Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 30, 1995, Page 7, Image 7

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-fe w y y f r
ut -
T he P ortland O bserver • A ugust 30, 1995
P age A 7
The Regional Drug Initiative Presents
Spirit Summit III
September 15, 1995
Location: Lutheran Inner-C ity M inistries, 4219 N. E. M artin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
Them e: The Vision: A C ity o f Virtues Rather Than Violence
R e gistra tion: 11:30 A .M . - 12:00 P.M. - Entire event is free
A fte rn o o n session: 12:00 - 4:45 P.M.
Keynote address: The Reverend Fred D. Smith (Assistant Director for Violence and Substance
Abuse, Interfaith Health Program, The Carter Center, Atlanta, Georgia, and President of the Execu­
tive Committee of the National Interfaith Alliance Against Substance Abuse).
Workshops: Violence and Youth • Violence and the Family • Violence and the Faith • Community
• Violence and the Media • Violence and Virtues • Violence and Character Renewal
Panel: Reverend Bernard Ings, Moderator Representative Eileen Qutub, Reverend Rozell Gilmore,
Judge Roosevelt Robinson, Judge Henry Kantor, Imam Mikal Shabazz, Mr. Victor Leo, Mr.
Vincent Wannaasay, U.S. Attorney Kris Olson, Ms. Chiquita Rollins, Reverend Rodney Page,
Bishop A.A. Wells
E vening session: 7:00 - 9:00 P.M.
C e le b ra tin g healing: Music, soloist, testimonies
Keynote message:
Reverend Fred D. Smith
Thelm a H ouston, C e C e Peniston, P h o e b e Snow , L o is W alden with A lbertina W a lk er a s g u e s t m e m b e r
(sh ow n sep a ra tely)
At the heart o f American music
beats the sound o f gospel. From the
plaintive strains o f country to the
down home wail ofthe blues through
soul and rock, all the way to the
thundering growl o f house, you’ ll
find and hear the power o f this mu­
sic. Gospel has shaped all
the music we grew up lov­
ing and it’s the love o f this
music that brought The
Sisters o f Glory together,
taking them on a fantastic
journey that first took
them to Woodstock ‘ 94
and next to rome to perform before
the Pope for “ Christmas at the
Vatican II.” It then led them into the
studio to record a unique celebra­
tion o f this glorious music, Good
News in Hard Times, their debut
album on Warner Bros. Records.
Good News in Hard times is a
joyous shout out to the power o f
gospel-the power o f its sound, o f
its positive message, o f its musical
legacy and o f the legendary women
who gave this music its greatest
voice. Featuring the singular talents
o f Thelma Houston, CeCe Peniston,
Phoebe Snow, Lois Walden and
Albertina Walker, with backing from
fi ¡ends like The Uptown Horns, John
Sebastian, Vincent Nguini and an
all-star band, Good News in Hard
Times is a stirring declaration o f
faith and the power o f music. As
the youngest member, “ Baby Sis­
ter’’ CeCe put it, “ I always said that
there’ s a difference between singing
and saanging. Saanging is when you
sing from your full heart and your
soul and you touch other people.
That’s why we wanted to do this
Saanging they are. The Sisters
o f G lory are women o f different rac­
es, ages and backgrounds who each
bring with them a lifetime o f experi­
ence that spans generations. The five
voices o f The Sisters o f Glory also
encompass every shade and hue o f
A m e rican m usic: fo r C e C e
Peniston’s pop-daiice attack and the
R & B punch o f Thelma Houston to
Phoebe Snow's pop-jazz vocals, and
from the jazz-folk roots o f Lois
Walden’ s lyrical styling to the soul­
ful intensity o f gospel legend
A lb e rtin a W a lk e r, the
breadth o f cultural experi-
Yx J ence is inspiring. Equally
* ** upliftingisthefactthatsuch
unique and diverse women
would find common ground
in their love o f gospel,
speaking volumes about this
music’s legacy and yes, its power.
