Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 13, 1995, Page 12, Image 12

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P ace B4
RB Lawrence
Thrown Off
Nebraska star tailback Law
rente Phillips has been thrown off
the team after he was arrested ear­
ly Sunday for an alleged attack on
his ex-girlfriend.
Nebraska coach Tom Osborne
said Phillips is "dismissed from
the football team, effective imme­
diately." When contacted by E-S-
P-N Radio Sunday night, Phillips
would not comment on the dis­
Phillips allegedly assaulted
the unidentified woman early Sun­
day at an apartment in Lincoln. A
spokesman lor the Lincoln Police
said the incident was reported at
about 5:45 a m. EDT. Phillips
turned him self in to authorities at
approximately 9:15 p.m. Sunday
and was arrested on third-degree
assault, a misdemeanor. He was
released less than an hour later on
$100 bond.
Woosnam To
Ian Woosnam o f Britain to­
day was named to replace Jose
Maria Olazabal o f Spain on the
European Ryder Cup g o lf team
that w ill oppose the United States
later this month a, Rochester, New
Olazabal has been bothered
by a foot injury for months and
dec ided to withdraw from the team.
European C ap ta in B ernard
Gallacher added Woosnam to re­
place him. Woosnam, a former
Masters champion, has appeared
in the last six Ryder Cup competi­
tions and was the top European
player in the last competition two
years ago at the Belfry in England.
Olazabal had hoped that his
sore right foot would heal in time
for him to play but Gallacher said
today the injury actually felt worse
and that Olazabal decided he could
not compete. Olazabal and fellow
Spaniard Seve Ballesteros had 11
victories and two halves in 15 pre­
vious Ryder Cup matches.
Oilers Agree To
Contract Terms
With Ranford
The Edmonton Oilers have
agreed to terms with goaltender
B ill Ranford on a one-year con­
tract. Financial terms were not
Ranford has reported to the
team’s training camp, which o ffi­
cially opened today.
The 28-year-old Ranford w ill
be entering his I Ith N -H -L sea­
son, and his ninth with the Oilers.
He had a 15-20-3 record with a
3.62 goals-against average and two
shutouts in 40 games last season.
Ranford has a career 3.46 goals-
against average in 4 4 1 regular sea­
son games with 10 shutouts.
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Baseball fans lined the streets
near Baltimore’s Inner Harbor last
week to pay tribute to Cal Ripken,
the shortstop for the Baltimore O ri­
oles who stepped into basebail im ­
mortality Wednesday night when he
broke one o f the most revered records
in all o f sports — Lou Gehrig’ s leg­
endary streak o f 2 ,130 consecutive
games played.
The parade was one o f two
scheduled to honor Ripken. Another
was held in Ripken’s hometown o f
Aberdeen, Maryland. Ripken broke
Gehrig’s record Wednesday night in
the Orioles ’ 4-2 win over the C alifor­
nia Angels at Oriole Park at Camden
“ Tonight I stand here, over­
whelmed, as my name is linked with
great and courageous Lou Gehrig,”
Ripken said in an emotional ceremo­
ny after the game. “ I ’m truly hum­
bled to have our names spoken in the
same breath.
“ Some may think our strongest
connection is because we both played
many consecutive games,” added
Ripken, who thanked the Orioles fans,
his parents, his wife Kelly and former
teammate Eddie Murray. “ Yet I be­
lieve in my heart that our true link is
a common motivation - a love o f the
game o f baseball, a passion fo r our
team and a desire to compete at the
very highest level.”
Ripken belted a solo shot o ff
Shawn Boskie in his second at-bat in
the fourth inning that sent the stadi­
um into a disbelieving ovation.
Ripken also homered on Tuesday
“ You get so wrapped up in the
emotional side o f it, but you don’t
want to look like an idiot,” Angels
u tility man Rex Hudlersaid. “ In your
heart, you want to high-five him.
Y ou have to keep the integrity o f the
The record streak became his
alone when th game became official
after the top o f the fifth inning. The
canvas numbers hung on the ware­
house outside the right field wall
changed from 2,130 to 2,131 and a
fireworks display began. Ripken took
o ffh is number 8 jersey and handed it
to his wife, Kelly, and their two ch il­
dren. Beneath the jersey, Ripken wore
a black T-shirt which read, “ 2,130+
Hugs and Kisses For Daddy.”
“ It was something I wanted to
do,” Ripken said. “ I am not a collec­
tor, but I wanted to keep that as a
momento, something that my c h il­
dren can take pride in. I couldn’t
think o f giving it to anyone better
than my kids.”
Players from both teams joined in
the long ovation. Teammate Bobby
Bonilla was one o f many players tak­
ing pictures. Ripken took three curtain
calls before taking a lap around the
field, greeting fans for whom he has
signed endless autographs in an at­
tempt to rebuild baseball’s broken re­
lationship with America.
“ In the last year and a half, with
the negotiations on and then off, con­
tract, no contract, and the strike, base-
ball really took a beating with the
fans and in the fans’ eyes,” former
teammate Al Bumbry said. “ The thing
he has accomplished this year has
helped baseball and I know it’s helped
our city and our fans here.”
