• * * i * • ■M W The National Fam ily Planning Program, or “Title X ,” pro v ides wom­ en across America with vital health care services Yet this 25 year old cost-effective public health program is targeted for extinction by the rad­ ical right. The latest attack occurred in the House o f Representatives, where the program was first elim i­ nated and then saved by an 11 th hour amendment The National Fam ily Planning Program provides federal funds for preventive reproductive health care for low-income women, serving more than a quarter o f a m illion women across America, 60,000 o f them in the state ofOregon. It helps the poor­ est and most vulnerable citizens— low income women and sexually ac­ tive teens at risk o f pregnancy. The program gives funds to qualifying organizations, like Planned Parent­ hood, who use the money to provide a broad range o f services including pelvic exams, screenings for cancer and sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy tests and contraceptives. These services prevent unintended pregnancies and provide early detec- tion o f disease, thereby saving lives. Title X is the only access at-risk women have to family planning ser­ vices. Often times these services are the only source o f health care for women Each year Planned Parent­ hood averts nearly half a million unintended pregnancies, and prevents more than 216,000 abortions. Title X providers are prohibited by law from using federal family planning funds for abortions. The funds are used solely for preventive healthcare services. The next attack on the National VESSELS IMR©ID>U€T8 FE A TU R E A F R IC A N CL@Tlnl [PATERN The work o f P ortlan d artist A th ena H a m p ton is getting national e x p o su re in a n ew line o f sta tio nery depicting A frican heritage. A Ken te, A frica n cloth pattern (left) on p a p e r plates, c u p s a n d n a p kin s is the latest eth nic sp e cia lty at V e s s e ls on Martin Lu th e r K in g Jr. B lvd . H e r d ra w in g o f a w e d d in g c o u p le ju m p in g th e b ro o m (rig h t ) w a s e a g e r ly a c c e p t e d . Paper plates, cups, napkins and table covers in a vibrant Kente cloth pattern are now available exclusive­ ly at Vessels, “Tableware With Mean­ ing.” Designed by Carole Joy Cre­ ations, Inc., a nationally-known A f­ rican American greeting card com­ pany, the Kente-inspired paper ta­ bleware allows you to enjoy its rich cultural colors at picnics and family reunions. You can accent a reception or any event for a truly festive atmo­ sphere. The Kente paper tableware is not the only new item available through the Heritage Collection al­ bum. A Carole Joy Creations’ selec- tion o f wedding invitations and so- cial stationery, is now available es­ pecially designed for people who share an African heritage. A lso introduced are eight new invitation designs and verses empha­ sizing African American traditions, fhey include invitation designs and verses emphasizing African Am eri­ can traditions; programs and thank you notes in Kente cloth designs; anniversary, birth and graduation announcements, stationery and holi­ day cards; a holiday wedding invita­ tion ensemble; and a Kente cloth guest book. One of the new wedding invita­ tion designs is the work o f local artist Athena Hampton, a member o f Black very grateful for our assistance and the response from our customers and our communities has been positive and supportive o f our efforts.” In a letter commending K ey Bank employees’ charitable work. Governor John Kitzhaber stated, “Y o u have raised the good neighbor p olicy’ to a new level in your gener­ osity o f spirit in helping fellow citi­ zens in Oregon communities.” Bolstered by strong response to its month-long kids-eat-ffee promo­ tion, L y o n ’s Restaurants has an­ nounced that beginning September 5, it w ill extend the special offer to every Tuesday throughout the year. L y o n ’s president and C E O Hazem O u f said, “The response to the kids-eat-free promotion was tre­ mendous. It led many new customers to dirie out at Lyo n ’s and built our customer base.” A fa m ily restaurant, L y o n ’s Kids Need Breakfast For Learning Are your children too cranky for school work? Then make sure they | eat breakfast. “ Without breakfast, children are I usually hungry by midmoming. They are often irritable and too tired to | concentrate on schoolwork,” said Dr. Corinne Montandon, a nutritionist! with theU.S. Department o f Agricul- ture’sC hildren’s Nutrition Research | Center Parents can help their ch il­ dren master the three Rs by proving I them with a healthy start. It doesn’t matter if children are | Correct Dates For Metro Training Key Bank o f Oregon branches w ill close at noon on Wednesday, September 20, to make it possible for employees to participate. Certain stra­ tegically located branches through­ out the state w ill remain open so that customers can meet their banking needs. For more information and de­ tails on which locations will be open, call l-8 00-K ey2Yo u. the Christian Coalition attacked and misrepresented Planned Parenthood. The true agenda o f these groups is go deny young people access to comprehensive, reality-based, and proven sexuality education. The true agenda is to deny women the ability to decide whether and when to bear a child. Inanerawhen welfare benefits are being cut and congressmen bring forth proposals to deny aid to poor pregnant teens it is inconceivable that congress would eliminate a pro­ gram aimed at preventing pregnan­ cies for low-income women. • . ? . • A Now more than ever supporters o f the National Fam ily Planning Pro­ gram, an indispensable health care