Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 23, 1995, Image 1

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Volume XXV, Number 34
Committed to cultural diversity.
August 23, 1995
Join In Celebrating Our
Asian Youth Camp
Group To Electrify
State Fair
Congressman Ron Wyden and
others give a boost to Police
Activities League s Asian
Basketball Camp.
See Sports, page B3.
| 0 - ■ ■■ ■
Earth. Wind and Fire will
perform Saturday during the
Seven O Clock Concert Series
at the state fairgrounds in
See Entertainment, page B5.
(Líie ^tnrtlanh G
M rs . F r a n c e s S c h o e n -N e w s p a p e r
U n i v e r s i t y o f O re g o n L i b r
E u g e n e , O re g o n
Prosecution Wants
Ito To Stay
Prosecutors backed away from their
demand that Judge Lance Ito disqualify
him self from the rest o f the marathon O.J
Simpson m urdertrial last week. Opposing
lawyers agreed to a compromise allowing
the judge to rule on the adm issibility o f
interview tapes o f former Detective Mark
Fuhrman allegedly uttering racial epithets
and talking about planting evidence to
frame suspects. Ito then ruled against the
defense motion on Monday.
Essence Of Ellington
Coming to Portland
- C' ■
Packwood Lashes Out
At Accusers
M e rce r E llington
Ghana Ambassador
Ekwow Spio-Garbrah (top,
left) and his assistant
Daniel Hagen, both of the
Ghana Embassy in
Washington, D.C., are
special guests at Sunday's
Homowo Festival in
Portland. The celebration of
African arts, music and
dance is also attended by
Ghana residents Minnie
Ziddah and James Kutten
(left) who came dressed in
the royal dress of the
Ashanti African people.
Sen. Bob Packwood, R-Ore., escalat
ed his verbal assault on his accusers and
news organizations last week, promising
more criticism in the future. Packwood is
facing ethics charges ranging from sexual
harassment to evidence tampering. “ Now
is the time to fight fire w ith fire,” he said,
appearing in three national television in­
terviews in less than 24 hours. His latest
tactics seemed to draw o critical, i f some­
what bewildered reaction.
Black Paratroopers
A memorial was dedicated at A rling
ton National Cemetery last week to the
nation’ s first black paratroopers, who
served with distinction despite unequal
treatment. The 555th Parachute Infantry
Battalion, earned their wings in 1944 at
Fort Benning, Ga. They were called
‘Smoke Jumpers” during W orld War II by
dropping in to fight forest fires set by
Japanese incendiary balloons in the Pacif­
ic Northwest.
(Photos by Duane Lewis)
Continued to page A4
Fair Offers 12 Days Of Fun In Salem
Bradley Calls It Quits
Sen. B ill Bradley, the New Jersey
basketball hero who once seemed an odds-
on favorite to w in a Democratic presiden­
tial nomination, announced last week that
he w ill not seek re-election in 1996. Bra­
dley, 52, said it was simply time to move
on. The announcement increases the like­
lihood that Democrats w ill not recapture
control o f the Senate next year.
Senator Rated
Senior Friendly
The free enterprise, less government
and less taxes seniors advocacy group 60
Plus has rated Oregon Sen. Bob Packwood
as “ senior frien dly.” The group commend­
ed Packwood “ fo r w orking to preserve
and protect M edicare.”
M enendez Retrial
Enjoys Low Profile
As Lyle and Erick Menendez prepare
for the start o f a new trial for the shotgun
slayings o f their parents, their case has
been pushed from center stage by O.J.
Simpson. Jury selection was scheduled to
begin Wednesday in Los Angeles. The
brothers’ first tria l ended deadlocked in
hung juries.
Iow a Poll
Sets Dole Back
“ We got our butts kicked,” said Bob
Dole campaign manager Scott Reed about
D ole’s surprising tie with Phil Gramm for
first place in the Iowa straw poll o f Repub­
lican presidential candidates Saturday.
A celebration o f the legendary jazz, bandleader and
composer Duke Ellington w ill take place next month in
“ Essence of Ellington,” w ill be performed the evening
o f Sept. 23 at the Arlene Schnitzer Conceit I lall as a benefit
for Friends o f Black Studies at Portland State University.
The production is presented by the jazz Society o f
The featured artist is the late Ellington's son, Mercer
Kennedy Ellington.
Mercer continues to lead the Duke Ellington Orchestra,
honoring a commitment made by his father, “ With or w ith­
out me, my band w ill be there.”
In the early 80s, Mercer was musical conductor for
“ Sophisticated Ladies, a review o f Duke Ellington’ s music
on Broadway, l or the past 15 years, he has led the Duke
Ellington Orchestra throughout the world to rave reviews.
