Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 30, 1995, Page 13, Image 13

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T he P ortland O bserver • A ugust 30, 1995
Health Care Management
The Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Portland,
Oregon is actively recruiting quality candidates for the position
of Administrative Director. Mental health Services. This posi­
tion is responsible for the management of the following patient
care lines and facility services:
• Geriatric Psychiatry Clinic
Acute Ward Psychiatry
Psychiatric Consultation/
Intensive Psychiatric
Liaison Service
Community Care
• Behavioral Medicine
Day Treatment Program
• General Medicine/
Post Traumatic Stress
Psychiatry Team
• Chemical Addiction
Mental Health Clinic
Rehabilitation Section
• Residential Rehab Program
• Clinic Team
Clinic 1 earn Duties include responsibility for budget allocation
and for the successful performance of each of the above
areas, specifically with regard to patient satisfaction, quality of
services provided and efficiency of delivery of services, the
successful candidate will work with a Clinical Director as the
Senior Management Team responsible for all operations of
the Mental Health Group.
This includes being a member of the Executive Operations
Group, which is the executive body of the medical center.
Salary range is $51K to $66K.
Experience. Benefits include health and life insurance pro­
grams, vacation and sick leave, ten paid holidays, wellness
center and attractive retirement program. Interested candi­
dates should submit a resume of curriculum vitae to:
Chief, Human Resources
Management Service (05A), VA
Medical Center, 3710 SW U.S.
Veterans Hospital Road,
Portland, OR 97201
D ep artm en t of Veterans A ffairs - A n EO /A A E m p lo yer
Nurse Executive
(Associate Director, Inpatient Services)
The Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Portland,
Oregon is actively recruiting quality candidates for a Nurse
Executive position (Associate Director of Inpatient Services).
This position is resnonsible for the management of the follow­
ing patient care lines and facility services:
Inpatient Care Units
• Speech Service Pathology
• Nutrition and Food
• Respiratory Therapy
• Inpatient Pharmacy
• Short Stay Care Unit
• Social Work
• Infection Control
• Chaplain
• Escort
• Nursing Administration
Duties include responsibility for budget allocation and the suc­
cessful performance of each of the above areas, specifically
with regard to patient satisfaction, quality of services provided
and efficiency of delivery of services. The successful candi­
date will be a member of the Executive Operations Group,
which is the executive body of the medical center.
Salary range is $89,581 - $100.966, depending on qualifications
and experience. Benefits include health and life insurance
programs, vacation and sick leave, ten paid holidays, wellness
center and attractive retirement program. Interested candi­
dates should submit a resume or curriculum vitae:
Chief, Human Resources Management Service (05A),
VA Medical Center, 3710 SW U.S.
Veterans Hospital Road,
Portland, OR 97201
D ep artm en t o f Veterans A ffairs - A n EO /A A E m p lo yer
Health Care Management
The Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Portland,
Oregon is actively recruiting quality candidates forthe position
of Administrative Director, Long Term Care and Rehabilita­
tion. This position is responsible for the management of the
following patient care lines and facility services:
• Comprehensive,
• Adult Day Health Care
Rehabilitation Unit
• Contract Nursing Home
• Physical Medicine & Rehab
• Nursing Home Care
• Prosthetics & Sensory Aids
• Home Health Services
Duties include responsibility for budget allocation and the suc­
cessful performance of each of the above areas, specifically
with regard to patient satisfaction, quality of services provided
and efficiency of delivery of services, and general responsibil­
ity for our Vancouver campus, to include real and plant
property, equipment, and fire and safety, the successful can­
didate will work with a Clinical Director as the Senior Manage­
ment Team responsible for all operations of the Long Term
Care and Rehabilitation Group. This includes being a member
of the Executive Operations Group, which is the executive
body of the medical center.
Salary range is $51K to $66K, depending on qualifications and
experience. Benefits include health and life insurance pro­
grams, vacation and sick leave, ten paid holidays, wellness
center and attractive retirement program. Interested candi­
dates should submit a resume or curriculum vitae to:
Chief, Human Resources
Management Service (05A), VA
Medical Center, 3710 SW U.S.
Veterans Hospital Road,
Portland, OR 97201
Department of Veterans Affairs - An EO/AA Employer
- x**C E L E B R A T IO N o<*,^*-(
W ife ^ f îa r t la n b ( D b e e r u e r
P age B 5
Garlington Mental
Health Center
Marketing Specialist
Hult Center
Child & family therapist need­
ed to provide outpatient ser­
vices to cultu rally dive rse pop­
ulation of children ages 0-21.
Exp working w/ minority youth
& families desirable. Masters
degree in mental health relat­
ed field or bachelors & 2 yrs
clinical experience req. Ref #
City of Eugene
$1,171.50 - $1,474/mo.
Recreation Coordinator needed
to oversee recreation program
for residential vocational/edu-
cational training school Re­
quires a bachelor’s degree in
recreation, physical education
and one year related experi­
ence. Supervisory experience
preferred with valid commer­
cial driver’s license and CPR/
first Aid certification, Submit
letter of interest and resume
to: Human Resources, 31224
E. Historic Columbia River
Hwy., Troutdale, OR 97060.
Must be received no laterthan
R e s id e n tia l a d u lt c a re g iv e r
needed to assist mentally ill
clients in activities of daily liv­
ing & problem solving in resi­
dential setting on full-tim e
basis. Min 1 yr prior exp pref.
O n -c a ll re s id e n tia l a d u lt
caregivers also needed.
Competitive salary & benefits.
Send/fax cover letter & re­
sume to: Garlington Center,
4950 NE MLKing Blvd, Port­
land, OR 97211 Attn: HR Fax:
EOE Minority/disabled encour­
aged to apply. No phone calls
Professional-m inded person
who is effective when work­
ing in a team setting needed
to provide clerical/administra-
tive support for a fast paced-
office. Requires a high school
diploma or equivalent and two
years secretarial experience.
Word processing, automated
database management and
office organizational skills re­
quired. Must type 60 wpm.
This position is located in
Portland. If interested and
qualified, please submit re­
sume and letter of interest to:
Human Resources Manager;
31224 E. Historic Columbia
River Highway; Troutdale, OR
97060, postmarked no later
than Friday, Sept. 5, 1995.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Safety Technician
City of Eugene-P ublic Works
Salary Range $2,436-$3,01 5/mo.
Performs technical safety sup­
port functions within the Main­
tenance Division. Respon­
sible forthe development and
coordination of a comprehen­
sive safety program. Major
duties include program plan­
ning and coordination; devel­
opment and documentation of
safety policies; ensures staff
compliance with local, State,
and Federal safety regula­
tions; provides coordination
with Human Resource and
Risk Services for City-wide
safety programs; coordinates
development and documen­
tation of safety training pro­
grams; researches on-the-job
accidents to determine cause
and preventions; coordinates
the divisional safety meetings;
and performs in-house sched­
uled and unscheduled work­
place safety inspections. Re­
quires equivalenttofouryears’
experience in program coor­
dination and enforcement in a
re la te d
fie ld
associate’s degree with em­
phasis in industrial hygiene,
safety, or related field. Clos­
ing Date: Septem ber 22,
1995. O btain a p p lica tio n
packet from Human Resource
and Risk Services, 777 Pearl
Street, Room 101, Eugene
OR 97401. (503) 687-5061.
Position performs a variety of
secretarial duties including
heavy amounts of telephone
calls. Requires high school
diploma orequivalent and one
year related secretary experi­
ence, must be computer liter­
ate, able to type 60 words per
minute and prefer dictation at
80 words per minute. This
position is located in Portland.
Submit resume and cover let­
ter postmarked no later than
Sept. 5,1995 to: Human Re­
sources Manager, 31224 E.
Historic Columbia River High­
way, Troutdale, 97060.
Equal Opportunity em ployer
Part-time position (20 hrs/wk.)
develops and manages a
comprehensive 1:1 marketing
program for the Cultural Ser­
vices division. Develops an­
nual 1:1 customer service/
audience development plan
specifically designed to in­
crease customer retention
through customer service and
patron program strategies in
conjunction with the market­
ing and programming strate­
gic plan and the ticket office
customer service goals. Re­
quires minimum of 3 years
experience in cultural services
or the performing arts, cus­
tomer service, or sales and
management. A two year de­
gree in marketing, public rela­
tions, communications, retail/
sales, customer service, busi-
ness/public administration,
Bachelor’s degree highly de­
sirable. C losing Date: Sep­
tember 15, 1995. Obtain ap­
plication packet from Human
Resource and Risk Services,
777 Pearl Street, Room 101,
Eugene OR 97401. AA/EOE
And Stewardship
Portland based timber invest­
ment management company
seeks a highly motivated indi­
vidual with a college degree
in natural resources or com­
munication and five years ex­
perience in the forest prod­
ucts industry preferably as a
forester. The successful can­
didate will work in our corpo­
rate office located in down­
town Portland. Candidate
must have excellent commu­
nication skills, both oral and
written. Main responsibilities
Professional property manage­
will include: carrying forward
ment organization seeking
the philosophies and practic­
experienced m aintenance
es of the company with inter­
person to perform scattered
nal and external communica­
site, routine maintenance re­
tions as well as managing the
pairs and unit refurbishment
company’s land stewardship
in N/NE Portland. Experi­
activities. Competitive salary/
enced in painting, drywalling,
benefits package. We are an
carpentry, flooring, minor elec­
equal opportunity employer.
trical, demo lawn m ainte­
If you are interested in work­
nance, minor appliance repair
ing with a great group of peo­
and some general cleaning.
ple and a company that be­
Full time, permanent position
lieves in employee develop­
with benefits. Must have valid
ment and training, send re­
driver’s license and truck.
sume to Vicki Reber, One SW
Salary range $8.50 - $9.00
C o lum bia, P o rtla n d , OR
per hour, commensurate with
experience. No walk-ins.
Submit resume by
Washington County
Sept. 15, 1995 to:
Nurse Practitioner
Portland Community
(16 Hours Per Week)
Reinvestment Initiatives, Inc.
$24.07 - $28.78 per hour
Maxine Fitzpatrick
Open Until Filled
P.O. Box 11474
Call (503) 648-8606/TTY (503)
Portland, OR 97211
693-4898 for inform ation.
C ounty a p p lic a tio n and
Gold Beach
su p p lem ental app lication
Field Office Manager
forms required. Apply to:
(Principal Executive
Washington County
Manager B)
Human Resources Division
Current opening, State of Or­
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210
egon Employment Depart­
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124
ment, Gold Beach Employ­
Women, minorities, and people
ment Office. $2,511 - $3,536
with disabilities are encour­
per month.
aged to apply.
Recruiting announcement and
required state applications are
Residential Advisor
available at all Oregon Em­ On-call student dormitory advi­
ployment Department Field
sor needed. Requires mini­
Offices on the State Jobs Dis­
mum of a high-school diplo­
play. Qualifications and appli­
ma or equivalent and two
cation process listed in job
years experience in counsel­
announcement. Announce­
ing, social work, rehabilitation
ment is also available on the
or vocational guidance. As­
State of Oregon Jobline at
sociate’s or bachelor’s degree
503/225-5555, Ext. 7777 in
in human services preferred.
Portland, 24 hours a day, 7
Valid drivers license with an
days a week. TTY access is
acceptable driving record.
available in Salem 503/373-
Send cover letter, resume to:
Human Resources
Note: Out-Of-State Applicants
31224 E. Historic Columbia
Announcement on Internet -
River Hwy.
gopher.state.or.us-Post Code
Troutdale, Oregon 97060
d702 7956. For application
Responses Must Be Received
form call 503/378-3253.
No Later Than Friday,
Applications must be returned
Sept. 8, 1995
to Employment Department
An Equal Opportunity
in Salem by 5:00 p.m., Sep­
tember 7, 1995.
An AA EEO employer.
KXL Newsradio
Full-time cook needed, prefera­
bly with some experience su­
pervising young adults. Re­
quires minimum high-school
diploma or equivalent, food
service training with one-year
relevant experience, and a
food handler’s permit. Send a
letter of interest listing qualifi­
cations, or pick up an applica­
tion in person by Friday, Sept.
8 at:
Prom otions/M arketing/
Human Resources
31224 E. Historic Columbia
River Hwy.
Troutdale, Oregon 97060
An Equal Opportunity
Entry Level Position. Good P.R.
Skills A Must. Able To Handle
M ultiple Tasks. Computer
Skills Needed. Send Resume
Attention O ffice Manager,
P.O. Box 14957, Portland, OR
Equal Opportunity Employer -
No Phone Calls.
P O L IC E C A P T A IN $4.261 -
5,198/M O . Ju n eau , A laska.
Bachelor’s degree in police
science and four years of ex­
perience at or above the rank
of police lieutenant. Closes
September 15, 1995. Job
Announcement and applica­
tion (907) 586-5250. EOE.
PT - Teacher Aide working w/
families at-risk. Resp. incl.
setting up classroom, assist­
ing teacher w/children’s be­
havior, and written observa­
tions in a pre-school class­
room. Req. H.S. Diploma/
GED & 1 yr related work ex­
perience. Resume/AppkVOA-
Family Nursery, Attn:Lorraine
Bartion, 537 SE Alder St., Ptld,
Or 97214 Equal Opportunity
Oregon’s capital city, Salem,
(Pop. apprx. 120.000) invites
applications for Oregon Certi­
fied Paramedics now through
9/15. Sal. $2,364-$3,269/Mo.
+ Excel Bene. pkg. Bilinagual
skills desirable. App. required.
Contact: Personnel Dept. 555
Liberty SE, Salem, OR 97301
Volunteers needed as on-call
rape victim advocates with the
Multnomah County District
Attorney’s Victim Assistance
Program for evening and
weekend shifts. Five training
sessions (evenings) begin 10/
3/95. Must be 18 years old
and have own transportation.
Call 248-3222 for more infor­
mation and to register.
Executive Direct
Executive Director for ecumen­
ical non-profit housing orga­
nization. The director is re­
sponsible forthe corporation’s
day-today management, in­
cluding finances supervision
of staff, compliance with ap­
plicable laws and adherence
to the strategic plan and poli­
cies. The director reports to
the Board President. Desired
skills include: personal man­
agement, dbrffptiter literacy,
accounting/budgeting, gener­
al knowledge of construction,
fundraising and public speak­
ing. Salary $24,000/yr. Wom­
en and minorities are encour­
aged to apply. Send resume
and letter of interest to: Hu­
man Resources Chairperson,
PO Box 11527 Portland OR
97211. Letters must be re­
ceived by 5:00 pm Septem­
ber 11, 1995 to be consid­
Registered Nurse
Energetic registered nurse with
valid license and three years
related experience needed for
on-call services. Duties may
include coordination of all
phases of medical and dental
care for students in a fast-
paced training facility. Re­
spond by sending cover letter
of interest and a resume no
later than 9/8/95 to:
Springdale Job Corps Center
Attn: Human Resources
31224 Historic Columbia
River Hwy.
Troutdale, OR 97060
An Equal Opportunity
Employer M/F/D/V
Full-Time bus driver needed.
Requires minimum of a high­
school diploma or equivalent
and one year experience as a
licensed driver with a valid
commercial driver’s license.
Send cover letter, resume and
proof of CDL license to:
Human Resources
31224 E. Historic Columbia
River Hwy.
Troutdale, OR 97060
Responses Must Be Received
No Later Than Friday,
Sept. 8,1 9 9 5
an Equal Opportunity
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