- Volume XXV, Number 32 August^, 1995 Committed to cultural diversity. (Ehi' ^ trrtla n h (©bserlier SECTION Homowa Festival Nears C athedral Park in the St. Johns d is tric t o f north Portland w ill be the site o f the sixth annual H om ow a Fes­ tiv a l fo r A fric a n arts. M usicians Obo A d d y, K u krud u and other a rtists w ill present a great va rie ty o f m usic and dance from various A fric a n countries. The Sunday, A ug. 20 fe s tiv a l w ill also inclu de crafts, w orkshops and food. Curtain Call For Zoo Jazz T his sum m er’ s 10 week schedule o f Y o u r Z oo and AIT That Jazz con- j certs and Rhythm and Zoo perform anc­ es at the W ashington Park Zoo is co m ­ ing to an end. T w o weeks o f concerts rem ain on the schedule, w ith events th is week and on W ednesday and T hursday next week. The concerts are held fro m 7 p.m . to 9 p.m . each evening. Life Saving Skills Offered The Red Cross o ffe rs classes to care fo r an a du lt, c h ild o r in fa n t who stops breathing or is ch o kin g , g ive CPR, reduce the risk o f d yin g from a heart attack, re co g n izin g the signs o f a heart attack and using em ergency m e d ic a l se rvice s e ffe c tiv e ly . The classes are o ffe re d at the Red Cross d is tric t headquarters at 3131 N. V a n ­ couver Ave. For in fo rm a tio n , ca ll 280- 1440. Local high school students are first place winners at a summer scholars bowl in Boise, Idaho. The students, from the Portland State University Project Plus’ talent search team, are Anita Afzali (from left), Aneelah Afzali, Ben Field, Lisa Jurhs, coach Cedric Poindexter, Tory Campbell and Mike Jurhs. Area Kids Are Jammin’ For Success Waterfront To Debut Festival H The Portland Hemp Festival debuts at Waterfront Park on Saturday, Aug. 19 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The event, featur­ ing continuous live music and rap, is spon­ sored by Bohemia Afterdark, an alterna­ tive music group. Stay in school, stay o f f drugs and do yo ur “ personal best” in life . T hat was the in sp ira tio n delivered by fo rm e r N B A p la yers G reg K e is e r, Irv in “ M a g ic ” Johnson and M aurice Lucas at the annu­ al Ja m m in ’ Hoops Camp at M c L o u g h lin M id d le School in Vancouver. Tanya W ong, 14, o f P ortland, was one o f 1,300 c h ild re n who took part in the sixth annual event, July 24-26, spon­ sored by Seafirst. The three-day program com bined basketball in s tru c tio n w ith m o tiv a tio n a l messages. O ff ic ia ls said since the c a m p ’ s launch in 1990, more than 65,000 kids have taken part and $52,000 in scholar­ ships have been awarded. Better Race Relations Sought The Metropolitan Human RightsCom­ mission is offering a series o f “ Dynamic Di fferences” workshops free o f charge and open to the public. The sessions focus on understanding how people are oppressed or oppress others, the importance o f build­ ing allies, networking with community members and groups and how to embrace the benefits o f a diverse society. For infor­ mation, call the commission at 823-5136. Fair Features Bill Cosby ◄ Comedian and actor B ill Cosby w ill perform Aug. 28 duringthe“ SevenO’clock Concert Series” at the Oregon State Fair in Salem. Tickets are $27, $22 and $16.50. Reservations can be made by at Fred Meyer F A S TIX X outlets by calling 224-TIX X. Portland's Tanya Wong, 14, enjoys summer with other area kids at a motivational camp in Vancouver. Bite Readies For Another Feast The Bite, A Taste o f Portland, a festi­ val that’s expected to attract over 200,000 people, is held Aug. 11-13 at Waterfront Park. The Bite celebrates the culinary arts and the hospitality o f Portland’s restaurant community with food, music and family activities. Admission is a suggested $2 donation to the Oregon Special Olympics. Nutcracker Tickets On Sale Tickets are now on sale for the yule- tide classic, The Nutcracker, scheduled for performances Dec. 9-28 by the Oregon Ballet Theater. SUBMISSIONS: Community Calendar information will be given priority if dated two weeks before the event date. undreds of area children got a slam dunk of a message this summer from some National Basketball Association stars. Bridge to Business Connection bv P romise K ing ___________________ A sk Joan Brown-Kline and her partner Peggy Ross about Business Connection, and be ready for an earful. As entrepreneurs, Brown-Kline and Ross are not jo k in g when they say, “ we w ill hook you up in business.” This enterprising duo, together with Gail Walton, Larry Wilson and Albert “ Skip” C ollier have formed Business Connection as an alliance that noses into everything from management, marketing and technical ser­ vices to customizing computer systems and public relations “ W e w ant to tap into our personal contacts to help businesses,” said Ross, Larry Wilson Joan Brown-Kline w ho heads the Ross Business D eve lop ­ m ent G roup. “ I am excited today because o f our p ro gress,” B ro w n -K lin e to ld represen­ ta tives from the governors o ffic e . M etro, and area businesses last week. “ We want Peggy Boss Gail Walton to be a pathw ay fo r new businesses in our c o m m u n ity .” B ro w n -K lin e has won praises na­ tio n a lly and in te rn a tio n a lly fo r her ex­ pertise in assisting businesses. T his Business a lliance provides out- reach tools to help businesses g ro w and increase p ro fits . It also provides strategic p lanning to meet targeted goals in recruitm en t and p u b lic invo lvem en t. The group helps you understand the latest high-tech business tools such as electronic links, home pages, the Internet and W o rld W ide Web. The a lliance is com prised o f fiv e businesses: B ro w n -K lin e and C om pany, G a il W alton and Associates. P rofession­ al T ra in in g Systems, Ross Business D e­ velopm ent G roup, and Trade N et C om ­ puter Services. For more in fo rm a tio n call (5 0 3 ) 299- 4990 o r (8 0 0 ) 348 -1 68 3.