11 T he P ortland O bserver « S eptember 6, 1995 P age A 7 ortlanh baerucr B Of A Increases Minority, Low Income Lending Bank o f America increased the number o f loans it made to low- income and minority Californians in 1994 through its Neighborhood Ad­ vantage program, despite a drop of 11 percent in its overall home loan volume due to a general downturn in the residential real estate market. According to data collected un­ der the federal Home Mortgage Dis­ closure Act, Bank o f America made a total o f 15,797 home loans to mi­ norities in California during 1994, representing nearly 23 percent o f all home loans the bank made during that time period. It made 23,787 loans to low- income borrowers (those earning less than 100% ofthe median income o f the area where they live), which represents 34.2 percent o f all home loans BofA made during 1994. “Our 1994 HMDA data con­ firms that we are successfully reach­ ing out to minority and low-income borrowers through ourNeighborhood Advantage program to provide them with the opportunity to buy their own home and leverage it as a financial resource," said Executive Vice Pres­ ident Don Mullane, head ofthe bank’s Corporate Community Development unit. The bank also said its portfolio o f Neighborhood Advantage loans, targeted at low- and moderate-in- come borrowers, is performing as well or better than its conventional home loan portfolio. In a speech before a Dallas Fed­ eral Reserve conference today, Bank o f America Chairman and CEO Ri­ chard M. Rosenberg said that on average, the 90-day delinquency rate o f Neighborhood Advantage loans originated between 1989 and 1992 is 25 percent lower than the delinquen­ cy rate in the bank’s portfolio o f conventional home loans. “ We believe these performance measures argue strongly for the via­ bility o f carefully underwritten low- income mortgage programs,” Rosenberg said. “They also suggest that low-income borrowers, given the opportunity for home ownership with a product that fits their needs, can meet their financial obligations responsibly and consistently.” Under the Home Mortgage Dis­ closure Act, home loan providers may collect information on the race, ethnicity and gender o f loan appli­ cants to help determine how effec­ tively they are meeting the needs o f the community. HMDA data includes home purchase loans, refinancings, and products such as home equity and home improvement loans. In addition to its internal analy­ sis o f 1994 HMDA data, which is reported annually to the Federal Re­ serve, BofA also contracted with an independent consultant and HMDA expert, John Lind o f the Caniccor organization, to review its HMDA data during the last quarter o f 1994 and the first quarter o f 1995. Cannicor is an interfaith group o f churches that monitors corporate social re­ sponsibility programs. According to Lind’s analysis, Absentee Washington Homebuyers Average N um ber Sold 572 393 60 53 51 47 39 35 34 28 While more than halfofW ash- ington state’s out-of-state home- buyers live in California and Ore- gon, the third most common state o f residence is Hawaii, a real estate information service reports. A total o f 572 California resi- dents bought a house or condo in (3- P u rch ase P rice $158,383 $129,678 $154,758 $128,148 $175,404 $176,861 $117,500 $206,606 $147,283 $142,508 W ashington state during the 12- month period ending in July. That accounts for 33.7 percent o f the 1,699 homes bought by out-of-state resi- dents during the period, according to DataQuick Information Systems. Oregon residents bought 393 W ashington hom es, follow ed by RMLS O Realty Inc. 300 NE Multnomah, Suite #27 Portland, Oregon 97232 George A. Hendrix MBA, GRI, Broker (SO3) 230-1390 • (Res.) 287-6837 All Furnaces Need Check-ups A ll heating systems should be ser­ viced periodically by a qualified con­ tra cto r to ensure top performance, according to the American Gas Asso­ ciation. Such maintenance w ill ensure safe and efficient operation. Heating contractors should fo llo w the m a n u fa c tu re r’ s m a intenance guidelines fo r each unit in accordance w ith local building codes and regula­ tions, A .G A. says. The check-up should include: • inspection o f the furnace vent sys­ tem; other obstructions from inside the chimney; replacement or cleaning o f the air filte r; lubrication o f the blower motor; replacem ent o f b lo w e r b elts, i f needed; cleaning o f pilots and burner cham­ ber; removal o f dust and lin t from fu r­ nace vents, registers and baseboard heaters; and cleaning and adjusting o f thermo­ stats. • rem oval o f any leaves, nests or Hawaii, Florida and Texas (see chart). California residents paid an av­ erage o f $158,383 for their homes while Arizona residents paid an av­ erage $ 117,500, the company re­ ported. DataQuick monitors real estate purchasing, financing and foreclo­ sure activity nationwide. The com­ pany, which has an office in Belle­ vue, provides information to con­ sumers, lending institutions, title companies and industry analysts. Out-of-state absentee ownership is assumed when bills for property taxes are sent out-of-state. By city, the highest number o f out-of-state homebuyers live in Port­ land, followed by San Jose, Hono­ lulu, Anchorage and Beaverton. After the month-long “Name a Piece o f Portland” contest, an an ­ nouncement was made on July 26, 1995 dubbing