P age A6 S eptember 6, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver “Sickle Cell Disease In The New Millennium” Sickle Cell Disease Association O f America Inc. Sets Theme For Sickle Cell Month And Annual Con­ ference, OCT. 4-7, In Chicago, Illi­ nois “Sickle Cell Disease In The New Millennium,” is the theme selected by the Sickle Cell Disease Associa­ tion o f America Inc. (SCDAA) to usher in September’s annual obser­ vance ofNational Sickle Cell A ware­ ness Month. That theme will also set the tone for the Association’s 23rd annual conference, October 4-7 at the Downtown Marriott Hotel in Chicago, Illinois. The announcement was made by Lynda K Anderson, executive Director o f SCDAA, the $ T C °L te CUT nation’s only voluntary health orga­ nization working full time to resolve issues related to sickle cell disease. “ We are encouraging communi­ ties across the country to participate in the many activities being present­ ed by our member organizations,” Anderson said. “ Until we find a cure for sickle cell disease, our main weap­ on in this war has always been and continues to be education. There will be health fairs, workshops, educa­ tional exhibits and displays with free materials and many other outlets to access valuable information on sick­ le cell disease and how to best cope w ith both the p h y sic a l and psychosocial impact o f it,” she con- NEW, RETURNS OVERSTOCK 4069 N.E. M .L.K Bh'C CELEBRATION o f 311]e I ß o r t l n n b O D h e r r u e r MY BROTHERS BAR-B-Q PLUS 7339 N. E. MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD. OUTLET PORTLAND, OREGON P a s s in g T h e T o rc h - 1994-95 N ational P o s te r child (left), M ichael Wall o f High Point, North Carolina e n d s h e r y e a r long term a s SC D A A p o s te r child at th e con clu sio n o f N ational S ic k le Cell A w a r e n e s s M onth C a rry in g O n - Tiffany D anielle Ja rm o n o f H o u sto n (right), T e x a s will officially ta k e h e r position a s SC D A A 1995-96 N ational P o ste r Child a t a sso c ia tio n 's upcom ing c o n ven tio n in C hicago, Illinois. tinues “SCDAA is very concerned about preparing the sickle cell com- “ TRY THE REST THEN COME HAVE THE BEST” CATERING SERVICE AVAILABLE DINE IN OR TAKE OUT PLACE ORDERS BY PHONE OR FAX (503) 283-0201 (503) 283-0203 FAX munity for the new millennium and its challenges,” notes Anderson. CUCUMBERS slicing size 5 L IQ U ID A T IO N o S t h A n n i ver<¿77 HOURS SUN - THURSDAY 1 0 :0 0 A.M. TO 9 :0 0 P.M. FRIDAY & SATURDAY 1 0 :0 0 A.M. TO 1 1 :0 0 P.M. TOMATOES large slicing size 00 59* 79 < 6 9 * FEATURING POUND CARROTS mini peeled ONE POUND BAG BAR-B-Q DINNER & CREOLE DISHES BROCCOLI PROPRIETORS: EDDIE AND JOSIE RICHEY POUND PEACHES o r NECTARINES Northwest Grown C O M E A N D SEE W H A T Y O U R M O N E Y W ILL BUY A T 5 0 % T O 7 5 % OFF RETAIL sweet and full of juice POUND Your Neighborhood Pizza PJace c 79 Cascade Pizza and Deli New York’s Finest P izzas, Salads, C alzones, and Subs 634 N Killingsworth Portland, OR 97217 Across from P.C.C. Cascade SEEDLESS GRAPES Red Flame or Thompson c 70% large size berries The Natural Snack POUND P res en t 10% co u p o n w ith p u rch ase for a d d itio n al savings. 285-5253 79 S in g le P izzas ChccHc Each addi Item Hawaiian (Ham & Pineapple) PEPSI COLA-DIET PEPSI-PEPSI FREE-WILD CHERRY PEPSI M O U N T A IN DEW-DR. PEPPER-MUG ROOT BEER SLICE (All Flavors) Pirpperqni S alad s Deluxe Pizzas 6.95 SPECIALS El FECTIVE TUESDAY through SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 5 through 10 1995 MEMBER OF UNITED GROCERS FOR YOUR NEAREST KIENOW S STORE CALL 659 5220 1’icli up or Kat in eoi, STO R I HOURS W IIK O A Y S S a m lo 9 p m SUNDAY 9 o m to 8 p m Pizza/ Wines Free C heese Com bo Sticks with order of 2 P ittas, 2 Toppings m u sh ro o m «) 16.95 11.95 l'u t up nr Eel in mil, wilh cuupun No* valid « llk en, el her offer Kick up or Eel m onl, with coupon Net valid wilh e x , 285-5253 285-5253 ( eernrfr I ' n u « u U rli 285-5253 HOME DELIVERY IS AVAILABLE CALL: 245-4595 Hot Chicken Wings (10) 1 Large 3 lopping P itia and 10 Hot Wing«