' i-"**.?' ' ie. ’ r, r ' - B G?é.»À<. .'a , e_ • ’ - 4* * • / C Ít-J r J í V > » * .v * e K T he P ortland O bserver • A ugust 9, 1995 P age A 7 C o n fe re n c e To S tu d y A s s a u lt On A ffirm a tiv e A ctio n Strategies for coping with barri ers to equal opportunity created by the assault on affirmative action will be the focus o f Blacks In Govern­ ment’s (BIG) 17th Annual National Training, conference set for August 20-25, 1995 in St. Louis, MO at the Adams Marks Hotel, 4th and Chest- nut Streets. The theme o f the conference is “ Leadership, Excellence, Equity: Gateway to Tomorrow’s Challeng- Oscar Eason, Jr., President o f the national organization, said the conference will focus on the effect of recent developments on equal op­ portunity. “The Supreme court deci­ sion against affirmative action, ef­ forts to overturn affirmative action programs at the Congressional and state levels, combine to create a cloud over the future o f those who are still seeking equal opportunity in the workplace. It calls for a greater un­ derstanding o f the law and how to apply it to the kind o f obstacles Afri­ can American government workers encounter.” The session will include topics related to the future o f affirmative action, career development in an era o f reinventing government, new tech­ niques for conflict resolution, cultur­ al rapport, the Republican/Democrat- ic vision for Black America, and African American history from a Post-Reconstruction perspective. Among the invited speakers who will be asked to speak to these issues are Commerce Secretary Ron Brown; Housing and Urban Development Secretary Henry C isneros; Congress­ man William L. Clay; Congressman Donald L Payne, Chairman, Con­ gressional Black Caucus; the Rever­ end Jesse Jackson; Mayor Emmanual C leaver. Mayor o f Kansas City, M O .; Senator Carol Mosely Braun (D-IL); and M ajorGeneral John L. Cowings, Commander, U S. Army Aviation and MIXED MELONS rip e w h o le m e lo n s Troop Command; Registration is $275 for members and $325 for non­ members. BIG is a Washington-based na­ tional organization o f African Amer­ ican government employees dedicat­ ed to promoting quality public ser­ vice and equality o f opportunity through training, professional devel­ opment, and advocacy. The organization includes more than 250 chapters o f government workers in federal. State and local agencies around the country, from Alaska to Florida For more informa­ tion on the conference, call 202-667- 3280. • CASABAe CRENSHAW • ORANOC HONEYDSW • CANARY • SANTA CIAUS • S H A R L IN I • ORC I N HONEYDEW • PERSIAN POUND SEEDLESS GRAPES Red Flame or __ , Green Thompson Varieties O j 99 Continued from front ▲ cent o f the financing needed to build the project and is seeking the balance o f the funding as loans from the City o f Portland’s “Housing Trust Fund” and the Portland Development Com­ mission. A number o f neighbors and public officials who have seen the plans praise the project as a transit- friendly flagship development that will bring jobs, housing and shop­ ping opportunities back into the neighborhood. Reed, a private builder and de­ veloper with offices on MLK, has been building new housing in the area since 1991 without public subsidies. Reed employs more than 40 peo­ ple, about half o f whom live in north and northeast Portland. The reconstruction o f the Stan- 89 AVOCADOS 79 The N a tu r a l S n a c k The “Standard Dairy Project dard Dairy is expected to require 10 to 12 months, and will employ 25 to 30 workers. The project designer is Mike Dowd, who practices across the street from the Standard Dairy in a brightly painted orange house with a neon green “Architecture" sign out front. Dowd has worked on a number o f recent commercial renovations on King Blvd. To A dvertise POUND C e lia v i) Hass Variety large size 9 EACH TOMATOES CARROTS re d rip e elicerà C a ll 503-288-0033 la r g e s iz e O r e g o n G ro w n C lip T o p 341 59 RED HAVEN PEACHES 00 POUND New & used books on Business, Music, & African-American Studies Happy Birthday ig Ben! M W H Northwest Grown Freestone Variety 89 29 B B B ir2ÖLb?BMi ! ’1 5 50 ! a ■ I »E CANTALOUPE ripe and sweet Whole Melons PO W ELL’S CITY OF BOOKS POUND c PEPSI PRODUCTS PEPSI COLA-DIET PEPSi-PEPSI FREE-WILD CHERRY PEPSI M O U N T A IN DEW-DR. PEPPER-MUO ROOT BEER SLICE (All Flavors) r e g u la r o r s u g a r f r e e fla v o rs 9 AM - 11 PM Monday through Saturday 9 AM - 9 PM Sundays Used books bought every day till 8:30 PM On the #20 Bus line • One hour free parking 1005 West Burnside Street 228-4651 From Family, Friends And The P ortland O bserver The F R IE N D L IE S T S T O R E ^ a ^ T o w n 8 /n c t 1 9 0 6 VRifH !Sin umit E specials TrioSe™ TUESDAY through SUNDAY R T AUGUST 8 through 13, 199i S ta rtu p & Survival Bringing Computer Tech­ nology To The African American Community For the past 20 years, the com­ puter industry has rapidly developed from the mainframe system to high class personal computers with virtu­ al reality capabilities. Although com puter technology is moving at a rapid pace, the computer revolution has been slow in coming to the African American community. One o f the challenges facing our community is keeping abreast o f the vast amounts o f new technology and developments that are introduced each year. Have no fear! There is a new book on the market that was written specifically for African Amer­ icans. It not only covers computer basics, it also informs us about why we should leam about the future o f computer technology. Don’t Be Left in the Dark! is a very easy reading book that provides basic computer information in a for­ mat that allow readers to absorb in­ formation quickly and easily! Don’t Be Left In The Dark! is the first book written by Renard Hudson, President o f Startup & Sur­ vival. “By writing this book, I seek to challenge and inspire African Amer­ ican leaders across this country to bring computer technology to their community!” You can obtain a Free copy o f Don’t Be Left in the Dark! by calling (409)943-4813 for additional infor­ mation. For The Best Hand In Advertising.. 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