The orchestra received a Grammy Award in 1988 for Best
Jazz Instrumental Album.
The Portland event, on addition to the great music, w ill
include historical film clips and photographs.
Duke Ellington defined the swing sophisticated style o f
laser light show, ejection seat
and High Diving Hillbillies are
among the new attractions at
the 1995 Oregon State Fair.
The fair opens Thursday at the state
fairgrounds and exposition center in Salem
and runs through Labor Day, Sept. 4
Traditional attractions at the fair, in­
clude a star-studded field o f high-quality
entertainment, kids village, Oregon wine and
food garden, daily parades, a great American
petting zoo and horse racing.
The laser light show is a 30-minute light
and musical extravaganza with laser beams
and images produced on a 60 by 50-foot
Bungee jum pe rs w ill lik e the e je c­
tio n seat. The riders are strapped into a
seat and then “ slingshot” from the ground
to about 150 feet, w ith speeds up to 65
The Hatfields and McCoys High Diving
H illb illie s show features high diving, spring­
board diving, clown diving, comedy and the
human inferno fire dive.
A Seven O ’clock Concert Series is per­
formed each night at the L.B. Day Amphithe­
ater Concertgoers are required to buy a con­
cert ticket.
The lin e -u p includes Earth, W ind
and F ire, B ill C osby and M anhattan
T ransfer.
Other performances includeTab Benoit,
Chicago, Randy Travis and the Steve M ille r
Band and the Doobie Brothers.
Fair admission is $6 and $ I for children,
6 to 12 years old. Children under six are free.
Due to heavy construction near Salem’ s
M arket Street Exit, the fair is advising
fairgoers to avoid using the Market Street
Exit o ff I-5 as they enter Salem.
Fairgoers coming on southbound I-5
should take the #258 North Salem Exit/State
Fairgrounds, continue on Portland Road and
turn left on Lana Avenue and head straight to
the fairgrounds.
For more information call (503) 378-
3247 or I -800-833-0011
Judge Lance Ito Finds Fame Has Its Pitfalls
udge Lance Ito, propelled to
abruptly withdrew her request and said it
fame he did not seek and did
would be best for Ito to continue guiding the
not want, is a man of many
case he has presided over for the past year.
moods - all of which have been bared
to the world in the most highly
U ------------------------------
publicized trial in history.
The O.J. Simpson double-murder trial
not only made the judge an instant celebrity
but left his every move in court open to
criticism by a host o f legal analysts who
suddenly found extra employment on tele­
vision and in newspapers.
“ Never in the history o f jurisprudence
has a judge come Under such scrutiny by so
many people,” one analyst remarked.
Last week, however, Ito took center
stage in the trial when prosecutors asked
him to disqualify him self from the case,
saying the judge could not be impartial
about evidence and testimony involving the
judge’ s wife, a police captain.
But one day after dropping her bomb­
shell, Deputy District Attorney Marcia Clark
As the trial has progressed, the 48-year-
old former prosecutor has shown increasing
impatience as both sides appeared to turn
Ito’s normally enigmatic demeanor has
shifted several times as he has presided
over the often tumultuous trial.
Ito’ s normally enigmatic demeanor has
shifted several times as he has presided over
the often tumultuous trial.
His temper has flared, he has gone from
calm to angry in a heartbeat, he has displayed
a wry sense o f humor, an encyclopedic knowl­
edge o f everything from sports to literature,
and - as witnessed last week in talking about
his love for his wife - deep emotion
from the main question in the case - did
Simpson, a former football star turned sports­
caster and actor, k ill ex-wife Nicole Brown
Simpson and her friend, Ronald Goldman, on
the night o f June 12, 1994?
Simpson says he did not, and Ito wants to
get the case into the ju r y ’ s hands as soon as
possible. “ Can we try the Simpson case some­
time today?” the judge irritably asked Clark
recently as she questioned a defense expert
Ito also developed a love-hate relation­
ship with the media, giving a five-part inter­
view to a local television station while threat­
ening to pull the plug on TV coverage o f the
trial. He nas kicked reporters out ofhis court
for talking and even for chewing gum.
Before the Simpson case, when Ito was
just another judge in Los Angeles Superior
Court, attorneys who tried cases before him
considered him intelligent, fair and hard­
But, beneath the media glare, his repu­
tation has sometimes suffered as his actions
have come under the microscope, including
accepting a birthday cake from the same
television network that was awaiting a key
ruling from him in the case.
“ Ify o u ’re a judge, there’ s just no gifts.
That’ s it,” said prominent Los Angeles de-
Continued to page A4