Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 30, 1995, Page 12, Image 12

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    > •
P age B4
A ugust 30, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver
BlueCross BlueShield
of Oregon
HMO Oregon
For Chemical-Dependency
Network Support
The Corporation: C O DA, Inc., a private non-profit corporation,
has pioneered comprehensive addiction treatment services to a
diverse and complex populat ion throughout Northwest Oregon.
Operating from one large outpatient site and three residential
sites (which also provide child development and limited outpa­
tient services), our services include intensive drug-free outpa­
tient, methadone maintenance, short - and long-term residential,
and detoxification. O urclient population is extremely large and
diverse. We are a leader in designing services for pregnant
women, women with young children, and to families.
(Position *196)
W ith our range o f services, locations, and client profiles, CODA
offers a challenging and multifaceted environment in which
chemical dependency professionals can grow and advance.
CO D A further encourages professional advancement with an
energetic training program consisting o f monthly in-service
events, frequent special events, and cash and paid-time allow ­
ance for off-premises training.
Recent and continuing expansion has created an exceptional
range o f career opportunities Dedicated chemical-dependency
professionals are encouraged to apply. CODA is currently
recruiting for the follow ing positions:
Senior Counselor C -V : One Residential and two Outpatient
position available Starting salary $ 1,9 17-$2,100 per month
plus benefits. Positions provide treatment to complex caseloads,
perform clinical supervision, develop and implement clinical
procedures. Requires Master’s Degree and relevant experience.
Inquire about C5A60, C5060, C5061.
Interm ediate Residential Counselor C - lll: Starting salary
$1,359-$ 1,500 per month plus benefits. Provides direct diagno­
sis and treatment, group therapy, and discharge planning. Re­
quires bachelor’ s degree and relevant experience. Inquire about
C 3T 4 I.
Detoxification Counselor II (2p positions), Child Care (I
position), andon-Call Relief Nursing, Clerical and Residen­
tial positions are also available.
Individuals currently serving and federal, state or county parole
or probation are ineligible for these positions. Candidates must
consent to a crim inal background check.
T O A PPLY, obtain a standard CODA application form and
detailed position announcements for each position sought.
Screening questions responses are demanded for each position
sought. CODA cannot accept resumes in lieu o f applications
forms. Application M ate ria ls A rc Available A t And M ust Be
Returned To: C O D A, Inc. 210 NE 20th Ave., Portland, OR
97232; Tele: (503) 236-2290 Ext. 254.
T reatment R ecovery P revention
C O D A is an Equal Opportunity/AHirmative Action Employer
Specialist Trainee
The State of Oregon Depart­
ment of Consumer and Busi­
ness Serives, Worker* Com­
pensation Division is recruit­
ing to fill a current vacancy in
Salem. The position is an
underfill for the Disability De­
termination SpecialisV(DDS).
The successful applicant be­
comes eligible for promotion
to D isability dete rm ina tio n
specialist when they success­
fully complete the Evaluation
Section’s DDS training pro­
g ra m
w h ic h
charcteriostically at the end of
the first year of eomployment.
If you have a Bachelor's de­
gree in Nursing, Vocatinal
Counseling or a related field,
or experience working with the
disabled or in the workers’
compensation claims indus­
try and would like additional
information about this postion,
contact Employee Services at
(503) 378-8980. This recruit­
ment closes October 3,1995.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
100 8 Of Jobs Weekly
Immediate Need
Great $$
All Shifts
Never A Fee
Vacation Pay
Referral Bonus
All Skills Needed
Many Temp to Perm
Employers Overload
B eaverton
W a s h .S q .A re a
W ilsonville
2 2 4 -3 1 5 5
6 4 1 -2 6 6 1
6 2 4 -8 0 0 0
6 8 2 -9 2 2 2
Job Opportunity:
City Of Portland
Wastewater Mechanic
A pproxim ate H ourly Salary:
$12.53 at entry to $17.66.
Tentative Closing Date: Monday,
September 18, 1995. No Post­
Wellness Specialist
Approximate Monthly Salary:
$3,040 at entry to $3,884.
Tentative Closing Date: Monday,
September 18, 1995. No Post­
Submit completed applications to
City Hall, Room 100,1220 SW 5th
Ave. Portland, OR 97204.
