T he P ortland O bserver • A ugust 9, 1995 P age AS Thinking About O.J. A Conversation With Attorney John L. Burris m E m i) B f m ford ()ne positive consequence ofthe lengthy and highly visible O.J. Simpson trial, is the emergence in the public consciousness o f a group of sharp, insightful black legal analysts frpm throughout the country. These lawyers have offered the American public some first rate in­ sights into the many dramatic shifts and turns, and legal maneuvers that h?s kept the public in total fascina­ tion for months. One ofthe best o f these attorney isO akland based John L. Burris Mr. Burris is seen and heard frequently on both radio and television, from a regular spot on “ Rivera Live” and CNN, to guest spots on “The Today Show, and on ABC Radio and “Sport Fan USA Radio.” Plus he is a regular analyst for New York Newsday and other local and regional newspapers. In addition, he is a regular on several local television shows, in­ cluding Fox’s KTVU in Oakland, and AM Philadelphia. There is now a pair o f dark sun­ glasses in Mr. Burris’ office, and for good reason. But the O.J. Simpson trial is not the first big time case for him. Last year, he was Associate Trial Counsel for Rodney King, and helped Mr. King win S3.5 million from the city o f Los Angeles. “ When 1 gave the closing argu­ ments in behalf o f Mr King, and sat down, and looked at the face o f the jury, and the courtroom audience, who all looked spellbounded, I knew that something had changed in my life,” Mr. Burris said, smiling fondly at that memory. Change indeed! With that argu­ ment, which partially resulted in Rodney King walking away a multi­ millionaire, the public now counts him' among the top lawyers in the country. But according to Burris, “O.J is something else again.” He offers his views from a suite o f offices high above the city o f Oakland that offers a spectdPular view o f parts o f the San Francisco Bay. If the O J. case is “something else again” what is it that makes it so, and will the case have a lasting im­ pact on both race relations, and on our concept o f justice, and our faith in the criminal justice system? “ Well,: he answered, in that fa­ miliar, straight forward manner that television viewers have grown ac­ customed to, “for one, while it does not have such overriding issues such as Anita Hill versus Clarence Tho­ mas, which dealt with the issue o f tem And there may be attempts to limit the kinds o f defenses lawyers can put on in behalf o f their client John L. Burris: "There are blacks who are unwilling to hear any evidence. Just as there are whites who say evidence be damn. The real message in those polls is that both sides are wearing race on their sleeves, reflecting the still deep racial divide in this country." sexual harassment in the workplace, or Rodney King versus the Los An­ geles Police D epartm ent, which raised questions about police mis­ conduct. This is a Hollywood soap opera. “There is the obvious larger is­ sue o f domestic violence, no ques­ tion about that. But here you have a rich, handsome, world famous, in fact, more famous than any o f us knew, black athlete/actor. And the w hite b lo n d G o d d e ss. L iste n , Shakespeare saw the drama in that centuries ago when he wrote Othello. This is what the public is relating to. “So on the question o f law and public policy, I don’t think that this case is going to mean that much. I think that it is an aberration unless O.J. is acquitted. Then we may see a w hite backlash against the jury sys- Simpson's Defense Team Makes Plans O.J. Sim pson’s “dr^am team ” o f lawyers was spending the weekend preparing a multi-pronged defense o f the football hero against a strong prosecution case that he killed his ex- wife and her friend The first order o f business, ac­ cording to defense attorney Carl D ouglas, will be to re-establish Simpson in the ju ro rs’ eyes “as the O.J. we all know and love” and not the man the prosecution has sought to depict as a wife-beater and stalker who turned into a vicious killer. To that end, the first witness to take the stand when the defense opens its case Monday will be Sim pson’s daughter from his first marriage, Amelle, who was living with him at his multimillion-dollar mansion when the murders took place on the night o f June 12, 1994. Amelle was awakened on the morning o f June 13 by detectives who had gone to the mansion to inform Simpson o f his ex-jvife’s death. The former star running back was in Chicago, havingtaken an over­ night flight there the night before. S im pson, w ho parlayed his prowess on the football field into a successful career as a popular sports­ caster, actor and TV advertising pitchman, has pleaded not guilty to th e m u rd e rs o f N ic o le B row n Simpson and Ronald Goldman, a waiter at a chic restaurant in the posh Brentwood neighborhood o f Los Angeles. The tw o w ere stab b ed and slashed to death outside Nicole Sim­ pson’s luxury Brentwood townhouse, where Goldman had gone to return a pair o f prescription sunglasses left at his restaurant by N icole’s mother earlier in the evening. Amelle will be followed on the witness stand by Sim