Kimpton Group’s new­ est hotel Pioneer Place Suites. Since then, Kimpton Group discovered that ownership o f Pioneer Place shop­ ping center prefers the name Pioneer Place suites not be used. In the spirit o f positive business relations, Kimpton Group respects their request and instead names it Energy Facts Natural gas energy heats 57 percent o f the nation's homes and serves more than 174 m illio n American consumers. Ninety-nine percent o f the natural gas consumed in the United States comes from North America, with 90 percent coming from the lower-48 states. We’re working for you, so you’re always connected. Sometimes, building a successful business means you have to do it all. You work into the wee hours o f the morning, running those numbers New & used books on Business, Music, & African-American Studies I yet again, just so you can make the most important connection—that first soccer game or that sixth birthday party. And one day your hard work w ill pay off—for you, and for those w ho w ill follow. U S WEST understands what goes into building a tradition o f excellence that lasts for generations—because POWELL’S CITY OF BOOKS w e’ve been w orking hard at it ourselves for more than 100 years. Today we offer you unparalleled reliability in products and services that helps your business run just that much easier. That way, you're always connected. 9 AM - 11 PM Monday through Saturday 9 AM - 9 PM Sundays Used books bought every day till 8:30 PM On the #20 Bus line • One hour free parking 1005 West Burnside Street conditions, which included several increases in interest rates. Bank o f America’s overall home loan vol­ ume dropped 11 percent to 69,416. Loan applications from minori­ ty customers continued to be de­ clined at a h igher rate than loans from white customers. The 1994 decline ratio — the rate at which minority loan applications were declined di­ vided by the rate o f white loan decli­ nations— was 1.7 percent. That was up slightly from the decline ratio of 1.5 reported in 1993. “As our marketing and advertis­ ing in low-income and minority com­ munities has become more aggres­ sive, we have attracted higher vol­ umes o f applications, includinga larg­ er number o f marginal applications that do not meet our credit stan­ dards,” Mullane said. “We are continuing to refine our Neighborhood Advantage program to allow more minority and low-in­ come borrowers to qualify while still maintaining a safe, sound, and prof­ itable portfolio,” he said. “Our goal continues to be to steadily increase the number of loans w e make to low- income and minority Californians." Neighborhood Advantage is a special home loan program launched by BofA in 1990 that offers flexible, nontraditional underwriting criteria to make home loans more afford­ able. It now generates a significant portion o f BofA’s home loan busi­ ness, and has been used as a model for affordable lending program s throughout the industry. BofA complements the Neigh­ borhood Advantage program with special homebuyer seminars that ed­ ucate potential borrowers about the application process. Individuals who complete the seminars qualify for special features o f the Neighborhood Advantage pro­ gram, such as down payments as low as 5 percent. In the first quarter o f 1995, BofA hosted approximately 120 homebuyer seminars throughout California. It Is Now Fifth Avenue Suites Out Of State Homebuyers State California Oregon Hawaii Florida Alaska Texas Arizona New York Michigan Colorado "Bank o f America has significantly increased its lending to lower-income categories ofborrow ers, resulting in performances well above the indus­ try level in all but the upper-income category for both purchase loans and refinancings. “This pattern o f performance above the industry level applies not only to low— income borrowers as a whole, but also specifically to black and Hispanic borrowers. Thus, the bank is performing very well in the most crucial portion o f the market, the low-income mi­ nority borrower.” Overall, home loans to minori ­ ties increased 1.3 percent from 1993 to 1994, with loans to African Amer­ icans increasing2.7 percent to 2,319, and loans to Latinos up 6.3 percent to 8,074. Loans to low-income appli­ cants earning less than 80 percent o f median income rose 0.5 percent, to 14,711, and loans to low-income m inorities rose 15 8 percent, to 5,040. In line with prevailing industry And so is your business LlftWEST 228-4651 e 1996 U S WEST, Inc Despite the renaming, Grant Brakett, author o f the name Pioneer Place Suites, still receives the prizes awarded to him. Fifth Avenue Suites is sched­ uled to open in the Spring o f 1996. The hotel features 160 suites, 60 deluxe guest rooms and four grand suites; approximately 6,000 square feet of meeting and catering space accom­ modates 10 to 200 people. A signature Kimpton restaurant is adjacent. Fifth Avenue Suites. This name was the first-runner up in the contest. Judith K. Feinstein, who has lived in Portland since she was 3- years-old, submitted the name Fifth Avenue Suites. She wins a weekend at the IJptel Monaco in San Fran­ cisco, dinner for two at its restaurant Grand Cafe and a weekend and din­ ner for two at Fifth Avenue Suites. In addition, a suite at the hotel will be dedicated to Ms. Feinstein. A n n iv e r e ^ CELEBRATION of (E lje ^ l a r t l a n h (O b se r v e r