H-i ib iW iT .iMiBA P age A4 A ugus I 2, 1995 » I he P ortland O bserver Having Learned From Experience , Lets Act Like It Bv P rof . M c K inley B i h i In term s of a successful gam e plan lor the advancem ent o f the ec o ­ nom ic status o f inner-city residents, nothing beats the advice o f the Buick C om pany o f yesterday: “Ask the man/ w om an who ow ns one.” W ho else should know best? H ow ever, we note the d isclaim ­ ers that com e with the directions for new “easy to assem ble" toys: "Som e ju d g m en t is required.” Y ou would not be wrong if you equated this adm onition to tod ay ’s com m ent in m y Perspectives colum n An unhappy reader, follow ing an early them e o f mine, is quoted; “ Local leadership captives o f o u t­ sider board of directors... ‘w e ’ have lost direction and control, not to m ention, m illio n s in real estate.” (That is what w e know about!) T h is e n c o re w e d o n ’t need, w here our “prim e m overs" talk-that- black-talk, then skip o ver highly qualified A frican A m ericans to se­ cure the appointm ent o f their "fav o r­ ite while folks.” A form er student o f m ine describes the process as one o f neo-uncle T om s and A unt Jem m as rebuilding the old plantation network. In my own case, over a 25 year p e­ riod, I ’ve had a 95 percent success rate for obtaining grants or invest­ ments, with directing roles biased toward those who could best understand the goals specified in the “Needs A«?»?: ment” or the “Marketing Plan." That is the “one side o f the coin.” O ne the other hand, it is quite o b v i­ ous that in other to advance the ec o ­ nom ic level (and ow nership) o f the com m unity, the technical input o f many cultures is required; especially, considering that the alleged "A ffir­ m ative A ction” process did not w ork long enough or diligently enough to bring m inorities and women to an y ­ thing like a meaningful level o f c o m ­ petitiveness. So, like others in my peer group, I’ve reached into the old “encore” bag again. In the early ’70s, I leased G rey-’ hound busses to take black parents and youth out to see various U.S. Forest Service operations such as l i c e farm s, nurseries and h o rticu l­ tural labs. The idea was to expose the youth to career opportunities they would not be made aw are o f in the ghetto (or in school). It worked like a charm and resulted in over a score of youths getting good jobs and sup­ port for a college education while working. Interestingly, a num ber of "parents” also got jo b s as a result o f the exposure. Both were draw n from classes I taught at P.S.U. and new s­ paper ads I ran in the Portland O b­ server. So, this tim e I’ve draw n on that particular experience for one o f my “encore’ projects. Taking advantage of the fact that a num ber o f my former students (all w hite) are in executive or supervisory positions out there in the w estside com puter chips and elec­ trical instrum entdom ain, w e’vecom e up with a "variation on the them e," where occasionally com pany vans • dignitaries, especially overseas buyZ’ ers. O ne had several cancellations* this sum m er and we were able to* invite a couple o f dignitaries of our* o w n , in c lu d in g se v eral A frican* A m erican scientists and educators - again I'm designing an innovative project, we hope will deliv erth e ed u ­ cational product we could not p er­ suade the school district to produce. All inall, I wouldsay thalmostactivity is about establishing some productive cri­ teria and innovating schemes that will help to counter the social pathologies and trau mas that besiege us today. And perhaps to inspire som e o f that m iddle-class in our com m unity who thought we had it made. The “real estate" analysis will appear later in a “Minority Econom­ ics" article. are em ployed to bring out kids and parents. The idea, again, is o rienta­ tion and m o tiv atio n and special projects - a favorite sim ilar to the one with w hich I won a N ational Science F oundation prize for The D alles School District. It is may hope that this time I have better luck in persuading m i­ nority fathers to involve their bosses and plant m anagers in sim ilar activi­ ties. Som etim es it is very hard to convince grass roots people that a lot can be accom plished with ju st initia­ tive and com m itm ent - though one mav lack status or degrees in special­ ized subjects. A n o th e r d e v e lo p m e n t h as proved very pro d u ctiv e. S everal plants have guest houses for visiting ADOPTION INFORMATION! HR. MINORITY FAMILIES - DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT? ONE CHURCH, ONE CHILD OF OREGON, IS SEEKING MINORITY FAMILIES TO ADOPT MINORITY CHILDREN* THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR OUR SERVICES. Many children of all ages are available for adoption. One church, One child of Oregon can give you the information that you will need to start the adoption process. We are looking for families that are: AFRICIAN AMERICAN ASIAN /PACIFIC ISLANDERS HISPANIC NATIVE AMERICAN PLEASE CONTACT US AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. WE CAN HELP YOU. - r£ OUR PHONE NUMBER IS (503)288-5399 OUR FAX NUMBER IS (503)288-6095 WHEN IT'S BUDGET CUTTING TIME, THEY ALW AYS START WITH THE EASIEST TARGETS. OUR ADDRESS IS 1433 N.E. ALBERTA STREET PORTLAND OREGON 97211 Children can't stand up for themselves. Which makes them an easy mark for politicians when they're cutting back. Give children your voice. Yours. Kids can't vote, but you can. THE CHILDREN'S DEFENSE FUND I Heart And Soul Of Cooking Featured Continued from Metro, page B I ▲ lard, tallow and bacon grease. She credit her expertise with “great teachers," especially her m oth­ er. H er favorite foods include barbe­ cue, chitterlings, greens, cake, and pie. “ And d o n ’t forget biscuits, torti­ llas and beans, B lacknall adds. The book is available at Porter E nterprises, inside o f N ew berry’s at Lloyd Center; R oslyns' G arden and C offee H ouse at 1438 N.E. A lberta St.; and Reflections Book Store at the W alnut Park S hopping C enter, 446 N.E. K illingsw orth. The sug­ gested retail price is $12.95. A nother book singing party will be held at Reflections, Aug. 26 from 2 p in. to 4 p in. Dad’s Grandfather’s General Store To Open Leonard Smith, a longtim e com ­ munity activist, has announced the grand opening o f his new G randfa­ th e r’s G en eral S tore at 3524 N. M ississippi Ave. T he unveiling o f this fresh new store, ju s t north o f Fremont, will take place on T uesday beginning at 6p.m . in conjunction with N ational Night ()ut, the annual neighborhood crim e prevention event. Sm ith will provide live music and free balloons for the children. In addition to his own selection o f snacks, ice cream, groceries and convenience items, the store will fea­ ture such ice cream specialties as real, m ade-to-order m ilkshakes, ba­ nana splits and sundaes. On hand for the grand opening will be John B arnes’ m obile barbe­ cue, P orky’s, which will be at the store on a regular schedule. The store is now own, seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Smith invites the public to enjoy N at ional N ight Out by stop by for the special festivities, music, barbecue and delicious ice cream IFMO INTERNATIONAL FREELANCE MODELS ORGANIZATION Models Needed Models Organization NOW GET YOUR OWN VISA CARD NO CREDIT CHECK EVEN IF YOU HAVE *BAD CREDIT* NO CREDIT* BANKRUPTCY* LOW INCOME* How to apply 1. Complete, sign and mail the VISA Application-Savings Agreement below to American State Bank 2737 N. E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd Portland, Oregon 97212 2. Be sure to include your money order or personal check in U.S. dollars for $625.00 or more (in increments of $600.00) made payable to American State Bank. Receipt of your funds opens a savings account in your name. Each increment of $600.00 deposited in vour savings account establishes a $600.00 line of credit for you. 3. Your new VISA card will arrive within three weeks. 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