I hf P ortland O bserver • S eptember 6, 1995 Health ©'Science • e. P age • ». African American Women Heads National Medical Association Y vonnecris Sm ith Veal, M .D ., today, began her reign as the 94th President o f the 100 year o ld N ation­ al M edical Association (N M A ). A f­ filia te d w ith the N ational M edical A ssociation since 1966, Dr. Veal has served in various elected and ap­ pointed positions lo ca lly and nation­ a lly, including: member and the only female to serve as Chairm an, Board o f Trustees; member o f the House o f Delegates since 1975; Region I Chair; first V ice President; Executive Sec­ retary; C hair, A d Hoc Committee to Reorganize the House o f Delegates; and C o-P rincipal In v e stig a to rN M A / Center fo r Disease C ontrol Breast and C ervical Cancer Project. Dr. Veal is currently the Senior M edical Director, United States Post­ al Service fo r the New Y o rk M e tro ­ politan area, one o f ten such posi­ tions nationwide. She is also an O c­ cupational M edicine C e rtifie d M ed­ ical Review O ffic e r. From 1975 to 1981, Dr. Veal served as M edical D ire cto r o f M edical A ffa irs o f the EastN ewN eighborhood Fam ilyC are Center, B ro o k ly n , N ew Y o rk . In 1981, she returned to Queens as M edical D irector o f the Carter C om ­ m unity Health Center. In 1984, she began her employm ent w ith the U n it­ ical Officer. to play a pivo ta l role in representing I n her address to the assembly at the N M A Centennial Convention in A tlanta, Dr. Veal stated, "the N M A must do all it can to make a difference in the numbers o f A frican-A m erican physicians w ho can, and w ill serve our physicians and the patients we serve.” our com m unities w ith compassion and excellence.” In response to re­ cent court rulings on affirm a tive ac­ tion, Dr. Veal challenged N M A mem­ bers to loudly protest the reversal and erosion o f opportunities that m inorities deserve and fought for during the 1960s. “ We must become ed States Postal Service, first as a contract physician, and in 1985, as stronger and more aggressive advo­ cates fo r what is ju s t and right. The the Long Island Field D ivisio n M ed­ N M A must be vig ila n t and continue Dr. Veal announced that her goals fo r 1995-96 are to: D evelop membership in itia tive s aimed at re­ cruitm ent, retention, and reclama­ tion o f members; Continue educa­ tion and leadership efforts in man­ aged care; Continue to advocate fo r passage o f health care reform legis­ lation w hich includes universal co v­ erage that is affordable, accessible, portable and provides quality care and choice; Enhance the v is ib ility o f the N M A ; and Address gender and racial disparities in the health care industry. Dr. Veal concluded by o ffe rin g the means in w hich to implem ent her initiatives, “ together, we must foster a sp irit o f netw orking, a s p irit o f cooperat ion, partnersh ip agreements, and a vision fo r the future.” The House o f Delegates also elected Randall Morgan, M .D ., Pres­ id e n t-E le c t; N a th a n ie l M u rd o c k , M .D . V ic e P re s id e n t; P u rn e ll K ir k la n d , M .D ., S peaker; N iv a Lubin, M .D ., V ice Speaker; La w ­ M .D ., Region III Trustee; Javette O rgain, M .D ., Region IV Trustee; Sandra Gadson, M .D ., Region IV Trustee; L. N atalie C a rro ll, Region V Trustee; and M ich a e l L e N o ir, M .D ., Region V I Trustee. The N ational M edical Associa­ tion, founded in 1985, is the oldest N ational A frica n -A m e rica n profes­ sional organization. It represents the interests o f more than 22,000 A f r i­ can-Am erican physicians in more than 23 specialties. rence Sanders, M .D ., S ecretary; G u th rie Turner, M .D ., Treasurer; Francis Blackm an, M .D ., Corporate Headquartered in W ashington, D C., the N M A has over 120 chap­ Trustee; Donna Green, M .D ., R e-“ gion I Trustee; Gary, Dennis, M .D ., Region II Trustee; E ric B u ffo n g , ters throughout the U nited States, Puerto Rico, and the US V irg in Is­ lands. Agency Says Second Study Finds Surgery Not Al ways Needed AIDS Virus Rare M any older men w ith low-grade prostate cancer may expect a norm al A type o f A ID S virus most