Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 06, 1995, Image 9

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Volume XXV, Number 36
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Committed to cultural diversity.
September 6, 1995
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o nt nt u n i t u
a l e tt h a r
Summer staff at northeast
Portland's MYCAP office
(Minority Youth Concerns
Action Program) hold
copies of their Multi­
cultural Teen-Age
Directory, a new booklet
designed as a quick
reference guide to
resources available for
youth in the Portland
area. The booklet
contains information on
alcohol and drug abuse,
pregnancy, child care,
counseling, health care,
sexually transmitted
diseases and the tough
new sentencing
requirements for crimes
committed under
Measure 11.
Cookbook Author
Ann W all Frank, author o f “ Cooking
for Your Evil Tw in,” w ill be featured dur­
ing the inaugural Women Against M u lti­
ple Sclerosis luncheon, Sept. 19 at the
Portland Hilton Hotel. Call 223-9511 to
make a reservation or for information on
MS services.
Convention Center
Party Friday
Picnic By The Points, a community
celebration to mark the fifth birthday ofthe
Oregon Convention Center w ill be held
Friday and Saturday, noon to 9 p.m., on the
center’s parking lot. Proceeds w ill benefit
the Cultural Recreation Band, a group
committed to improving the quality o f life
and education o f children in north and
northeast Portland. The event w ill include
clowns, face painters and an OM SI science
fair for the kids.
Circus Coming
To The Coliseum
North Portland Bible College Nears Opening
ommunity pastors, church
leaders and civic leaders are
among the honored guests to
gather Sunday, Sept. 17 for a special
ceremony marking the construction
of a new home for the North Portland
Bible College.
The Ringling Bros, and Bamun &
Bailey Circus has scheduled a series o f
performances. Sept. 13 - Sept. 17 at Port­
land’s Memorial Coliseum. Tickets are
$9.50 - $13.50 for adults, with a $2 dis­
count for children under 12 and $4 dis­
count for children available at Thriftw ay
for opening night. To charge by phone call
224-4400. Group discounts are also sold
for 15 or more people by calling 797-9604.
Cook-off Set
A barbecue cook-off to benefit the
Oregon Food Bank w ill be held this week­
end at Oregon Courtyard Square on North­
east Holladay Street between Seventh and
Ninth avenues. The event w ill feature 11
cooks with ribs, corn on the cob, beer, ice
cream and more. Live music w ill be pro­
vided by the Trial Band, Cross Country,
Ozone Rangers, Jeff and The Revolvers
and the A ll N ight Cowboys.
Ellington Tribute
Includes Workshop
A special jazz masterclass directed by
Mercer Kennedy Ellington, son o f jazz
great Duke Ellington, w ill take place in
Lincoln Hall at Portland State University,
Saturday, Sept. 23 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
That evening, the Schnitzer Concert Hall
w ill be the setting for the music and dance
tribute “ Essence o fE llin g ton .” Tickets are
available through Ticketmaster outlets. Part
o f the proceeds benefit the PSU Black
Studies Department
Alicia Davis (left) and Rev. T. Allen Bethel (right) are among the many volunteers
helping in the effort to build a campus facility for the North Portland Bible College.
Program Exceeds Goal
re g o n ’s C hild
S u p p o rt
they deserve.”
Enforcem ent Program col­
Statistics also show a significant improve­
lected $46.3 million more than
ment in productivity since the last biennium.
its goal during 1993-95, according
per worker rose by 15 percent,
statistics released by Adult and Family
going from $585,300 during 1991-93 to
Services, w hich adm inisters the
$676,000 in 1993-95. Yarnell credits the work
o f the Support Enforcement Division o f the
PSU Throws Party
In The Park
OMSI Auction Sets
Annual Date
SU B M ISSIO N S: C .«im u n ity
Calendar information will be given
priority if dated two weeks
before the event date.
Hill To Direct
Portland YWCA
Over the two-year period, $335.3 m illion
in child support was collected and distributed,
exceeding the target o f $289 m illion set by the
1993 Legislature. The collections represent an
increase o f 40 percent over the previous two-
year period. Over the last six years, child
support col lections in Oregon increased by 102
Portland State University throws its
percent, going from $165.8 m illion in 1989-91
fifth annual Party in the Park, Sept. 22 from
to the 1993-95 level o f $335.3 million.
11:30 a m. to 3 p.m. marking the end o f J
“ Increasing collection o f child support is
New Student Week and the beginning o f
a key part ofthe state’s welfare reform strate­
fall term. A Caribbean Carnival Parade is
gy, and we’re gratified to be able to announce
planned to begin the festivities. A pajama
these figures during national strategy, and we’ re
dance in the park blocks w ill during the
gratified to be able to announce these figures
evening, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
during national Child Support Awareness
Month,” stated Phil Yarnell, head o f AFS
Recovery Services. “ We have made notewor­
thy gains in our effectiveness, which translate
into more Oregon families who are able to stay
The Oregon Museum o f Science
o ff welfare and improve their standard o f liv ­
and In du stry, (O M S I) O re g o n ’ s pre­
ing because they aie g e llin g the child support
m ie r science museum, has set the dates
fo r th e ir biggest fu n d -ra isin g event o f |
the year, Jan. 19 and 20 at the Portland
H ilto n H otel. The nights o f e n te rta in ­
ment w ill ca rry an O M S I O lym p ia d
theme. For ticke ts or more in fo rm a ­
tio n c a ll 797-4642.
