P age B4 A ugust 23 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver ^ o rtla ix b (JPbseruer ENT ERTA IN MENT Max-A-Million To call Duran Estevez positive would be something o f an under­ statement. The dynamic rapper and singer for the Chicago group Max- A -M illio n veritably begins and ends each sentence with ‘ Irie ’, the Jamai­ can term for “ A lrigh t.’’ Moreover, the sentiments Duran expresses are so endearingly a ffir­ mative they make the listener feel like join in g the singer in his mission to inspire the masses through music. That same irrepressible spirit vibrates through the songs on Take Your Time. The Zoo Entertainment/S.O.S. Records debut album from M ax-A- M illion. The disc showcases the Chicago vocal trio on 12jams that ambitious­ ly com bine elem ents o f R & B , Reggae, dancehall, Hip/Hopand Pop. Indeed, the album’ s first single “ Fat New York Undercover (L-R): Michael DeLorenzo (Eddie Torres), Patti D ’A rbanville-Quinn (Lt. Virginia Cooper) and Malik Yoba (J.C. Williams) struggle to rid the New York City Streets of criminals in the new one-hour drama New York Undercover premiering Thursday Sept 8 (9 00-10 00 'PM ET/PT) on Fox. Boy” has already become a dance/ club hit on the strength o f its clatter­ ing techno rhythms. Reggae Rap­ ping and Sexy Vocals. The group consists o f three sing­ ers so talented each could easi ly front their own group. But when Duran, A ’ Lisa B and Tommye joined forces to form M ax-A -M illio n , they created a triple-th re a t funk posse with astounding vo­ cal finesse. Take Your Time isa vision­ ary c o m b in a ­ tion o fR & B vo­ calizing, quick­ silver Caribbe­ an rapping and techno fu tu r ­ ism. The album is produced by 20 Fingers, the phe­ nomenal Chicago music team behind recent dance hits by G illette (“ Short Short Man” ) and Roula (“ Lick It” ). Take Your Time finds the re­ nowned production crew applying their musical and engineering exper­ tise to a collection o f original songs and forceful interpretations. C o m m e r c ia l "s The B e st O f F ran k X u ppa When Rykodisc am bitiously rereleased en masse the definitive Frank Zappa-approved masters o f al I his albums in the Spring o f 1995, the uninitiated were afforded the oppor­ tunity to explore the vast and diverse world o f FZ - composer, bandleader and virtuoso guitarist as well as hu­ morist, satirist and outspoken social critic -- who.ie massive body o f work was widely overlooked and misun­ derstood in his lifetime. However, neophytes trying to find a threshold into the Zappa zone are faced with a monumental i f not overwhelming task; where to start? There’ s no bet­ ter way to get a sampling o f the prolific maestro’s catalog than by delving into S trictly Commercial (RC D /R AC /R ALP 40500), a “ best o f ’ collection o f FZ’s radio hits and tunes that would have been Top Ten i f this were a perfect world. Packed with 19 highlights o f his “ main­ stream” pop-rock career, this collec­ tion is a bona fide Zappa 101, a primer on his creative genius which was simultaneously at work and at play in even his most accessible num­ bers. I t ’s also the first o fficial Zappa retrospective since Verve released Mothermania in 1969. One o f rock’s most p ro lific and iconoclastic artists, Frank Zappa adventurously covered a universe o f stylistic terrain, ranging from ‘ 50s music inspired by Varese, Stravinsky and Bartók. He punched out hardy rock on his surly guitar and served up “jazz from hell” experiments on his computerized Synclavier DMS key­ board (his instrument ofchoice in the latter years o f his life when he was studio-bound). With a lifelong fla ir for creating genre-jumping, post­ modernist music, Zappa released nearly 60 albums, many o f which folded in several different styles o f' m usic, cross-referencing such seemingly disparate domains as classical with reggae and melodic R&B with dissonant avant-garde. M ERCIAI APPA doo-wop to 20th century classical UNITED ARTISTS PICTURES presests a SERAPHIM prod « CLIVE BARKER’S "LORD OE ILLUSIONS" SCOTT BAKULA ISSEN DANIEL VON BARGEN p ®USTEVE GOLINSIGURJON SIGHVAT5S0N '" i SIMON BC a " "MJ h AWE SELLAR . CLIVE BARKER »L dm E cto S CLIVE BARKER U n Visit iht1 HIRI) Oi IIIISIONS Sue tin ihtfiSTERNFT: htl|t://HHH.mi{nturi.rom/l«rd ° .i*’”’' / \ STARTS FRIDAY, AUGUST 25TH ■ItTMICTIO EAST PORTLAND 32NO & E BURNSIDE 231-8926 M U S IC M I L L E N N IU M NW PORTLAND 23RDÄ NW .JOHNSON 2480163 sc i KB’ i-iKk J M |J m ’J u ■ J < A K J J H ix ■ 1 ■ gl? * 1 The gang is back w ith all new episodes and new liv in g arrangem ents. The coolest cops in television are back fo r an all new season Premieres Au 1 8PM/7 C EN TR A L & M O U N T A IN