r. » «£» ÄwW s NEW, RETURNS OVERSTOCK 4069 N.E. M.L.K. Blvc & 162nd & Division (Division Crossine LIQ U ID A TIO N OUTLET C O M E A N D SEE W H A T YO U R . M O N E Y W ILL BUY A T 50% T O 75% OFF RETAIL T h e fool is m uch worxe than the k n a v e , fo r the knave does take a rent ao m etim e, the fool never. — A natole France Advertise For Diversity P re s e n t 10% co u p o n w ith p u rch ase for ad d itio n a l savings. Expires 6-09-95. Advertise 111 CL lie jJnrtlaub (Observer Call: 503-288-0033 Furniture • Bedding • Clothing Rugs • Housewares • Tools • Toys Electronics • Lamps • Flateware Auto Accessories And Much More! "Legal & Financial Planning" “ Legal & Financial Planning for families o f the frail elderly or chronically ill” is a class taught by Tim Nay, a Portland attomey/social worker who has extensive experience working with families needing to make decisions for an impaired family member involving estate plan­ ning, assets, w ills and financing necessary care. Future class dates include: September 12, 1995, 2:00-4:30pm, October 10, 1995, 7:00-9:30pm, and November 14, l995,2:00-4:30pm . Pre-registrations required. Call Legacy Referral Service at 335-3500 for pre-registration information and for the locations o f these classes. QUALITY DEPARTMENT STORE ITEMS NEW STORE HOURS OPEN WED-FRI 10-6, SAT 10-5 t Jjj