program, must speak out to ensure its survival. Planned Parenthood o f the Co- lumbia/Willamette is an independent, non-profit organization providing medical services, education and ad­ vocacy in the area o f reproductive health. PPC W is an affiliate o f the Planned Parenthood Federation o f America, the nation’s oldest and larg­ est voluntary family planning orga­ nization. Lyons Promotes Family Dining With “Kids-Eat-Free’ Local Artists Collective and Ves­ sels’ store manager. Ham pton subm itted several d esign s to the com pany a few m onths ago. H e r d raw in g o f a w e d d in g c o u p le ju m p in g the broom was e agerly accepted. She also designed the co m p a n y’s first and o n ly stationery section in the album . V e s s e ls , “ T a b le w a re W ith Meaning,” specializes in ethnic and cultural items for the dining room, first-graders or freshman in college, bath and kitchen. Located at the cor­ breakfast gives students energy and I ner o f Martin Luther K in g Jr. Blvd. improves their classroom behavior. and Russell, Vessels is open Tues­ day through Saturday, 10 a m. to 6 p.m. C all 249-1952 for more infor­ mation. Key Bank Of Oregon Employees Leave Work To Volunteer In Their Communities On Wednesday, September 20, Key Bank o f Oregon employees w ill turn in their pens, adding machines, computers and telephones for differ­ ent tools o f the trade — rakes, paint­ brushes, shovels and hoes — as part o f a massive volunteer effort to help communities across the state. At noon, some 800 employees w ill leave their desks to slip into jeans, roll up their sleeves and spend the afternoon providing free labor and volunteer assistance to 60 social service groups and non-profit agen­ cies throughout Oregon. Now in its third year, “N eigh­ bors Make The Difference” is a na­ tionwide program involving nearly 22,000 KeyCorp employees in more than 20 states More than 1,500 orga­ nizations across the country w ill be helped through the efforts o f these volunteers, resulting in a donation o f 92,000 hours o f community service. Follow ing are just a few o f the programs Key Bank o f Oregon em­ ployees w ill be involved in: 50 employees w ill take 100 ch il­ dren from United Cerebral Palsy to Oak Amusement Park in Portland 30employees w ill helpconstruct a house for Habitat for Humanity in Salem 10 employees wil I work on fenc­ es for duplexes forSt Vincent DePaul in Eugene Eight volunteers w ill jo in with Boy Scouts and Forestry Service to build songbird nest boxes for C o ­ lumbia River National Scenic area “This is a great opportunity for all o f us to get involved in our com­ munities and leam more about what the needs are that can be met through volunteering,” commented Dianne Haines, Pu b lic Relations. “ The groups we have helped have been Fam ily Planning program w ill likely take place when the Senate recon­ venes in September. The radical right is working behind the scenes to en­ gender political support for its polit­ ical aims regardless o f the National Fam ily Planning Program’s merits. The Christian Coalition and oth­ er far right groups aim to discredit— and ultimately eliminate-Planned Parenthood. They do so by using scare tactics and by disseminating false, grossly distorted and inflam­ matory information, as evidenced by a recent fund raising appeal in which * * » * . . ¿«* •%. • T h e dates for accep tin g applications in the M etro E le c ­ trical T ra in in g C e nte r's A p ­ p re n tic e sh ip T r a in in g P ro ­ gram were incorrect in our last edition. We sin ce re ly ap o lo ­ g ize for this error. The a p p licatio n s are be­ ing taken Sept. 5 through Sept. 18th at 5600 N .E . 42nd at K illi n g s w o r t h , M onday through F rid a y , from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m . reco g n ize s k id s ’ im pact on m ak­ ing fam ilie s d in in g d ecisio n s, and is strengthening it’s appeal to young diners. The 84-unit restaurant chain j ust introduced a new cartoon mascot I ion Roary, who is featured on coloring and game materials provided to chil­ dren dining at Lyo n ’s restaurants. “The combination o f a second baby boom and increased frequency in out-of-home dining should keep this market segment strong for years to come,” says Ouf. During the kids-eat-free Tues­ days, up to three kids per party, ages 12 and under, are allowed to eat free as long as one adult purchases a meal. The kids menu includes a re­ cently expanded selection ranging from pancakes to pizzas, buffalo wings, quesadillas, shrimp, hamburg­ ers and more. Founded in 1962, Lyo n ’s is head­ quartered in Foster City, California. Health Careers are a Great Choice fo r the 90s. PCC’s Ophthalmic Technology Program, fo r instance. « “ Hmmm...” you say. Ophthalmic Technology. What’s th a t!” O -P -H -1 -H -A -L-M -I-C m edical technicians assist ophthalm ologists w ith direct eye care. T h e y take m edical histories, perform diagnostic tests, adm inister medications, assist in surgery and in fitting contact lenses. O p hthalm ic Tech n olo gy is a rapidly-grow ing field offering good salaries for new graduates. The P C C associate o f applied science degree program was created to help satisfy a grow ing dem and Space is lim ited to the first 25 qualifying students Financial aid is available. C a ll 9 7 8 - 5 6 6 1 Portland Community College Cascade Campus 705 N. Killingsw o rth St. Free shuttle bus from other cam puses Can you think o f better reason to be careful around power Us neither. FOR M O R Í INFORMATION O N FLFCTRK AL SAFfTY CALL 1-MO-222-433S. Roberto, Age 6 , Rex, Age 6 PACIFIC POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP ;