• . '• T » aw -v* «I?. x> Volume XXV, Number 37 C ommitted to cultural diversity September 13, 1995, Join In Celebrating Our A Sound As Smooth As Satin Romantic R & B singer/ songwriter Kenneth Mangram introduces us to his debut album. See Arts A Entertainment, Page B3. New School Opens In Northeast Area students go back to class with computers in a new Portland School District alternative school. See Metro, inside. A N N IV E R S A R Y WI tc ÿ n rtlan h ( f M rs. F r an«* e n —N e w s p a p e r J n i v e r s i t v o f O rp o o n L ib i n e , O rp o o n 9740C r 250 Billboard fakes Aim At Gun Violence bv Mu itA E i, L eighton T he guns on our streets are killing many people every year, but they also leave people with injuries that last Community residents Joyce Harris (from left), Police Chief Charles Moose, Pichard Brown and Mayor Vera Katz unveil a new billboard with a graphic message aimed at ending gun violence. lifetime. Prostitutes, Johns Go To Jail In just one week, Portland Police ar rested 70 customers and prostitutes and confiscated 57 automobiles in northeast and southeast Portland. Police began en forcing a new city ordinance this month I that calls for prostitution-free zones. Lt C.W. Jensen said police “w e’re going to I continue enforcing the ordinance.” Sunset Highway Rededicated To mark the 50th anniversary to the end o f World War II, the Sunset Highway, also known as U.S. Highway 26, west of Portland, was re-dedicated Monday in honor o f the Sunset Division, the 41s In­ fantry Brigade, Oregon Army National Guard. The highway was first named in recognition o f the Sunset division in 1946. Robinson Cleared Of Charges No criminal charges will be filed lag ain st P o rtlan d T rail B lazer Jam es Robinson for an alleged sexual assault in July, Coos County D istrict Attorney Paul Burgett said last week. Instead, Robinson and his accuser, Debra M oran, 26 o f Coquille, reached a private settlement, the prosector said. Dole Turns Back Contribution Sen. Bob D ole’s presidential cam­ paign returned a $ 1,000 contribution from a gay Republican group in what is seen as an effort to enhance relations with conser­ vatives. The campaign reportedly had first sought the money from the group, called the Log Cabin Republicans. Multnomah Falls Reopens Multnomah Falls is open as usual after a near-tragic rockslide injured 22 people last week. A school bus-size boulder fell from the wall o f the falls into the upper pool, sending fist-size rocks past the pe­ destrian bridge. LA Police Turn To TV Battered by the Mark Fuhrman racism tapes and the Rodney King beating case, the Los Angeles Police Department is look­ ing to a new TV show to restore its image. In the vein o f the series COPS, “ LAPD” I will trail real officers patrolling the real streets o f the nation’s second largest city. In Portland, KPTV (12) began airing the program this week at midnight every week- | night. Man Left In Jail, Forgotten A man convicted o f a traffic offense languished for 5 days without food in a Virginia courthouse holding cell after a bailiff forgot about him during the long Labor Day weekend Allen Wilhelm, 25, was found on Tuesday last week at the Spotsylvania County Courthouse after his ' father asked the local sheriff about the young m an’s whereabouts. T h a t's the graphic m essage behind a new b illb o a rd in north and n o rth east P o rtlan d . M e m b e rs o f th e B la c k U n ited F ro n t, H o p e and H ard W ork, and N eig h b o rs A gainst G unfire, developed and sp o n so re d the billb o ard in an e f­ fort to reach young people. The im age show s a young man left p ara ly z e d by v iolence w ho is being spoon fed by his m other. It reads: “ H ope y o u ’ve got a m other w ho loves you. G uns d o n ’t alw ays k ill.” “ We hope to im pact the c o n sc io u s­ ness o f p e o p le ,” said Joyce H arris, a m em ber o f the com m unity d e le g a tio n that h elped unveil the b illb o a rd last w eek. P olice c h ie f C harles M oose and M ayor V era K atz praised the effo rt. “ T here has to be people com ing to g e th e r, like we see this m orning, to b rin g th is m essage, this m essage o f e d u c a tio n , so that people can start to m ake the d e c isio n , the in dividual d e ­ c isio n , th at violence and guns bring n eg ativ e im pacts on *iheir c o m m u n i­ ty ,” M oose said. The first b illb o a rd was e re c te d at the