I P age B2 A ugust 23 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver Sale, Barbecue Supports Senior Center Programs A rum m age sale and fam ily barbecue w as c e le ­ brated Saturday at the N orth and N ortheast M ulticultural S en io r C enter. C en ter D irector W indy S andell and A ctivities C o ­ ordinator Rachel B elcheror- g anized the event to raise d o n a tio n s for the center's nutrition program s and se­ nior activities. T he U rban League o f P o r tl a n d , M u ltn o m a h C ounty S enior Services D i­ vision and Loaves and Fishes sponsored the event. S a n d e ll s a id a b o u t $1,800 w as raised. Part o f the donations wil I help support the m eals on w heels program for hom e bound elderly, Sandell said. She said other proceeds will help support th eo n -site dining program s and senior a c tiv itie s su c h as h e a lth checks, birthday parties and field trips. T he goal o f the senior cent is to enrich the lives o f area residents over 60 years old. tha / k Y ov r® k • ' 1 I’ \ ' ÛUK. W e tn > K .fV L 5Pot¿5oKs A V P ¿ -Ì > 11 ÛAfC, * V o rts is * 5 * a F ê W a , íT P o /ÍA L b á /! J * C hoí '. v . o A’. ía T Atf r * U K & A tf U6. * L o m b s 8> F ic H g s lû t ------------------------- --- - • ..... . — - iif .____ Hacks of clothes are sold as rummage (above) and cooking (below) is a skill and part of the fun. the Area businesses are thanked for their support. S a tu rd a y 's f e s tiv itie s drew m any area residents. A chicken and ribs lunch was served. Sandell said donations and v o lu n teers are stilled needed at the center, located on the corner o f Northeast M artin L u th e r K in g Jr. B lv d . and K illin g s w o rth Street. Area seniors enjoy a barbecue on a nice summer day. New & used books on Business, Music, & African-American Studies Building Houses, Building Lives i i i PO W EL L’S CITY OF BOOKS H abitat fo r H um anity, i i i i a n o n p ro fit C hristian housing m in istry, works in partnership w ith people in need to im prove the co n d ition s in w hich 9 AM - 11 PM Monday through Saturday 9 AM - 9 PM Sundays Used books bought every day till 8:30 PM On the #20 Bus line • One hour free parking 1005 West Burnside Street they live. rr 228-4651 Portlwid lU>tU( for Hiunatity P.O. Box 1152? Pcrtland. 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