Vçlyinc XXV, Number 36 Committed to cultural diversity. ■■■ smhhrihbi Join In Celebrating Our Mycap's New Directory Summer Staff at Northeast Portland’s MYCAP Office hold copies o f their Multicultural Teen-Age Directory. The Preston Episodes David Alan Grier as David Preston on the Preston Episodes premiering Saturday Sept 9. Metro BI Entertainment B3 Mr r ¿e ■ u Q£?n » , ho Or ah - 250 ■KO I Area Kids Capture Summer program specializing in energy industry ca­ reers. The students from Portsmouth, Beau­ mont and Tubman middle schools were pre­ sented with diplomas from the academy and a letter o f commendation form the U.S. De­ partment o f Energy at the conclusion o f three weeks o f study. In the pervious two summers, Portland’s ju n io r scholars have attended classes at the University o f Nevada at Las Vegas and the University o f Oklahoma. Michael “ Chappie” Grice o f the Port­ land School District is the coordinator o f MSEA. Starting at 8th grade level, the program brings high expectations and superior quality instruction a, an early age. “ These students are gaining confidence and experience that virtually assures them o f a college education," Grice said. “ The col­ lege, in a unique recruiting effort, really has enrolled these kids in college at the 8th grade. That’ s the way to go.” The students are planning to present their experiences to the mayor’ s office and the Portland School Board. Ifthe students maintain good trades dur­ ing the current academic year, they w ill be eligible to continue their special studies at U N L V next summer. Dennis D illo n , an 8th grader at Ports­ m outh M id d le School, said he’ s “ g oing to w o rk hard because, I d o n ’ t want to miss o u t.” J Schools Put New Emphasis On Safety Portland School District Superinten­ dent jack Bierwirth said last week there w ill be a greater emphasis on safety in Portland schools this year. “ W e’ re com­ mitted to safer schools and safer neighbor­ hoods,” Bierwirth said. “ This involves conflict resolution, more effective work for those kids who have been in trouble with the law and tighter discipline, both in school and out.” City Apologizes For Furhman Racism The Los Angeles C ity Council voted unanimously last week to condemn and apologize for “ the degrading and outra­ geous racial, ethnic and gender comments and the violence described in taped inter views with Mark Furhman, a former Los Angeles police detective who is the star witness in the O.J. Simpson murder trial. For some, the tapes reinforce long-held beliefs that there are two types o f justice, one for minorities and one for whites. On the campus of Fort Valley State College in Georgia are Portland students Jimmy Sortos (from left), Dele Sobomehin, Ian Jones, Dennis Dillon, Kaleah Lamber, Kheoshi Mayes and Michael Grice, coordinator. group of northeast Portland in Fort Valley, Ga. middle school students were For many o f the young people, it was their first m ajortrip acrfctes thecontinent And represented this summer in the Math Science E ngineering for all, it was their first visit to Fort Valley Academy at Fort Valley State College State which is part o f the network o f Histor­ A No Parole For Christina Clegg's Killers Fred Meyer Reports Loss Fred Meyer reported last week that Portland sales are not back to the levels they were before last year’s workers strike and lockout. Overall, income from opera­ tions for the first 28 weeks o f 1995 was $41 m illion compared to nearly $67 m illion a year ago. Labor Works To Revitalize Movement The traditional labor movement isstep- ping up its efforts to reach out to women and other minorities, especially those in ow -skill, low-wage jobs, according to Jill Kriesky, a professor at the University o f | Oregon who studies union involvement. Kriesky says unions give workers a voice in the workplace and can therefore help them achieve justice and dignity on the job , as well as wage gains and improved benefit packages. ically Black Colleges and Universities. Located about 100 miles south o f Atlan­ ta, Fort Valley State hosted the students under its Cooperative Developmental Ener­ gy Program, a special 5-year dual-degree hree men found guilty in the County jury. Christina Clegg was shot to 1993 murder of Albina Head