com m only found in western A fric a The C DC est ¡mates that 62 peo- ple in the U nited States have be­ remains “ extrem ely rare” in the United States, federal health o ff i­ come infected w ith H IV -2 and five cials said last week. have died. The firs t case o f H IV -2 The Centers fo r Disease C on­ tro l and Prevention said H IV -2 has been found on ly tw ice in an estimat­ ed 74 m illio n blood and plasma donations screened over the past three years. In both cases, the in­ fected blood was destroyed o r dis­ carded, and the virus did not enter the nation’ s blood supply. In 1992, the Food and D rug A d m in is tra tio n ordered that a ll blood and plasma donations be test­ ed fo r H IV -2 as w e ll as H IV -1 , the common form o f the A ID S virus in the U nited States. Dr. John Ward, the C D C ’s c h ie f o f H I V /A 1D S surveillance, said that not o n ly is H IV -2 “ extrem ely rare” infection was diagnosed in West A fric a in 1986 and tw o-thirds o f those infected w ith the virus in the U nited States were bom in western A frica . “ H IV -2 appears to continue to be localized in countries o f western A fric a ,” W ard said. “ In cases where it ’ s diagnosed elsewhere, most o f those people w ill have some type o f contact w ith western A fric a , either through sexual contact w ith someone from western A fric a , or actually having live d there.” B o th o f th e c o n ta m in a te d d o n a tio n s o c c u rre d last ye a r, the C D C s a id . O n e in v o lv e d an diagnosed from 1971 to 1976 found that those who received little o r no treatm ent fo r the condition were no more I ike ly to die sooner than healthy men o f the same age group, w hich was 65 to 75 years. B ut among men in the same age range w ith more aggressive, higher- grade prostate cancer, the study found, life expectancy was six to eight years less than that o f the healthy group when the mal ignancy was treat­ ed conservatively w ith hormone ther­ apy o r no intervention. D r. Peter C. Albertsen o f the H IV - in f e c t e d . lik e ly to cause A ID S . “ It appears that H IV -2 may not be as viru le n t as H I V - 1 in the sense years, had num erous sexual p a rt­ -o n the proper use o f prescription ; drugs. The proposal calls fo r clearly- ; • presented leaflets to be handed out - w ith drugs g ivin g such inform ation as the d ru g ’ s approved uses, circum ­ stances under w hich it should not be ■ used, side effects, and cautions relat- • ed to proper use. “ Consumers deserve c lear, read­ ? possible drug interactions. The Food and D rug A d m in is tra ­ tion, the Departm ent o f Health and Human Services agency overseeing the program, said a survey showed that about 55 percent o f people using drugs received substantial in fo rm a ­ tion about the drugs, but the q u a lity o f the inform ation appeared to vary greatly. The F D A said that, w o rkin g w ith health providers, it hoped that 75 percent o f patients w ould re­ It added that i f the goals were .'the importance o f using drugs ac­ c o r d in g to prescribed use and about V s t h — — AA* evant general po p u la tio n ,” the report said. A lbertsen said in an interview years to become life-threatening. For several years, doctors treat­ ing elderly patients have debated tumors. W hile many doctors assume those therapies im prove survival, studies to assess their effects, p a rtic­ u la rly w ith early, slo w -g ro w in g tu­ mors, are s till going on, he said. whether to simply mon itor the progress o f these cancers and provide symp­ Dr. Gerald W. Chodak o f the U n ive rsity o f Chicago described the can result in impotence or inconti­ nence, for years or the rest o f life, and Connecticut research as a w e ll- designed and thorough study that lent support to the practice o f“ watch- some experts say there is little evi­ dence that aggressive treatment adds years o f survival to the very old. tomatic treatment, or to attack the malignancy aggressively. In most pa­ tients, surgery and radiation treatment and at least 95 percent by 2006. “PCC’s Cascade Campus will be 25 years old this fall. Since 1969, thousands of students have passed through our doors on the way to a