P age m A ugust 30, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver Ab Minority Business For Year 2000: Free School Clothing Offered How About Sending Some Bills, Not Just Getting Them On Saturday, from 10 a m . to 12p.m ., the Fellowship Church o f God, 5131 N .E. 23rd Ave. and Sumner St., w ill celebrate the grand opening o f their “ C om m unity Clothes Closet” w ith a “ free” back-to-school” clothing P rof . M c K ini I h i B i k i some, that is go in g to be a soul-w renching e ffo rt but they had better get used to the idea The rea­ son fo r all the hullabaloo and fu ro r over A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n and set- aside-contracts is that many people R ifk in , “ The End O f W o rk ” (G.P. Putnam’ s Sons). I have a b rie f re view in my “ Perspectives” colum n this ter some obstacles and creative ob­ struction from banks and inventory­ financing organizations when it came week. There is much solid advice on preparing fo r the “ m elt-dow n” . to entrepreneurship. One progressive group in thecom- munity that has been looking at this Several readers recall that five - years ago I began a series on “ self- em ploym ent w hich anticipated ju s t such an econom ic situation as we have on hand: “ There’ s N o Place L ik e Home, The Electronic Hom e” , and “ W hen Is A Home N ot A Home anticipate a social and economic d i­ saster as corporate mergers and lay­ offs srtQwball and the ‘ p ublic sector’ suffers to the same degree. So it is that the smartest or most fu lly-a w a ke are reaching in th e ir problem has had a startling revelation. D rivin g all those lovey-dovey ads and institutional advertising on the avail­ ability o f home loans is pressure from the top, inside the ‘ belt-w ay’ in Wash­ ington, D C.; As many as six federal agencies now have the tools to open up the real estate process and prevent “ red-lining” . But the people have to monitor the process to keep it honest (and the gatekeepers). It is good to know that, fin a lly , (when i t ’ s a business)” . I emphasized quite early on that the “ cottage indus­ ‘ skills-b a g ’ in a hurry, searching fo r some talent(s) they can brin g to the marketplace w ith the idea o f b illin g somebody fo r the service rendered or merchandise shipped In the inter­ im, many figure that the less com pe­ titio n fo r the rem aining jo b s, the bet­ te r." Freeze on that ‘ Equal O p p o rtu ­ n ity s tu ff - some o f m y best friends are black (w om en), but it looks like I may be h u rtin g in a hell o f a w a y !" A further incentive fo r a w e ll- organized program fo r self-em ploy­ try ” , prevalent in the early stages o f the Industrial R evo lu tio n ’ , was re­ turning -- that new electronic tech­ nology was placing p ro d u ctio n /in - come units right in the home (o n -lin e computers). D u rin g the same period, I de­ tailed in depth how both personal experience and the literature revealed that most successful small business is launched by those who have gained the prerequisite skills and experi­ ment or entrepreneurship is s k illfu lly presented by such realistic studies as the b e st-se llin g book by Jeremy ence “ On The Job” . A t the same tim e, I put it that, all else being equal, m inorities and women w ould encoun- M t A n g e l, Oregon. E very year, A n g e l’ s fam ous O kto b e rfe st brings over 350,000 people to town fo r the weekend o f th e ir lives. They are drawn to M t. A ngel, a tin y rural com m unity 40 m iles south o f P ort­ tw enty years ago at Portland State U niversity, “ it is sim ply amazing what to advise people in a business and IB »I» There’ s som ething fo r everyone iim ' • í.’rí 4 pean C a b a re t1 ,1 ä” on Saturday and Sunday; and, o f course, good spirits and fe llo w s h ip at th e fa m ily Med 6 95 75 Large Med 7 95 Large 995 8.95 95 rary. More next week. 6.95 T " I I I I I I Large Pizza, I I I one item LISCENSED IN OREGON SINCE ,975 S in g le s & S e n io rs, I can he lp y o u ! a fre e 10 k ilo m e te r (6 .2 m ile ) vo lksw a lk, a sports program that in ­ A -ZEB R A 13" umls g r Realty Inc. "1st Class Guarantee” cludes mens and womens softball, soccer, g o lf and fie ld vo lle y b a ll to u r­ naments, a high school fo o tb a ll, hot si 300 NE Multnomah, Suite #27 Portland, Oregon 97232 a ir balloon com petitions and so much George A. Hendrix MBA, GRI. Broker (503) 230-1390 • (Res.) 287-6837 NOW GET YOUR OWN VISA CARD Hot Wings $1.50 2 L a rg e D e lu x e P iz z a s (Pcpp.-rjni, Hauxage, onion, grtvnpeppor«, and munhrnnnui I I I 1 Large 3 Topping P itia and 10 Hot Wings F re e C heese S tic k s I I I ” T I ! 