I he P ortland O bserver • A ugust 23 1995 P age A 5 emu m um 5?ortíanh (©bsmier Access Health To Provide Healthcare Options To Homeless Families Access Health Inc. announced Ihutsday a unique agreement that will provide its Personal Health Ad- viso r(P H A )to families living in San Francisco’s Clara House. Clara House residents, formerly homeless families who are looking for a new start, w ill receive PHA, a service that was previously offered only through specific healthcare plans. Access Health is pleased to offer free telephone access to healthcare information for families in this program. These are families who ty p ica lly have few other healthcare options. Personal Health Advisor is a 24 hour, personal health management program providing consumers with a broad range o f healthcare informa­ tion including symptom assessment, health education and general infor­ mation. The residents will be able to cal I registered nurses 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holi­ days, to ask questions or receive help in deciding the most appropriate medical course o f action based on the caller’s symptoms. As part o f the agreement. A c­ cess Health w ill also provide its AudioHealth Library which is anoth­ er 24 hour telephone service that provides callers with information on over430 pre-recorded health topics. Topics range from fevers and bee stings to heart disease and cancer. "W e are happy to provide Per­ sonal Health Advisor to those who do not have many healthcare options and are not able to rely on consistent healthcare," said Kenneth B. Plumlee, president and chief executive officer o f Access Health Inc. “Our services are designed to empower individu­ als by providing them with the infor­ mation they need, when they need it. to proactively manage their own health. We look forward to helping all Clara House families with any type o f healthcare problem or con­ cern.” Clara House is an educational/ employment-based transitional hous­ ing program for homeless families. This program, sponsored by Compass Community Services, is tw o years in length, provides child care, counseling, parenting and substance abuse recovery assistance and life skill training. “ Personal Health Advisor is a wonderful addition to the services Planned Parenthood Announces Changes O rganization W orks to Ensure R eproductive Health S ervices for Low -Incom e Fam ilies within M an a g e d C are E n v iro n m e n t and H ostile P olitical C lim ate In the wake o f a changing health care environment and a Congress hostile to the reproductive health care needs o f women, Planned Parent­ hood Federation o f America (PPFA ) today announced changes in its na­ tional office to strengthen its efforts to ensure the availability o f repro­ ductive health services for women and men. During a meeting earlier this week with the PPFA Board o f Direc­ tors, Interim Co-Presidents Jane Johnson and Jim LeFevre outlined a reorganization plan to move PPFA into the future. The plan includes establishing a Management Services Organization to help affiliates accel­ erate their transition to a changing health care environment, expanding the organization’s advocacy efforts, and strengthening its C linic Defense Project. “ The radical right in Congress have declared war on women, espe­ c ia lly low -incom e women, and Planned Parenthood intends to strengthen our efforts to ensure re- productive rights and access to re­ productive health care for American women and their fam ilies,” Ms. Johnson said. “ The reorganization reflects our renewed commitment to ensuring that women have access to all reproduc­ tive health care, including abortion services,” Mr. LeFevre said. To ac­ commodate the restructuring, the plan includes staff reductions. According to Ms. Johnson, ex­ pansion efforts for advocacy and government relations had begun un­ der the direction o f Ann F. Lewis, PPFA vice president for public pol­ icy. A long-time political consultant, Ms. Lewis has announced that she will leave Planned Parenthood to become deputy campaign manager for communications for President Clinton’s reelection campaign. “ The entire Planned Parenthood family is grateful to Ann for her outstanding work on behalf o f women and repro­ ductive rights,” Ms. Johnson said. “ We wish her all the best in her new position.” “ A ll across the country, organi­ zations, state and local governments, hospitals, and schools, are having to adjust their belts in tight budget times. Planned Parenthood’s bottom line is For The Best Hand In Advertising... to ensure that the women, men, and With the summer in full families we serve will continue to swing and Labor Day just around the enjoy their reproductive rights and corner, Americans w ill be heading to access to critical health care servic­ the beach, the mountains and other es,” Mr. LeFevre said. “ We are con­ vacation hot spots in record num­ fident that with our new restructur­ bers. ing, we will be in an even stronger But when they include the fam­ position to fulfill Planned Parent­ ily pet as part o f their entourage, the hood’s mission.” experience can be a disaster unless Planned Parenthood(R) Federa­ adequate preparation becomes an tion o f America, the world’s oldest integral part o f the planning process. and largest voluntary reproductive According to Burton Sipp, a health care organization, is dedicat­ nationally ranked professional horse ed to the principle that every individ­ trainer and proprietor o f Animal ual has a fundamental right to choose Kingdom Zoo in Bordentown, New when or whether to have a child. Jersey, vacationing with your pet can Planned Parenthood’s 160 not- be a fun and rewarding experience. for-profit affiliates operates nearly “ I have six dogs o f my own, and 1,000 clinics in 49 states and the we frequently take all o f them on District o f Columbia. vacation with us,” Sipp said. “ Trav­ Planned Parenthood centers elling with pets can be a real night­ provide m edical and educational mare, though, if you don’t take the services for four m illio n A m e ri­ proper precautions, and plan for your cans each year, regardless o f race, d6g’$ needs in the same way you do age, gender, sexual orientation, your own.” d isa b ility , or econom ic c irc u m ­ Sipp said that no matter ifyo u ’re stances. going camping, flying to Europe, or Through its international pro­ driving cross-country, you need to gram, Family Planning International remember the following tips to keep Assistance!R), Planned Parenthood you and your pet safe: helps meet the family planning needs o f women and men in the developing • Have all your pet’s shots up-to- world. date and take your proof o f vaccina­ tions along with you. • Take all o f your pet’ s medica- Wishes You A Happy New Year As We Begin Our 25th Anniversary O f Publication. 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