Ripken took the field by him self
and was greeted with an ovation from
the sel lout crowd before he was joined
by his teammates.
His children tossed out the first
ball to him. When he led o ff the
bottom o f the second inning, Ripken
received a 30-second ovation that
would have lasted a lot longer had he
not tipped his batting helmet before
popping out to the catcher. Ripken
added an eighth-inning single and
finished 2-for-4. The Orioles won, 4-
2. It was practically a repeat perfor­
mance o f Tuesday night, when
Ripken received numerous standing
ovations in his record-tying 2,130th
straight game and belted a homer in
an 8-0 victory.
President Clinton believes Cal
Ripken’s consecutive-games streak
w ill help pull major league baseball
out o f its post-strike doldrums.
“ This is going to erase the bad
taste in people’s mouths,” Clinton
told a reporter as he watched Ripken
set a new baseball record.for consec­
utive games played last Wednesday
night. “ This is the best thing going
for baseball.”
Fan attendance has been down
at ballparks across the country this
year because o f the lingering outrage
about a strike that wiped out the
World Series last year and cut into
this year’s season.
But i f Clinton was any barome­
ter, baseball could enjoy a rebound
based on the euphoria surrounding
Ripken’s feat o f playing in 2,131
straight games — a string that began
in 1982 and breaks Lou Gehrig’ s o f
2,030 straight, a record that once
seemed unbeatable.
Just like any youth who loves
the game, Clinton looked awestruck
when he chatted with Ripken in the
Baltimore Orioles’ locker room at
Camden Yards before the record-
breaking game. He was slackjawed
as he looked up at the six-foot-four,
35-year-old superstar.
“ Congratulations,” Clinton told
him, and received a signed baseball,
in addition to warm-up jackets for he
and 15-year-old daughter Chelsea
and a black Louisville Slugger bat
with Ripken’s written inscription:
“ Thanks for being here on this spe­
cial day.”
Clinton took the bat, and waving
it around, said: “ Think I should carry
this to work?”
Vice President Gore was there
too w ithhis wife Tipper and their 12-
year-old son Albert, who has recov­
ered from a serious injury sustained
when he was hit by a car after watch­
ing an Orioles game in 1989 in Bal­
Clinton and Gore received some
b rie f boos by some in the crowd
when their images flashed on the
stadium’s big-screen television. It
came at a time when people were
yelling for Ripken to come out ofthe
dugout to be applauded after he broke
the record. Ripken obliged and the
crowd roared its approval.
The presidential entourage in­
cluded a big baseball fan, National
Security Adviser Anthony Lake as
well as White House C hief o f Staff
Leon Panetta, and the big group,
including press, was ferried the 25-
minute ride to Baltimore from Wash­
ington in six helicopters.
Clinton said Americans would
do well to try to emulate Ripken’s
“ dedication, devotion and consisten­
cy" and use it in their everyday lives,
pointing out the example o f a V irg in ­
ia bus driver who had not missed a
day o f work in 18 years.
O f those qualities, he said: “ We
shouldn’t view them as out o f date or
The fan who retrieved the home
run hit by Cal Ripken in his record-
tying 2 ,130th consecutive game last
Tuesday night said the balI is not for
M ike S tirn, a 32-year-old
hom eb uilde r from S y k e s v ille ,
Maryland, left the Baltimore stadi­
um under p o lic e escort a fte r
corraling Ripken’s homer leading
o ff the sixth inning. Ripken played
in his 2,130th straight game, tying
the record held by Lou Gehrig.
“ I have been offered as high as
$2,500 for the ball but it is not for
sale, for no price,” said Stirn, a
season-ticket holder who attended
the game with his wife, Tracey.
“ Maybe me and Cal can work some­
thing out,” he said.
Stirn’ s good fortune was a
stroke o f luck. He said he has been
to about 80 games this season and
“ haven’t had a ball come within 10
feet o f me.”
Stirn wanted to buy one o f the
commemorative $20 basebalIs made
by Rawlings for the historic event,
but the collector’s items quickly
sold out.
A pparently, Ripken is not
interesed in collector’s items.
“ It w ould be nice to have it
but i f I d o n ’ t get it back I s till
have the feeling inside,” he said
“ It w ould be nice to have it but
I d o n ’ t need a baseball to re­
m ind me that I h it it . ”
A man with a broken thumb
who caught Cal Ripken’s fourth­
inning honici in his record-break­
ing 2,131st consecutive game
Wednesday night said he w ill give
the ball to the Baltimore Orioles
Bryan Johnson, a 33-year-old
Public Health Service worker who
lives in Pasadena, Maryland, had a
cast on his right hand but caught the
historic ball left-handed. He said
he was offered $5,000 for the ball
by another fan but is giving the ball
to Ripken because “ right is right.
“ The ball should be with Cal,”
Johnson said. “ Look at what he
stands for and all the memories he
has given us. I could use the money
but life isn’t all about money.”
“ It makes you feel good as a
human being,” Ripken said when
told o f Johnson’s decision. “ Itshows
a deeper feeling.”
