P age B4 A ugust I 1 11 m D anny BASEBALL Mike Achmidt Headlines Inducties To Hall Of Fame Be i Kruk Retires During White Sox Game Chicago White Sox designat­ ed hitter John Kruk abruptly an­ nounced his retirement during Sun- | day’s game at Baltimore. K ruk singled in his first at- bat, but departed for a pinch-hitter in the third inning and left the ballpark before the end o f the Ori- | oles’ 8-3 victory. “The desire to compete at this level is gone,” Kruk said. “ When | that happens, it’s time to go. Angels’ Chili Davis Slaps Fan California Angels designated | hitter C h ili D avis is expected to face disciplinary action from the American League after poking and slapping a fan in the face during Sunday’s game against the M il­ waukee Brewers. TENNIS AGASSI DEFEATS SAMPRAS Top-ranked Andre A gassi I dominated the final two sets to roll to a 3-6, 6-2, 6-3 victory over sec­ ond-seeded Pete Sampras in Sun­ day’s all-Am erican final of the $1,545 million du Maurier Open | TennisChampionshipsat Montreal Agassi broke Sampras’ ser- I vice three times over the last two sets after Sampras scored the only break o f the opening set. Agassi evened his career se- | ries with Sampras at 8-8 and won for the third time in four meetings I this year. Agassi also won his fifth tournament o f the year and solidi- | fled his hold on the top ranking. BASKETBALL Pippen Accuser Fails To Show Chicago Bulls forward Scot­ tie Pippen was cleared ofdomestic battery charges last week when his accuser failed to appear in a Waukegan, III. court Pippen was arrested and charged with battery May 19th following an alleged incident in­ volving his fiance. Prosectuors said P ip p e n ’ s fia n ce , Y v e tte Deleone, does not wish to pursue the case. Pippen was arrested and later released on $100 bond following the incident, which authorities say took place at Pippen’s home in Highland Park, III. a suburb o f Chicago. Pippen’s fiance did not require medical attention P ortland O bserver A TALK WITH DAMON AND WILLIE STOUDAMIRE i This past Saturday, I was able to catch W illie and Damon Stoudamire for an interview as they prepared for a celebration party at the Airport Shilo Inn. I asked W illie what role he played guiding Damon toward his goal o f becoming an N B A player. But surprisingly enough, he referred to his influence upon Damon as be­ ing minimal. He said that the coaches that Damon had as he was growing- up had far more impact on Damon than he did. He also said that Damon’s selection in the N B A draft was “great” and exceeded his expectations. W illie did have some interest­ ing opinions in regard to mentoring as we w ill explore further. The fol­ lowing are excerpts from our talk. Three-tim e Most Valuable I Player Mike Schmidt, considered by many to be the best third baseman in history, and outfielder Richie Ashburn gave a distinct Philadelphia flavor to Sunday’s Baseball Hall o f Fame induction Portland Observer: Damon, I ceremonies at Cooperstown, New you did sign with Toronto? York. Damon: No Schmidt was elected to the Portland Observer: So you Hall o f Fame in his first year o f | have to wait until the lock-out is over I eligibility by the Baseball Writers Association. He received 444 o f | to sign'.'’ 460 votes cast and easi ly surpassed the magic number o f 345 (75 per cent) needed fo r e le ctio n Schm idt’s 96.52 per cent was the fourth highest in history, surpassed I only by Tom Seaver’s record 98 84 percent in 1992, T y Cobb at 98.23 percent in 1936 and Hank Aaron I at 97.83 per cent in 1982. 