T he P ortland O bserver • A ugust 3 0 , 1995 P age A 3 Drums In The Global Village The Media And Racial Bias: A Long Term Problem This week's column is a commentary by Washington, D.C.-based w riter/public relations worker Matt Bratschi. He is a contributing editor to Freedom Magazine, and investigative Journal of the Church of Scientology. Incidentally, Bratschi is white. - T S B ____________ M att B katschi ___________ Ethnic bias and prejudice against African Americans are problems that have plagues the advance o f positive race relations for a long time. The media, both print and electronic, have been exposed many times as instiga­ tors o f problems between the races. Numerous major papers have been condemned for articles or edi­ torials that have shown bias. For ex­ ample, The Detroit Free Press, The Cleveland Plain Dealer, The New Haven Register, The Washington Post and The Chicago Sun-Times, among others, have all received crit­ icism for unfair portrayals o f African Americans. A Gallup Poll last year stated bv that 48 percent o f African Americans are not satisfied with the way their local newspapers cover the African- American community. Also, the poll found that 47 percent o f African Americans in the survey felt the print media contributes to poor race rela­ tions. “ Racial bias definitely exists,” according to Lawanza Spears, city editor o f The Washington Afro- American newspaper.” A ll papers have exhibited some bias.” Jackie Jones, vice president for print o f the national Association o f Black Journalists, said that “every paper has egregious examples ofbias in their coverage. A Iso, some o f them [the articles] are wonderful.” In last F eb ru ary’ s issue o f Emerge Magazine, Lee A. Daniels wrote in his article entitled, “ The American Way: Blame a Black Man,” that there are “some media people who are not ashamed to proclaim their racist ideas." One example ofa journalist who has exhibited racial bias is Richard Leiby, a writer for The Washington Post. Guilty Of Congressman Congressman Mel Reynolds, found guilty o f having sex with a minor and obstructing justice, was left last week to ponder whether to resign his seat, or be turned out by the voters or his own colleagues. Reynolds, 43, sat in apparent disbelief and muttered something last week as a ju ry delivered an over­ whelming guilty verdict on all 12 counts. He now faces a minimum four-year prison sentence. The year-old case derailed the promising career o f the black Demo­ crat, who rose from picking cotton in his Mississippi birthplace to study­ ing at Oxford University in England under a Rhodes scholarship to Wash­ ington Recently, in an article called “ Suspicious Minds,” Leiby wrote that life now “ seems precarious. We crave simplicity. White men in particular feel excluded, put upon, downsized.” Jones said Leiby’s statement was a “reaction” to the current downsizing o f employment pool^in the media in general. “ When one group has all the cards and some o f the cards are taken away, it gives a feel o f discrimina­ tion,” she said. “ Anything perceived to hurt them sparks this reaction.” Continued Jones: “ I f less than 11 percent o f the jobs are being held by people ofcolor, it doesn’ t mean they are taking jobs away, it just means there are fewer jobs. Women and racial minorities have been dealing with this ail their lives.” A report released by the Amer­ ican Society o f Newspaper Editors stated minorityjoumalists only made up 10.91 percent o f the total news­ room workforce last year. According to the April 24 edi­ tion o f Jet Magazine, a study com­ missioned by the U.S. Labor Depart­ ment” counters the notion that poli­ Crimes, Expulsion “ He is through politically,” Paul Green, a political analyst at Gover­ nor’ s State University, said. “ No Afro-American figure is going to ral­ ly to his side — especially not Jesse Jackson since his son (Jesse Jacksoy Jr.) is planning to run for the seat.” Reynolds may hold onto the seat for as long as possible given that he is deeply in debt and being a con­ gressman pays an annual salary o f $133,600. He is also under federal investigation for campaign financial irregularities that allegedly involve m ingling campaign and personal funds. “ Given his financial problems, he may stick it out as long as he can,” Green said. “ How much more humil- cies designed to remedy discrim ina­ tion against minorities and women have resulted in bias against whites and men.” The lack o f non-whites in mass media decision-making positions has a tremendous impact on its white and non-white consumers. D r. C a m ille O. C o sb y , w ife ofcom edian/actor B ill, published a book e a rlie r this year entitled, “ T e le v is io n ’ s Im ageable In flu ­ ences: The S e lf perception o f Y o un g A fric a n -A m e ric a n s.” A review o f this book in Jet states C o s b y " m aintains in this study that the persuasive negative p ro ­ je c tio n s promoted by m edia in ­ dustry decision-m akers are h id ­ den form s o fo p p ressio n w ith s ig ­ n ifican t impact on self-esteem and other essential valu e s for potential su cce ss.” Says Cosby: “ the way the media distorts our differences is a covert divide-and-conquer strategy which I regard as a violation ofhuman rights.” This “divide-and-conquer” strat­ egy can have controversial conse­ quences. For example, Leiby, who is white, caused controversy two years ago when he wrote the following to describe his participation at anN A B J convention: “ I suddenly feel blonder, paler and more thin-lipped than I ever have in my life. I scan the roiling ballroom and count two other white faces. You want to establish your cross-cultural bonafides... and so you start drop­ ping the g” s on your’ ing’ verbs in a phony jiv e —’’Like I was sayin' to him’ -an d even trying out dis’ and even yo.’ Leiby’s convention article at­ tracted the attention o f The Center for Integration and Improvement o f Journalism at San Francisco State University. A study produced at the center entitled, “News Watch: A C rit­ ical Look at Coverage o f People o f C olor," states: “ The use o f dialect and references to drinking and danc­ ing echo the stereotypes o f blacks as stupid, feckless and carefree—or Sambos-that date back to slavery,” referring to Leiby’s attempt to “ fit in” at the black journalist’s conven- tion. Ebony Magazine, writing about Leiby’s N A BJ article, did not fail to mention this passage from The Wash­ ington Post writer, mentioning his flight home from the N A BJ confer­ ence: “there are a dozen white faces in First Class,'one black...I feel like I ’m already home.” So what does all o f this say to all o f us, black and white? O b v io u sly , that there is a long-term problem with bigotry and p re ju d ic e in o ur so cie ty . Leiby and other jo u rn a lis ts tend to exacerbate this. And black journalists are small in number and relatively new to the mass media game. A s Jones said, “ We came late to the party. There are always going to be problems in re­ porting.” This is a situation we all need to deal with on an individual level. A bigger problem occurs when jo u r­ nalists use the influence o f the media in which they belong to promote their own slanted views o f race. This needs to stop-today Jesse Performs For New Ronald McDonald House iated can he get?” Congress ousting one o f its own members is ahistorical rarity, with the last case in 1980 when Rep. Michael Myers, a Pennsylvania Democrat, was expelled for taking bribes. No decison on Reynolds is ex­ pected until after House members return from their summer recess on Sept. 6. Unless he isexpelled, Reynolds, will remain a member o f the House for the rest o f his term through 1996 and could even run for re-election. He was first elected to Congress in 1992, beating the virulent Gus Sav­ age in his third try at the state’s second congressional distiict repre­ senting Chicago’s South Side. New Stickers Pay Tribute To Veterans ★ ★ ★ * Pictured left to right: Jesse, Underworld/Capitol Records; Susan Sullivan, President of Loyola Caring Place/Ronald McDonald, Dr. Craig Anderson, Chairman of Pediatrics & Board of Directors. ★ ★ W W II U.S. NAVY VetSignia A group o f retired veterans has devised new and useful window stick­ ers that allow men and women who served in the military to display the war they were involved in and their branch o f service. VetSignia Window Stickers are two by four inches, black on silver metalized film, with an American Flag background. Twenty-six differ­ ent stickers are available; for four major wars, W W II, Korea, Vietnam. Persian Gulf; and five services, Army, Navy, Marines, A ir Force, Coast Guard. For example a sticker could read; W W II/U .S . Army, Korea/U.S. Marines or Vietnam/U.S. A ir Force. Veterans who served in peacetime can get a sticker that shows the branch o f service. “ The idea came up during a vet’s bull session,” says Bob Kline, a W W II Marine who distributes the stickers. “ We were brainstorming about how we could help veterans receive rec­ ognition on more than just a few special holidays. The sticker lets the Veteran say; Hey, I did it when it had to be done and I’ m proud that I did.” Sticker requests should include; name, address, war served in, branch ofservice. Cost $4 each 3/$ 10 (S & H Inch). Send to - Bob Kline, Distr., Box 382, Blue Bell, PA 19422. Phone (6 1 0 )2 7 7 -1 1 7 1 Fax 277-3883. New Windows Brings High Expectations Microsoft’s ballyhooed W in­ dows 95 computer operating system hit the street with a bang last week but Attorney General Ja­ net Reno dampened the hoopla by affirming an antitrust probe o f the software giant was continuing. Microsoft’s stock price eased following Reno’s comment, but be­ yond Wall Street and Washington the mood was decidedly more up­ beat as customers rushed to buy about one o f the most widely antic­ ipated products ever. Computer retailers, manufac­ turers, and software developers anx- iously awaited initial sales reports, hoping that the new version o f W in­ dows, delayed more than eight months, can meet expectations in­ flated by weeks o f extensive media publicity. One prominent research firm in Silicon Valley, Dataquest Inc., said it expected 14 million Personalcom­ puters with the new software to ship in the next few weeks and projected Microsoft would