As Lois Walden, founder of the group
and the album’ s co-executive pro­
ducer, explains, “ It’s an extraordi­
nary experience to be part o f a cre­
ative project which, by its very na­
ture, puts egos and commercial con­
siderations aside, where you have all
these different artists and musicians
joiningtogether fortheloveofgospel
to create someth ing about hope, about
love, about community, to make some­
thing that reaches beyond musical
categories...now that’s magic.”
Second Coming O f (Booli Challenges (Religions
The best sel ler, “ The Book Your
Church Doesn’t Want You To Read,”
has returned with its second printing.
The book’s editorsarechalleng-
ing fundamentalists and televang­
elists to the “ M illion Dollar Chal­
lenge” in regard to the hyped “ Sec­
ond Coming” o f Jesus the Savior.
“ T his borders on consumer
fraud,” charged “The Book” editor
Tim C. Leedom. “ Fundamentalists
are scaring the hell out o f people,
taking their money, and living high
on the hog — while pleading pover­
Snow says modern Christians
are using the to tally a rb itra ry
Gregorian calendar o f Pope Gregory
X III (1502-1585 AD ). He said “ A
real Biblical scholar should use the
PH. 2 8 3 -1 6 3 5
ty ”
“This whole campaign is the
most cynical to date — it is even
worse than faith healers. End-time
scenarios are the consequence o f to­
tal religious illiteracy on the part o f
the leaders and the uneducated fol­
lowers,” Leedom said.
“ End times, end-of-the-world
predictions have been around forev­
er. Most o f the predictions are astro­
logical, which is the basis for most o f
the ancient religions. The year 2000
is being used to keep the troops in
line. We went through this charade
and fraud 1000 years ago and Jesus
was a no-show then and will be again
in the year 2000,” Leedom said.
Another o f “ The Book’s” au­
thors, Dr. Alan Albert Snow, reveals
same Jewish calendar that was used
by the Jews ofthe first century, which
would put us in the Jewish Year
5755, not 1995.”
10:00 A M - 4:30 P M The Portland Adventist Health Van offers free health screenings and information.
Co-sponsors: Portland United Methodist Association for Metro Ministries - Northwest Parish Nurse Ministries
- Greater Faith Ministries, Ecumenical Ministries o f Oregon - Albina Ministerial Alliance - Multnomah County
Alcohol and Drug Program Office - Western Center for Drug-free Schools and Communities
(Dawson T a r fT estivät Is Sept. 2;
Theme Is “They ‘K ingdom C,ome’
Portland’s vibrant black gos­
pel music community w ill put on its
largest annual event in the third
annual Dawson Park Gospel Music
Festival Saturday, Sept 2, from noon
to dusk in the little park at North
Williams and Stanton across from
Emanuel Hospital, and the event is
free and open to the public.
More than 25 choirs, groups,
and soloists w ill sing, and there will
be music in every black gospel style,
from blues to rock and from old-
time to contemporary, according to
producer Joyce Boles o f Albina Art
Center, Inc., the nonprofit organi­
zation which sponsors the festival.
“This festival should be the
largest yet,” she said. “ But it isn’t
big. It’s still very small-town and
family-like in its feeling. This event
has really caught fire in the African-
American community. I don’t know
what we’ve done to make it so
blessed, but it is. W e’ve been suc­
cessful at creating a sense o f com­
munity that you can’t find at any
other event in northeast Portland.
After the festival last year, a man
told me he hadn’t seen the park rock
like that since Robert Kennedy was
here in 1968.
“ W e’ve had artists call from
out o f town, asking to be on the
program. This is on the way to be­
coming an important regional cul­
tural event,” she added. She stressed
that the event celebrates only black
gospel music, with only black art-
Ainsworth Community Festival will be held on Saturday, September 9, 1995 from
9:30 a.m. -5:30 p.m. Sunday, September 10, 1995 from 12:30p.m. -5:30 p.m. at
Ainsworth United Church of Christ located at N.E. 30th and Ainsworth. The
Festival will feature Arts/Crafts... Homebake Sale... Silent Auction of Goods and
9 :4 5 A.M.
