Volume XXV, Number 32 Committed to cui TOM! i Join In Celebrating Our Summer Scholars Achieve Win Treking In Portland Area high school students return from Boise, Idaho with a first place award. See Metro, inside. Portland to welcome Star Trek, the Next Generation star Brent Spiner at weekend convention. A ly B I I V E See Entertainment, Page B3. Mr s e p t 'n i v e r 9 ^403 ■■■ TU C in c i n WEEK r r, i - 1 tv ©Q, Wrt* ■’Ch,: O r » 3 P o n ^«D apf L i br œr 250 WMW The “Standard Dairy” Project REVIEW Blazers Pass On Corporate Name The Portland Trail Blazers have de­ cided not to add a corporate name to its new Rose Garden Arena, scheduled to open in October. National ly, the going rate for arena sponsorships is $ I m illionayear. “ It just didn’t seem like the right thing to do,” said Marshall Glickman. chief execu­ tive o f the Blazers. Reno Puts Blame On Koresh Attorney General Janet Reno was the last to testify at the Waco hearings last week, tellingacongressional committee that blame for the deaths o f more than 80 members o f | the Branch Davidians rested solely with their leader, David Koresh. “ He chose death for the men and women who had entrusted their lives to him. And he, David Koresh, chose death for the innocent children o f | Waco,” Reno testified. Architectual sketch of the proposed “Standard Dairy Project". A view from NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard looking northeast. A mixed use project, including housing, restuarants, shops, and loft space. NRA Membership Plunges The National Rifle Association lost more than 10 percent o f its members this year, roughly 300,000 people. The decline follows attention the organization has re­ ceived from support o f assault rifles to its fund-raising letter that called federal law enforcement agents “jack-booted govern­ ment thugs.” Former President Bush can­ celed his NR A membership over the letter. Democrats Report Record Support The Democratic National Committee reports it has set a record in fundraising, i with $20 million in contributions during the first half o f the year, more money than in any non-election year. Party Chairper­ son Don Fowler said the donations reflect strong grassroots oppos ition to the Repub- | lican congressional agenda. Packwood Hearings Closed eveloper Bill Reed of WCR Co. area. has announced am bitious The Standard Dairy was built more than plans for the redevelopment 60 years ago and for many years provided of the Standard Dairy site on Northeast home milk delivery throughout north and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. between northeast Portland. The two-acre site includes Stanton and Graham. D The new “ Standard D airy," scheduled for completion in 1996, w ill include an inno­ vative mix o f shops, restaurants, offices, lofts and apartments. The new commercial busi­ ness w ill help reinvigorate this section o f M L K , while the apartments w ill bring high quality, affordable new rental housing to the an Art Deco “Creamery Building” on the south side, to which Reed plans to add two floors o f housing while raising the roof on the adjoining warehouse building to convert it to lofts. Reed will also build new two-story townhouse apartments on Graham and Stanton St., scaled to fit in with the neighbor­ hood. The focal point of the Standard Dairy will be a new pedestrian plaza on the corner ofGraham St., which will provide a place for outdoor dining on King Blvd. and street- level entries for new shops and restaurants. Inside, the ground floor plan revolves around a dramatic, two-story high atrium restaurant space, lit from above by skylights. Retail, restaurant and office space in the totals more than 10,000 square feet. The buildings will have a numberofterrace and balconies which will bring a sense o f greenery to the area. The project includes a total of67 units of housing ranging from affordable studio apart­ ments accessible by elevator, up to large, two-story “rooftop townhouses" that will have commanding views o f the downtown skyline 13 lofts in the project will provide resi­ dents with an opportunity to live and work in the same units. The Standard Dairy site is one o f the largest sites on M L K under single ownership, making it one of the first and easiest to be redeveloped. Reed has arranged for 80 per- Rider Advocates Call 911 To Save A Life T wo area residents, employed as rider advocates