with Clinton and seeking his party’s 1996 presidential nomination. A Packwood expulsion fight would have distracted the Senate and complicated Dole’s leadership task immeasurably, and Dole was among the several Senate leaders who rose quickly to console Packwood imme­ SLOW OOWHI diately after his farewell speech. Dole said he thought Packwood had made "the right decision” but that this did not detract from his record of legislative achievement and political leadership over the last 27 years. “ I would just say he’s been an outstanding legislator, an outstanding U.S. senator and someone whose leg­ acy will be around for a long, long time And a friend of mine,” Dole said. IF O I^ BCDIO>S SÄBC PROGRAM Hatfield Saddened by Packwood Nightmare Continued from front ▲ Hatfield issued the following statement. “ It saddens me deeply that re­ cent events have overcome my long­ time friend and colleague and led him to make this decision. I am very sorry to see his career end this way. “ For the Senator, his family, the women who have come forth, Ore­ gonians, his supporters, friends, col­ leagues, and the Senate itself, this has been a painful process. "It is my hope that we can put some focus on Sen. Packwood’s full record - a legacy which cannot be expunged or overshadowed by re­ cent events. And more importantly, it is my hope that each o f us will remember that Bob Packwood is a human being just as we all are, and that this is a sad day for him and thnAy! Beaverton Community Center VoseRoom, 12350 SW 5th 9:30-11 a m Saturday, Sept. 30-SW Portland Fulton Com m unity Gardens SW Barbur & Miles Street Workshops at 9 30 and 1 1 a m Thursday, Oct. 5-SE Portland Leach Botanical Garden 6704 SE 122nd Ave 7-8:30 p.m. Saturday, O ct 7-SE Portland Thursday, Oct. 12-Oregon City Leach Botanical Gardens 6704 SE 122nd Ave Workshops at 9 30 and 1 1 a m Oregon City Pool 1211 Jackson St. 7-8 30 p.m. Com posf/ng workshops tik e place outdoors i t the M etro Home Composting Demonstration Centers i t the locations listed Complete directions will b e m u led to Call M e tro Recycling In fo rm ation , 234-3000. 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