Music, a tour and refreshments are also
planned during the ribbon-cutting ceremony
to begin at 3:30 p.m. at the new school site at
4905 N. Vancouver.
The dream o f the college moving onto a
campus o f its own is becoming a reality with
the remodeling o f two houses into a campus
Thanks to volunteer labor and dona­
tions, the end o f construction is almost in
sight, college officials said.
Several community pastors and church
leaders have lent a hand to the building
Rev. T. Allen Bethel, pastor o f Maranatha
Church o f God helped nail insulation. Rev.
James Coleman o f Fellowship Church o f
God has come to the site several times to do
whatever needed to be done: Running er­
rands, painting a room, and fillin g nail holes
Department o f Justice and local district attor­
neys for the increase. The agencies are part­
ners with AFS in the Child Support Enforce­
ment Program.
The program is also taking advantage o f
new legal tools to collect past-due child sup­
port. These include a law requiring employers
to report their new hires to the state, the ability
to suspend occupational licenses for non-pay­
ment o f child support, and the ability to inter­
cept an absent parent’s tax refunds to cover
back child support.
During the upcoming biennium, the pro­
gram’ s authority to suspend occupational
licenses w ill be expanded, and it w ill gain the
a bility to suspend driver’s licenses for people
owing more than $2,500. The program is also
adding 150 staff over the biennium; These
new workers are expected to collect more
than $40 m illion above the cost o f employing
he YWCA of Portland has
named Karen J. Hill as its
executive director.
H ill has served as executive director o f
the Salem-based non-profit Northwest Hu­
man Services, a multi-service organization
providing health and social services to over
30,000 people in Marion and Polk coun­
“ We are most fortunate or have re­
cruited a person with the stature and expe­
rience that Karen possesses,” said Janice
Hall, President o f the Y W C A Board o f
in her letter o f application for the job.
Hall said she want to be part o f an organi­
zation which empowers people and en­
courages se lf sufficiency.
“ The Y W C A has a unique opportunity
to be a focal point for women in the Port­
land area,” she said. " I would love the
opportunity to be a part o f such an organi­
Back To School Traffic Watch Urged
otorists should be on the
dividing the lanes o f travel.”
lookout for school buses and
Stevenson said people should also be
in c re a se d n e ig h b o rh o o d
aware that children walking to school w ill
traffic as area kids return to school.
significantly increase pedestrian traffic in
“ Drivers are required to stop for a school
bus when its lights are flashing,” said Captain
Jim Stevenson o f the Oregon State Police.
“ Remember, stopping is required not only on
two-lane roadways, but also on four-lane
roadways where there is no physical barrier
many neighborhoods.
“ The reduced speed lim it when children
are present is 20 miles per hour,” Stevenson
said. “ Enforcement o f the school bus laws
and the speed limits around schools is very
strict. D on’t expect a warning i f you fail to
in preparation o f final painting. He also ex­
tended hospitality to visiting volunteers.
Rev. James E. Smith o f Allen Temple
C M E Church helped paint in the Gantenbein
House and plans to participate in the exterior
North/northeast churches represented by
at least one volunteer include the follow ing:
Berean Baptist, Allen Temple CME,
Englewood Christian, Fellowship Church o f
God, Maranatha, Antioch Baptist, Mt. Olivet,
Central Bible, Bethel AM E, North Baptist
and possibly others.
But college officials said on many days,
even weekends, site superintendent Bruce
Edman is w orking by himself. Edman has
declined a paying jo b to stay with the project
until it is completed.
Financial and labor donations are still
Some tasks o f the project that remain,
include exterior and some interior painting,
carpet and linoleum installation, window and
plumbing fixtures, and completion o f land­
Classes are expected to meet in the new­
ly renovated houses later this fall.
stop when a bus is picking up children or
dropping them o ff.”
Stevenson said kids should also learn
proper pedestrian skills.
“ Parents should make sure that their kids
know how to safely cross streets, how to
watch out for cars and be good pedestrians.
And kids should also know the rules for
safely getting on and o ff the school bus.”
Karen J. Hill
Correct Dates For
Metro Training
The dates fo r accepting applications
in the M etro Electrical Training Center's
Apprenticeship Traing Program were in­
correct in our last edition. We sincerely
apologize for this error. The applications
are being taken Sept. 5 through 18th at
5600 N.E. 42nd at K illingsw orth, M onday
through Friday, from 10 a m. to 4 p.m.