A ugust 9, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B ö National Winners Selected In It’s A Snap! Photo Competition Kmart Corporation and Eastman Kodak Company announced the na­ tional winners o f its jo in tly spon­ sored i t 's a Snap! UsingCameras in the Curriculum " contest. Each w in ­ ner receives a $5,000 Savings Bond Stacy Hess, an eight year old student at New Franklin Elementary School in Chambersburg, Pa. re­ ceived the top national honor for Most Beautiful category photo. Miss Hess’ entry captured a ten­ der moment amid the stark colors o f a spring day in Pennsy lvania. W ith a bold red bam and the blue sky as a backdrop, Miss Hess showed her younger sister affectionately cradling a de­ lighted piglet at her parents’ farm. Douglas Swafford, a seven year- old and a resident o f Chula Vista, Calif. (San Diego), was named na­ tional winner for his photo in the Needs Improvement category. Swafford’s photo o f a homeless woman, who carries her belongings in a shopping cart, reflects the type o f innocence and bewilderment cap­ tured in many engaging photos. Yet the image also reflects a subtle hope­ fulness. Nearly a quarter-million students across the United States participated in the innovative educational initia­ tive designed to teach second-grade students the art o f photography and creative thinking skills. To implement the " I t ’ s A Snap” program, every Kmart store across the country adopted a “ partner school” in its area and presented a curriculum package including a les­ son manual, an instructional video­ tape about how to identify compel­ ling photographic subjects, a step- by-step how-to poster, a Kodak Fun Time one-time-use 35 mm camera x for each student (up to 100 per school), and a photo display unit. After studying lessons about the env ironment and the art o f photogra­ phy, the children were encouraged to take pictures o f things that are beau­ tifu l and pictures o f things that need improvement. W o rld -re no w n photographer L in d a Solom on ju d g e d “ I t ’ s A Snap” regional w in n e rs ’ photos to select the natio na l w in n e r fo r each category. Considered together, Hess’ and Swafford’ s photos capture the beau­ ty, wonder and hope o f a c h ild ’ s SECRETARY Mechanic M a ch in e S et-u p m e ch a n ic needed for growing mfg. com­ pany. Responsible for main­ taining pkg line conveyance equip, and assisting with re­ builds. Must have two years mech. exp., preferably in a mfg. or pkg. envir. Three, 12 hr shifts, Thurs - Sat. Starting wage $9.00 - $10.50. Exc. benefits after 90 days. Apply direct between the hours of 1 - 5, M-Forsend resume to3580 NE Broadway. Portland OR. 97232. We are an equal op­ portunity employer. English Teacher, grades 9-12. Experienced teacher with de­ gree in English preferred. FT with benefit pkg. Administrative Assistant in the Development office. Mi­ crosoft Word and spreadsheet exp. with excellent organiza­ tion and writing skills. FT will benefit pkg. Positions available immediate­ ly. Call 297-1894 for more in­ formation or send resume to; Evie Waltenbaugh Human Resources Manager The Catlin Gabel School 8825 SW Barnes Road Portland, Oregon 97225 Marketing & Sales James River Corporation is seek­ ing a self-managed individual to support our Marketing and Sales staff. The successful candidate will possess exceptional adminis­ trative support skills including ex­ cellent computer skills in a Win­ dows environment, word process­ ing accuracy with speed of 75+wpm, and an understanding of spreadsheet and graphics ap­ plication. The ability to balance multiple priorities is essential. We offer a comprehensive bene­ fit package and competitive sala­ ry. Qualified candidates should submit a resume with salary his­ tory to: Human Resource Mgr, James River Corporation, P.O. Box 17128, Portland, OR 97217. An Equal Opportunity Employer. James River Corporation Case Manager Therapist Working with chronically em o­ tio n a lly d istu rb e d c lie n ts . MSW or MA degree in human services. F/T. Send resume by 8/15/95 to CCMH, 6329 N E. M.L.K. Jr. Blvd., Port­ land, OR 97211, Attn: Alice Bergman GROCERY CAREER FAIRE Wo ore