P age B ö A ugust 16, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver foung fidufts To (father In Seaside ‘TowardA Community O f 9fpn-‘Cio fence R e co gn izin g that the faith com ­ m unity must become a partner in com m unity efforts to address the problem o f violence in our com m u­ nity, the Portland United Methodist A sso ciatio n for Metropolitan M in­ istries ( P U M A ) is hosting a w ork­ shop entitled, ‘Tow ard a Com m u­ nity o f N o n -V io le n ce ” on Thursday evening, September 14, 7 p.m - 9 p.m., at Laurelw ood United Meth­ odist C h u rch , 6148 S .E . H olgate in Portland. It is open to the p ublic and there is no charge. Featured speakers are The Rev. Fred Sm ith, Assistant D irector for V io le n ce and Substance Abuse, In­ terfaith Health Program , T h e C a rte r C e n te r, A tla n ta , G e o r g ia , and Annette Stixrud, R .N ., Program D i­ rector o f Northwest Parish Nurse M inistries and C h a ir o f a local task force on violence and the faith com ­ munity. Rev. Sm ith is also President o f the executive committee o f the N a­ tional Interfaith A llia n c e A ga in st Substance Abuse ( N I A A S A ) . He states, “ The m ission o f N I A A S A is to enlist the faith com m unity in ful­ fillin g its unique role as a catalyst bringing positive change and aware­ ness in response to issues arising from the use, misuse, and abuse o f alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.” He is currently developing a national data base o f exceptional interfaith and congregational m odels o f health 20th Church Anniversary! Theme: “A Steadfast Witness” I Cor. 15:58. Community African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 3605 East 13 th Street Vancouver, WA 98661 (360) 693-4566 Reverend Robert F. Kemp, Pastor Guest ministers will be: Sunday Afternoon, Rev. Dorsey McCullough, Bethel AME Church: Friday, Rev. James Faulkner, St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church: Weds. Rev. Robert Probasco, Peoples A.M.E. Zion Church: Thurs. Rev. James Martin, Mt Olivet Baptist Church. Come Join Us As We Lift Up The Name Of Jesus In Song & Praise August 23-25 Services Begin At 7:00pm Sunday, August 27, 1995, Close-Out Program 3:30pm Y o u n g adults from around the P acific Northwest w ill gather in Sea­ side O ctober 27 - 29, 1995 to cele­ brate the annual young adult confer­ ence o f the Archdiocese o f Portland. “ United in C h rist" w ill be the theme for this ye ar’s conference as C atho ­ lics ages 18 to 40 years old, married and single, come together for a w eek­ end o f prayer and inspiration. It’s the largest o f gathering for young adult C atho lics in the Northwest. T h is conference generates much enthusiasm am ong participants. Last ye ar’s coordinator, K e v in M ille r, noted that “ it is a terrific place to meet other young C atho lics. We had people from G ran t’s Pass, M ilton- Freewater, Spokane, even British C olum bia last year, plus m any peo­ ple from all over the Portland area.” m inistries. Ms. Stixrud is actively engaged lo cally in educating the faith com ­ m unity on its role in addressing violence and health issues. She w orks with churches and organizations throughout the North­ west on developing prevention strat­ egies within congregations to pro­ mote non-violence and provide pos­ itive re-enforcement to children in the com m unity. A n advocate for children, she em phasizes the need to build on ch ild ren 's strengths and virtues to enable them to cope with the stresses in today’s society. Fo r more inform ation, contact Jo yce Adam s, Executive Director, at 5 03/497 -8167. T h is y e a r ’ s c o o rd in a to r, S a lly Peterson, expects an even larger at­ tendance, “the conference grow s e v ­ ery year People have a great time and tell their friends about it. A lso , this year we have a very w ell known speaker. Dr. Scott H ahn.” The Keynote address w ill be presented by Dr. Scott Hahn. D r. Hahn currently teaches the­ o lo gy at the Franciscan U niversity at Steubenville, O H ., and is a national­ ly know n speaker on C atho licism and the Bible. Hahn has appeared on the Eter­ n a l W o rd T e le v is io n N e tw o rk ( E W T N ) , and can be heard on Port­ lan d’s radio station K B V M W ednes­ days 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. and Sundays 8.00 - 9:00 p.m. he is also known through his video and audio taped FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH talks. The activities planned for the weekend include a Taize prayer ser­ vice, a reconciliation service, a bon­ fire, and a dinner and dance on Satur­ day evening. Sunday m orning Archbishop W illiam J. Le vad a, A rchbishop o f Portland, w ill celebrate Mass. The liturgy w ill be part o f the archdiocesan observance o f W orld Youth D ay. Pope John Paul II has selected O ctober 29 as W orld Youth Day in 1995. For inform ation concerning reg­ istration, contact the O ffice o f Youth and Y o u n g A d u lt M inistry, A rc h d io ­ cese o f Portland, 2838 E. Burnside Street, Portland, O R 92714, (5 0 3 ) 234-5334. The conference registra­ tion fee is $50. Mt Olivet Baptist Church 4224 S.E. 62nd Avenue (between Powell & Foster) Portland, Oregon 97206 SUNDAY Sunday School 9:30am Morning Worship 10:45am Evangelistic Service 7:30pm Tuesday Pastoral Teaching 7:00pm FRIDAY Evangelistic Service 7:00pm D A ILY Prayer 12:00pm & 6:00pm 8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. W o rs h ip S e r v ic e s 8:0 0 am & I 1:00am . C h u r c h S c h o o l 9 :3 0 to 10:30am , B ib le S tu d y , W e d n e sd a y s, 10:30am & 7:00pm R a d io M in is t r y each S u n d a y , 8 :0 0 am on K B M S .4 Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. Janies E. Martin, Senior Pastor (503) 240-PRAY (503) 774-5470 PASTORS: Bishop Robert Simpson, Jr • Dr Ida M