--.. - v . - P age a •• i : h < \ .• a / B H t , Z- 'L 7 A ugust 2, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver efore O.J. Fame Beyond Anything He Ever Had His football glory days were behind him. his acting career going nowhere and his once-lucrative prod­ uct endorsements dwindling. Then O.J Simpson led a licet of • police cars down the freeway in a bizarre low-speed chase while 93 million TV viewers looked on. N ow , alm o st a y ear la te r, Sim pson ranks as one o f the m ost fam ous m urder d efen d an ts of all tim e, the sta r in a c o u rtro o m dram a that has rec e iv e d m ore n e tw o rk n ew s c o v e r a g e th a n B osnia, H aiti and the O k lah o m a C ity bom bing com bined "O.J. is now infamous beyond any lame he ever had before,” said author Dominick Dunne, who is writ­ ing a book about the Simpson saga. "And over time, it's clearly taken a toll." Indeed, a year behind bars has turned the once-robust, smiling ath­ lete into a gaunt, brooding figure. The defendant who once de­ clared himself "absolutely l(M) per­ cent not guilty” slouches in his chair at the defense table, filling yellow legal pads with scribbled notes and conversing with his lawyers in a growled whisper. At times Sim pson's presence is almost forgotten amid the drone of testimony. But at other moments, such as when gruesome autopsy photos are shown, all eyes are upon him as he grimaces, puffs out his cheeks and gazes toward the ceiling. During nearly five months of testim o n y , the p ro secu tio n has worked hard to wipe away the image of an all-American nice guy who worked his way up from a San Fran­ cisco ghetto. In its place, they have painted the picture of a raging tyrant who beat, stalked and threatened his ex- wife Nicole Brown Simpson, finally slashing her to death. Prosecutors say her friend Ron Goldman was killed because he "got in the way.” Simpson remains con fined to the "celebrity wing" of the M en’s Cen­ tral Jail occupying a b-by-9-foot cell — “smaller than the place he used to keep his shoes," as defense attorney Johnnie Cochran once put it. Friends who defended him early on have fallen silent. Girlfriend Paula Barbieri, the supermodel who used to visit him in jail dressed in leather miniskirts, moved out of town re­ cently, seeking to distance hersell from the case. On the first anniversary of the June 12 murders, the victims' fami­ lies lashed out at Simpson with in­ creasing bitterness. Ron G oldm an's sister Kim, a mild-mannered regular in the court­ room spectators’ gallery, spoke an­ grily of Ins "arrogance," saying "he thinks that he’ll win and he’ll walk.” Nicole Brow n's sister Denise told a TV interviewer the Simpsons' 9-year-old daughter Sidney knows her father is on trial for mur­ der and once asked her at bedtime, “D on't they put people like that in the electric chair?” , Once ranked among A merica's best-loved sports heroes, Simpson has become the butt of TV comedy routines. For its part, the defense has por­ trayed Simpson as the victim of a “rush to judgment," accusing police of botching the murder investigation and framing an innocent man. And judging by comments from jurors, recently dismissed from the case, the defense team 's conspiracy theories — regarded as far-fetched by many trial watchers have made an impression on the people who will decide Sim pson's fate. But the American public — treat­ ed to gavel-to-gavel coverage ol the case — appears more convinced than ever of his guilt. According to a USA Today/CNN poll, 75 percent believe the charges against him are at least probably true. Simpson has hired the best de­ fense money can buy, but mounting As the Simpson saga has devel­ oped into a national obsession, the B ronco chase has becom e a part o f pop cu ltu re, a m edia spectacle alm ost certain to endure as one o f the d e c a d e ’s d efin in g tabloid m om ents. M illions sat glued to th eir TV sets on June 17, 1994, as a w hite Ford B ronco rolled dow n the freew ay, Al C ow lings behind the w heel and his celeb rity pal riding in back w ith a gun pressed to his head. Simpson Defense Nears End O.J. Sim pson's attorneys expect to wrap up their case in about a week and a half, according to court tran­ scripts released Friday in the former football star's double-murder trial. On a day when court was out of session, Simpson was also reported to have been preparing in mock court sessions in case his defense team decides to put him on the witness stand. In an indication that the defense Jury Salaries Foratrial that could take as long as six months, you'll probably be surprised to know the O.J. Simpson trial jury will get only $5 a day for their work. This salary is the lowest in the nation. Here’saglance at what states pay jurors across the nation: STATE PAY Alabama Alaska day $10 $25, half CRIME STO P P E R S team is plowing through its witness list taster than expected, Simpson lead attorney Johnnie Cochran told the judge during a sidebar conversa­ tion: "I’m telling you. I’m going to finish in another week and a half.” According to Los Angeles tele­ vision station KCAL, Simpson’s law­ yers have hired a woman defense attorney to play the part of prosecu­ tor Marcia Clark and put the defen­ dant through a mock cross-examina- Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware DC. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho ay Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland $12 $20 $5 $50 $50 $15 $30 $15 $35 $30 $10, half $15 $50 $10 $10 $12.50 $12 $10 $15 tion. The first practice session was held earlier this month at the M en’s Central Jail, KCAL cited de­ fense sources as saying. More prac­ tice se ssio n s are sch ed u led as Cochran and other members of the team get closer to deciding whether Simpson will take the witness stand. KCAL reported. Opening trial statements began in late January, and the defense start- ed cal ling witnessesabout two weeks ago, after the prosecution rested its case. Sim pson’s attorneys had origi­ nally estimated that it would take them four to six weeks to present their witnesses. Simpson has pleaded not guilty to charges that he murdered his ex- wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman the night of June 12, 1994. Massachusetts $15 Michigan $15 Minnesota $15 Mississippi $15 Missouri $6 Montana $25 Nebraska $20 New Mexico $4.25 our Nevada $30 New Hampshire $30 New Jersey $5 New York $50 North Carolina $30 North Dakota $25 Oklahoma $12.50 Ohio $10 Oregon $10 Pennsylvania $25 Rhode Island $15 DREAM S F O R SA LE. Reward Offered In Curry Murder Portland Police and Crime S top p ers are ask in g for the public’s help in solving a homi­ cide. On Monday, J une 26, at about 10:40 p in., Patrick Curry, a 16- year-old black male, was riding a car with four companions in the area of Northeast 12th and Fail­ ing Street when another vehicle pulled along side. Curry was struck when mul­ tiple gunshots were fired from the suspect vehicle. He was taken to a local hos- legal fees have effectively drained his $10 million fortune So he has been quick to cash in on his own notoriety, signing football cards in his cell, authorizing a limited-edition statuette and writing a bestselling book. / f y o u ’v e a lw a y s h a d t h e d r e a m o f o w n in g y o u r o w n h o m e , y o u r pital where he later died of his injuries. The suspect vehicle is de­ scribed as being similar to a yel­ low or light color Chevrolet Monte Carlo with a sunroof. Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward of up to $ I .(MX) for information, reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony crime. You need not give your name. Call Crime Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP. d re a m m a y h a v e ju s t c o m e t r u e . F o r a s lit t le a s y o u ’r e p a y in g in m o n t h ly r e n t a n d a m o d e s t d o w n p a y m e n t , y o u c o u ld b u y a H U D H o m e . T h a t ’s r i g h t . T h e U . S . D e p a r t m e n t o f H o u s in g a n d U r b a n D e v e l o p m e n t T H E ITREAM O F O W N IN G Y O U R O W N H O M E C A N C O M E T R U E FOR A B O U T W H A T Y O U ’RE PA Y IN G IN R EN T. ( H U D ) h a s p r o g r a m s t h a t m a k e o w n in g a h o m e e a s i e r t h a n y o u t h in k . P r o g r a m s t h a t Washington County Engineering Project Coordinator (Capital Project Management) $3347 - $4069 per month Apply by August 11, 1995 Administrative Specialist II (Bilingual - Spanish/English) $1852 - $2251 per month Apply by August 11,1995 Juvenile Counselor 2 $2888 - $3510 per month Apply by August 11,1995 Program Coordinator (Part Time) (Children & Youth Services) $18.39 - $22.34 per hour Apply by August 11,1995 Call (503) 648-8606/TTY (503) 6 93 -4 8 98 fo r in form a tion . County application and sup­ plemental application forms required. Apply to: Washington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210 Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encour­ aged to apply. I Administrative Aide III City of Eugene $1,887-$2,311/mo. Responsible for clerical and re­ ception duties including sys­ tem information and financial data. Requires minimum of two years’ experience. Clos­ ing Date: August 18, 1995. Obtain application packet from Human Resource and Risk Services, 777 Pearl Street, R oom 101, E u g e n e O R 9 7 4 0 1 . (5 0 3 ) 6 8 7 -5 0 6 1 . AA/EOE MANUFACTURING w ill e v e n h e lp y o u c o v e r m o s t if n o t a ll o f y o u r c lo s in g c o s t s If y o u ’d lik e m o r e in f o r m a t io n a b o u t t h e h o m e y o u 'v e a lw a y s d r e a m e d o f, c o n t a c t y o u r r e a l e s t a t e a g e n t. O r, fo r a fr e e b ro c h u re o n h o w to buy a H U D h o m e , c a ll 1 - B O O - 7 6 7 - 4 H U D . Immediate Openings Growing vitamin MFG Co. has two positions avail, granula­ tor M-Th 5:30 PM - 4:00 AM, or Fri-Sun 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM MFG exp. and good Matii skills preferred. S tarling $6.10 - $6.40 hr. Pay increase and benefits after 90 days. Please apply between 1-5, M-F or send resume to 3580 NE B ro ad w a y, P o rtla n d , OR. 97232. We are an equal op­ portunity employer. T h e r e ’s n e v e r b e e n a b e t t e r t i m e t o f o llo w y o u r d r e a m , b e c a u s e n o w y o u c a n a f f o r d it. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY W E ’LL HELP YOU O W N A PIECE O F A M ER IC / To q u a lifie d b u y e r s only on homes with FHA insured financing Closing costs and fees additional South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming $10 $40 $10 $30 $17 $30 $30 $25 $15 $16 $50 NOTES : Salaries can vary by county. • All federal courts pay $40 a day. SOURCE: National Center fo r State Courts.