pson’s mother, Eunice, and his sister, Carmelita Durio. They were expected to be fol­ lowed by two witnesses who would testify to Simpson’s dem eanor in the week leading up to the killings — Helen C onnor, who sat next to Simpson and his girlfriend, model- actress Paula Barbieri, at a dinner the night before the murders, and interi­ or designer Mary Collins, who met with Simpson on the Tuesday before the murders to discuss remodeling his master bedroom. “These are demeanor witness­ es,” Cochran said when prosecutor Chris Darden questioned their rele­ vance during Friday’s court session. Darden said he intended to raise objections to many o f the people on the defense witness list, adding, “ I suspect there w on’t be much testimo­ ny taken Monday.” The defense also plans to put two of Sim pson’s golfing buddies o n , the stand, as well as passengers on the flight to Chicago who will testify that he did not act like a man who had just stabbed two people to death. In a d d itio n , S im p so n ’s high- po w ered d efen se team was ex ­ p ected to attack the re lia b ility o f the D NA b lood e v id e n c e that a p p e a re d to link Sim pson to the m urders, w ith pro secu tio n ex p ert w itn esses saying the ch ances o f anyone e lse com m ittirtg the m ur­ ders w ere b illio n s to one. Sim pson’s lawyers will also try to put back the time o f the murders, which prosecutors say took place at around 10:15 p.m , a time-frame that would have allowed the former star running back to get rid o f his bloody clothes and the murder weapon and still drive to his estate two miles away in time to meet a limousine for the trip to the airport at 11:00 p.m. The defense team was also ex­ pected to renew its attack on Detec­ tive Mark Fuhrman, who testified he found one o f the infamous bloody gloves worn by the murderer on Sim­ pson’s estate. Defense lawyers have painted him as a racist rogue cop out to frame Simpson. Famed trial lawyer F. Lee Bailey indicated earlier he might call Fuhrman back to the stand during the defense phase o f the trial. Forensic Testing: What’s It All About? The prosecution and the defense in the Simpson trial will rely on sev­ eral tests o f physical evidence to link or not link O.J. Simpson to the crimes he has been accused o f committing. Here’s a look at the key techniques: Blood' Forensic scien tists perform chemical tests to determine whether a sample is indeed blood. Once con­ firmed that the sample is blood, spe­ cies tests are then run to determine if it is human blood and then the blood type Hair Hair is first examined under a microscope for color and details o f form and shape. Scientists can deter­ mine whether the hair is animal or human and can also identify, what part o f the body the hair is from, damage to the hair and whether the hair is bleached or dyed. If the root is attached to the strand, gender can also be determined from the chromo­ somes in cells o f the root. DNA Each person’s genetic material is unique and the human body creates a special “fingerprint” o f chromo­ somes (long strands o f DNA) which can be compared by testing the same person. If the sample results differ from those o f a criminal suspect, they cannot have come from that suspect. Small DNA samples from a crime scene can be multiplied millions o f times using a method called poly­ merase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR test looks at six differ­ ent inherited traits, each controlled by a specific gene. Every gene has at least two alternative forms, called alleles. For six different genes, there are 2 1 possible combinations o f alle­ les. PCR analysis looks for matches in these 2 1 combinations. Results are recorded as either blue or blank dots on a nylon strip. A blue dot is a hit while a blank dot is a miss. Another DNA test is restriction fragm ent length po ly m o rp h ism (RFLP)analysis. This method, which takes about ten weeks to complete, consists o f extracting DNA from a specimen o f blood or tissue, slicing it into fragments, and tagging them with a radioactive probe so that they would expose to a piece o f X-ray film. The resulting pattern o f stripes on the film is a DNA “fingerprint” that can be compared with another from the same person. If these stripes don’t match from the known and unknown samples, this is conclusive evidence that they came from different people, but if they do match, experts will argue they came from the same per­ son. New Law Targets Neighborhood Speeders A senate bill authorizing the use o f photo radar in Portland and Bea­ verton has been signed into law by Gov. John Kitzaber. F la n k e d by P o rtla n d C ity C o m m issio n e r E arl B lu m en au er, S tate S e n a to r Ron C ease, Rep. Ken S tro b e c k , B e a v e rto n C ity C o m m issio n e rC a th y Stanton and area re sid e n ts, K itz a b e r put a stam p on S en ate B ill 382 d e ­ signed to red u ce e x cessiv e sp e e d ­ ing in the m etro area. Blumenauer told the Governor thatthe largest num berofcom plaints received from the citizens o f Port­ land are about excessive traffic speeds in residential neighborhoods and around schools. “ W e have w