in te rse c tio n o f N orth W illiam s and N o rth e a st T hom pson Street. The sign will also be displayed on M artin L uther K ing Jr. Blvd. and tw o o ther lo catio n s. P o sters w ith the sam e m essage are being c irc u la te d in schools and o ther lo catio n s. Packwood’s Resigns In Face Of Expulsion ob Packwood, one of the most too much for that.” powerful politicians in Wash­ Choking back tears and recalling the ington, resigned from theU.S. farew ell a d d ress o f G eneral D ouglas Senate on Thursday rather than MacArthur face after President Harry Truman possible expulsion on charges of fired him as allied commander in Korea in sexual and ethical misconduct. 1951 - one of the most dramatic and famous B “ I am aware o f the dishonor that has befallen me in the last three years and I don’t want to visit further that dishonor on the Senate,” Packwood said in an emotional, rambling and hastily arranged speech on the Senate floor “ I respect this institution, my colleagues, addresses in U.S. annals - Packwood said: “ Duty, honor, country. It is my duty to resign. It is the honorable thing to do for this country, lor the Senate. So I now announce that I will resign from the Senate I leave this institution not with malice but with love Good luck. Godspeed.” Later, Packwood announced that his res­ ignation would take effect October I . Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, a longtime Republican ally and comrade-in- arms o f Packwood, wanted to give him a “reasonable” period “to get everything in order.” Packwood, 62, an Oregon Republican, wielded great power as chairman o f the Sen­ ate Finance Committee the pivotal panel for upcoming battles with Democratic Pres­ ident Bill Clinton on the federal budget, spending and taxes and as a senior and relatively moderate leader o f his party in Washington. His resignation came about 24 hours after the Senate Ethics Committee voted 6-0 to urge the Senate to expel him because o f allegations o f sexual and ethical misconduct. The charges, backed up by more than 10,000 pages o f detailed evidence released earlier Thursday by the Ethics Committee, included engaging in a years-long pattern o f forcing his affections on women who worked for or ▼ Katz Stays Put Continued to page Wyden To Run For U.S. Senate announced he yden o n g ressm an Sunday Ron W will enter the race to replace Bob Packwood in the U.S. Senate. C W yden, a Democrat, represents Portland in the U.S. House o f Represen­ tatives. He made the an­ n o u n c e m e n t d u rin g a weekend o f appearances around his district. Wyden, who started his political as director o f the O regon Grey Pan­ thers, jo in s a crowded filed o f candidates who are vying to succeed the R epublican Packwood, who resigned Thursday in disgrace after allegations o f sexual misconduct and evidence tampering. “This is a chance for U.S. Fiep. Ron Oregon to begin anew. O regonians deserve thoughtful discussion about the issues most important to the state as we move into the 21st Century, and I look forward to participating in that discussion,” HB EDITORIAL (Photos b y M ichael Leighton) HEALTH COMMUNITY Wyden said in a statement. Oregon voters must ultimately decide who will succeed Packwood. But Gov. John Kitzhaber is expected to decide later this week ifthe nominees for the position are made by political party leaders or by a primary elec­ tion. The other Democratic candidates seeking the post are U .S. Rep P e te r DeFazio, U.S. Rep Eliza­ beth Furse and Bend busi­ nessman Hany Lonsdale. Former Gov. Barbara Rob­ erts said she was consider- ing fhe race. R e p u b lic a n c a n d i- dates to en ter the ring are O regon S enate P re s­ ident G ordon Sm ith o f P e n d le to n and L a b o r Wyden, D-Ore C o m m is s io n e r Jack R oberts. R epublicans also c o n sid e rin g the race are U .S. Rep. Jim B unn, U.S. Rep. W es C ooley, and O regon S u p e rin ­ te n d e n t o f E ducation N orm a Paulus. v jHF A ENTERTAINMENT era Katz said she plans to stay on as mayor of Portland, turning down requests to run for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by disgraced R epublican Bob Packwood. V Í Sen. Mark Hatfield Hatfield Saddened S Mayor Vera Katz en. Mark O. Hatfield said Bob Packwood's resigna­ tion was a political night­ mare that is now coming to an end. Continued to page SPORTS Continued to page RELIGION CLASSIFIEDS ft