sell 30 m illion units o f the software by the end o f the year. But M icrosoft’ s vast market reach has also been under the scruti­ ny o f the Justice Department, which is continuing to examine whether the company’sonline computer net­ work launched with W indows 95 violates antitrust laws. Just last week, M icro so ft agreed to alter some o f its business practices in another antitrust settle­ ment with the Justice Department, but online services are still worried about its entry into their budding industry. Microsoft rivals Apple Com­ puter Inc. and IB M went on the offensive, launching ad campaigns denouncing W indows 95 as old, tired technology. Underworld/Capitol Records artist Jesse recently performed for the Grand Opening o f the Caring P lace at L o y o la , a R o n a ld McDonald House serving the west­ ern suburbs o f Chicago. The third Ronald McDonald House (A /K /A the caring Place at Loyola) pro­ vides families with housing and emotional support while their ch il­ dren are being treated for serious illnesses at Loyola University Med­ ical Center or other nearby hospitals. Jesse is the first artist on the Hughes Brothers’ label. Underworld Records, (a joint venture with Capi­ tol Records). Jesse’s debut LP Never Let You Go is an album o f love, focusing on the principles o f hones­ ty, communication, understanding and commitment. The first single “ When U Cry, I C ry” reached num­ ber 34* on Billboard’s “ Hot R & B Singles” chart. Look out for Jesse’s second single and video “ Baby, Baby, Baby.” The video was direct­ ed by the Hughes Brothers, who directed and produced the upcom­ ing Hollywood Pictures release Dead Presidents. Jesse w ill also be featured on the forthcoming Dead Presidents soundtrack along with labelmate Trina B, singing a re­ make o f Roberta Flack’s and Donny Hathaway’ s R & B classic “ Where Is The Love.” Libel Payoff Bodes III For Journalism A B C ’s settlement o f a $10 b il­ lion libel suit brought by two tobacco giants over a report accusing them o f raisingeigarette nicotine levels bodes ill for journalism, according to free speech experts. They said they feared the move is part o f an emerging pattern by the corporations that own news organi­ zations to make decisions based on money rather than defending the ac­ curacy o f their stories. “ As you get more and more cor­ porate owners there is only one thing they care about... sat isfying the share- holders. A B C gave in because they had to, it was a money decision. It had nothing to do with journalism ," said Stephen Isaacs, who teaches eth­ ics at the Columbia Graduate School o f Journalism. “ This is part o f a pattern. Inves­ tigative journalism, in my opinion, is dying in this country,” he said. “ The bigger the corporation, you would think it could sustain problems, but it is not working out that way.” A B C News settled the huge libel suit Monday by publicly apologizing for a report carried last year by its Day One newsmagazine show that Philip Morris and R J . Reynolds add­ ed extra nicotine to their cigarettes to addict smokers. A B C also agreed to pay the tobacco companies’ legal costs. But the carefully worded apol­ ogy said A B C believed the primary focus o f the story was correct. The producer ofthe show, which has since been taken o ff the air, and the corre­ spondent on the story refused to sign the agreements. Since the libel suit was filed, Walt Disney Co. has agreed to buy Capital C ities/A B C Inc. in a $19 billion deal. Some lawyers said they were surprised that A B C had given in at a time when documents have been surfac ing that appear to support the report. Also,justafew w eeksago the Food and Drug Administration began its first efforts to regulate cig­ arettes, citing evidence that tobacco companies can control the amount o f nicotine in cigarettes. The tobacco companies have sued the FDA to block regulation o f cigarette sales and are lobbying Congress for sup­ port. Lawyers believe they w ill try to use the A B C settlement to advance this campaign. “ It’s an odd situation. Factually, certainly the core o f the story was accurate. The ambiguous apology underscores that,” said Jane Kirtley, executive director o f the Reporters Committee for Freedom ofthe Press. “ I ’ m very bothered by the no­ tion that a major media organization would allow itself to appear to be intimated by a major corporation,” she said. “ This bodes ill for the future o f investigative reporting involving corporate entities... it’s not just a question o f Philip M orris versus A B C , it’s corporate American ver­ sus the news media.” Richard Winfield, a prominent media lawyer with New Y o rk ’s Rogers & W ells, said he did not think there was any pattern o f news organizations bowing to corpora­ tions. “ Frankly, I haven’t encountered in my practice clients selling out their professionals in the name o f eco­ nomics. I doubt it (a pattern) exists,” he said. Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law professor at Harvard University who has worked on anti-smoking cases, said he thought A B C ’ s settle­ ment would make journalists even more determined to investigate cor­ porations.