on Tri Met buses, are being honored for their role in saving the life of a northeast Portland woman. Robert Coleman o f the Woodlawn neighborhood and David Young o f the Piedmont neighborhood were presented Humanitar­ ian Awards last week from the Northeast Coalition o f Neighbor­ hoods. Republicans on the Senate ethics com- I mittee voted last week not to hold public hearings into the misconduct allegations against Sen. Bob Packwood, but they agreed to release all relevant evidence gathered during the two and a half year | investigation. Coleman and Young were on a Tri-M et bus along the down­ town Portland I ransit M all when they observed a group o f people gathered around Patricia Ann W ells in a bus shelter. They imme­ diately got off the bus and determined that W ells was having a medical emergency. Using their radio communication devices, they contacted Tri- Met dispatchers who summoned medical assistance via 9 1 1. "W e commend Robert and David for their quick thinking and Bomb Called rapid response that helped save a life,” said Ben Priestley, execu­ tive director o f the Northeast Coalition o f Neighborhoods. “ This “A Terrible Thing” effort illustrates Rider Advocates’s important role on Tri-M et and “ The use o f atomic weapons on in the community.” I Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a terrible thing I Rider Advocates, who live in 13 coalition neighborhoods o f to do,” says Aaron Novick, a retired profes­ north and northeast Portland, offer personalized customer service sor at the University o f Oregon. As a young and address safety concerns for Tri-Met passengers. scientist, Novick participated in the Man­ The advocates were created last year after a series o f violent hattan Project, the super-secret research ef- episodes on area buses. 1 fort that led to the creation o f the atomic I bomb. “ I ’d rather they had first given the | Japanese a chance to surrender,” he said. Women Wage Assault On Alcohol Abuse Portland Leads In Recycling refuse in 1994. Officials have set a goal to reach 50 percent recycling by the end o f | | the decade. In July, the city began collect­ ing plastic screw-top bottles in its curbside­ recycling program. EDITORIAL A2 rug and alcohol abuse by B rid g es said Im ani has p revio usly women continue to be the worked to “ address c ritic a l needs o f single-most damaging con­ women in reco very,” but has suffered tributor to the econom ic, family, recent budget reductions and staff chang­ medical and spiritual ill-health of Portland’s African-American com­ Im a n i, w h ich m eans “ fa it h ” in munity, according to Carol Bridges of S w a h ili, was founded in 1990 to provide the Imani Women's Support Project. c u lt u r a lly - re le v a n t and co m m u n ity- D Port landers are recyc I i ng, near ly twice I as much refuse, by weight, as their counter­ parts across the nation. A Metro regional government survey shows the Portland tri- | county region recycled 41 percent o f its F. ^ e v n n i^ r r ^ celebrated bV a host ° f endearing fans, including Dr. Walter Reynolds (center), and h,s fnends Nick and Tom (to his left and right). es. B rid g e s,th e c h a iro fth e Im ani board, announced M onday a re-directio n o f the g ro u p ’ s role to drug prevention among low -incom e women. METRO Bl based support and services to women and their children in inner norih and northeast Portland. E a rlie r this year, Shafia M onroe, SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT B2 B3 resigned as executive director o f Im ani, but she continues to pursue grants for the organization, B ridg es said “ We are all sorry to see Shafia step dow n,” B ridges said. “ She almost sin ­ gle-handedly grew this org an izatio n .” B ridges said the board decided to focus its resources on substance abuse, after conducting a com prehensive as­ sessment and s e lf exam ination this sum ­ mer With support from the B lack Untied HOUSING B4 Fund and several com m unity leaders, Im ani hired a management consultant and is conducting strategic planning with current and former board members and other group representatives. “ O ur direction, strategy and tactics w ill be in place by early Septem ber,” B ridg es said. Area residents interested in p a rtic i­ pating with the planning effort are asked to contact the Im ani W om en's Support Project, Inc. at 284-3965. RELIGION CLASSIFIEDS B5 B6