Simpson JT SoufSaving ‘fe v iv a f A soul saving revival will began at The Ark O f Safety Church O f God In Christ on August 20th at 84 N. E. Killingsworth, Portland OR. The Revival will be conducted by Pastor Evangelist R. Jackson o f Killeen, Texas. He is a Holy Preacher. If you need a Blessing you should attend this Revival and let God do some­ thing for your Soul. Pastor Jackson is Vice President O f Home Foreign Mission Texas South East and The Pastor O f G od’s Holy Tabernacle. Bishop U. V Peterson Pastor Pastor Evangelist R. Jackson Faulkner Endures Rigor Of Citadel Training New Publishing Scholarship Award B la c k W om en in P u b lish in g ( B W IP ) announced that the organi­ zation w ill present its first scholar­ ship award at a gala luncheon cere­ m ony on Saturday, September 23 from 12:00pm to3:00pm at Birdland located at 2745 Broadw ay at 103rd Street, N ew Y o rk . T h e highlight o f the afternoon’s festivities w ill be the award presen­ tation to the finalist o f the B W IP p u blish ing scholarship competition, held earlier this year. S p e cial invited guests w ill in­ clude Susan T aylo r, e dito r-in-chief o f Essence M agazine and author o f “ In the Sp irit” , a com pilation o f her m otivational thoughts on liv in g a fu lfillin g life; and award w inning jou rnalist. H erb B o yd, who co-edit- ed “ Brotherm an: the O d ysse y o f B la c k Men in A m e rica” , an antholo­ g y o f w ritings by A frica n Am erican men. T h e awards, a milestone in the o rgan izatio n’s sixteen-year history o f service to women and men o f color in the print m edia field w ill be pre­ sented annually to a m atriculating student, with intentions o f pursuing an editorial career in print media. Th e scholarship fund was estab­ lished by B W IP in 1993 in memory o f A nna M arie M u ske lly-B ryan. A s a founding members and dedicated su p p o rte r o f the o rg a n iz a t io n , M u ske lly-B ryan had a reputation for sharing her s k ills and vast kn ow l­ edge with young newcom ers to the industry. It was the special request o f her su rviving husband, Fred Bryan that B W IP establish the fund on be­ h a lf o f his deceased w ife. Said Bryan on the organization’s efforts, “ Anna M aire worked d ilige n tly to educate all women and men about the world o f publishing and to motivate people o f co lor to pursue career in the indus­ try. T h is is the m ission o f the organi­ zation. It is only fitting that her lega­ cy live on through the scholarship.” T icke ts for the awards cerem o­ ny can be purchased for $35 in ad­ vance or $40 at the door. The adm ission price is tax de­ ductible For more inform ation about the awards luncheon or the scholar­ ship, call (2 1 2 )4 2 7 -8 1 0 0 . B la c k Women in P u blishin g is a non-profit professional organization open to all women and men w orking or interested in the w orld o f print media. The o rgan izatio n ’s goal is to create, develop and maintain a net­ w ork to provide inform ation, encour­ agement and support for profession­ als, students and others interested in the industry. Shannon Fa u lkn e r endured the rigors o f m ilitary training M onday at The C itad e l, m arking the first time in 152 years a wom an w as a part o f the c o lle g e ’ s prestigious C o rp s o f C a ­ dets. Faulkner’s admission to The Citadel ended the state-funded tradition o f single- gender education after years o f litigation. A lo n g with the men in I C o m ­ pany, Fa u lkn e r stood in the trademark red and white checkered courtyard w ithin her barracks w hile ranking ca­ dets demonstrated the proper way to stand at attention, face and salute su­ periors and march. In sig n in g in, the cadets were to stand about two feet from a table, find their names on a roster and sign in next to it - all w ithin three seconds. W hen it w as Faulkne r’s turn, o f­ ficers formed a ring around her to blackout the media. “ B y the press sin g lin g her out, it m akes it more d ifficu lt training the other cadets and m akes it more d iffi­ cult to train her,” senior cadet M ike M urphy said. Th e m edia follow ed Faulkner, 20, to the cadet store where she picked up her gray duty uniform s. She has been fo llow ed since M arch 1993, when she began the legal quest for a d m issio n to T h e C ita d e l.Sh e ch arge d the previously all-m ale state-funded school with sex discrim ination for rescinding her acceptance once o ffi­ cia ls learned she was female. H er law ­ yers argued a state-funded school should not be allow ed to exclude women. A n d the legal w ran gling contin­ ues now that Faulkner has qualified for the band. A federal district judge must determine whether she should m ove from the barracks sp ecially equipped for her safety with security cam eras and a pri vate bathroom to the one where the flute player w ill live with all band members. More than 600 cadets made up the freshman class. Faulkner is an academ ic ju n io r but a part o f the m ili­ tary training for freshmen - called knobs because o f their shaved heads. Faulkner’s brown hair was not am ong the locks scattered on the bar­ bershop floor as she is only required to wear her hair above the co llar and aw ay from the face so it does not interfere with headgear She cannot wear makeup w hile in uniform and je w e lry must be lim ited to a wrist watch and one ring. New & used books on Business, Music, & African-American Studies The Grace Collins Memorial Center 128 N.E. Russell I Saturday POWELL’S CITY OF BOOKS August 19th 4:00 - 8:00 Come Share Our Vision Food, Gospel Choirs from Emmanual Temple and Open Door House of Prayer Free will love offering requested 1 9 AM - 11 PM Monday through Saturday 9 AM - 9 PM Sundays Used books bought every day till 8:30 PM On the #20 Bus line • One hour free parking 1005 West Burnside Street 228-4651