2 Med — $13.95 Medium Two Ibp ping Pizza I I w ith o rd e r o f 2 Pissas, 2 Ibppingii I C mmc I w h u . «diteli I CiMradr Pirta J s V m i ! I 285-5253 285-5253 $3 95 7.95 I Get the second one ¡ 2.95 Pirk up or Rat in only I Srk up or Kat in only wkh tnupur Nut valid with any athcr «Hr. I 1 Conrod» P i n a —u Iteti I Canrade Plisa -S ïte li ! • 285-5253 285-5253 Through September 25,1995, Buy a $10 Sports Action Ticket Get a $2 Ticket Free Event Dates: September 3 & 4, 1995 Sports Action Entry Form# are available at LSC locations Selection Pacific Tim« FAVORITE 10:00 am 10:00 am 10 00 am 1000 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 1:00 pm 1:00 pm Dad’s Service 1 3 S 7 9 11 13 18 17 19 21 23 25 1:00 pm 100 pm 1 ;00 pm Speedy Service Friendly C all For Quote San Frinciaco PITTSBURGH NEW ENGLAND PHILADELPHIA INDIANAPOLIS GREEN BAY ATLANTA Houston MIAMI OAKLAND CHICAGO SEATTLE Phoenix S u n 9 /3 ' 5:00 pm 104 N E R ussel P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 12 282-5111 How to apply 1 . Complete, sign and mail the VISA Application-Savings Agreement below to 3. Credit Disclosure: Application Fee $25; Annual Percentage Rate 18%: Late Payment Fee $15; Annual Membership Fee $45; Cash Advance Fee $5 or 2%, whichever is greater; over- The Limit Fee $15; Grace Period 25 days; Balance is computed on average daily balance method. Any Questions? Call Wilson in our Bankcard Department, (503) 282-2216. S e c u re d V IS A A p p lic a tio n /S a v in g s A c c o u n t A g re e m e n t Name: State: Zip: Phone (work) ( ) Birthdate: My ch e ck o f (n o t le s s th a n $ 6 2 5 .0 0 ) in e n c lo s e d . Yes. I w a n t to o p e n a VISA a cco u n t. I u n d e rs ta n d th a t th e in te re s t b e a rin g s a vin g s a c c o u n t a t A m e rica n S ta te B ank w ill se rve as c o lla te ra l fo r m y S e c u re d VISA a c c o u n t and is fu lly in s u re d by FDIC up to $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 . Date: An African-American Owned Bank NEW ORLEANS Detroit Cleveland Tampa Bay Cincinnati 8t. Louie Carolina JACKSONVILLE Naw York San Diego Mlnnaaota KanaaaCity WASHINGTON +9 1/2 +5 1/2 +3 1/2 +7 1/2 ♦7 1/2 ♦7 1/2 +9 1/2 +3 1/2 ♦ 1 0 i/î +3 1/2 ♦2 1/2 ♦ 1/2 ♦3 1/2 S P rC IA L PLA Y G AM T 27 DENVER 28 Buffalo ' a ♦810 6:00 pm 30 Under 44 t/2 1 SPFCIAL PLA Y G AMT 31 Dalla« 32 NEW JER8EY ♦6 1/2 Total Point* Scored by both team* during ENTIRE QAME I 33 Over 38 i/2 34 Under 36 1/2 Total Ouart*rb*ck Sacks made by both teams during ENTIRE QAME I____________ 38 Over 3 t/2 36 Under 3 1/2 H o m e C o m p o s tin g Topics _________ A lt e r n a t iv e s t o P e s tic id e s C T»pf<-« ensjrfxrtdz • Yard debris composting principles • Preventing problems • Choosing a compost bin • Identifying pests • Composting food waste • Least-toxic controls • Troubleshooting • Homemade remedies Saturday, Sept. 9 - SE Portland Tuesday Sept. S - NE Portland Leach Botanical Gardens, 6704 SE 122 nd Ave Workshops at 9:30 and 11 a m Metro, Room 270, 600 NE Grand, 7-8 p m Saturday, Sept. 16 - Gresham M t Hood Community College, 26000 SE Stark St. Workshops at 9 30 and 11 a m. Tualatin City Hall, Council Chamber 18880 SW Martmazzi 7-8:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 23 - Oregon City Tuesday, Sept. 19 - North Portland Clackamas Community College, 19600 Mollala Ave Workshops at 9:30 and 11 a m Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center 5340 N Interstate 7-8:30 p.m all for October workshop schedules. Unable to attend a workshop? Ask for a free "Common Sense Gardening" booklet or a home composting packet. Wednesday. Sept. 13 - Tualatin Saturday, Sept. 30 - SW Portland Name of Employer: Social Security Number: 2 4 fl 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 H Total Point* Scored by both team* during ENTIRE GAMI B e st C a s h I ’ r i t t » American State Bank 2737 N. E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd Portland, Oregon 97212 2. Be sure to include your money order or personal check in U.S. dollars for $ 6 2 5.0 0 or more (in increments ot $600.00) made payable to American State Bank. Receipt of your funds opens a savings account in your name. Each increment of $ 6 0 0.0 0 deposited in your savings account establishes a $600.00 line of credit for you. Your new VISA card will arrive within three weeks. If your request is denied for any reason, you will receive all your money back, including the $25.00 application fee. UNDERDOG Underdog Point Spread S u n 0 /3 heating oils EVEN IF YOU HAVE *BAD CREDIT* NO CREDIT* BANKRUPTCY* LOW INCOME* Signature: T “ P iz z a / W ings Com bo 16.95 i 11.95 ! M o n 9/4 NO CREDIT CHECK ) Hot Chicken Wings (1 0 )....................... i 29 Over 44 1,2 Phone (home) ( Salads Pirli up of Cal m only Wiik lUWpMI Nut os I n I with any 228-4651 B iergarten. There’ s non-stop free en- tertainm ent on the v illa g e bandstand, Address; C ity:__ Cheese and 2 Item s.................... .....................