2, 1995 • T he Damon: Yes Portland Observer: So how long do you think the lock-out is going to last ' A month, six weeks? Damon: Z don t think the lock­ out is going to lust that long Once the lock-out is over, I don t think negotiations are going to last that long Portland Observer: / know you re a little young, but do you feel a responsibility to the community that you came from Can you give something back9 Damon: Yeah I think I can, but people have to understand, I have to get my own selfon my feet, you know, and get established in what I ‘m do­ ing But I can definitely bring back something to the community. Portland Observer: You're very focused and seem to have an agenda o f priorities Do you write your game plan down? Damon: / don t need to write it down. I have a game plan in my head. I know what I want and I know how to go about it Portland Observer: You’ve mentioned your support system and that it was a nurturing and support­ ive system. Do you consider yourself lucky to have had such good guid­ ance and counseling? Damon:/ consider my se lf lucky • coming from such a great back­ ground and being hungry. Portland Observ er:/ s /Z ju /Z jmzz - ger what drove y o u 9 Damon: Yeah, that and I was the type o f kid, that when people would talk to a targe group o f kids and tell that only one in a hundred would make it to the pros, I would sit back and say to myself that I m going to be that one. That's how I set mv goals, that's how I did things Portland Observer: But you practice a lot. I heard you have a very hard work ethic - that you might practice hours by yourself Is that true? Damon: Yeah, you got to work on the fundamentals I think a lot o f Tourney, Dance, Fish Fry Set The 51 st anniversary tournament o f the Leisure Hour G o lf C lu b w ill be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the R eso rt at the M ountain in Wemme, Ore., a45-minute drive east o f Portland on U.S. Highw ay 26. Special events on Saturday in­ clude a "down home cooked fish fry," at 5 p.m. and a Jam m in' dance at 8 p.m. with Joe Johnson’s band FRED FUNK WINS IOEAN GOLF CLASSIC Fred Funk blew a four-shot lead to Jim McGovern, but rallied with a birdie at the final hole Sunday to win the $1 m illion Idean G o lf Classic at the Pleasant Valley Country Club in Sutton, Massachusetts. F u n k took the lead when McGovern bogeyed the 16th and 17th holes, then tapped in for birdie at the par-5 18th, clinching his second vic­ tory in seven years on the P-G -A Tour. Funk, who had not won since 1992 H ouston O pen, earned $ 180,000. Funk stumbled to a final-round 73 and finished at 16-under-par 268, the fifth straight champion to win this event at 16-under. McGovern shot a final-round 70 for 269, one stroke in front o f Don Pooley, who fired a 3- under 68 HALE IRWIN WINS AMERITECH SENIOR GOLF BY SEVEN STROKES Hale Irwin shattered the tourna­ ment record and cruised to his first Senior Tour victory Sunday, a whop­ ping seven-stroke triumph at the $850,000 Ameritech Senior Open at the Stonebridge Country C lu b in Aurora, Illinois. Irwin, who joined the Senior Tour after his 50th birthday last month, led from wire-to-wire. His 2 1-under-par 195 eclipsed the 54- hole tournament record o f 16-under 200 set by Mike H ill in 1991. It was the lowest score on the Senior Tour since Ray Floyd posted a 22-under 194 at the 1993 Gulfstream Aero­ space Invitational Irwin, who has 20 victories dur­ ing a 27-year career on the P-G -A Tour, fired a final-round 66 to cap­ ture the $ 127,500 top prize. The sev­ en-stroke margin equaled the largest on the Senior Tour this season and made him the fiffh-youngest player to win in Senior Tour history. A d v e rtis e In ¡T h e $ 3 J o r t l a n b (0 b s e ru e r C all 503-288-0033 "Moments Notice.” The go lf club is one o f the oldest and largest African Am erican golf clubs in the P a c ific Northwest, founded by Vernon G askin, 5 1 years ago. “Why not take a small vacation and join us. If not for the three days, come up and join us for the fish fry and dance.” OECKY IVERSON WINS LPGA FRIENDLY’S CLASSIC DY TWO STROKES Becky Iverson shot a 2-under- par 70 Sunday and captured the first victory