com m itted Io providing high Quality, rw com prom isejxoduc ,s and a dynamic, team-oriented atmosphere lor our stall it customer service ace. and have natural foods product knowledge, we'd love to have you join our growing stall WE ARE NOW INTERVIEWING FOR FULL & PART TIME POSITIONS. • Perishable Grocery Asst Manager • • • Grocery Asst Mgr • • Meal Asst Mgr • • Seafood Specialist , z * — je -------— — Kmart And Kodak “It’s A Snap!" National Photo Contest Winners. Left: “Needs Improvement", Douglas Swafford, 7- years old, Chula Vista, California. Above: “Beautiful", Stacy Hess, 8-years olà, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Health & Beauty Sales Produce Stall De« Soles Stoll Bulk Cleto »Cashiers • SMt SupeMsois • Food Demonstrators • ReceptlonistZOItlce Assi • Specialty Meat We oiler a competitive wage, gainsharing packoge. generous; men chandise discount, m edical Si denial Penehts. paid leave. 401 (kJ and opportunities lor advancement in a growing company WALK-IN INTERVIEWS ONE D A Y ONL Y AT: Beaverton Nature's 4000 SW 117th Beaverton. OR 97005. Apply in person between 2:00pm and 4:00pm PPV WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9TH. OR apply at our Central Office, 3008 SE Division. Portland. OR 97202 between 9am-4:30pm Career Hotline (503)234-3008 Ext. 505 Equal Opportunity Employer - W e Value Diversity world, according to Solomon, who narrates the instructional videotape and serves as spokesperson for the program. “ Learning the basics o f photog­ raphy is more than understanding how to hold a camera steady, and to keep fingers away from the lens. ‘ I t ’ s A Snap!’ is an effective way to chal­ lenge children to explore their w orld through the camera’ s view finder,” said Shawn Kahle, Km art's Vice President o f Corporate Affairs. “ A dding the childrens’ own pic­ tures into the learning process brings a new dimension to their education. Washington County This is visual literacy!” said Charles Fischer, manager o f educational pro­ grams, Kodak Consumer Imaging. “ It ’s a Snap! is one o f the many ways Kmart demonstrates that edu­ cating children is an investment into tomorrow. The program is part o f "K m art Loves Kids” initiative to educate and improve the lives o f children. Eastman Kodak Company em­ ploys more than 96,000 people around the globe, 54,000 o f them in the U.S. W ith major manufacturing plants in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazel, England, France, Germany Program Director Warehouse Com m unity Health Nurse 2 $16.49 - $20.03 per hour Apply by August 18, 1995 Local MFG Co. seeks receiving clerk for warehouse. Must re­ ceive materials, inspect, main­ tain inventory, com putertrack­ Autom otive Mechanic I ing. Must have one year ware­ $2203 - $2665 per month house exp., one year forklift, Apply by August 18, 1995 and experience with PC. Start­ ing wage $7.25. Ben. and re­ Call (503) 648-8606/TTY (503) view after three mo. Apply or 6 9 3 -4 8 9 8 fo r in fo rm a tio n . send resum e to 3580 NE County application and sup­ B ro a d w a y , P o rtla n d O R . plemental application forms 97232. We are an required. Apply to: W a sh in gto n C o u n ty H um an Equal opportunity employer. Resources Division 1 55N First Avenue, Suite 210 Packaging Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Local MFG. Com pany seeking Women, minorities, and people liquid com pound o perator. with disabilities are encour­ Resp. includes blending and aged to apply. mixing of liquid prod. Prev. MFG exp. preferred, good Director Of Brand math skills. Start wage $6.50 HR. Review and Ben. after 90 Management days. Apply or send resume Vitam in manufacturing com pa­ to 3580 NE Broadway, Port­ ny seeking highly skilled Di­ land OR 97232. We are an rector of Brand Management. equal opportunity employer. Responsible for Product De­ velopm ent, including Market Research and R&D; Promo­ tional and Creative Programs in c lu d in g G ra p h ic D e sig n P ro je cts; M a rke t/B u s in e s s Development; and D evelop­ ment and Im plem entation of S trategic M arketing Plans. Q ua lification include: Four year degree from an accredit­ ed