death in her head start office on July 30. Start Worker Christina “Tina” 1993. Clegg were spared the death penalty The plan was to make the attack look like last week and sentenced to life in a botched robbery so her husband could prison without the possibility of parole. collect on a $100,000 life insurance policy. T Grover C. Clegg Jr., 30, the vic tim ’ s husband, Randall Clegg, 2 1, his brother, and Reschard Steward, 20, a hired gunman, were expressionless as the verdicts were read after two days o f deliberations. The men were convicted o f aggravated murder Aug. 15 by the same Multnomah Prosecutors said Grover Clegg Jr. was a greedy, materialistic man, desperate to es­ cape a troubled marriage and avoid paying child support. The jurors were reminded o fh is trail o f insurance scams. When he didn’ t like his car, for instance, he arranged to have it stolen so he could buy a new one with the insurance money, they said. When he didn’t like his house, they said, he started a fire and obtained enough insur­ ance money to have it remodeled. And, when he no longer loved his wife, they said, he paid to have her killed and again collected. A ll the while, they said, he fooled nearly everyone into believing he was a stand-up guy, a p illar o f the community. One o f the two attorneys representing Randall Clegg, expressed bitterness over both the convictions and sentences. He vowed an appeal. “ They ju ry did not get to hear all the evidence. I think i f they had, they would have reached another verdict,” attorney Scott Asphaug said. J im Glover, a lawyer for Stew­ ard, agreed. “ I would really have liked to see the possibility o f parole,” he said. Multnomah County Deputy District A t­ torney B ill W illiam s said the punishments were appropriate. Judge W illiam C . SnoulTerwill form ally sentence the men at a Sept. 25 hearing. Editorial Hits Packwood Chairmanship In an editorial entitled “ Take Mr. Packwood’s Gavel,” the New Y ork Times calls for Oregon Sen. Bob Packwood’s removal as chair the Senate Finance Com­ mittee. “ It has long been apparent that Mr. Packwood does not belong in a post requir­ ing his full concentration and the undiluted respect ofhis colleagues," the Times wrote. Packwood is under an ethics committee investigation for alleged sexual miscon­ duct. The stage was set Saturday with many singers, gospel groups and church choirs performing at the Dawson Park Gospel Music Festival. The annual event, held at Dawson Park across from Emanuel Hospital, is Portland’s largest gospel music event. Another Media Mega Merger? On the heels o f Disney's marriage to Cap C it ies-A BC, Turner Broadcast ing Sys­ tem, Inc. was considering an $8.5 billion offer last week from Time Warner Inc. that would create the w orld’ s largest media and entertainment company. Court Lets Measure 11 Stand The Oregon Supreme Court retused to hear a constitutional challenge last week to the new Oregon law, which lengthens sentences dealt to defendants as young as 15, convicted o f any o f 18 violent crimes. í ;r Jackson To Visit Portland he Rev. Jesse Jackson plans opposed to K aiser Perm anente’ s plan to to visit Portland to address a close the 3 6 -yea r-o ld h osp ital. controversial proposal to Jackson w ill attem pt to meet w ith close the Bess Kaiser Medical Center hosp ital o ffic ia ls and co nd uct a p ro ­ in north Portland. te st d e m o n s tra tio n o u ts id e K a is e r ’ s T M em bers o f the Bess K a iser C om ­ m u n ity -L a b o r C o a litio n said Jackson wants to lend his support to the local R a in bo w C o a litio n and o the r groups n ew ly acquired a d m in is tra tio n center, the L lo y d 500 B u ild in g , a represen­ ta tiv e o f the c o m m u n ity -la b o r c o a litio n said. OnasE ¡ K EDITORIAL HEALTH A2 A3 METRO Bl 1 The date fo r the v is it has not yet been set. But the groups are h o p in g Jackson w ill make the tr ip this m onth. Ja ckson w i l l a ls o be asked to p a rtic ip a te in a c o m m u n ity m e e tin g at the Lutheran In n e r-C ity M in is trie s C enter at the corner o f M a rtin L uth e r K in g Jr. B lv d . and Skidm ore Street, o r ­ ganizers said. £'»Si M «’■ |Bä .t FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT RELIGION B2 B3 B6 1«^. t Ä CLASSIFIEDS B7