Join In Celebrating Our On Location In Portland Top Prospects Look Ahead The cast o f "Death By Sunset ” enlist the help o f some northeast Portland kids. Jefferson Senior Babe Ruth team members finish season and look toward college and the pros. See Metro, inside. See Sports, page B3. urtlanb New Call For Open Hearings Thousands of people, including Liz Bridge (from left), Jack LaCombe and Melissa LaCombe enjoy the food and festivities of The Bite, A Taste of Portland, last weekend’s benefit for Special Olympics on the Portland waterfront. New allegations in the Packwood eth­ ics case have renewed the call for open Senate Ethics Committee hearings. One of the two allegations involved a then-17-year- old girl, an intern in Sen. Packwood ’s Wash­ ington office. She claims Packwood made unwanted sexual advances toward her as he delivered a letter of recommendation to her in her home while her parents were away. GOP Hopefuls Go Anti-Abortion The chairman of the Republican Na­ tional Coalition tor Life, says five GOP presidential candidates have signed a pledge to support the party’s plank for a constitu­ tional amendment to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion. The five are reportedly Phil Gramm, Pat Buchanan, Bob Dornan. Alan Keyes and Richard Lugar A movementto defend thelifeofMumia Abu-Jamal has been followed by a stay of execution. Philadelphia Judge Albert Sabo granted the stay on the premise time was needed for hearings to determine whether to grant Jamal a new trial. Many civil rights leaders consider Jamal wrongly convicted o f murdering a police officer. He was to be executed on Aug. 17. Drug Fight Taken To Area Apartments Two Portland apartments have been awarded federal housinggrantstofightdrugs. A $94,093 grant to Fremont Manor, 221 N. I Fremont, will pay for lighting, fencing and resident education programs. The Plaza (for­ merly Piedmont Plaza) at 5802 N. Michigan will use a $88,000 grant for security gates and resident education programs. The mon­ ies were part o f a nationwide effort to com­ bat drugs in privately-owned projects with Housing and Urban Development (H U D ) assisted rents. New Dawson Park Apartments Open I Dawson Park Apartments are now open I at 101 N. Morris St., marking the first new major housing facility in the north and north­ east area in several years. The complex provides 67 units o f affordable housing for I families and individuals who live and work in the Eliot neighborhood. The $4.7 million project was supported by monies from the state o f Oregon, Legacy Emanuel Hospital I and the Portland DevelopmentCommission. Tri-Met Ridership increases Average weekly ridership on Tri-Met increased 3.4 percent over the last 12 month period, officials said. M A X light rail alone carried 8.5 million boardings for the period, I a 6 .1 percent increase for weekday rider­ ship. Tri-Met increased hours o f operation over the past year by 2 percent and some I routes and schedules were changed. Jury Ponders Death Sentences Multnomah County jury must two men whom he had gang connections to now determine if three men carry out the contract murder. convicted in the murder of Reschard Steward, 20, was convicted o f Christina ‘Tina" Clegg should be face being one o f the hitmen, participating in the the death penalty or life in prison. murder plot and shooting Tenicea Amos, A The ju ry found each o f the men guilty o f aggravated murder on Monday for gunning down Clegg on July 3 0 , 1993 in the offices o f the Albina Head Start program in northeast Portland. Grover C. Clegg Jr. 30, the victim ’ s husband, was convicted o f being the master­ mind behind the slaying. He arranged to have his brother hire someone to kill his wife. The plan was to make the attack look like a botched robbery so Clegg could collect on a $100,000 life insurance policy. Randall Clegg, 2 1, the brother, was con­ victed o f being the organizer o f the entire murder plan. Witnesses testified that he hired another Albina Head Start worker who was shot once in the shoulder while sitting in a separate office from Tina Clegg. Investigators said Steward was a key to solving the crime because he called police several times, hoping to collect on $20,000 in rewards that were being offered for informa­ tion leading to the arrest o f the killers. Prosecutors said Larry Matthews, 17, was the person who actually fired the shots that killed 7 ina Clegg. Matthews was shot to death