Applications are also available by
Tuesday at local TPIC branch of­
fices, NE Workforce Center and
Urban League.
Job information call: (503) 823-
and TDD (503) 823-3520.
The City of Portland is an AA/E EO
Oregon State Hospital
Positions available at Portland
and Salem campuses. Must
have 3 mos. custodial exp.
Must be able to perform It. to
heavy cleaning incl. lifting,
mopping, sweeping, empty­
ing trash, etc. Will work around
mentally ill patients. Must be
able to communicate in En­
glish in order to read labels
and communicate with staff/
patients. Must pass criminal
history check. Exc benefit
$ 1 2 1 0 -$ 1 5 6 8 /
monthly. Contact your local
Employment Office immedi­
ately to apply. EOE.
We are seeking an exceptional
individual to manage all voice,
data, and LAN com m unica­
tion activities within the cor­
poration. Previous m anage­
ment experience is a require­
ment along with project man­
agement skills, excellent com­
munication skills, and a strong
technical background. Appli­
cants should have a minimum
of six years experience in the
networking industry or relat­
ed field.
The supervisor will manage a
team of 10 individuals respon­
sible for a statewide com m u­
nications network which in­
cludes the following:
• A large Ethernet environ­
ment with an ATM backbone
using Cisco router which sup­
port 1500+ PCs 50+ Unix serv­
ers, and 26+ Novell servers.
• T1/T3 circuits to support in­
tegrated voice, LAN, and vid­
eo conferencing traffic.
• Six ROLM 9751 PBX sys­
tems and critical Customer
Service ACD functions
• Frame Relay and leased
line circuits to support hospi­
tal and physician access into
corporate systems.
For more information about
current openings call our
Job Information Line:
Pre-employment drug screen­
ing required. To assure your
resume is processed imme­
diately, place the position
number or job title at the
top of your resume or in
your covet* letter. Send re­
sume to:
Blue Cross and
Blue Shield of Oregon/
HMO Oregon
Human Resources Dept.,
3rd fir
100 S.W Market
Portland, OR 97201
TDD# 225-6780
Equal Opportunity Employer
Police Officer Reserve
City of Milwaukie, Oregon. We
are seeking men and women
for the police reserve force.
This is a civilian volunteer op­
eration; members are required
to attend monthly meetings,
ride with and assist regular
officers in various aspects of
Law Enforcement. Applicants
must be a minimum of 21
years old; high school gradu­
ate or GED equivalency; pos­
sess a valid area driver’s li­
cense and meet the City’s driv­
ing standards; have no felony
criminal record; be able to
p ass an e x te n s iv e b a c k ­
ground check; physical agility
te s t and a p sych o lo g ic a l
exam , a lo ng w ith a drug
screening test. If possible,
please pick up application
packets at Human Resourc­
es Departm ent, 10722 SE
Main Street, Milwaukie, OR
97222. Contact Cynthia, (503)
786-7507. Completed pack­
ets must be received by 4 PM,
Monday, September 11,1995,
in Human Resources at the
above address. Fax #(503)
652-4433, TDD #786-7555.
Remodeling Sales
Trainee position leading toward
commissioned residential re­
modeling design and sales.
Education and/or experience
in some combination of interi­
or design, building design,
interior architecture, architec­
ture, or housing; and in board
drafting, with strong empha­
sis on structural design and
experience. Sales experience
a plus. W aged entry level po­
sition with benefits. Job de­
scription available on request.
Send resume and cover letter
to: Julia Spence, Neil Kelly
Designer/Remodelers, 804 N.
A lb e rta St., P ortland, OR
BlueCross BlueShield
of Oregon
HMO Oregon
Dental Claims Analyst
This position is responsible for
accurate and timely payment
of dental claims. Experience
necessary to perform this task
• Minimum 6 months claims
analyst experience or mini­
mum 1 year dental office ex­
• Demonstrated knowledge
of dental terminology and ADA
• Fast accurate CRT and 10
Key skills and previous expe­
rience working in a produc­
tion environment.
• The ability to communicate
effectively orally and in writ­
This position also requires be­
ing able to work overtim e
hours as needed.