o f her two-year career, a two- stroke triumph at the inaugural $500,000 L -P -G -A Friendly’s C la s­ sic at the Crestview Country Club in Agawam, Massachusetts. Iverson broke away from co­ leader K e lly R o b b in s m idw ay through Sunday’s round and held on to claim the $75,000 first prize. Her best previous finish was a 13th-place tie at last year’s Chicago Challenge. Iverson, the ninth first-time win­ ner o f the season, sandwiched bird­ ies on the n inth and 12th holes around a bogey at number 11. She stumbled by settling for bogey at the 18th after missing a four-foot par putt. For more information call V ir­ ginia at 281-3955 or leave a message and your call w ill be returned. I he clu b also has a ju n io r g o lf program that is g o in g strong w ith over 50 active ju n io r g o lf ­ ers. I he clu b is co -h o stin g the 1995 A n n u al Ju n io r G o lf T o u r­ nament to be played A u g . 9-11 in Seattle. scon phuett posts FIRST INDYCAR WIN Scott Pruett edged A I Unser, Junior, at the finish line Sunday for his first career IndyCar victory, the Marlboro 500 at the Michigan Inter­ national Speedway in Brooklyn, Michigan. Pruett’s Lola-Ford finished just 56 thousandths o f a second ahead o f Unser’s Penske-Mercedes, the sec­ ond-closest finish o f a 500-mile race in IndyCar history . Mexican Adrian Fernandez finished third, followed by leo Fabi o f Italy and Emerson Fittipaldi o f Brazil. Veteran driver Danny Sullivan was taken W.A. Foote Hospital in Jackson, Michigan, with injuries re­ sulting from a crash on lap 194. According to Doctor Terry Trammel I o f the IndyCar medical staff, Sullivan suffered a possible fractured pelvis. BREAM TEAM III Centers Hakeem Olajuw on, S h a q u ille O ’N e a l and D avid Robinson were named Sunday by U- S -A Basketball to headline Dream Team III, which w ill represent the United States at the 1996 Summer O lym pics in Atlanta. Robinson, who w ill play in his third straightOlympics, will bejoined by Dream Team I teammates Karl Malone and John Stockton o f the Utah Jazz and Scottie Pippen o f the Chicago Bulls. Forwards Malone, Pippen, Grant H ill o f the Detroit Pistons and Glenn Robinson o f the Milwaukee Bucks also were chosen Sunday. Anfernee Hardaway, a team­ mate o f O ’N eal’s, was chosen at guard, along with Stockton and Reggie M illerofthe Indiana Pacers. The final two selections for the 12-man squad wi 11 be made next year. Become A Qualified Autolechnician! Perform high-tech work servicing today's high-tech cars. 1 Learn to monitor sophisticated electronic systems, safety and pollution controls, brakes, and more. Entry-level pay averages $11 an hour; with several years experience, can go much higher. You can work part-time while you learn. Many PCC Automotive students are hired even before they graduate. technicians need technical aptitude and basic English and math skills. Help is available to upgrade basic skills. Come in for a tour of the auto shop to help you decide. Damon is self-spoken and di­ rect. He said that he intends to main­ tain a residence in Portland, although during the season he wi 11 natural ly be living in Toronto. He also plans to finish his de­ gree in media art, toalign himselffor a possible career in broadcasting, if need be at a later date. He also stated that he wanted to receive a degree so that his time in college would not be “wasted.” H is father, W illie Stoudam ire had some interesting com m ents that touched on a broader area, that being his concern for our com m unity youth. Portland Observer: How did you mentor your son as he progressed toward the pros? Willie: A lot o f people don 't understand what mentorships are. I cume out o f corporate America. There was a black man by the name o f Tommy Shropshire (with Miller Brewing Co.) He s what I consider a true mentor In the structure o f Phillip Morns