in Alabama in an unrelated crime. The ju ry took five days to deliver the guilty verdicts, capping a trial that took two months and included the testimony o f 140 witnesses. Prosecutor B ill W illia m s said he wouldn’t ask for the death penalty, but would “ present the options available by law’’ to the eight man and four woman jury and let them decide. The killing ofTina Clegg had rocked the Portland area and stunned co-workers at the head start agency. On the morning o f July 30, Steward and Matthews, wearing scarfs and hoods, burst into the Albina Head Start offices shouting, “ Where’ s the money? Where’s the purses?” Matthews stepped into Tina Clegg’s of­ fice where she kept the radio near her desk turned to a Christian station and fired two shots to knock her down, then three in the back to finish her off. Steward went down the hall and shot Amos. Community leaders decried Clegg’s v i­ olent death, urging citizens to rise up against a tide o f urban violence. The community groped for answers. Some blamed crack cocaine; others blamed gangs. Still others thought the shootings re­ sulted from a botched robbery. Prosecutors said Grover Clegg was a greedy, materialist man, desperate to escape a difficult marriage. C o -w o rk e rs d escribed how, soon after the slaying, G ro v e r C leg g jo k e d about his w ife ’ s death - even asking a woman for a date as soon as a day after the murder. Defense attorneys contended all along that the murder resulted from a botched rob­ bery. They portrayed Grover Clegg as a loving husband who would never hurt his wife. But no money was stolen that day. The only thing the gunmen took, prosecutors said, was Tina Clegg’s life. SMOKING A PEDIATRIC DISEASE on tobacco is to prevent another generation - the 3,000 children and teenagers who start smoking each and every day - from taking up the habit. coolness” and maturity,” according to the FDA, which stated that such "pervasive and positive imagery... has fordecades helped to foster a youth market for tobacco prod­ ucts." “ fh e scientific evidence strongly sug­ The FDA documents stated, “Cigarette gests that nicotine addiction begins when advertising reinforces this most tobacco users are teenagers or younger symbolism and links smoking to suc­ and, thus, is a pediatric disease," said the cess, social acceptance, sophistication and a FD A papers signed by administrator David desirable lifestyle.” Kessler, a pediatrician. The FD A document quotes a Philip In a Washington news conference fol­ M orris Co. Inc executive lowing the FDA announcements, describing the rugged and masculine President B ill Clinton outlined proposed image o f its Marlboro brand as conveying restrictions on sales and tobacco advertising elements o f adventure, freedom. to youths under the age o f 18 The FD A document also targets Joe “ We all know that children are especial­ Camel, advertising mascot ofthe Camel brand ly susceptible to the deadly from R JR Nabisco Holdings Corp. temptation o f tobacco and its skillful The macho Marlboro Man and the cool, marketing,” cartoonish Joe Camel, giving Clinton said. “ Industry documents indi­ humorous dating tips, “provide imagery cate that cigarette manufacturers have con­ that adolescents can accept as identifying ducted extensive research on smoking be­ badges,” the FDA documents said. havior and attitudes in young people and how Those are the two most popular brands advertisements should be made to appeal to with young people and some young people,” FD A documents stated. studies have found little kids recognize “ Ih e history o f voluntary agreements Joe Camel more than Ronald McDonald. with the tobacco industry is not good, to put According to the FD A, the adult market it mildly, Clinton told a news conference. share was unchanged. SPORTS R (from left), Mane Holliday, and Betty Ivory reminisce at Columbia Park during a picnic for- "The Gathering," the 9th annual get-together of Portland's black community. oiii r i i i i i a r a Fremont Bridge Ramps To Close lal access to and from the Fremont Bridge will be closed for several weeks in resurface the freeway with new concrete, the Oregon Transportation ent said Monday. The upper deck ramp from North Kerby to southbound I- e closed for two to three months beginning Friday, Aug. 25. The lower deck n 1-405 to southbound 1-5 is tentatively scheduled todose in mid-September in p ln c n /i T a m ENTERTAINMENT a l __ _ ■ CLASSIFIEDS