P age B5 T he P ortland O bserver • A ugust 9, 1995 (Station's Largest African American Organization Tians March On (Birmingham The N ational B aptist C onven­ tio n , U S A , Inc., the nation’ s largest A frica n A m erican organization, an­ nounced that plans are being made fo r a Mass march in Birm ingham . The M arch is scheduled fo r Septem­ ber 6, 1995 during N B C ’ s 115th Annual N a tio n al C onvention. In a letter to the Congressional B lack Caucus and a ll c iv il rights organiza­ tions, the C on ve ntio n ’ s new Presi­ dent, Dr. H enry J. Lyons said, “ The M arch is being held to show A m erica that B la ck Am ericans w ill not sit back and a llo w the recent acts o f congress and the U.S. Supreme C ourt to go unchecked!” A c c o rd in g to Dr. Lyons, A f r i­ can A m ericans, have always had to have the law on th e ir side in order to achieve any measure o f success in B irm ingham Ja il;” the c ity where three o f our ow n B aptist children were k ille d in the bom bing o f the 16th Street Baptist C hurch and the this country. He says, the leadership in Congress and the U.S. Supreme C ourt, is try in g to tum the clock c ity where we intend to brin g back to back, to repeal those laws that endure A frica n s Am ericans equal opp o rtu ­ dream we must keep a liv e .” Lyons also said, “ In 1963, D r. K in g had a dream, but, in 1995, we are experi­ nity. Says the new national N B C Pres­ ident, “ It is tim e ly that we are con­ vening in B irm ingham , Alabam a, the c ity w h ich symbolizes the cradle o f the c iv il rights struggle. It is the c ity where D r. K in g w rote his passionate “ Letter from a the attention o f a ll Am ericans the struggle we must continue and the encing a nightmare! The N ational B aptist Conven­ tion represents over 8,000,000 peo­ ple and more than 30,000 churches. O ver 60,000 are expected in B ir­ m ingham fo r the N ational Conven­ tion and over 25,000 plan to march. Lyons has asked the N ational Urban League, the N A A C P, the Con­ gressional B lack Caucus, the SCLC and numerous other A frica n A m e ri­ can organizations to jo in w ith the N ational Baptists in this historic B ir­ mingham March. President C lin to n has also been invitedtoattend. The M arch w illta k e A rea S tu d e n ts [Receive (Degrees f r o m (Drew C a llin g upon them to stand up fo r their beliefs and make a difference in the w orld, television star and com m unity activist A ndrew Shue ad­ dressed the 384 graduates from the three schools o f Drew U niversity during its 127th commencement ceremony on Saturday, M ay 20. Former New Jersey G overnor Thomas H. Kean, D re w ’ s tenth president, presided over the ceremonies held on the south lawn o f historic Mead Hall. - “ The only truth I know to give you as you head out into the w o rld on yo u r own, as you leave the com fort and security o f college life , is that we must be true to ourselves...to stand up and speak in a voice we know to be our own. T o stand up and let that voice be heard. T o stand up and bring place on Wednesday, September 6, people together,” said Shue,” ...life is too short, too precious, to be lost at 1995, at 3:00 PM. It w ill begin at the B irm ingham C iv ic C enter. M archers w ill file the hancls o f doubters.” D rew U n ive rsity is a selective, independent university w ith an en ro ll­ ment o f 2,100 in a College o f Liberal A rts, a Graduate School and a T heological School w hich maintains its historic a ffilia tio n w ith the United through the c ity toward the 16th Street Baptist Church, and end at the B ir­ mingham C iv il Rights Park w ith a speech by president Lyons. For The Best Hand In Advertising... M ethodist Church. Degree M a jo r Engl B io l Psci Psci, Econ Anth Name Jacqueline Elizabeth Megan Jennifer Smith K e vin N arizny A ndrew Julian Scott BA BA BA BA BA B rian Lee M ichael B a b y ’ s N am e: Bobby James Lee H illm a n D ate o f B ir th : 7-28-95 Sex: M ale M o th e r ’ s N am e: Kebala K . D orn H o m e to w n Lake Oswego, OR 97034 W ilso n ville , OR 97070 Portland, OR 97201 Portland, OR 97219 C o rva llis, OR 97330 Join us in celebrating the F a th e r’ s N am e: B obby Lee H illm a n o f Portland, OR W e ig h t: 51b 9 oz Length: 19 inches S iste r: Courtney O n tre ’ ge H illm a n G ra n d p a re n t$ /M a te rn a l: D aisy Davis, Portland G ra n d p a re n ts /M a te rn a l: G ary B oyd, Portland G re a t G ra n d p a re n ts /P a te rn a l: L. H illm a n Great Grandparents/Paternal: Jr. A N N IV E R S A R Y o f ® h e F o r t ia n i» © b s e r u e r o f Carrie Mae Love ^ o rtla n h (OhscrUer. ...call C arrie Mae Love was bom A p ril 10th, 1938 in V icksburg, M ississippi. From M ississippi, after the death o f Mad/iicn tifa iernen f (503) 288-0033 her parents C arrie Mae Pearsons and W esley Love, she moved to Portland, Oregon and has prospered fo r the last We’ve got the best deal for you 52 weeks a year. $ th irty -fo u r years. C arrie was a very strong w ille d wom an w ith a lo vin g personality. She went on to earn a degree in General $ 'if Mafd One o f a M in d V Mcceb&odeb Studies from Portland C om m unity C o l­ lege. C arrie had a lot o f love to give to everyone w ho had the opp o rtu n ity o f having a relationship w ith her. She was know n throughout the com m unity as “ M ae Love” and others called her “ M om m a Love” and her grandchildren rem ember her as “ G ram m y” But, most o f all she w ill be remembered and missed fo r her b rig h t smile and g lo w in g personality. She is survived by: seven children, C edric Love o f Tacoma, W ashington, Rosalind C leveland (L o v e ) o f Portland, Oregon, W esley Love o f Portland, Oregon, A lo n z o Sm ith o f Valdez, Alaska, K eith Sm ith o f Portland, Oregon, C arrie Mae G ault (L o v e ) o f C incinnati, O hio, Mfio-Mwieïican fa rd i ¿fat dïocfj Jfx. —