T he P ortland O bserver • A ugust 16, 1995 • W P age B5 j |ll art lattò (©bscruer ENTERTAINMENT Line Up Announced For Annual Event Babe Narrated By Acclaimed Actor The Sixth Annual Hornowa Fes­ tival for African Arts will be held on Sunday, August 20th, beginning at I p.m. in Cathedral Park in North Port­ land. This African harvest festival is the largest culturally-based African/ African-American festival in the Northwest. Obo Addy’s Okropong and Kukrudu will give their annual show stopping performance. Joining them this year are Boka Marimba- marimba music, Shakata - Highlife music and from Zambia-Amayenge. The event is free although donations are encouraged. The schedule for the day is: • 1 pm Welcome given by the A m bassador from G hana, Mr. Ekwow Spio-Garbrah. Mr. Spio Garbrah will be visiting Portland from Washington DC to give the address and meet with business leaders. • 1: 15pm The opening procession­ al and performances by Obo Addy’s Okropong and other guest artists from Ghana. • 3pm Boka Marimba • 4pm Shakata • 5pm Amayenge • 5:30pm Obo Addy and Kukrudu In addition to the performances, the festival will also include crafts, workshops, and food. Food will be available featuring the cuisine of Ghana (African Roots), Zimbabwe (MaiChiMaraire)andJamaica(Ocho Kweki Quaynor & Dora Aryeh at the Homowa Festival. Rios). Beverages will include a se­ lection from around the world Powells Books will bring a Bookmobile with a wide selection of A frican books. There will be childrens storytelling,hroughout the day. At I pm, Grace Kuto will auto­ graph copies o f her new book enti­ tles, “Harambee! The African Fami­ ly Circle Cookbook”. In addition, an African arts daycamp for children will be offered weekdays August 7-18 for children ages 6-16 a, the St. John’s Commu­ nity Center. There are still spaces available. Sponsors for the event include Portland parks and Recreation, Ore­ gon ArtsCommission, Regional Arts andCultureCouncil, Powells Books, Collins Foundation, Templeton Foundation, Nike, Tucker Founda­ tion, KBOO, Tri-Met, Gales Creek Insurance Services and Music Mil­ lennium. Anyone who rides Tri-Met to the event will be given a free pass home. Call 288-3025 for more infor­ mation. Bumbershoot’5 Roster Of Musical Talent He is the fam iliar voice o f a trusted friend. It is the voice o f Roscoe Lee Browne narrating with warmth and dignity “ babe,” acom ic film from Universal Pic­ tures. Brown is known for his numer­ ous stage, film and television roles. He appeared in the title role in the Liberation of L.B. Jones, Alfred Hitchcock’s Topaz, The Comedi­ ans and Legal Eagles. He is current­ ly seen as the biologist on Sea Quest DSV and recently played the rich and ruthless Rosemont on Falcon Crest. He won an Emmy for a guest performance on The Cosby Show television series and received a nom­ ination for a guest-starring role in Barney Miller. Babe is a fable about an ordinary pig, who d oesn’t fit in and the lengths that he will go to find acceptance. ? jfj A N N IV E R S A R Y (Klje -¡Portiani) (JDhaeruer Rocks The Festival For 25th Anniversary Jimi Hendrix Electric Guitar Festival T h e Jim i H en d rix T rib u te Concert is To Be held in Seattle on September 4 Seattle Center Guitar masters and innovators who carry on the musical legacy of Jimi Hendrix will perform at the Jimi H endrix T ribute Concert, the high­ light event ofthe first ever Jimi Hendrix Electric Guitar Fes­ tival (Hendrix Festi­ val). The Hendrix Festival, being held at B um bershoot, The Seattle Arts Fes­ tival, coincides with the celebration of Bumbershoot’s 25th anniversary, September 1-4 at Seattle Center. The Hendrix Festival is presented by the Hendrix Family and One Reel, producers of Bumbershoot. Jimi Hendrix was unique in his ability to reflect the emotion of a time and a generation through his creative genius. His pioneering tech­ niques on electric guitar and bril­ liant showmanship re­ defined the genre of rock and roll for a new gener­ ation of musicians. The Hendrix Festi­ val is both a tribute to honor the ingenuity and vision of this American innovator and a show­ case of new and legend­ ary musicians who carry his spirit forward. The Jimi Hendrix Tribute Concert, direct­ ed by world-renowned producer Narada Michael