$2 95 Spinach.............................................................. $2 95 Vegetable (onion, green pepper. ...................$3.29 mushroom, black olive) M eat (pepperoni. Kausagc. $3.79 ham, beef) S teak.................................................................. $3 99 Pasta Salad, Seafood Salad, Garden Salad, Feta Cheese Pasta Salad 9 AM - 11 PM Monday through Saturday 9 AM - 9 PM Sundays Used books bought every day till 8:30 PM On the #20 Bus line • One hour free parking 1005 West Burnside Street 2 K 4 H2O H W e in g a rte n and the a dults o n ly more. So come to M t. A n g e l’ s 30th Annual O ktoberfest from September Sn t 1 95 65 Pizza by the Slice P O W E L L ’S C IT Y O F B O O K S N t Marlin l.ulhrr King Blvd. Portland, Orrgon 97211 C a ll 3 0 3 Calzones S i n g l e P iz z a s ChecHc Each addi Item J L ife tim e O f M e m o r ie s 2 8 tl8 285-5253 285-5253 U u u n « L e w is . P r e s id e n t free K indergarten D e li 634 N. K illin g sw o rth Portland, OR 97217 Across from P.C.C. Cascade Hawaiian (Ham & Pineapple) econom ic capacity, but cannot even understand that their jo b s are tem po­ and N ew York’s Finest P iz z a s, S a la d s , C a lz o n e s , a n d S u b s ( a a r a d e P iu a ^ Urli Phot 'M' Capwf’o^r, Farmers’ M ar­ k e t; e n te r- tainm ent fo r t h e ' w h o le fa m ily the E u ro ­ C as ca d e P iz z a S p e c ia lty P iz z a New & used books on Business, Music, & African-American Studies over 65 food booths laden an o ld -w o r ld 1 Your Neighborhood Pizza Place E at In o r To G > at M t A n g e l’ s O k to b e rfe s t: w ith rich, de­ lic io u s B a ­ varian treats; Donations and contributions are always appreciated Peppcrqm .................................... tio n , call 503-845-9440. IH ’ • » The purpose o f the clothing closet is to provide an ongoing resource to those in the com m unity in need o f emergency clo th in g or re-entering the w o rkfo rce and in need o f appropriate attire. can manufacturers. sector’ and are as happy as i f they had good sense. The lady is concerned that the establishment has hired them 14 through 17. I t ’ s a celebration for land, by its b e autiful countryside, Bavarian c h a rg -- and one o f the greatest fo lk festivals in N orthw est. rage, western price catalog, Stan­ dard Industrial C lassification manu­ al, Gales' Encyclopedia O f Associa­ tions, various directories o f A m e ri­ even some ‘ trade jo u rn a ls ’ at the library. As I pointed out in m y busi­ ness and urban econom ic classes the master does not te ll the fie ld hands on his plantation (black or giveaway. C lo th in g is lim ite d , so it w ill be given away on a first come, first serve basis. ence-based context, not in an ivo ry to w e r' context from people who nev­ er heard o f a “ b ill o f lading, demur­ more members o f the com m unity are starting to read the out-o f-to w n es­ tablishm ent press, the Congressional Record, the W all Street Journal and the whole fam ily. For more inform a­ •• • • • O il «fe IB « •• • •» i , ••••.'WW o »♦ *•*. ing relevant education in an experi­ One reader says, “ I to o k your classes in the early seventies, but in the intervening years I ’ ve expended all m y energies and resources raising and education tw o youngsters. They have ju s t taken jo b s in the public Mt. Angel Oktoberfest September 14 Through 17 Mt w h ite )” . You must read o r perish. O f course, many other relevant issues have been addressed in the interim and we plan to update them fo r b rin g in g to yo u r attention in a topical context: M erchandising from thehom eand ‘dropshipm ents’ -g a in ­ Fulton Community Gardens SW Barbur S Miles Street Workshops at 9:30 and 11 a m Composting workshops take place outdoors a t the M etro Home Composting Demonstration Centers at the locations listed Complete directions w ilt be mailed to registrants Saturday, Sept. 30 - Beaverton Beaverton Community Center 12350 SW 5th 9 30-11 a m W 'D A y i Call Metro Recycling Information, 234-3000. The pesticides education program is sponsored by M etro and the City o f Portland Bureau o f Environmental Services in an e ffo rt to reduce the volum e o f pesticides entering the waste stream and regional waterways M ETRO