University, MBA desirable, minim um ten years m arket­ ing m anagem ent experience dealing directly with m ajor re­ tail and wholesale accounts, and minimum five year Brand M anagem ent experience in the HBA Industry. Send cover letter and resume to 3580 NE B ro a d w a y , P o rtla n d , OR 97232. We are an equal op­ portunity employer. Gardener I City of Eugene $2,083-$2,430/mo. M aintainsthe plants, landscape, turf, and facilities at Owen Rose Garden (8-acre horti­ c u ltu re fa c ility ). R e q uires equivalent to three years’ ex­ perience in garden mainte­ nance or nursery trade and two years of college or voca­ tional training in horticulture. Experience working in an or­ namental rose garden is de­ sirable. Closing Date: August 25, 1995. Obtain application packet for Human Resource and Risk Services, 777 Pearl Street, Room 101, Eugene OR 97401. (503) 687-5061. AA/EOE and Australia, it markets a broad range o f imaging products in more than 150 countries. In 1994, the company’ s sales totaled $13.6 billion. About h a lf o f the company’ s sales came from outside the U.S., while exports from the U.S. totaled more than $2 b illion last year. The company invested about $850 m illion in research and devel­ opment and more than $1 b illio n in plant and equipment. Kodak products include: photo­ graphic films, papers and chemicals for amateur and professional use; Program Director for hands-on math and science program for girls aged 7 to 16, developing m ath, s c ie n c e and s o c ia l skills. Seeking an enthusias­ tic, caring and energetic indi­ vidual. Must have Oregon driv­ er’s license. $8.10/hr with ben­ efits, 30 - 40 hrs/week. Send resumes or pick up applica­ tions by August 21, 1995 at the YW CA Northeast Center 5630 NE MLK Blvd. Portland, OR 97211. EOE Morning Show Host 94.7 KRK looking for morning show host - do your friends think you’re crazy - you may be who w e’re looking for. 3 yrs exp necessary. Send resume to KNRK Radio, 4614 SW Kelly, Portland, OR 97201. EOE. No Phone Calls. motion picture film s; copier-dupli­ cators; electronic imaging products including scanners, sensors, and printers; m icrofilm ; image manage­ ment systems; and diagnostic imag­ ing film and equipment. Kmart Corporation serves Amer­ ica w ith nearly 2,300 outlets in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, The U.S. V irgin Islands and Guam. Kmart also is parent company o f Builders Square. K m a rt’ s In te rn a tio n a l O p er­ a tio n s extend to C anada, The Czech R ep ub lic, S lo v a k ia and, th ro u g h jo in t ventures, to M e x i­ co and Singapore. ELECTRICIAN Journey Level Electrician James River Corporation’s North Portland conversion plant has an immediate need for a Journey Level Electrician. Requires Ore­ gon Journey Level license and a willingness to work all shifts and weekend overtime as needed. Experience in DC drive and pro­ grammable controllers desired. Journey Level Electrician pay is $18.81 /hour plus excellent health and retirement benefits. Interest­ ed individuals should submit a resume to: Electrical Supervisor, James River Corporation, PO Box 17128, Portland, OR 97217. An equal opportunity employer. James River Corporation ckockky a rfe At Our Mill Plain Marketplace in Vancouver Nature’s newest store opens at Garrison Square! Join our team as we create nearly 100 new job opportunities. As we promote staff, jobs will be created at our other locations as well. Nature’s is committed to providing high-quality service, no­ compromise products for our customers, and a dynamic, team- oriented atmosphere for our staff members. If you have food serv­ ice, grocery or retail experience and are a customer service ace, we welcome you to join our team. WALK-IN INTERVIEWS 2 DAYS ONLY AT: Nature’s Marketplace, 8024 East Mill Plain, Vancouver, WA. Apply in person between 9:00am and 3:00pm Saturday, August 12th AND Sunday, August 13th Interviews arc on a first-come, first-served basis. OK drop off or mail application at Nature’s Central Office, 3008 SE Division, Portland, OK 97202 between 9am-4:30pm. Career Hotline (503)234-3008 ext 505 Equal Opportunity Employer — We Value Diversity