Johnson’s catch came one night
after season-ticket holder M ike Stirn
caught Ripken’s homer in Tues­
day’s record-tying game.
Unlike Johnson, Stirn said the
ball he caught is “ not for sale, at no
Johnson, also a season-ticket
holder, said he had never caught a
ball in the stands before.
“ It hit five rows in back o f me
and bounced back,” said Johnson,
who hurt his thumb in a triathlon a
couple o f weeks ago. “ It was one o f
the luckiest things that ever hap­
pened to me.”
S tirn ,
3 2 -y e a r-o ld
homebuilder from Sykesville, Mary­
land, was offered $2,500 for his
He required a police escort to
leave Oriole Park at Camden Yards
on Tuesday after corralling Ripken’s
homer leading o ff the sixth inning.
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H a w aiian
Registration is now open for girls in grades 6-8 to participate in a new
basketball league sponsored by the YW C A o f Portland Fitness and Swim
The season begins Sept. 26 and lasts 10 weeks. There w ill be one game
and one practice per week aside from the first two weeks when there is
practice only.
A ll ofthe sessions w ill take place weekdays, between 4 pm . and 7 p.m.
Registration deadline is Sept. 18. Fees are $36 per player and includes a
team jersey.
Registration can be made by phone at 294-7416 or in person at the
Y W C A Fitness and Swim Department, 1111 S.W 10th Ave., Portland,
OR 97205.
ODbserver s
Pasta Salad. Seafood Salad,
Garden Salad, Feta Cheese Paata Salad
Golden State Warriors All-Star
guard l.atrell Sprewell was arrested
in Oakland for driving with a sus­
pended license and allegedly threat­
ening a police offtnei-
S prew ell then stopped and
blocked a lane o f traffic as he was
talking to a man walking across the
Police then confronted Sprewell,
who allegedly threatened a police
officer With racial slurs, and arrested
him after a routine computer check
revealed the traffic warrants.
Despite being voted to the A ll-
Star game as a starting guard for the
Western Conference, Sprewell en­
dured a turbulent 1994-95 season.
He was suspended twice during
the season for missing a practice and
a team function and was involved in
a bitter feud with backcourt partner
Tim Hardaway.
Sprewell averaged 20.6 points,
4.0 assists and 1.6 steals in 69 games
for the Warriors last season.
Sprewell was charged with d riv ­
ing with a suspended license and
obstructing tra ffic and allegedly
threatened a police o ffic e r who
chased his truck, according to Oak­
land police.
Sprewell was released after post­
ing bail o f $6,000 and was scheduled
to be arraigned last week in Oakland
M unicipal Court.
According to sergeant Larry
Krupp ofthe Oakland Police Depart­
ment, an officer observed Sprewell
speed away from a stop sign and then
followed the truck through down­
town Oakland
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The Dallas Cowboys have o ffi­
cially announced the signing o f two-
sport star Deion Sanders to a seven-
year contract worth $35 m illion with
a record signing bonus o f $12.999
m illion.
The terms o f Sanders’ contract
were disclosed by Cowboys owner
Jerry Jones at a morning news con­
ference in the Stadium Club at Texas
“ This has been the biggest deci­
sion o f my life,” said Sanders at the
news conference. “ This was really a
family decision.”
The last two years o f the con­
tract are voidable, making the deal
worth $25 m illion over five years.
Sanders is the first defensive player
in the NFL to average $5 m illion per
Sanders’ signing bonus sur­
passed the record $ 11.5 m illion quar­
terback Drew Bledsoe received from
the New England Patriots when he
signed a seven-year deal worth $42
m illion before the season.
“ This wasn’t a decision just
based on finances,” said Sanders.
“ First o f all, the age o f the Dallas
Cowboys. When you have guys like
Michael Irvin, Troy Aikman and
Emmitt Smith and Charles Haley,
guys that are locked up for three, four
years within their contracts, you have
a strong nucleus, not to mention one
o f the greatest defenses in the NFL
without Deion Sanders. And one key
point that really enhanced my deci­
sion was a three-hour conversation
with Michael Irvin.”
Jones announced Saturday at a
news conference in Irving, Texas,
that Sanders had agreed to terms on
a multi-year with the Cowboys, but
held o ff revealing the official finan­
cial terms until Monday.
Sanders, whose baseball career
took an unexpected turn when he was
traded from the Cincinnati Reds to
the San Francisco Giants in July,
would not be able to play for any
NFL team until the baseball season
ends in early October. His return to
football could be further delayed i f
the Giants reach the playoffs.
Sanders is still bothered by a
sprained left ankle suffered in June,
and ESPN reported that he w ill have
arthroscopic surgery on the ankle
when the Giants are eliminated from
the postseason.
Jones has spent the last few
weeks re-structuring the contracts o f
several players, including star quar­
terback Troy Aikman and defensive
tackle Russell Maryland, in order to
free up money under the salary cap to
sign Sanders.
Dallas intensified its stake in the
bidding war for Sanders last week
when Cowboys cornerback Kevin
Smith suffered a tom Achilles ten­
don that w ill probably force him to
miss the rest o f the season