he cultivated black leadership among the young broth­ ers He would have sit down meet­ ings. national sales meetings and we would talk to him about our prob­ lems, things we needed to work on and such Ever since I moved back to Port­ land, I have found this not to be true A lot o f people around here are more selfish They are more in tune to their own needs as opposed to the needs o f young black men and women try­ ing to succeed in corporate America or as a matter o f fa ct in business Itself. ITe have to develop those type °fthings fo r young kids to take hold, to grasp, and to look at To develop a mindset and altitude to make them successful SERENA’S SONG RECOMES FIRST FILLY TO WIN HASKEL AT MONMOUTH Serena’s Song came from o ff the pace and held o ff a late charge by Pyramid PeakSunday to win the $500,000 Haskell Invitational at Monmouth Park in Oceanport, New Jersey, and become the first filly ever to win the race. Serena’s Song, almost exclusively a front-runner, carried jo ckey Gary Stevens over the I 1/8 miles in 1:48 4/5. She was running against males for the third time in her career, having won the Jim Beam Stakes and finishing 16th in the Kentucky Derby earlier this year. I he victory was the 11 th in 19 career starts for Serena’s Song, owned by D. Wayne Lukas. Citadeed was third in a field o f 12 three-year-olds. MICHAEL SCHUMACHER WINS FCRMULA UNE GERMAN GRANU PRIX Michael Schumacher became the first German to drive to victory in his home country when he won the Formula One Grand Prix o f Germa­ ny Sunday at Hockenheim. Schumacher started second and inherited the lead when British pole- sitter Damon H ill’s W illiam s fell out o f the race after brake problems caused him to bump the wall on the second lap. David Coulthard, H ill’s W ill­ iams teammate and fellow Briton, finished second. Gerhard Berger was third in a Ferrari, followed by Johnny Herbert in the other Benetton. Jean- C hristophe Boullion o f France was fifth in a Sauber and Japan’s Aguri Suzuki rounded out the top six in his Ligier. SPORTS ACTION O F F IC IA L PROG RAM Get in on the Action with Sports Action Event Date: August 4, 5, 6, & 7, 1995 Sports Action Entry Forms are available at LSC locations Selection Pacific Time Fri 8/4 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:30 pm 5:30 pm Sat 8/5 10:00 am 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:05 pm Sun 8/6 T FAVORITE I New England 3 Miami UNDERDOG Underdog Point Spread 2 Detroit 4 Jacksonville 5 Pittsburgh 6 Buffalo 7 Indianapolis 9 Chicago 8 Cincinnati 10 Carolina I I Green Bay 13 Philadelphia 15 Tampa Bay 17 Kansas City 12 New Orleans 14 Atlanta 16 New York 18 Washington +4 1/2 +9 1/2 + 1 1/2 +4 1/2 +7 1/2 I 19 Phoenix 20 Houston 21 Dallas 22 Los Angeles 23 Seattle 24 St. Louis 25 San Francisco 26 Denver +4 1/2 +4 1/2 + 1 1/2 +4 1/2 + 1 1/2 +6 1/2 +3 1/2 +7 1/2 Mon 8/7 SPECIAL PLAYG AM E 5:00 pm 29 San Diego 30 Minnesota +2 1/2 Total Points Scored by both teams during Entire Game 31 Over 34 1/2 32 Under 34 1/2 Total Field Goals made by both teams during Entire Game 33 Over 2 1/2 Automotive Service Technology Sylvania Campus 34 Under 2 1/2 Proceeds Benefit Intercollegiate Athletics and Academic Scholarships. ¡Free shuttle bus fro n t Cascade a n d Rock Creek Campuses! Complete information, Call 977-4130 people or some people see me play and figure it all came natural Some o f it is natural, but as you get older you 've got to work on your game to reach another level, because t f you don t everyone will be on the same level as you Portland Community College Players must verity all selections. aa. J H om . Mams in cap,,., i . ner, P,M M 3p p rt# Actlon En#y o M t o l . mninp a p -„ e Oregon LotMry Spona Action ,s not assoc,atod mth sponsorod o. author,zed by the National Football League or any other professional sports league or orgen.zat«>n