1 1 :0 0 A.M.
6 :0 0 P.M.
7 :0 0 P.M.
Lunch will be served both days. Contact person is Marcie Gearry, she can be
reached at: (503) 223-4366.
A n n iv e r s g g ?
Everybody is saying:
“ I T 'S L IV E !”
Mt Olivet
Baptist Church
8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd.,
at Willis Blvd.
Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30am,
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
(503) 240-PRAY
Boles said she took the name
Albina Arts Center to show respect
for an organization o f the same
name which disappeared in the
1970s. “ I called up one o f the
founders and got permission to use
the name,” she said. “ With the grace
o f God we’ ll be able to bring it back
to I ife. I ’ m going to give it a try. I am
certain that supporting these tradi­
tions Jn the black community is a
path toward some important solu­
tions. At a minimum, this kind o f
support will help black people hold
up under all the large historic load
the majority community has laid on
Among the choirs and groups
performing w ill be. the Mt. Olivet
Gospel Choir, the Mt. Olivet Chan­
cel Choir, Cary Simms & Co., the
Celebration Singers, Chanesa Jack-
son, Marietta W ells and many o Ji-
Major sponsors o f the event
are SafeCo Insurance Co., First
Interstate Bank, A G G Enterprises,
K ey B an k, M e ie r & F ran k ,
Southland Corp., and Popeye’s, and
a host o f others.
Albina Arts Center, Inc., is
chaired by George Fitz. Other board
members are B ill Leigh, M ike
Dowd, Elsie Jackson, and Leon Fox.
The organization also has a musi­
cian advisory committee which in­
clud e s T e rry D a v is , M ilto n
McCullough, Eugene Blackmon,
and others.
Community R estivät
that the modem televangelists are off
in their predictions by at least 240
ists performing, with one or two ex­
“ The majority o f the community
often forgets that black gospel music
is the source o fall American musical
forms, including Dixieland, bebop,
doo-wop, jazz, rap. rock, and the
blues. The source o f it all is inside the
black church, and this is still the
source. Portland hasa living, breath­
ing, vibrant gospel music communi­
ty which is writing, composing, re­
cording, and performing all the time,
and the majority o f the community
needs to know that this is a far more
important aspect o f life in Northeast
Portland than what you hear on the
news media.”
Boles said that she attends as
many as six musical events per month
in the local black churches in North­
east, and that far more people attend
these events than either neighbor­
hood associations or the various
nightspots. “ And there are certainly a
lot more black children singing in
church choirs than there are involved
in gangs,” she said. “ I know that for
a fact.”
And she stressed that gospel
music is liturgical music which can­
not be separated from its religious
and spiritual base. “ This is not enter­
tainment. This is ministry,” she said.
“ It has to be respected as much as
Gregorian chants and masses written
by Bach and Beethoven are respect­
ed. This festival, and Albina Arts
Center, are my personal ministries.”
tU lje ÿ l t i r t l a n i * ( © b e e r u e r
4224 S.E. 62nd Avenue
(between Powell & Foster)
Portland, Oregon 97206
Sunday School 9:30am
Morning Worship IO:45am
Evangelistic Service 7:30pm
Tuesday Pastoral Teaching 7:00pm
Evangelistic Service 7:00pm
Prayer 12:00pm & 6:00pm
(503) 774-5470
PASTO RS: Bishop Robert Simpson, Jr. • Dr Ida M Simpson
103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212
Sunday School - 9:30am
Sunday Morning Worship Service - 1 1:00am
Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting Tues - 6:30pm
Bible Study Wednesday 6:00pm
Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm
Church Phone Number
We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us.
The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Chris! Is AU.
Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor