.', •’••‘« •► ru tâ ftM H i •V ; 2 -4 3 * ® * ’A i.».Vk««2. Volume XXV, Number 35 X £& ? Committed to cultural diversity. '• ‘r.. W <** August 30, 1905 tEbe jfjtfrtlatth (©bsertier SECTION B ■■■■H M N unoai o nt tn n u t t u a le n ò a r C George Benson To Perform In Concert 41 George Benson with special guest ¡Tom Grant w ill perform Saturday, Sept. ¡16 at 7 p in. at Sokol Blosser Winery in ¡Dundee. Tickets are $23.50, not including 'servicechargeandavailableat Fred Meyer {Fastixx locations. : Roseway Plans Neighbor Fair The fo u rth annual R osew ay ¡Neighborfair w ill be held at W ellington iPark, at Northeast 67th and Mason Satur­ day, Sept. 16 from noon until 4 p.m. The event w ill feature a raffle with prizes and face painting for kids o f all ages. A free health screen for vision, hearing, blood pressure and diabetes w ill be sponsored ¡by the Roseway Lions Club. ^Convention Center Plans Party A community celebration “ Picnic by the Points,” is scheduled Sept. 9 and 10 to m ark the 5th anniversary o f the Oregon Convention Center. The outdoor celebra­ tion w ill include family entertainment such •as clowns, face painters and an OM SI »“ hands-on” science fair. There w ill also «be a variety o f northeast neighborhood •food booths, and main stage entertain- •ment with Portland’s top blues and gospel ¡artists. ¡Farmers Market In 4 Fourth Year Walnut Park Homes Dedicated W alnut Park Townhom es, a development of 44 new or renovated homes is coming to the King Neighborhood of northeast Portland. The p ro je c t o f the N ortheast C om ­ m u n ity D eve lop m e nt C orp., established by the m in o rity c o m m u n ity o f northeast P ortland in I9 8 4 , was dedicated last week in a ground breaking cerem ony. G rouped in attached pairs, each o f the K in g neighborhood tow nhom es has its own fro n t porch, rear p atio and o ff- street p a rk in g . The housing is along N ortheast Roselawn and Sum ner streets between M a rtin L uth er K in g Jr. B lvd and N in th Avenue. The n o n -p ro fit co rp o ra tio n serves the needs o f lo w e r and moderate income fa m ilie s . I t ’ s cu rre n t emphasis is in the developm ent o f a ffo rd a b le homes in the B o ise , H u m b o ld t, K in g and V e rn o n neighborhoods. The W a ln u t Park p ro je c t is one o f the most s ig n ific a n t re v ita liz a tio n e f­ fo rts m ounted in northeast P ortland. It w ill have a substantial im pact on the n e ig h b o rh o o d by ra d ic a lly u pgrading e x is tin g homes and b u ild in g I6 new in ­ f i l l townhouses on vacant lots. D u rin g the cerem ony, N E C D C o f f i ­ cia ls said th e ir focus w ill extend beyond housing to the re v ita liz a tio n o f com m u­ n ity . “ The process is characterized by its sim ultaneous focus on co m m un ity b u ild ­ ing as w e ll as program a c tiv itie s ,” said G e o rg e R ic h a rd s o n , N E C D C board chairm an. “ T hrough a unique resource c o o rd i- Air Museum Observes VJ-Day The Pearson A ir Museum. 1105 E. Fifth St. in Vancouver w ill host a public reception for members o f the famous Fly­ ing Tigers o f W orld W ar II, Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. A breakfast is also planned at 8 a m. w ith the museum open to the public from 10 a m. to 3 p.m. The events mark the 50th anniversary o f VJ- Day, the day commemorating the end o f the war. King Neighbors To Clean-Up A ll King neighborhood residents are welcome to drop o f trash, yard debris, hazardous waste and tires during a clean­ up and block revitalization day, Saturday, Sept. 16 at the Northeast Com m unity Pre­ cinct. A free barbecue for residents o f the neighborhood is also planned. Volunteers are needed, call 282-3249 nation strategy, the p ro je c t w ill also serve as a m odel fo r future P ortland re v ita liz a tio n in itia tiv e s ,” R ichardson A The House o f Rahab w ill target its services for a diversified female popula­ tion. One ofthe center's primary goals w ill be educational, helping center residents learn and obtain jo b skills to be applied in today’s workforce. Rahab center officials said they want to demonstrate to those seeking help that “ as a community we believe in them and are confident that they can achieve their goals.” The officials are preparing to move into the former Parkrose nursing home at I0336N .E . Wygant. An opening is antici­ pated by Oct. I , with the fa cility providing space for up to 60 women. land for 11 years. She said it’s always been her dream to open a center such as this one. "I was very excited to see this type o f center open, personally, it’s one o f a kind, this vision is something that's become a reality,” Newman said. M YC AP director Johnny Gage says the new facility w ill be a great asset to the surrounding community and w ill provide community service work for young adults. The House o f Umoja also is going to be very active in the center. Center officials are looking for spon­ sors to take on the task o f furnishing rooms. “ We have the beds, but the rooms need to be furnished with beautiful things as a reflection o f the beauty we see in them SUBMISSIONS: Community Calendar information will be given priority if dated two weeks before the event date. z F urnishings are vacant a t the future H ouse o f R ahab, a trea tm en t c e n te r fo r drug add ictio n a n d d om estic abuse. D onations to d eco ra te the room s are b eing sought. (center women),” officials said. Donations have been receive from City Liquidators and Portland Mattress Co., Touch Paging and others, but more donations are greatly needed. Contact the House o f Rahab at P.O. Box 3 0 1037, Portland, OR 97294. Eve­ nings call Charlene Newman at 654-8483. NECA/IBEW Donation Helps Send Youth Choir To L. A. I month. An open house to celebrate the open­ ing o f a new crisis intervention program w ill be held Thursday, Sept. 7 at I 8 I I N.E. 39th Ave., the new office o f the Sexual Exploitation Education Project. Food and drink, provided by Nature’ s Fresh! Northwest, exciting prizes and childcare w ill be provided during the event, scheduled from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Senior citizens who want to help their community are needed in the Multnomah County Retired and Senior Volunteer Pro­ gram. For information, call Helen Wahl at 229-7787 and ask about volunteer activi­ ties to suit your interests. c o lla b o ra tiv e and c o p ip i^ h e n s iy e an- proach to neigh bo rho od re v ita liz a tio n , he added. new treatment center for A chief proponent and organizer o f disadvantaged women who the center is House o f Rahab Director suffer from drug addiction Charlene Newman. and domestic violence is planned Newman has worked at the Hooper in northeast Portland. Detoxification Center in northeast Port­ Open House For New Program Senior Volunteers Needed said. . \ “ A t the same tim e that we are b u ild - ¡ng houses, we w ill be im p le m e n tin g a House Of RaHab To Open In Northeast J Portland’s farmers market is in its ¡fourth season at 1200 N .W . Front, just north o f the Broadway Bridge. Customers can buy fresh produce directly from the farmer who grew it. C ooking demonstra­ tions also run every Saturday through Oct. 9 at 10 a m. J a n e t B urreson (from left), S tate Rep. A ve! Gordly, Ja ki Walker, G e orge R ichardson, Jim T aylor a n d D ick H anlin a t a g ro u n d b re akin g ce re m o n y m arking s u c c e s s fu l'p la n to revitalize the K ing n eigh b o rh o o d with new, a ffordable housing. E d B a rne s o f the M etro E le c tric a l Training Trust, K en Fry, M etro E le ctrica l Training C e n te r T raining D irector, a n d R ick Bram e, a m e m b e r o f IB E W L o ca l 48 a n d p re s id e n t o f the P o rtla n d C h a p te r o f the E le c tric a l W orkers M in o rity Caucus, p re s e n t the ch e ck to the c h o ir's E xe cutive D irector, P e arl Thom as. n cooperation with the local Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 48 c h ap ter of the E lec tric al have donated a total of $1,000 to help Workers Minority Caucus, the send the Portland Metropolitan Youth Metro Electrical Training Trust Mass and Choir to a national music the International Brotherhood of convention and workshop later this I X The monies donated by the Metro Trust- —Funded by I BE W Local 48 and the Oregon- Columbia Chapter o f the National Electrical Contractors Association(NECA)--and IBEW Local 48, w ill go toward expenses to send members o f the choir to the 29th Gospel Music Workshop o f America, Inc. national convention in Los Angeles. The group hopes to jo in 130,000 other young singers from the U.S., Africa, Canada, England, and other countries at the conference. The choir is w orking toward a total funding goal o f $50,000. “ W e’ re not there yet,” said Pearl Tho­ mas, Executive Director o f the choir, “ But we certainly appreciate the help that the Electri­ cal Workers M inority Caucus has provided, and the funds that the Metro Trust and Local 48 have generously donated toward our goal.” The Youth Mass Choir is a gospel music group made up o f youth, aged four to 18 years, for the North and Northeast, Portland, and Vancouver areas According to the group’s Executive Director, these talented young people are ambitious, determined, and dedicated to fu lfillin g their dreams and goals. The Choir has made may television, radio, — ___ _____ _____ and community appearances throughout the area. The Electrical Workers M inority Cau­ cus, composed o f m inority and female union members, is dedicated to promoting employ­ ment equality w ithin the IBEW Its members encourage m inority electricians to run for positions w ithin the IBEW and to become active in their local union's affairs. They also provide assistance to m inority workers, pro­ viding education on how to work w ithin the union and offering mentoring to minority apprentices. “ We want to thank Metro and Local 48 for helping us support this fine group o f young people,” said Rick M Brame, a mem­ ber o f IB EW Local 48 and president o f the Portland Chapter o f the Electrical Workers M inority Caucus. “ W e’re always proud to help support young people work ing toward a worthy goal," said Tim Gauthier, Executive Manager o f NECA. “ We wish the members o f the Portland Youth Mass Choir the very best-both during theirconference, and throughout their lives,” saidGregTeeple, Business Manager o f IBEW Local 48. ...