Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 06, 1995, Page 16, Image 16

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    P age B8
S eptember 6, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver
For Chemical-Dependency Professionals...
The Corporation: CODA, Inc , a private non-profit corpora­
tion, has pioneered comprehensive addiction treatment servic­
es to a diverse and complex population throughout Northwest
Oregon. Operating from one large outpatient site and three
residential sites (which also provide child development and
limited outpatient services), our services include intensive
drug-free outpatient, methodone maintenance, short - and long­
term residential, and detoxification. Our client population is
extremely large and diverse. We are a leader in designing
services for pregnant women, women w ith young children, and
to families.
With our range o f services, locations, and client profiles,
CODA offers a challenging and multifacted environment in
which chemical dependency professionals can grow and ad­
vance. CODA further encourages professional advancement
with an energetic training program consisting o f monthly in-
service events, frequent special events, and cash and paid-time
allowance for off-premises training.
Recent and continuing expansion has created an exceptional
range o f career opportunities. Dedicated chemical-dependen­
cy professionals are encouraged to apply. CODA is currently
recruiting for the follow ing positions:
Senior C ounselor C -V : one Residential and two Outpatient
position available. Starting salary $1,917-52,100 per month
plus benefits. Requires Master’s Degree and relevant experi­
ence. Inquire about C5A60, C5060, C5061.
Detoxification Counselor II (2 positions). Starting salary
$1,222-$ 1,550 per month plus benefits. Requires bachelor’s
degree and relevant experience. Inquire about C2T31 and
Residential Counselor III (C3T41), Part-Time Child Care
(C2A32), and on-call relief nursing, clerical, and residential
positions are also available.
Individuals currently serving any federal, state or county parole
or probation are ineligible for these positions. Candidates must
consent to a criminal background check.
T O A P P L Y , obtain a standard C ODA application form and
detailed position announcements for each position sought.
Screening questions responses are demanded for each position
sought. CO D A cannot accept resumes in lieu o f application
forms. Application Materials Are Available At And Must Be
Returned To CODA, Inc. 210 NE 20th Ave. Portland, OR
97232; Tele:(5O3) 236-2290 Ext. 254.
T reatment R ecovery P revention
CODA is an Equal O pportunity/Affirm ative Action Employer
Oregon Department
of Environmental Quality
Request For Proposal (RFP)
DEQ Tax Credit Technical Reviewer(s)
Pollution Control Facilities Tax Credit Program
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
invites qualified firms or individuals to submit a proposal to
serve as Tax Credit Technical Reviewer(s) for the Pollution
Control Tax Credit program. DEQ expects to select three or
more individual proposals or one proposal which identifies
several individuals within a firm. The current contract for this
service expires on December 31,1995. The individuals must
have financial and engineering level experience with facilities
that prevent air, water, noise or hazardous waste pollution or
utilize solid waste, hazardous wastes, used oil and reclaimed
plastic products. The Technical Reviewer ensures that a
facility qualifies for certification as a pollution control facility.
There will be an informational Meeting on September 15,1995
at 1:00 PM in Room 3A of the Department of Environmental
Quality, 811 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204, Propos­
als are due September 29,1995 and the term of the contract
is from January 1,1996 through June 30,1997.
A copy of the RFP is available from Maggie Vandehey,
Municipal Finance Specialist WQ:WF, Department of Envi­
ronmental Quality, 811 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204,
telephone (503) 229-6878. This RFP is available in alternate
formats (e.g. large print, Braille) upon request. To obtain an
alternate format, please contact Ed Sale in DEQ Public Affairs
at (503) 229-5766. People with hearing impairment may call
DEQ’s TTY number at (503) 229-6993.
Bid Notice
Northeast Oregon Housing Authority will accept sealed bids
until 1:00 PM September 25,1995, at which time they will be
publicly opened. The construction will consist of a 955 sqft
addition of classrooms and reference areas and an enclosed
a ttic a re a o f a p p ro x im a te ly 470 s q ft o v e r a n e x is lir iy ro o f. T f ie
project is located in La Grande, Oregon, at the La Grande
Elderly Complex. Interested contractors may obtain bidding
information from Pinnacle Architecture, 141 SE Third Street,
Bend, OR 97702, or Steve McKay, NOHA, P.O. Box 3357,
La Grande, OR 97850, or by calling (503-963-5360) ext. #30.