orked hard to im ­ p le m e n t e d u c a tio n a l p ro g ra m s and e n g in e e rin g so lu tio n s, such as sp eed b um ps, to e n co u rag e d riv e rs to slow dow n, but until now , w e have lacked e n fo rc e ­ m ent re so u rc e s. P hoto ra d a r is an e x cellen t traffic safety and n e ig h ­ b orhood liv ab ility to o l,” the P o rt­ land city c o m m issio n e r said. The two-year photo radar test period will start Jan I . Photo radar is a system that combines a photograph o f a vehicle and it’s driver with a record o f the speed o f travel as checked by a radio microwave or other electronic device. During the first month of the test period, only warnings will be issued. Photo radar will me operated out o f a marked police vehicle staffed by a police officer only in residential and school zones. Signs will be posted at major entrances of Beaverton and Portland and a reader board displaying the speed o f the vehicle will be posted within 150 feet o f the photo radar unit. Citations will be mailed to the registered owner o f the vehicle with­ in six business days and vehicle own­ ers will have 30 days to respond to the citation. An evaluation o f the radar dem­ onstration project will be prepared and provided to the 1997 Legisla­ ture, transportation officials said. this country.” The irony o f blacks so staunchly defending Mr. Simpson, who was never know to be affi hated with many black causes, or, as we have since learned, had any o f his substantial fortune invested in black communi­ ties, was not loss on Mr. Burris. "Blacks are a very forgiving people. W eask nothing ofthose cross­ over superstars, but for them to please not forget us, which most always seem to do, except when they get into trouble Then it is the black commu­ nity who rally to their support, and stand by them,” Mr Burris said. But isn’t it profoundly irrespon­ sible for people like O.J. and his lawyers to play the race card, given the fact that many blacks are already immobilized by racial fears. D on’t this just feed the paranoia? “ I don’t think that O.J. wanted a race-based strategy, probably for some o f the reasons that have been raised in this conversation. I think that the idea came from his lawyers because so much o f the evidence pointed in that direction. “ But yes, lawyers, and all o f us, have to be very careful when we use the so-called race card. We could be creating a worst situation in a larger sense, than the short term victory we may gain,” Burris said. And (lidt Would be iildjui indeed.” Wha, the case has pointed out is the vast gulf between the way whites view the case, and the way blacks view the case “There is no question that race is playing a large role in this case,” B urris answ ered. “ A fterall, Mr. Simpson is part o f a long tradition of black entertainers gaining favor in American society. One o f the key o f the success o f these performers is that they present a non-threatening image to the public. O.J. pulled that comfortable mask o ff for a lot o f people.” Burris also believes that both blacks and whites show signs o f put­ ting race ahead of sound judgement and analysis in this case. “There are blacks who are un­ willing to hear any evidence that points to O.J All they know is that he is black, and therefore he couldn't have done it. Just as there are whites, just like those blacks, who say evi­ dence be damn! H e’s black. He did it! “And that is the real message in those polls. Both sides are wearing race on their sleeves,” he said, “re­ flecting the still deep racial divide in C R IM E STO PPERS Armed Robbery Portland Police Bureau detec­ tives in cooperation with Crime Stoppers, are asking for your help in identifying and apprehending the suspects in a robbery. On Thursday, June 8, 1995, at about 9:00 in the morning, a subject armed with a black handgun, walked into the Check-X-Change at 2722 N Lombard Street. The suspect con­ fronted an employee opening the store and forced him into a back room. The suspect told the employ­ ee to remove money from the safe and place it in a red pouch the robber brought with him. The gunman was accompanied by a second suspect who remained in the lobby. Both suspects lied on foot. Suspect #1 is described as a black male, 20 years o f age, 5 ’ 10 tai I, weigh­ ing 150 pounds, with black hair, brown eyes, and a neatly trimmed beard. He is described as having a deep voice, and held the gun in his left hand. At the time he was wearing a green sweatshirt. Suspect #2 is described as a black male, 28 years o f age, 5’8” tall, weighing 160 pounds, clean shav­ en, with black hair and brown eyes. At the time he was wearing a blue hooded parka or sweatshirt and sun­ glasses. Crime Stopper is ottering a cash reward o f up to $1,000 for inform ation, reported to Crime Stoppers, which leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony crime, and you can remain anony­ mous. Call Crime Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP. Suspect Arrested In Home Murder A third suspect has been arrest­ ed in connection with last year’s burglary and murder o f Joan Ann Borish at a southeast Portland home. Mixay Xay Dethsaysongkham, 