For more information about
current openings call our
Job Information Line:
Pre-employment drug screen­
ing required. To assure your
resume is processed imme­
diately, place the position
number or job title at the
top of your resume or in
your cover letter. Send re­
sume to:
Blue Cross and
Blue Shield of Oregon/
HMO Oregon
Human Resources Dept.,
3rd fir
100 S.W Market
Portland, OR 97201
TDD# 225-6780
Equal Opportunity Employer
BlueCross BlueShield
of Oregon
HMO Oregon
ICR Verify Operator
These positions inspect, reject,
or correct data recognition re­
sults using InScript Verify soft­
ware. Work is performed at a
PC workstation. Experience
necessary to perform this task
• At least one year data entry
• Typing 60 wpm and ten-key
by touch.
• Experience w orking with
Windows on PC.
• Experience w orking with
medical claims is beneficial.
• The ability to work in a fast
paced production environ ­
The hours for this position are
Monday through Friday from
9:30 am to 6:00 pm. Overtime
hours as needed.
For more information about
current openings call our
Job Information Line:
Pre-employment drug screen­
ing required. To assure your
resume is processed imme­
diately, place the position
number or job title at the
top of your resume or in
your cover letter. Send re­
sume to:
Blue Cross and
Blue Shield of Oregon/
HMO Oregon
Human Resources Dept.,
3rd fir
100 S.W Market
Portland, OR 97201
TDD# 225-6780
Equal Opportunity Employer
Radio Traffic Manager
Must have 3-5 Yrs Traffic, Pro­
gra m m in g A nd C o n tin u ity
Exp. Computer Skills, Good
V erbal And W ritten Skills.
K n o w le d g e o f C o lu m b in e
Traffic System. Prior Mana­
gerial Exp. A Plus. Send Re-
sume/References To KGON
Sales Manager - 4614 SW
Kelly, Portland, O r 97201.
Equal Opportunity Employer.
No Phone Calls.
Head Start
Economic Opportunity
Committee Of
Clark County, INC.
Head Start Teacher And Sub­
stitute - To Cover Maturity
Leave And To Build Substi­
tute Pool - $9.43-$10.62/hr -
BA in (ECE); or BA in Educa­
tion with an ECE endorse­
ment or CDA certificate. One
year consistent paid experi­
ence with groups of children
3-5 years old in preschool pro­
gram, including supervision
of adults and classroom plan-
ning/M anagem ent. Position
requires a Food H andler’s
Card and First Aid/CPR cer­
Head Start Teacher Assistant
Substitutes - To Cover Ma­
ternity Leaves And To Build
A Substitute Pool - $7.84/hr
- AA Degree in (ECE) with
one year paid experience in a
p re s c h o o l p ro g ra m , o r a
(CDA) with two years experi­
Classroom Aid - Cathlamet -
To Cover Maternity Leave
From 09/13/95 To 12/15/95 -
$ 5 .9 7 -$ 6 .1 5 /h r - A ssist in
implementing classroom ac­
tivities under the supervision
of the teaching staff. Assist
with meal preparation; pre­
pare activities, supplies and
environm ent; and m aintain
safety and cleanliness of cen­
ter. High School diplom a or
equivalent. 1 year experience
working with children 3 to 5
years of age.
All Positions Require Depend­
able Autom obile, Driver’s
License, And Auto Insur­
ance. Must Submit Cover
Letter, Resume, 3 Letters
O f R e c o m m e n d a tio n , A
Signed Child Abuse State­
ment, And An E.O.C. Appli­
cation. Obtain Application
PKG 9 A.M. - 4 P.M., Mon-
Fri, EOC Of Clark County,
10621 N .E.Coxley Dr., Suite
207, Vancouver, WA, 98662,
(360) 896-9912. Application
D e a d lin e Is W ed n esd ay,
Septem ber 6 ,1 9 9 5 .
Relations Analyst
The Legislative Administration
Committee is accepting ap­
plications for Legislative Ad­
ministrator to coordinate and
direct a wide range of ser­
vices provided to the Legisla­
tive A ssem bly, Legislative
staff and the public. You must
have a minimum of five years
of upper level managerial ex­
perience. Experience should
include: facilitating coopera­
tion among the various legis­
lative support units including
statutory committee executive
officers and the presiding of­
ficers, management in multi­
issue program administration,
budget development and ad­
ministration, policy decision
making; strong planning and
com m unication experience.
Salary is $4984-$6675 per
month. Applications must be
received by 5:00 p.m., Sep­
tem ber 11,1995. For applica­
tion m aterials contact Em ­
ployee Services, 140 State
Capitol, Salem, OR 97310
(503) 986-1373. TTY: (503)
986-1374 Fax: (503) 986-
1684. EOE
City Of West Linn
Library Aide Positions
$ 7.7 5/h r;$ 9.8 9/h r DOQ. R e­
cruitment is for part-time Li­
brary Aide positions at the
W est Linn P ublic Library.
These positions will work Sun­
day from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
with occasional opportunities
to work additional hours. Li­
brary Aide responsibilities in­
clude. work at circulation desk;
brief reference and reader ad­
visory questions; preparation
of library materials; shelving
books and some related cleri­
cal and public service work.
R e q uires g ra du a tion from
High School or equivalent
GED certification. One (1) year
office experience preferred
with some library experience
or college level courses in Li­
brary Science. A pplication
packets may be picked up at
West Linn City Hall, 22825
W illamette Drive, or by calling
(503) 656-4518 TDD, EEO.
Completed applications must
be received no later than Sep­
tem ber 1 ,1995,4:30 PM. The
tentative schedule for recruit­
ment of these positions will be
for interviews to be held the
week of Septem ber 4, 1995,
with the goal of placing candi­
dates for training the week of
September 18, 1995
City of Eugene
$2,940-$3,730 monthly
The City of Eugene is recruiting
for an intergovernmental re­
lations expert. This position
will represent City interests at
the State Legislature, and
coordinate local multi-jurisdic­
tional activities and priorities.
Requires 3 years’ professional
experience, and a minimum
Part-Time Transit
of a 2-year degree. Note: This
position is located in Salem
available for work as
during special and regular leg­
needed five out of our six op­
islative sessions, and also
erating days (Monday through
requires frequent travel to
Saturday). No previous bus
Salem at other times. Clos­
driving or large vehicle expe­
ing Date: S ep te m be r 29,
rience necessary to apply. We
1995. O b ta in a p p lic a tio n
train. Wage is $ 10.68 per hour.
p a cke t and s u p p le m e n ta l
Successful part-time opera­
questionnaire from Human
are considered for full­
Resource and Risk Services,
time positions as full-time po­
777 Pearl Street, Room 101,
sitions become available. Pick
Eugene OR 97401. AA/EOE
up a detailed vacancy an­
nouncement which lists re­
State Farm Insurance
quirem ents and an official
application form at Salem
seeking Word Processing Op­
Area Mass Transit District,
erator in Salem. Position in­
3140 Del W ebb Ave. N.E.
volves high volume dictation
Salem, OR 97303. Complet­
from written and machine tran­
ed application form must be
scription. Must type 65 WPM.
received by District by 5:00
Knowledge of proper spell­
p.m. on September 8, 1995.
ing, grammar and com posi­
Equal Opportunity Employer.
tion needed. Prior experience
Residential Case Manager/ln-
fa m ilia rity
w ith
take W orker to work with CMI
WordPerfect 5.1 preferred. We
clients in a day treatment pro­
offer competitive wage and
gram. Exper. working with per­
benefits. Send resum e to:
sonality disorders required.
State Farm Insurance Co.
Manager Therapist to
Personnel MM, 4600 25th Ave
with SED clients. Both
NE. Salem O r 97313. Equal
require an MSW
Opportunity Employer.
or MA in human services.
Supervisor to work
Program Assistant/CN A Clinical
with SED youth in a day treat­
Provide therapeutic recreation,
ment program in north Port­
personal care, transportation
land. MA in human services
in agency lift vehicle for frail
and 2 years of clinical prac­
elders of A dult Day Care.
tice is required. Prior experi­
Requires relevant training and
ence working with adoles­
exp. CNA highly desirable.
cents and minorities preferred.
Valid ODL req. FT Mon-Fri.
$ 6.2 3-$6 .7 1 /h r plus benefits.
To apply, send resume by 9/11/
Appl: VOA-ADC 537 SE A l­
95 to: CCMH, 6329 NE ML
der Portland OR 97214. Equal
Kina Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR
Opportunity Employer
97211, Attn: Alice Bergman,