Advertise For Diversity
Advertise In (Elje |Jnvtluni> (Obscvuev
Call: 503-288-0033
Invitation To Bid
Sealed proposals for furnishing all materials, labor and equip­
ment for the following described work will be received by the
City of La Center up until 3 p.m. September 1 5 ,199 5. At this
time the sealed bids will be publicly opened and read. A
contract will be awarded or all bids rejected within 60 days
after the bid opening.
This project includes the following work:
Asphalt paving on parking lot and pathways at the City of La
Center Community Park, 1000 East 4th Street. Concrete
sidewalks at the City of La Center Community Park, 1000
East 4th Street.
The issuing office for Contract Documents is the City of La
Center, 214 East 4th Street, La Center, Wa., 360-263-2782.
Contract Documents including drawings will be issued upon
request of the charge of $25. Full refund of deposits for the
documents will be made to all General Contractors submitting
a Bidder’s Proposal. No refund will made toother planholders.
Bid documents will be available at noon, Sept. 5,1995, at the
City Clerk's office, 214 E. 4th Street.
All proposals must be submitted on the regular form furnished
with the specifications, and each must be accompanied by a
certified check or bidder’s bond made payable to the City of
La Center in an amount not less than five per cent (5%) of the
total bid.
The City of La Center reserves the right to reject any or all
bids, waive informalities, or to accept that bid which appears
to serve the best interest of the City of La Center.
This project is financed through the Community Development
Block Grant program with funds obtained from the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development. The con­
tract will be subject to regulations of the Departments of Labor
and Housing and Urban Development.
Attention is called to Federal provisions for Equal Opportuni­
ty, HUD Section 3 requirements, and the minimum wages as
set forth in the contract documents.
J.K. Fillmant
City of La Center
Sub-Bids Requested
Flying “J ” T rave l Plaza
A u ro ra, OR
Bid Date: S e p te m b er 8, 1995 3:00 p.m .
C o n stru ctio n C o m p a n y
P .O . B o x 1 2 2 1 8 S a le m , O R 9 7 3 0 9
(503) 5 8 1 -1 9 2 0 F A X (5 0 3 ) 3 9 9 -0 8 2 3
C CB #48058
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and
minority businesses and emerging small business enterprises.
Oregon Department
of Environmental Quality
Request For Proposal (RFP)
DEQ Tax Credit Coordinator
Pollution Control Facilities Tax Credit Program
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
invites qualified firms or individuals to submit a proposal to
serve as the DEQ Tax Credit Coordinator for the Pollution
Control Facilities Tax Credit Program. The current contract
for this service expires on December 31,1995. DEQ expects
to contract with a firm or an individual that has experience with
pollution control tax credits and the operation of financing
programs along with strong writing and public presentation
There will be an informational Meeting on September 15,
1995 at 10:00 AM in room 3A of the Department of Environ­
mental Quality, 811 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204.
Proposals are due September 29, 1995 and the term of the
contract is from January 1, 1996 through June 30,1997.
A copy of the RFP is available from Maggie Vandehey,
Municipal Finance Specialist WQ:WF, Department of Envi­
ronmental Quality, 811 SW 6th, Portland, OR 97204, tele­
phone (503) 229-6878. This RFP is available in alternate
formats (e.g. large print, Braille) upon request. To obtain an
alternate format, please contact Ed Sale in DEQ Public Affairs
at (503) 229-5766. People with hearing impairment may call
DEQ’s TTY number at (503) 229-6993.
Request For Qualifications
Construction Manager/
General Contractor
Notice is hereby given that Oregon State University (OSU) is
seeking to engage a Construction Manager/General Con­
tractor to provide services for the Industrial Building Recon­
struction. The project will consist of reconstruction of approx­
imately 20,000 gsf to the existing building, renovation of
approximately 4,000 gsf of the existing building, and exten­
sive site improvements.
The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) may be obtained from
Facilities Services, Oregon State University, 100 Adams
Hall, Corvallis Oregon 97331-2001,(503) 737-4625.
Firms interested in this commission shall submit eight (8)
copies of their completed RFQ no later than 5:00 PM local
time, September 14, 1995. Submittals received after that
date and time will not be considered. Mailed copies should be
addressed to: Jerry Watson, Facilities Services, Oregon
State University, 100 Adams Hall, Corvallis Oregon 97331-
2001. Hand deliveries to: Jerry Watson, Facilities Services,
Oregon State University, Adams Hall, 606 SW 15th Street,
Corvallis Oregon 97331-2001.