better life through education and training. We’re proud to be part of the community and we’re here to meet your needs. Please stop by and see what Cascade has to offer.” M ildred Ollee, Executive D ean PCC Cascade: Education That Works! Here are some of the many programs and services available at PCC Cascade: not met, one option was to require F D A -approved patient leaflets o r to seek p u b lic comment on how a m a n d a to ry in fo rm a tio n p ro g ra m should be established o r whether oth­ er steps could be taken to reach the agency’ s patient inform ation goal. ♦ Two-year college degree programs. PCC Cascade is a comprehensive campus. Our credits are accepted by 4-year colleges, if you want to transfer for a four-year degree. You can get all the credits you need to complete an AA or AS degree here. ♦ Career Training. At PCC Cascade there are more than 30 career fields you can prepare for. 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SPECIALIZING IN YOUR LEGAL NEEDS Real Estate Wills & Trusts Medical Malpractice Accidents-Persunal Injuries Divorce & Family Law “ M en aged 65-75 years diag­ nosed as having low-grade prostate cancer face no apparent loss in life expectancy compared w ith a re l­ Some early o r slo w -g ro w in g prostate cancers can take 10 to 15 Part of the Community for 25 Years! s p o r tia n i» (© b a e r u e r • • • • • was unwarranted. He said the inform ation was valu­ able fo rju d g in g the effect upon sur­ viva l o f the more aggressive treat­ ments being used today, including radiation and surgery to remove the treatment now, o r delaying or forgo­ ing it in some cases.” PCC Cascade Campus nated w ith n e edles th a t w e re reused w ith o th e r p a tie n ts . Services Secretary Donna Shalala Z e r people, who often need to know M e dical Association, said the findings suggested that more aggres­ sive treatment ofthese slow -grow ing and spreading tum ors in older men receives little or no treatment. to expect from having aggressive ners and had tw ic e been v a c c i­ ceive the leaflets by the year 2000 ' patients more control o vertheir health I care and be especially helpful to old- Am erican liv e d in w e s te rn A fr ic a fo r s ix able inform ation to help them use drugs co rre ctly,” Health and Human said in a statement. She said the program w ould give yearcum ulative m o rta lity from pros­ tate cancer was 9 percent. T h e re p o r t, p u b lis h e d on Wednesday in The Journal o f the The value o f the study, he said, is that it provides a conservative baseline fo r predicting survival i f the cancer tion we can provide patients about how to treat prostate cancer," Chodak said. “ It w ill help show patients what T h e o th e r in ­ Prescription Drug Info Campaign Proposed Federal health o fficia ls have pro- ’ ' posed a voluntary program to give ’ * patients more and better inform ation no cancer m o rta lity before seven years o f fo llo w -u p . A nd their 15- prostate cancer in the U nited States in w hich general population figures were used fo r comparison purposes. ful w a itin g ” w ith low-grade prostate tumors in older patients. “ This study is im portant fo r re in fo rcin g inform a­ A m e ric a n w o m a n w h o d id n o t v o lv e d a F re n ch m a n w h o had he said. Scientists studying the medical records o f 451 C onnecticut men in w hom localized prostate cancer was men exam ined in their study w ith low-grade prostate cancer showed that the study was the first survival analysis o f conservatively treated k n o w i f her sexual p a rtn e rs w ere among blood donors, it is also less that people do not appear to progress as readily or as q u ic k ly to A ID S ,” life span w ith o u t undergoing poten­ tia lly d e b ilita tin g radiation o r su rg i­ cal treatment, researchers said last week. U n ive rsity o f C onnecticut Health Center in Farm ington and his c o l­ leagues from other institutions said • • • • • Landlord/Tenant Small Business Law Product Liability Criminal Defense Collections Call Daniel E. Russell at 282-7999 For your free initial consultation. Fall classes begin September 18. For information Call 978-5222 « Portland Community College