19, was arrested July 20 during a traffic stop in Ferdonia, N.Y. Police said Borisch was killed when she shot on Aug. I, 1994 while trying Jo flee from three suspects who were searching her house for money. A fourth suspect waited out­ side in a vehicle. Two o f the suspects, Danny A lcazar, 16, and Som phalavan Sophanthavong, 17, pled guilty to murder earlier in connection with the death Crimes While On Vacation Protect Yourself On The Road And At Home A mugging on an unfamiliar downtown street, missingairline tick­ ets, a stolen wallet, disappearing lug­ gage, a fender bender in the rental, your residence gets “hit” when you are away...these are the things that take the fun out o f vacations. “We are seeing a rise in the num­ ber of crimes that happen when people go on vacation,” warns Marianne Macina, CP CU, regional manager for the Western Insurance Information Service (WHS). “Unfortunately, peo­ ple put themselves in the relax’ mode when they go on vacation and lure themselves into a sense o f false secu­ rity. They take chances that they wouldn’t when they’re at home. That makes them prime targets to become victims of crime ” According to Macina, the fol­ lowing tips from your law enforce­ ment agencies and insurance compa­ nies will help reduce your chances o f becoming a victim o f crime while you are on vacation. Before you leave home: • Follow general home security rules on landscaping and lighting If you have an alarm system, use It! • Put important documents and valuables in a safety deposit box (not under the mattress or other “secret” spots at home). • V aluable items should be marked with drivers license num­ bers. Serial numbers should be re­ corded. • Mail and newspaper deliveries shouId be stopped while you’re gone. • Use automatic timers on lights and radio to make it seem like some­ one is home. • Make sure all windows and doors are locked. • Unplug small appliances, for example a coffeemaker or toaster. How to insure a safe passage: • Always plan ahead. Know where you are going and how you are going to get there including informa­ tion on routes, taxis, shuttles, etc. • Don’t carry expensive luggage and tag it appropriately. • Don’t pack important papers all in one bag. Carry photocopies o f important papers and credit cards on your person. • Don’t check essential or valu­ able items such as medicines and jewelry. Use your carry-on luggage. • Keep cash to a minimum. Use traveler’s checks or credit cards. • Familiarize yourself with your rout — study your maps -- before you leave. Use street smarts: • Check out your surroundings ahead o f time. Ask your travel agent or hotel manager about safe driving and walking routes to take. • Check with your insurance agent or company representative to find out if your personal auto insur­ ance will cover a rental car If you have rental car coverage under your auto insurance, usually the only gap in coverage without purchasing a col­ lision damage waiver would be loss o f income to the rental car (generally about 3 days o f rental charges while the car is in the shop) and an admin­ istrative fee o f about $100. • Also find out what coverage you have for personal belongings aw ay from hom e on y o u r homeowners policy. • D on't place maps or travel brochures on the dashboard D on't leave packages visible in the car. Hotel/Motel Safety: • Locate fire exits, elevators and public phones. (Know the emergen­ cy plan o f where you are staying ) • Don’t leave valuables in your room. Use the safe at the facility where you are staying. • Use the peephole to see who is at your door before opening it. Al- w ayskeepthedoorclosedand locked when you’re in the room. • Leave the television or radio on when you leave the room to make it appear occupied. Macina suggests that you may want to visit your local library or call your local law enforcement agency to check out the video: “Bon Voy­ age: tips For A Safe Vacation” be­ fore your next trip. The video is a joint project o f “your insurance com ­ panies” through WIIS and “your law enforcement agencies” through the Crime Prevention A ssociation o f Oregon (CPAO), both o f which are nonprofit community service-type organizations. The video, with a running time o f 10 minutes and 24 seconds, is available at most public libraries in the state o f Oregon Along with a corresponding brochure which is free to the public, the video is also avail­ able on a loaner basis from the crime prevention unit at local law enforce­ ment agencies and the WIIS regional office in Beaverton. “The video itself is a joint effort o f insurance company professionals and crime prevention specialists to help reduce the view ers’ chances o f becoming a victim o f crime while on vacation,” says Ella Kimble, CPA O president and retired police officer with the West Linn Police D epart­ ment. “ It provides safety tips fortrav- e lers wh i le away as we 11 as what to do to their home before they leave.” Macina says that the vacation safety committee -- made up o f repre­ sentatives from crime prevention and insurance communities - found a real need for such a video and brochure when researching the project.