Questions concerning this request should be directed to
Jerry Watson, (503) 737-4625.
City Of Washougal, Washington
Engineering Services
Proposals due 5:00 p.m.
October 6, 1995
Request For Proposals
Notice is hereby given that the City of Washougal is request­
ing proposals to provide Engineering Services to develop
plans and specifications for the reconstruction of “H” Street in
Washougal. The Project includes surveying, curbs, side­
walks, drainage, road design, preparation of bidding docu­
ments, bid review and services during construction.
Interested firms or individuals are invited to participate and
may obtain a copy of the RFP by calling the Public Works
Department at 360-835-8501.
Firms or individuals interested in providing these engineering
services must submit response to the RFP to Washougal City
Hall/Public Works Department by 5:00 p.m. October 6,1995.
The City of Washougal reserves the right to reject any and all
Call For Bids
Multnomah County
Bid No. B968-68-1083 Due Date September 7 ,1 9 9 5
SE 282 Avenue & SE 182nd Avenue
Pre-Bid Conference: None
Prequalification Required: In Earthwork & Drainage, High­
ways, Roads, Streets, & Airport Runways
Bid No. B968-19-1084 Due Date September 12,1995
Broadway Bridge Guardrail Repair
Pre-Bid Conference: None
Prequalification Required: In Reinforced Concrete & Struc­
tural Steel Bridges & Grade Separation; Or (Other) Steel
Fabrication And Erection
Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 PM on the specified
date above and will be publicly opened and read at 2:15 P.M.,
the same day, by Multnomah County Purchasing, 2505 S.E.
11th Ave., Portland, Oregon.
Plans and Specifications are filed with Multnomah County
Purchasing and copies may be obtained from the above
address for a $5.00 non-refundable fee. CHECKS AND
MONEY ORDERS ONLY. Plans and Specifications Will
Not Be Mailed within the Metropolitan, Tri-County area.
Prequalifications Of Bidders Shall be required pursuant to the
Multnomah County Public Contract Review Board Adm inis­
trative Rules (AR 40.030). See Specifications for project
classes of work. Prequalification application, or proof of
prequalification by the Oregon Department of Transportation,
must be received by, or postmarked to, Multnomah County
Purchasing no later than 10 days prior to the bid due date.
All bidders must comply with the requirements of the prevail­
ing wage law in ORS 279.350. Details of compliance are
available from Multnomah County Purchasing, 2505 S.E.
11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97202, (503) 248-5111, by
contacting Jan M Thompson.
Contractors and subcontractors must be licensed for asbes­
tos abatement work if the project involves working with
asbestos as set forth in ORS 468A.720.
No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a
surety bond, certified check, or a cashiers check payable to
Multnomah County for the amount equal to ten percent (10%)
of the aggregate proposal. The successful bidder shall furnish
a bond satisfactory to the board in the full amount of the
Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all bids
if not in compliance with all prescribed bidding procedures.
Franna Hathaway, CPPB, Manager
Purchasing Section
Request For Proposals * 95-25
Engineering/Design Consultant Services
Columbia Slough Trail
The Portland Development Commission (Commission) is
soliciting proposals from engineering/design teams to design
a 6,100 lineal foot segment of the Columbia Slough Trail. The
Columbia Slough trail will be a six-foot wide bark chip trail for
pedestrians only. When complete, the trail will extend approx­
imately six miles from NE 82nd Avenue to the eastern City
limits at NE 185th Avenue along the Columbia Slough.
The successful consultant team shall prepare the design
plans and construction documents for the trail.
The proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the
proposal format outlined in the Request for Proposal
(RFP). The Scope of W ork and additional conditions are
described in greater detail in the RFP packet available
beginning Friday, September 1,1995 from:
Connie Lively
Portland Development Commission
1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
(503) 823-3349
6 copies of the proposal must be received
by Portland Development Commission no later than:
12:00 pm Noon
Friday, September 22 ,1 9 9 5
The Portland Development Commission is committed to
acting affirmatively to encourage and facilitate the participa-
ton of Emerging Small Businesses (ESB), M inority Business
enterprises (MBE), and Women Business Enterprises (WBE)
in Commission projects and operations.
The successful contractor must be certified by the City of
ortland as an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employ­
er, be licensed to do business in the City of Portland, and must
n°the RFph thQ established 9 ° als in this Pr° iect as contained