Walden, promises to “turn the Moon a fire red” on Monday, September 4 with an all-day, all-star line-up of musi­ cal talent. Bumbershoot, The Seattle Arts Festival celebrates its 25th anniver­ sary this Labor Day Weekend, Sep­ tember 1 -4 at the Seattle Center. The musical line-up, booked by a team of five programmers and dozens of cu­ rators and advisors, features cutting edge artists and legendary perform­ ers in alternative rock, pop, boogie, rockabilly, folk, cajun, rap, jazz rhythm & blues, funk, gospel, classi­ cal, new wave, rock n’ roll, metal, punk, and world beat. Norm Langill, Producer of Bumbershoot since 1980, comments, “In its twenty-five years as one of the nation’s premierarts festivals, I don’t think Bumbershoot has ever offered a line-up of this extraordinary diver­ sity and depth. Musically, it covers the spectrum -- from Mel Torme to The Jimi Hendrix Tribute, from Kronos Quartet to Mudhoney and The Ramones, from the Seattle alter­ native scene to Bumberdrum VIII. What these artists share is an unwaverting individual commitment to musical and artistic excellence. We’re thrilled to be able to host this kind o f historic and unprecedented celebration here in Seattle.” Anniversary of publication. Roscoe Lee Browne Lincoln High Class Of *75 Holds 20 Year Reunion Alumni o f Lincoln High School class of 1975 will have (he chance to mix, mingle and munch with classm ates, now 20 years older, at a class reunion. Committee members would like help finding the following Lin­ coln graduates: Shellie Croom, Terry Dixon, Robin Dorsey, A n d rea J e n k in s , M ich ael P re s to n , K athy R o se m a n , Diana Ross, L essonia Ross, Y o la n d a S m ith , O z z ie S tr ic k la n d , G ary T h o m as, S h irle y W illia m s , P am ela Wyse. * Those knowing where the above people can be located can c a ll M ary (B o e h m e ) Eckman at 236-7043. B) BANK OF AMERICA Hi mnmnmnwnim PlYMIOTi CO N CERTS IKMIEST CELLULAR WASHINGTON PARK AMPHITHEATRE 1935 TONIGHT WED AUGUST 16 THIS FRIDAY AUGUST 18 THE GODFATHER OF SOUL 14 80 KBMS M o b il C o r p o r a tio n A d d s B u r r e ll To A g e n c y R o s te r After a review that included a number of agencies, and presenta­ tions by two finalists, Burrell Com­ munications Group was selected by Mobil Corporation to develop tar­ geted marketing programs for Mobil gasoline. Assigned responsibility for Mobil’s firs, African-American tar­ geted effort, Burrell will develop an integrated marketing program includ­ ing broadcast, print and outdoor ad­ vertising, and community relations programs. Activity will kick off this Fall in selected African-American markets. With billings of more than $90 million, Burrell is one ofthe nation's largest marketing communications agencies specializing in the African- American consumer market. In addi­ tion to Mobil, Burrell’s client list includes such blue-chip companies as Coca-Cola USA, McDonald’s Corporation, The Quaker Oats Com­ pany, Procter & Gamble, Kraft Foods, Kmart Corporation, Prudential, Nabisco Inc., Polaroid Corporation, Sara Lee Corporation, The Stroh Brewery, NYNEX and Bell South H O M O W O F O U N D A T IO N F O R A F R IC A N A R T S & C U L T U R E S P R E S E N T S T H E S IX T H A N N U A L FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1 mt SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 2 AN EVENING WITH JOHN HAMMOND ‘¡ • a ■ 6:00 p m Showtimes • 5:00 p m Gates •¡•a ' Proudly Co-Hosted For 6 Years By in Support of Portland Parks and Recreation Anzor». ¿ PRODUCI 0 IN ASSOC WITH DOUBLt T ie No © im m ii S utter •..u. Iced tea Ail shows are qrner.il admission m d reserved All shows rain or shine Beach blankets and sand chairs only picnic baskets ice chests food or beverages may be brought on premises A vast array of food and beveracies available on site No cameras, audio or video recording Ride Tri Met to concert present proof of fare at Concert Information Booth snd receive free ride home Call Tri-Met at 2SRRIDF for trip planning information Advance tickets at all Cl Joe s/Ticketmaster locations Subiect to service charge Charge by phone ??4-4400 For more information visit our web pages on InterPortland h t t p //w w w eek com /eek/Portland l i . . : , . - «.<■ E H IO C M • — NQU I PR I " i r i a SHOW MAN t V I1 11